Sunday, June 23, 2013

MK Hotovely, I have some words for you!

ט"ו לחודש הרביעי תשע"ג

YNET: MK Hotovely: Must give Israeli citizenship to Palestinians

June 20, 2013

Deputy Transport Minister Knesset Member Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) participated in an event marking 20 years for the Oslo Accords and said: "The Oslo paradigm has crashed. It is time to abandon the two-state solution in favor of an annexation resolution, meaning applying Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria and giving an Israeli citizenship to all Palestinians."

Hotovely added that in order to "keep a demographic advantage", a national goal of bringing a million Jews to Israel in the next decade should be set. (Moran Azulay)

Esser Agaroth (2¢): 

MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) has truly lost it.

That's all there is to it. At least, I hope that's all there is to it.

רמב"ם, הל' עבודה זרה וחוקי הגויים י,ט 
[ו] אין כל הדברים האלו אמורים, אלא בזמן שגלו ישראל לבין האומות, או בזמן שיד הגויים תקיפה. אבל בזמן שיד ישראל תקיפה על אומות העולם, אסור לנו להניח גוי עובד עבודה זרה בינינו; אפילו יושב ישיבת עראי, או עובר ממקום למקום לסחורה, לא יעבור בארצנו, עד שיקבל עליו שבע מצוות שנצטוו בני נוח--שנאמר "לא יישבו בארצך" (שמות כג,לג), אפילו לפי שעה. ואם קיבל עליו שבע מצוות, הרי זה גר תושב. ואין מקבלין גר תושב, אלא בזמן שהיובל נוהג; אבל שלא בזמן היובל, אין מקבלין אלא גר צדק בלבד.

Ramba"m, Laws of Avodah Zarah and Statutes of the Goyim 10:9
These things mentioned (above) are only in effect during the time when Yisra'el was exiled among the nations, or when the attacking hand of the goyim is upon us. But, when the hand of Yisra'el is upon the nations of the world, it is forbidden for us to place goyim who practice foreign worship among us; even one dwelling here temporarily, or one who moves from place to place for business, he will not pass through our land, until he accepts upon himself the seven misswoth that B'nei No'ah were commanded--as it says "They will not be in. And if he accepted upon himself the seven misswoth [B'nei No'ah], he has the status of a resident alien. But, resident aliens are not accepted, except at the time when the Jubilee [year] is in effect; but when is is not, only converts are accepted.

Please forgive me, but I do not recall Yovel (Jubilee) being back in effect, nor any Arabs going before a beth din to declare formal acceptance of the seven misswoth B'nei No'ah. As a people, they are certain guilty of three of these, if not more.

Hotovely practises Orthodox Judaism and is a self-described "religious rightwinger." At the age of 34, she was the 18th Knesset's youngest member. She is described as the "ideological voice" of the Likud Party.
I think she needs to do a little bit more "practicing" of that Orthodox Judaism of hers. "Rightwinger?" "Ideological voice?"

How does giving citizenship to Yishma'elite enemies, who want to annihilate us, make her a "rightwinger" or an "ideological voice?"

Of course, I agree with the one million But, let's set that aside for the moment

Although screaming and yelling on the surface, I am sure that underneath it all, the "Pseudostinians" will be quite happy to accept Israeli citizenship. It will much easier for them to travel abroad. Then, when the commit terrorist acts in other countries (and they will!), those very countries critical of Israel's current treatment of the "Pseudostinians" will criticize Israel for allowing the anger of "poor, poor Arabs" with "battered wife syndrome" to spill over into their backyards.

So, why are you recommending this "plan" of yours, this plan which has already had various incarnations, and which has already died several times?

The Techiyah Party, Rabbi Benny Elon (Moledeth), and now Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) have "invented" virtually the same plan. In fact, MK Hotovely even goes farther than Bennett, who has already incurred the wrath of Esser Agaroth's criticism several times.

Why is that? I suspect that this is exactly what the powers that be want. I will assume for now that you are not "in on it," and just a pawn in their schemes. Although, I seriously doubt you appreciate being called a pawn.

For years now, there has been this illusion of an adversarial relationship between those favoring yet another independent Yishma'elite country adjacent to Israel, and those who do not.

Yet, the major force behind the only viable option to those who truly value Jewish life, the emigration of the Yishma'elim from Israel, was assasinated.

Why is that?

I am certainly not suggesting that we will be able to that next week, or even next year. But, it is truly disturbing that politicians feel the need to be silent about this alternative, supposedly for the sake of the greater good which can be accomplished be hanging on to ones seat in the K'nesseth.

Getting back to those one million immigrants who like to arrive within the next decade. Getting them to come, even with money (which I never got, BTW), free Hebrew lessons, and Nefesh b'Nefesh handholding, is already harder than convincing them to pull their own teeth. So, how do you expect them to get on the plane knowing that the newly chosen country's government's idea of protecting them from Arab terror, is to give millions of potential Arab terrorists the same citizenship, rights, and passport.

I guess the "Pseudostinians" would end up receiving some form of their demand for the "right of return" of the second, third, and fourth generations of Arabs of those who saw that the Jews meant business, and ran away.

Thanks a lot, MK Hotovely!

One by one, Likudniks have shown themselves to be disappointments: Begin and Netanyahu land giveways, Danon and Asulin Christian chumminess, and of course, we do not even have to mention Sharon's despicable actions. Even Shamir, the lease worst prime minister of Israel, accepted that ill-fated invitation to Madrid.

And, now you...

Oh, before I forget, Mazal Tov on your marriage! You know, you may want to consider spending more time with Or, now that you're married,...A LOT more time, as in ALL of the time.

But, however you choose to spend your time, please keep your unoriginal and insane ideas to yourself, and out of the K'nesseth.

In fact, how about putting that Orthodox Judaism to good use. Set aside, just for a moment your "practical," political ideas, and spend some searching out some, authentic, Torah ideas.

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