Friday, July 24, 2015

Is Women In Green's Progress Really Progress?

ערב שבת קודש פר׳ דברים/חזון תשע״ה

From a Women In Green e-mail update...

Something New in the Tisha b’Av Walk around the Walls – No Limitations by Police...

...The heads of Women in Green, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, note that contrary to previous years, this year the police have not placed any restrictions on the walk. As we may remember, in the past, certain elements within the Jerusalem Police tried to divert the route of the walk from locations that were defined as foci of friction with the Muslim population and they have even tried to have the walk cancelled. Actually, all of the previous walks ended without any confrontations at all. This year, as mentioned, the police refrained from any such attempts. Women in Green are pleased with this and see it as a testimony to the power of this great tradition to bring about changes even unto the top ranks among the police....
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
"...a testimony to the power of this great tradition to bring about changes?"

Because the police have not set any restrictions on the walk around Jerusalem's Old City?


But, my money is on this being propped up illusion of progress. When we are allowed to ascend the Har HaBayith (Temple Mount) freely, whenever we choose, and pray there, then I will consider that success.

Nay! Rather when we begin building the Beth HaMiqdash (Temple), and bringing qorbanoth (sacrifices), then I will join in the cries of victory (בלי נדר).

Furthermore, we still cannot rule out the possibility that the police and/or Arabs have some tricks up their sleeves planned for this Saturday night. So, I would like to recommend to Women In Green to be very much on their guard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

B"H - I'm glad someone "from the right" has the guts to criticize another useless, nominally right org. Women in Green is just a shop that wants to increase its sales and when it comes to it they auto-censor themselves and they do it knowingly as a Nadia Matar email proves it, in which she argues that giving a Jewish answer to terrorism, namely to destroy them, instead of the Zionist answer, build, build, build, would be counterproductive. We need to do what we can she wrote, or something to that effect. I unsubscribed even from their utterly superfluous newsletter, in which they invite people to text MKs most of the time, go figure, to text MKs!