Wednesday, September 24, 2014

New Israeli Supreme Court Justices, Same Worthless Court

ערב ראש השנה תשע״ה

Arutz 7: New Supreme Court Judges: Mazuz and Baron
Menachem Mazuz was Attorney General during the Gaza Disengagement and the Katzav case.

Gil Ronen, September 21, 2014

The Committee for Selection of Judges has picked former Attorney General Menachem (“Menny”) Mazuz and Judge Anat Baron to serve as Supreme Court judges.

They will replace Edna Arbel, who retired three months ago, and current Supreme Court President Asher Grunis, who will retire in January upon reaching age 70.

Judge Miriam Naor will become the new court President. She is considered very leftist, and her term as president is viewed with trepidation by nationalists.

Mazuz was appointed attorney general in 2004, as Ariel Sharon's government was preparing the Gaza Disengagement. At the time, nationalists suspected that the appointment was conditional on Mazuz's cooperation with the legally problematic Disengagement, but no collusion could be proved.

He was also criticized by women's organizations for agreeing to a plea bargain with disgraced president Moshe Katzav, who had been accused of sexual offenses. Katzav, who insisted upon his innocence, eventually rejected the bargain but was found guilty and sentenced to seven years in prison.

Baron was appinted to the Tel Aviv Magistrates' Court in 1991 and was promoted to the District Court 11 years later.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
There really aren't any surprises here. The court is continuing on the same ol', Erev Rav, anti-Torah, assimilationist path it has always been on.

The court is the primary Erev Rav force behind the chipping away at the Torah, the chipping away at our status as a separate and distinct, Jewish people, and the chipping away at any and all boundaries, between genders, between peoples, between religions, between Torah and foreign concepts.

The erasing of borders has also been occurring right under our noses. Shimon Peres and his "Post-Zionist" protege Yossi Beilin have alluded to 

All of this goes above and beyond the "double standards," decried by the right, double standards which favor secular over religious, "Reform" over Orthodox, State over Torah, and the ever present and daunting, Arab over Jew.

Of course, the court has taken the opportunity to throw us an occasional bone, fooling the religious mamlakhtim (diehard State loyalists) into their ever renewing "faith in Israeli democracy."

Current Justices
Israeli Supreme Court
with former President Shimon Peres
(Photo Credit: Orel Cohen)

However, even if the Israeli Supreme Court had not been doing all of the damage which it has been doing, it still lacks any Jewish authority to rule on Jewish matters. Um,...excuse me, but I thought that Israel was supposed to be a Jewish state.

Women are not qualified to serve as witnesses before a [proper] Jewish court, under most circumstances, and are disqualified from serving as judges. I imagine that some of you have already thought of the example of Devorah (Judges 4-5). Devorah was a prophetess who taught the judges, and gave advice, not to mention one of the few women in our history who knew Torah sheb'al Peh. Leadership was thrust upon her, when the men failed to step up to the plate.

I await the feminists' hate comments, accompanied by their crazy "logic" and rationalizations, with baited breath.

Goyim are disqualified. Do you really have to ask why?

Jews who are not Torah observant are disqualified from serving as well.

Oh, yes, and regarding the token (are there more than one?) justice with a kippah, I will let you do the research, and decide for yourselves

"Oh, but Israel is a democracy!!" you cry!

(eyes rolling)

Well, actually, if you have been paying attention over the years, you would have realized by now that Israel is a not a democracy, but rather, a deMOCKracy. Furthermore, what does democracy have to do with proper, Jewish (ie. Torah) governance?

Not a whole heck of a lot.


For more information on Jewish Governance, see Governance of a Jewish State and Jewish Torah Governance.

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