Sunday, September 07, 2014

Should Israel Fear Islamic State?

י״ג לחודש השישי תשע״ד

JPost: Former Intel chief: No Reason for Israel to Fear Islamic State
September 4, 2014

Amos Yadlin says IDF would have less trouble eliminating Islamic State terrorists than Hamas operatives hiding in Gaza hospitals.

Former military intelligence head Amos Yadlin on Wednesday downplayed the possibility of an infiltration into Israel by Islamic State terrorists, saying there was no need for the Jewish state to fear the extremist al-Qaida offshoot.

Yadlin appeared to try to quell heightened concern following the gruesome murder of the journalist Steven Sotloff, who held dual American-Israeli citizenship.

"There is no real reason to be afraid. ISIS is an expert at PR and intimidation. They murder their prisoners in a shocking way and thereby gain media attention," Yadlin said at an event held by the Ashkelon Academic College.

While the insurgent terrorists have captured territory in nearby Syria and Iraq as part of their stated objective to reinstate an Islamic caliphate, Yadlin stated that "they only succeed in areas that no one wants to go to - the neglected Sunni areas of northeastern Syria and the deprived areas of Iraq."

According to the former military intelligence chief, Islamic State insurgents will face superior armed forces if they reach Shi'ite-majority cities that are motivated to protect main population centers like Baghdad and Karbala.

Yadlin claimed that the Islamic State would be easier for the IDF to eliminate than Hamas terrorists who he said were hiding in hospitals in Gaza.

He added that the IDF "should not have a problem" dealing with the extremist organization.

On Wednesday, Israel officially banned the Islamic State and anyone associating with it.

The decree signed by Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon outlawed meetings of any kind between Islamic State members and declared the group an illegal organization.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
"...they only succeed in areas that no one wants to go to - the neglected Sunni areas of northeastern Syria and the deprived areas of Iraq." 

I am certainly not an expert military strategist like Amos Yadlin. However, it seems to me that IS has been taking the easy pickin's first. IS may even pick up more volunteers using this strategy as well. But what do I know?

Yadlin also stated that "...there was no need for the Jewish state to fear the extremist al-Qaida offshoot." Really? Well, setting the questionable reliability of the mainstream news media aside for a moment, one American General seems to believe otherwise, at least where the U. S. is concerned.

U. S. General: Existential threat to America
Real threat? Or the U. S. Gov't keeping us convinced that we need it?

Of course, once such statements reach the mainstream media, and so quickly after the IS threat finally gained any attention, one should be suspicious. As far as I am concerned, we still do not know who is behind the creation of the current incarnation of the Islamic State, let alone who is funding it. What is clear is, though, is that the Islamic State is a threat.

When Amos Yadlin says that "...IDF would have less trouble eliminating Islamic State terrorists than Hamas operatives hiding in Gaza hospitals," he fails to mention that in order to eliminate IS terrorists, one actually has to make a decision to do so, which is not something we should hold our breath for, when we are talking about the Israeli Government.

Perhaps IS is a blessing in disguise, in very deep disguise. Perhaps this will be what is needed to wake up those Jews, in Israel, in the U. S., everywhere else, who are still asleep or in deep denial as to the various threats breathing over their shoulders in the Golah (the Exile).

Jews in France have been waking up more and more, but not just because of the Muslim violence and Jew hatred, but also because they have been seeing and experiencing first-hand just how insufficient the response to has been to the Muslims by the French Government.

Liberal Jews around the world and even the Israeli Government, still insists on differentiating between "These Arabs" and "Those Arabs." When IS starts to o after Shi'ite Muslims, such as Hezbollah, it will seem that it is doing us a favor. But when Hamas joins IS, when Jordan falls, and its "Pseudostinian" majority is forced to choose sides, and when "secular" Fatah in Yehudah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria) falls, it will be too late to surface from such deep denial.

May The Holy One, Blessed Be He guide and save Am Yisra'el from its enemies, and from its own [Western/"progressive"/assimilationist] galuth mentality! And may the Islamic State "kick in the pants" not hurt too much!

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