Sunday, March 31, 2019

למי להצביע בבחירות / Who to Vote for in the Upcoming Israeli Elections

כ"ד לחודש השנים עשר תשע״ט
English follows the Hebrew.

הבחירות לכנסת ה-21 יתקיימו בעוד שבוע וחצי. מי יודע כבר למי הוא יצביע בבחירות? אני מדבר עם הרבה אנשים שעדיין לא יודעים למי הם יצביעו.

סוף סוף אני כן החלטתי למי להצביע. התשובה למי היא קצרה, אבל ההסבר למה הוא לא קצר.

נפתלי בנט שר הדתות לשעבר 😏
Naftali Bennett
Former Minister of Religious Affairs
אולי אתם שואלים אותי, ״נו? מה עם נפתלי בנט?״ ואני הייתי חוזר, ״נו? מה איתו?״

האם ראיתם את התכנית שלו? האם ידעתם שהוא רוצה לתת להרבה מהערבים שביהודה ושומרון שלטון עצמי ולתת לעוד ערבים אחרים אזרחות ישראלית? בקיצור ״הימין החדש״ של נפתלי בנט לא ימין ובכלל לא חדש. מה? אף אחד לא זוכר את מפלגת תחיה? לפחות מלגת תחיה התנגדה להסכמי קמפ דיוויד (תשל״ג/1978) והיציאה מסיני. דרך אגב,אכפת לאף אחד מהפחת זכויות ההורים הבוצעה על ידי ח״כ שולי מועלם (הימין החדש)?

״התכנית״ של בנט: האם מוכרת לכם?
Bennett's "Plan:" Look familiar?
רועי בר נתן משחק ורוקד כמשה
פייגלין בסדרה פוליטית ״ארץ נהדרת״
Royi Bar Natan as Moshe Feiglin
אני התפקדתי במפלגת הליכוד כשנים עשר שנים כדי להשתתף במאמץ להכניס את משה פייגלין לכנסת. לבסוף הוא הצליח להכנס לכנסת. הוא גם הצליח להבחר לכנסת הבאה. אבל רה״מ נתניהו עשה קומבינה כדי להשאיר אותו בחוץ. ולכן אני ביטלתי את חברות הליכוד שלי.

אבל כיום אני לא מוכן להצביע למשה פייגלין (זהות) לכנסת. אני כן מסכים עם כמה מטרות שהוא רוצה להשיג, אבל בכלל לא הכל. ואני עדיין מחכה לו לענות על השאלה שאני שאלתי אותו מזמן ופעמיים: ״למה אתה נתת למעומדים שעודדו למתנדבים נוצריים לגור בארץ ישראל (אפילו באופן עראי) את האפשרות להתעמד לרשימת מפלגת זהות?

התשובה שאני מקבל כל הזמן מחברי מפלגת זהות היא: ״אנחנו לא מקבלים תרומות מאירגונים נוצריים, אבל כן מיחידים.״ נו? למה התגובה הזו שייכת?? היא בכלל לא עונה על השאלה שלי.

יש גם מנשחים למענו ועונים ככה: ״הוא נותן לנו לבחור.״ והתשובה כזו גורמת לי לשאל את השאלה השנייה שלי: ״איך ליברטריאניזם ותורה יכולים להסתדר ביחד במאה אחוז?״ באמת שאלה מעניינת.

הרב רפי פרץ
Rabbi Rafi Peretz
בצלאל סמוטריץ׳
Betzalel Smotrich
הרב רפי פרץ (הבית היהודי/איחוד מפלגות הימין) מייד לפני הוא הסתלק מביתו בישוב עצמונה בחבל עזה שנמסר לערבים בשנת תשע״ט/2005 (ימינה). הוא לא נלחם מספיק לבית שלו, כנראה מפני שהוא הלך לפי רבנים ממלכתים מדי בזבן שהרב דב ליאור והרב זלמן מלמד היו חסומים בבית כנסת בפכר דרום. אז איך אפשר להאמין שהוא מוכן להלחם למען הביתים לשל יהודים אחרים?

בצלאל סמוטריץ׳ (האיחוד הלאומי/איחוד מפלגות הימין) מדבר בבית תפילה של הנוצרים המתנחלים בשומרון (שמאלה). הוא גם התאמץ למען ריבונות הישוב מעלה אדומים. לדעתי האסטרטגי הזה מביע את המסר שמעלה אדומים היא שלנו אבל שאר יהודה ושומרון לא שלנו?? הוא גר בקדומים. זאת אומרת בשטח שבתוך גדר הביטחון.

ולכן איזה עוד ברירות יש לנו?

בנצי גופשטיין, איתמר בן גביר, ברוך מרזל, מיכאל בן ארי
Otzma Yehudit: Michael Ben-Ari, Baruch Marzel, Itamar Ben-Gvir, Bentzi Gopstein
אפילו שבג״ץ פיסל את מיכאל בן-ארי מלעמוד לבחירות לכנסת ואפילו שאיתמר בן גביר קיבל רק מקום מס׳ 7 בסוף ברשימה של איחוד מפלגות הימין, ואפילו שאני מצפפה עוד הפתעה שלילית, אין שום ברירה חוץ מלהצביע לאיחוד מפלגות הימין.

נא לצפות את הסרטון ע"י עוצמה לישראל. השופט חנן מלצר, יו"ר ועדת הבחירות, מחליט עכשיו להחרים את זה או לא להחרים את זה. נא להעביר את זה הלאה אפילו מי שלא מבין עברית. בכלל לא צריכים להבין עברית כדי להבין את המצב שלנו המופיע בסרטון הזה.

