
Wednesday, February 04, 2015

France Loves Its Jews? Yeah, Right!

ט"ו לחודש האחד עשר תשע"ה
Tu b'Shevat 5775
French President Tells Jews: ‘France is Your Homeland’
President Hollande
French President Francois Hollande tells Jews Monday at Holocaust memorial, "France is your homeland." Not Israel... 
Hana Levi Julian, January 28th, 2015 
French President Francois Hollande told Jews this week, “Your place is here; France is your country.” 
“You, French people of the Jewish place, your place is here, in your home. France is your country,” French President Francois Hollande told French Jews in a speech to mark 70 years since the liberation of the Auschwitz Nazi death camps. (cont.)
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Spain wants its Jews back.

Portugal wants its Jews back.

Now, France wants to keep its Jews?

Coincidence? I think not.

This is the way of Esau/Edom (The West), to adapt and to change his strategy according to his needs.

Sometimes he bargains with Jews, sometimes he wants to kill us, and sometimes he wants to kiss us, and to be our "friend."

He is a tricky one, and that is why Jews are still under his spell, believing that he actually loves us, and wants to be our friend, receiving false, emotional validation from this.

Oh, he wants to be our friend alright! He wants our Land, just like everyone else (Zach. 12-14)! Some of Esau's contingent want our souls, too.

Now, if I were to say such a thing to one of Israel's more obvious enemies, no one would make a stink. But, this will elicit one.

The French President proclaims that “Your place is here; France is your country.”

There are countless liberal, and not so liberal Jews, who insist on slobbering over the French President's statements, reminiscent of Sally Field's 1985 Oscar acceptance speech.

"You like us! You really like us!" 

And yet this kefirah, denial of the Torah truth, is no less than that of the ridiculous claims of Arabs to Eretz Yisra'el, the homeland of the Jews.
PM Netanyahu
Hollande seemed intent on rebuffing remarks by Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu who told traumatized Jews after a series of horrifying terror attacks in Paris that the Jewish State and the Jewish People – their people – waited to welcome them home. Netanyahu told French Jews they were no longer trapped in Europe to suffer anti-Semitic attacks as they once were decades ago because Israel exists now, today.

It was reported that President Hollande actually left when Prime Minister Netanyahu recently spoke at La Grande Synagogue in Paris. Some solidarity with the Jews, huh?

And, today...
French soldiers guarding Jewish community center stabbed
Three French soldiers were wounded while guarding a Jewish community center in Nice; one attacker arrested, 2 still on run weeks after deadly Paris shootings. 
AP, YNET, February 3, 2015 
Three soldiers conducting an anti-terror patrol in a Jewish center in the southern French city of Nice were attacked by a man with a knife Tuesday, a French police union official said. 
Local reports said the three were guarding the Jewish Consistory of Nice, a local Jewish radio called Radio Shalom and the local Israeli association.
Sarah Baron said the extent of the soldiers' injuries is not yet clear. She said the attacker was detained but two people with him are believed to have fled after the stabbing in the city center, near the Galeries Lafayette department store. (cont.)
I wonder just how long the French will tolerate risking their lives for a hated people.

I wonder just how long it will take before the French turn on their Jews, their "fellow Frenchmen," blaming them for the deaths of their police, soldiers, and innocent bystanders, instead of the true culprits, the Muslim immigants allowed to flow into France, like its famous champaigne.

Whoops! I probably just offended one of them by mentioning alcohol! Oy Gevald!

Let us not forget that Jews were once welcomed in Spain, and then they weren't anymore.

The same happened in Poland, and in countless other countries.

I hope that my French bothers and sisters will not fall for that ol' one again.


  1. Link to the Jewish Agency French Aliyah page.

    Alyah : mode d’emploi Choisissez celle qui vous correspond et inscrivez-vous sur notre site Internet en cliquant ICI ou par téléphone, en appelant le Global Center au 0800 916 647 (si vous entendez un message vocal d’accueil, vous devez patienter jusqu’à ce que quelqu’un vous réponde). Le Global Center est joignable 6 jours par semaine, de 7h00 à 19h00 (du dimanche au jeudi) et de 8h00 à 12h00 le vendredi.

  2. Yakov,

    Thanks for posting this link and information!


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