Sunday, July 12, 2009

U. S. Senate Races 2010

Mossa'ei Shabbath Qodesh Parshath Pinhas 5769

As you know, I do know usually write about American politics, because,...well,...I do not really care about American politics. This video, entitled "60," and released by the National Republican Senatorial Committee [NRSC], caught my attention.

The number "60" is a reference to the 60 Democratic or Democratically-aligned Senators currently serving in the U. S. Senate, now that Al Franken of Minnesota has finally been sworn in. The video focuses on images of Al Franken.

The video suggests that, due to Democratically controlled White House and Congress, including a now theoretically filibuster-proof Senate, we should already be thinking about the 2010 midterm Congressional elections.

Below, I have provided my 10ag on the members of Senate Class III, those up for election in 2010. If the space for commentary has been left blank, it means that I have no opinion or no clue about the Senator in question.

Feel free to leave your own 10ag in the comments section.

(And if anyone can tell me how to get rid of this huge blank space between here and the table below, please do.)

Bayh, Evan (D - IN)
Considered a moderate, he is a possible 2012 presidential contender, if Obama really messes up, vice-presidential replacement when Biden steps down next term for "health reasons," which he will undoubtedly do.
Bennet, Michael F. (D - CO)
Bennett, Robert F. (R - UT)Bond, Christopher S. (R - MO)
Boxer, Barbara (D - CA)
Touted as a champion of the environment in the '80's [by me] while serving in the House, this "limousine liberal" from Marin County has got to go. Who will challenge her? Former Rep. Duncan Hunter (R) is too conservative. Former San Diego Mayor Susan Golding (R) has been out of the limelight for too long. So, who will step up to the plate?
Brownback, Sam (R - KS)
Not that I care what the goyim think, he is considered Israel's best friend in the Senate. In other words, he believes in supporting Israel financially, yet also supporting the Jewish state's autonomy. Still, one should always be suspicious of the Christian Right's motivations.
Bunning, Jim (R - KY)Burr, Richard (R - NC)
Burris, Roland W. (D - IL)
President Obama's replacement in the Senate, recent news reports indicate that he will not seek election to a full term, citing difficulties with fund raising.
Coburn, Tom - (R - OK)
Crapo, Mike (R - ID)DeMint, Jim (R - SC)
Dodd, Christopher J. (D - CT)
His current term has been marked by allegations of financial shenanigans.
Dorgan, Byron L. (D - ND)
Feingold, Russell D. (D - WI)
This super liberal senator provided his sister the "rabbi" a turn at giving the Senate's opening prayers. 'Nuff said....
Grassley, Chuck (R - IA)
Gregg, Judd (R - NH)
He turned down an opportunity to be Secretary of Commerce upon sensing some White House shenanigans. He is considered as one of the few who knows what he's doing with America's wallet.
Inouye, Daniel K. (D - HI)
Governor Linda Lingle (R), are you reading this?
Isakson, Johnny (R - GA)Leahy, Patrick J. (D - VT)
The only solution here seems to be to let Vermont secede from the U. S.
Lincoln, Blanche L. (D - AR)
Considered a moderate, she has not appeared to be too intimidated by the liberal Senate leadership.
Martinez, Mel (R - FL)
McCain, John (R - AZ)Mikulski, Barbara A. (D - MD)
Murkowski, Lisa (R - AK)
Look for a possible challenge by her nemesis Sarah Palin, who defeated her father in the Republican primary. Palin will then be well-poised for a presidential run in 2016. I don't think that Palin is "all that," but maybe a term in the Senate will give her some much needed national and foreign policy experience.
Murray, Patty (D - WA)
The self-described "mom in tennis shoes" has got to go. Too liberal? Too much of an airhead? Take your pick.
Reid, Harry (D - NV)
Believe it or not, when he was in the minority, he was actually a big defender of Israel. Hmm... I wonder what happened. Now, he just sounds all over the place. I thought airheads only came from California. I guess they come Nevada, too.
Schumer, Charles E. (D - NY)
Shelby, Richard C. (R - AL) Specter, Arlen (D - PA)
This senator has been in the press most recently for his party switching. Apparently, this was not the first time he has pulled such a stunt. This time around it appears to be some sort of power play, rather than an ideologically led strategy.
Thune, John (R - SD) Vitter, David (R - LA)
Voinovich, George V. (R - OH)Wyden, Ron (D - OR)


Batya said...

I presume that you've gone into the html, and you're probably firefox, nu?

Esser Agaroth said...

Yes. Do you know what's gong on? It usually happens with a table.