Thursday, February 21, 2013

President Obama To Receive Medal Of Di-STINK-tion

תענית אסתר (הוקדם) תשע"ג
Peres To Give Obama Medal Of Distinction 
President will honor his American counterpart for standing with Israel ‘in times of crisis’ 

By Raphael Ahren, February 18, 2013

The STINK seems to bother even Prez Peres.
It is doubtful US President Barack Obama will rack up many tangible policy achievements during his upcoming Middle East trip. But if worse comes to worst, he won’t go home entirely empty-handed: President Shimon Peres on Monday announced that he will present his American counterpart with the Presidential Medal of Distinction during his March stay in Israel. (cont.)
Pres. Barack Hussein Obama
What has President Obama done to deserve this, recently created, prize?

The same thing he did order to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009,...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Actually, that's not true.  He DID do something.

He has been faithfully serving the anti-Torah, anti-Israel, Erev Rav agenda, and he has been doing so quite well.

Congratulations, Mr. President!

Keep up the good work, and next time you will receive the ultimate prize!

...special participatory distinction in the destruction of the Jewish People and its homeland, presented by the Palestinian Authority.

In the meantime, he should enjoy his medal.  But instead of Medal Of Distinction, it would be more a lot more accurate, if it had been named the Medal Of Di-STINK-tion.

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