
Friday, August 23, 2024

בעיני האו״ם אין נפגעי טרור ישראליים / In the Eyes of the United Nations, Israeli Terror Victims Do Not Exist

ערב שבת קודש פר׳ עקב תשפ״ד

הסרטונים בעברית.

"On his last day in office, the outgoing Israeli ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, recorded a video in which he strongly criticized the ignoring of the victims of the massacre." (YNET) What about Munich Olympics, 1972? The video is in Hebrew with English subtitles.

In the second video, which is in Hebrew, Amb. Erdan affixes a mezuzah to the new offices of the incoming Israeli ambassador to the United Nations. The mezuzah case is in the shape of the entire land of Israel, Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and the Golan Heights. It was donated by the Judea and Samaria Council. As usual, Southern Lebanon, which comprises the norther sections of the territories of the Tribes of Asher and Naphtali have been excluded.

Summary and commentary follow in English.

Amb. Gilad Erdan: "Tomorrow is the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Terrorism. And very soon it will be one year since October 7, the worst terrorist attack since the Holocaust. Despite this, the despicable UN did not see fit to present even one (!) Israeli victim of terrorism in the exhibition it is presenting for this Day of Remembrance. There are no words left to describe how rotten and morally perverted the UN is. Just a disgrace ‼️"

עשר אגורות (2¢):
השאלה היא לא "מדוע האו"ם השאיר בחוץ את קורבנות הטרור הישראלים? אלא השאלה היא, "למה כולכם מופתעים?" אפילו לא נזכרים הקורבנות מהאלימפיאדה במינכן, 1972?

עשיו שונא ליעקב.

עשיו = אדום = המערב
יעקב = אנחנו

ישראל אמורה להיות עם, נפרד ומובדל. שנים אנחנו לא ממש מצליחים להיות כזה.

אז, אולי עכשיו, אנחנו נאלצים לחזור למצב להיות נפרד ומובדל.
YNET: UN ignores October 7 victims in exhibit for terror victims remembrance day
Even though October 7 was the most deadly terror attack of 2023 and the most deadly massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, the UN leaves out Israeli terror victims in its commemoration events

Itamar Eichner | August 22, 2024

To mark the seventh commemoration of the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, a virtual high-level event titled "Voices for Peace: Victims of Terrorism as Peace Advocates and Educators" took place on August 21. The exhibition includes victims of the Twin Towers attack in 2001 and even terrorism in Indonesia but not a single representation of the October 7 massacre terror victims or any other Israeli terror victim...

Israel's new ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, said: "The UN's ignoring of Israeli terror victims, and during the year of such a brutal and shocking massacre, is a disgrace and marks a new moral low for the UN. The October 7 massacre is the largest terrorist attack in the last year and the most brutal massacre against Jews since the Holocaust, in which 1,200 Israelis were murdered and 109 are still being held hostage in Gaza."

"The UN was able to find the mother of a 'Palestinian terror victim' who was killed in New Zealand but was unable to find a single terror victim from the most brutal massacre that happened this year, or any Israeli terror victim from the thousands of terror incidents carried out against us. The Israeli delegation to the UN will make sure that no one in this building forgets October 7 and our hostages," Danon added. "As long as the UN doesn't declare Hamas a terrorist organization, this day remains utterly meaningless."
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
The question is not "Why did the UN leave out Israeli victims of terror?" Rather, the question is, "Why are you all surprised?"

Israel is supposed to be a people, separate and distinct. We have not been very successful at this.

So, perhaps now, we are being forced back into the position where we are supposed to be.

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