Friday, August 21, 2009

Sneak Peek: Haveil Havalim #231

Erev Shabbath Qodesh Parshath Shofetim 5769

Here's a sneak peek at Sunday's edition of Haveil Havalim. the Jewish and Israeli Blog Carnival. I wanted to make sure you had the opportunity to check out posts related to Parshath Shofetim, so that you can check them out or print them out before Shabbath. There are a couple of other posts listed too, which may inspire you before Shabbath.

I wanted to make particular mention of Josh Waxman's in-depth and fascinating comments on the parshah in Why send back the betrothed man, if all is preordained? I am not sure why I haven't yet included the Parsha Blog in my blog roll, but surely will now.

Rav Avraham Yitzhaq Kook ztz-lAs Sunday is also the 74th Anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Avraham Yitzhaq Kook ztz"l ("Rav Kook"), I have included Rabbi Chanan Morrison's comments on Parshath Shofetim, collected from the works of Rav Kook.

Yisroel at Artzeinu brings us The Holiness of Making a Tiyul In Eretz Yisroel. Rav Kook actually did something similar with Rabbi Ya'aqov Moshe Harla"p and Rabbi Yosef Hayim Sonnenfeld ztz"l almost a hundred years ago!

If that doesn't make you want to make aliyah, then Rafi at Life in Israel's post on his family's trip to the North will!

You can also check out "Velveteen Rabbi," and see if she has posted her weekly parsha poem yet. She and I often (always?) disagree. But, she keeps alive a very important mode of spiritual expression: poetry. So, I like to check out her parsha poem. ...and here it is, just published.

Eliyahu Fink, the "Rabbi on the Beach," brings us Brett Favre, Treason and Tshuva, in honor of Rosh Hodesh Ellul.

If you haven't yet met Allison Josephs of Jew In The City, Erev Shabbath (or Mossa'ei Shabbath) would be the perfect opportunity to check out an episode of her show! Each episode is only a few minutes. (Tip Credit: Heshy at Frum Satire)

Shabbath Shalom!


toby said...

Great idea - Shabat Shalom!

toby said...
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rbarenblat said...

Thanks for the hat tip; I'm glad that the Torah poems speak to you despite our differences! I just posted this week's poem (and submitted it to the carnival) -- Shabbat shalom.

Esser Agaroth said...

Oh, good! Thanks!