Monday, June 08, 2015

JPost Conference: There is Hope for American Jews Yet!

כ״א לחודש השלישי תשע״ה

Nope. I am not talking about "hope for the Jewish People," due to the JPost Conference itself. As most of you know, I cannot stand the Jerusalem Post.

Christian News? I mean, seriously?

Well, I cannot stand Arutz 7 either, but slightly less than JPost. And in this case, Arutz 7 reported on an incident at the JPost Conference, which I believe JPost itself is still trying to figure out how to report.
Arutz 7: Treasury Secretary Lew Jeered, Embarrassed at US Jewish Event
President Obama has Israel's best interests at heart, Lew tells JPost conference - but unprecedented heckling ensues.

By Yaakov Levi, Gil Ronen, June 7, 2015

U.S. President Barack H. Obama has Israel's best interests at heart, believes his Treasury Secretary Jack Lew – but attendees of the Jerusalem Post Conference taking place in Washington this week weren't buying it.

As Lew proclaimed that “no administration has done more for Israel than the current one,” and that “we do not at all assume that Iran intends to act with innocent intentions,” a large number of audience members began hooting, booing, and yelling “nonsense,” as well as intoning sharper invectives.

Lew continued, saying that the U.S. “strategically assists Israel daily, and we stand against those who question Israel's legitimacy and right to exist.” This, too, earned audience opprobrium.

At one point, Lew was forced to stop speaking and address the audience response, saying that “I understand that we do not agree on everything, but there is no doubt of the commitment of President Obama to the State of Israel.”

President Obama
Lew, who is an Orthodox Jew, told the audience that he, too, was concerned over Israel's future and security. “We can never allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons,” he said to cheers this time. Even louder cheers came when he invoked the name of Israel's Prime Minister, saying that “Binyamin Netanyahu does not believe we can trust Iran.”

But Obama does, apparently, which was why the audience reacted so negatively, said one observer. “This was the worst I have ever seen a U.S. official ever treated in front of a pro-Israel audience,” he added.
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Hmmm... Maybe I spoke too soon.

You see, after viewing this video, I felt there was still hope for American Jews, due the jeering of U. S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.

However, Secretary Lew happened to be tuned into the displeasure of the audience, and realized that he would not be able to convince them of the absurdity of U. S. President Obama's love and friendship of Israel. So, he changed his tune, and as a result, the jeers turned into cheers.

So, questions remain. Are American Jews waking up? Is there hope for them?

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