Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Why Israel's Right-Wing Wants Avigdor Lieberman in the Coalition

ט"ז לחודש השני תשע"ו

...Because they're not really right wing.

From Arutz 7:
Avigdor Lieberman
Yisra'el Beitenu
(Israel Our Home Party)
"Among the party policies Liberman said he would not be pushing in talks are demands to enforce haredi enlistment to the IDF, as well as instituting civil marriage and conversion reforms - the latter two of which are particularly important for Yisrael Beytenu's Russian immigrant voters."
Translation? He would not be pushing to enforce haredi enlistment to the IDF, as well as instituting civil marriage and conversion reforms,...until he does.

If you think that Lieberman is willing to drop those issues which are particularly important for Yisrael Beytenu's Russian immigrant voters, then you are insane.

Remember the non-Jews the Leftists actively recruited for "aliyah" from the Former Soviet Union, to increase their voter base? The strategy backfired. Many of them ended up backing Lieberman. And now Lieberman is obligated to them.

Lieberman has previously sought to disband religious councils, and to shift responsibility for all religious services from exclusively Orthodox bodies to elected local government.

Furthermore, Lieberman is well-known for his support for yet another made-up, Arab country, on our Divinely promised Land. He calls them "land exchanges," even though it is not his to "exchange."

Prime Minister Netanyahu and Tzippy Livni have expressed agreement with the plan in principle. Naftali Bennett's own infamous plan to grant autonomy to Arabs within Eretz Yisra'el (Land of Israel), is hardly any better. So, Lieberman's presence in Israel's governmental coalition will only add fuel to the fire of Land giveaways, and expulsions of Jews.

Lucky for Lieberman, he lives in Gush Etzion, south of Jerusalem, [which he believes to be] safe from such a fate.

Some believe that Lieberman's presence  in the government, as a cabinet minister, and even more so, as Defense Minister, will boost Israel's fight against terrorism.


(Click on image to enlarge)

I guarantee you that the bitter cycle of enabling terrorism, we are currently stuck in, will not just go away with the addition of Lieberman to the quasi-"right-wing" team.

There is no significant difference between Avigdor Lieberman and opposition leader Yitchak "Bugie" Herzog.

They both forsake the Land, in one way or another.

They both actively battle against Torah principles, whether they realize it or not, fighting for the de-Judaizing of the already de-Judaizing of the "Jewish" State.

They both support the increased influx of non-Jews into the "Jewish" State, Lieberman through sham conversions of many who have no intention whatsoever of keeping Torah and mitzvot, and Herzog through his party's support for foreign workers, and granting "special" status to many of them and their children, thus contributing to the de-Jewifying of the "Jewish" State.

The only difference between Lieberman and Herzog is the name of their political parties, both of which are jokes.

Israel Our Home and Zionist Union indeed!

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