Monday, April 14, 2014

Safed Stabbing: Exclusive Report!

ערב פסח תשע"ד

YWN: Man Stabbed to Death in a Tzfas Shul
April 13, 2014

In a tragic event, a machlokes between three people in the “Macharov” (מכארוב) Shul on Bar Yochai Street in Tzfas ended up in a fatal stabbing. When EMS personnel arrived they found a man in his 50s bleeding to death from stab wounds. The attacker is described as a homeless man in his 30s, wearing a black yarmulke.

The victim was in traumatic cardiac arrest and resuscitation began as he was prepared for transport. He was pronounced dead in Ziff Hospital.

Reports from the scene indicate the attacker stabbed the victim seven times with a knife. No one was able to stop him. A number of mispallalim reportedly tried, albeit without success. A number of mispallalim sustained light injuries, apparently in an effort to stop the attacker. At least others were treated for light injuries in Ziff Hospital.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
According to my source from Tzfath, a friend of the stabbing victim, the hero of the day was actually a heroine.

A local rabbi's wife entered the men's section, and clobbered the attacker from behind with a chair.

As we enter this Pesah (Passover), with this horribly unfortunate tragedy, we can recall the unfortunate tragedy of those left behind in Egypt, killed during the plague of darkness. Yet, we can also remember the various heroic acts of Am Yisra'el before, during, and after our departure from Egypt, women such as Yocheved, Miriam, and Bath Paroah, as much much as the men.

1 comment:

Batya said...

Your post is included in the Pesach edition of  Havel Havelim. Lots o' Matzah and Jewish Blog Posts aka Havel Havelim

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