Monday, June 08, 2015

Mikvah Tragedies Exploited

כ״א לחודש השלישי תשע״ה

Although the following incident happened over two weeks ago, it is still worth making some comments on it.
YWN: Bnei Brak: Fatal Drowning in a Mikvah
(Thursday, May 21st, 2015)

Ichud Hatzalah reported on Thursday morning 3 Sivan that a young man in his 20s drowned in a Bnei Brak mikvah on Breuer Street. When EMTs arrived on the scene they began CPR.

Ichud EMT Yair Amar explained “When I arrived on the scene, the young man was in cardiac arrest after he was found lifeless and pulled from the mikvah. We began CPR along with Magen David Adom paramedics and he was transported to Beilinson Hospital where doctors pronounced him dead”.

Police are investigating the incident, as there is a possibility of foul play involved in this tragic incident.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
This was not the first tragedy of its kind. As recently as תשע״ד/2013, a four year old girl drowned in a mikvah on Yom Kippur, when it was left unlocked.

Foul play, or not, I expect that this tragedy will be used, along with other tragedies, by the anti-Torah PTB to demonize the mikvah, and its associated customs, in its attempts to go after the Torah, on piece at a time.

This may be just an educated guess, but sort of strategy has been employed before, and it will be employed again.

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