Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Beware Of Molotov Cocktails!

ד' לחודש השנים עשר תשע"ג

Arutz 7: New Samaria Road Sign Warns of Rock, Firebomb Attacks 
Drivers through roads in Samaria are likely to come across a new road sign that they are unlikely to see on roads in other parts of Israel.

David Lev, February 11, 2013

"Caution Molotov Coctails!"
Drivers through roads in Samaria are likely to come across a new road sign, one that they are unlikely to see on roads in other parts of Israel. The sign, designed by the Samaria Residents Council, warns drivers that they are in danger of being attacked by rocks and firebombs.
The sign has a drawing of an individual preparing to throw rocks, apparently at a passing vehicle. The sign's text says “Warning, drive quickly, Arabs throw firebombs in this area.” The sign, says the Council, points out the immediate dangers faced by drivers in Samaria. (cont.)
I actually think that these signs are a good idea, one of the few originating from any of the "councils" within Yehudah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria).

Not only is this practical, warning drivers of the reality of the roads, it has the potential to raise awareness among the average Israelis on the street, about the reality of our "neighbors," especial through the sign's inevitable controversy.

I wonder when someone will start calling these signs racist.

Someone is bound to.

1 comment:

Shy Guy said...

Off topic:

Seeing as I have no other way of contacting you, I thought you might find it interesting but sad that INN/Arutz 7 has been running ads (shocking pink) for a musical, "Ah, Jerusalem", which is on stage at the Beit Shmuel Theater in Jerusalem.

Besides the Kol Isha aspect, the theater is run by the Reform movement's Hebrew Union College and they profit from ticket proceeds. Is Arutz 7 OK with all this? Did you get Rav Melamed's (or any other rav's) approval for such advertising income?