אבל כבר אומרים שלא משנה לאיזה מפלגה להצביע. מפני שופטי בג״ץ יקבועו את מה שרוצים למרות ההחלטות היוצאות מהכנסת.

בינתיים, אני הולך להצביע להאיחוד מפלגות הימן למרות פרץ וסמוטריץ' בתקווה שלפחות חבר אחד מעוצמה יהודית יצליח להכנס לכנסת ה-21.

אין לי ברירה אחרת.

The elections for the 21st Knesset will take place in a week and a half. Do you know who you're voting for yet? I have spoken to a lot of people who still haven't decided.

I myself have finally decided who to vote for. My answer is short; the explanation as to why, isn't.

Maybe you're asking me, "Well? What about Naftali Bennett?" And I would reply with, "Well? What about him?"

Have you seen his so-called "plan?" (above) Did you know that he wanted to give many Arabs in Judea and Samaria autonomy, and to give still other Arabs Israeli citizenship? In a nutshell, Naftali Bennett's "New Right" Party is neither new nor right. What? No one remembers the Techiya Party? At leastthe Techiya Party opposed the Camp David Accords (1973) and the withdrawal from Sinai. By the way, does anyone care about the reduction of parental rights resulting from a law introduced by MK Shuli Mualem-Refaeli (New Right)?

I was a member of the Likud Party for about twelve years to be part of the effort to get Moshe Feiglin elected to the Knesset. He eventually made it in. He also managed to be elected to the following Knesset. But Prime Minister Netanyahu seemed to have other ideas, and found a way to keep him out. Needless to say, I then canceled my Likud membership.

Today I am not prepared to vote for Moshe Feiglin (Zehut) for the Knesset. I do agree with some of of the objectives he wants to achieve, but not all of them. And I'm still waiting for him to answer the question I asked twice him quite some time ago: "Why did you allow the candidates who encouraged Christian volunteers to live in the Land of Israel (even temporarily)?

The answer I always get from Zehut members of an identity party is: "We do not receive donations from Christian organizations, but only from individuals." Whose question is this answer supposed to be answering?? I ask, because it does not answer my question at all.

There are also guessing of his behalf, providing answers like this: "He is letting us choose the candidates." And this answer makes me ask my second question: "How can libertarianism and Torah be entirely reconciled?"

Pictured above is Rabbi Rafi Peretz (The Jewish Home / Union of the Right-wing Parties), immediately before he was kicked out of his home in the settlement of Atzmona in Gush Qatif, part of the Gaza Strip, which was handed over to Arabs in 2005. In my opinion, he did not fight enough for his home, presumably having listened to mamlakhti (diehard State loyalist) rabbis limiting his actions, while Rabbi Dov Lior of Hevron-Qiryat Arba and Rabbi Zalman Melamed of Bet El were barricaded in a synagogue in the neighboring town of Kfar Darom. So, how can we believe Rabbi Peretz will be willing to fight for the homes of other Jews?

Also pictured above is Bezalel Smotrich (National Union / Union of Right-wing Parties) speaks in a prayer house of the settler Christians in Samaria (left). He also strove for the sovereignty of the Ma'aleh Adumim settlement. In my opinion, this strategy expresses the message that Ma'aleh Adumim is ours, but the rest of Judea and Samaria isn't? He lives in Kedumim. That is, in the area inside the security fence.

So what other choices do we have?

Even though the High Court of Justice disqualified Michael Ben-Ari from running for Knesset elections, and even though Itamar Ben-Gvir received only seventh place on the list of right-wing parties, and even though I do expect yet another unfortunate surprise, there is no choice but to vote for the united right-wing parties.

See the above video, now being considered for banning by the Central Elections Committee Chair, Justice Hanan Meltzer. You do not have to understand even a word of Hebrew, in order to understand the situation we are in.

Of course, people are already saying that it does not matter which party to vote for. Because the Supreme Court justices will cancel what they don't like, and replace it with what pushes their agenda forward, despite the decisions that come out of the Knesset.

In the meantime, I intend to vote for the Union of Right-wing Parties, in spite of Peretz and Smotrich, and in the hope that at least one member of Otzmah Yehudit will make it into the next Knesset.

I don't really see that I have any other choice.

Friday, March 22, 2019

טראמפ: ״הגיע הזמן שארה"ב תכיר בריבונות ישראל על רמת הגולן." אז מה? / Trump: Time for US to recognize Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights. So what?

פורים למוקפין תשע״ט
 ההצהרה הדרמטית שלה חיכה רה"מ, פחות משלושה שבועות לפני הבחירות: יום לאחר שנתניהו אמר כי הגיע הזמן שהאמריקנים יכירו בנוכחות ישראל בגולן, פרסם נשיא ארה"ב הכרזה דומה. נתניהו לטראמפ: "עשית היסטוריה". לפי ההערכה, ההודעה הרשמית תתפרסם בביקור נתניהו בארה"ב בשבוע הבא (המשך)
אורלי אזולאי - וושינגטון, ענבר טויזר ואיתמר אייכנר: 21.03.19
עשר אגורות (2¢):
נו? אז מה? נשיא ארה״ב טראמפ, בשיתוף החתן שלו יואל חיים ״ג׳רד״ קושנר, מתכוון לחלק את ארץ ישארל כוללת ירושלים עיר הקודש והבירה הנצחית של עם ישראל.

אני מאמין שהנשיא טראמפ גם רוצה שישראל מכוננת להלחם נגד סוריה בתור השליח של ארה״ב ברגע שהוא אומר מצווה לנו לעשות כך. אני לא מתנגד לנשיא טראמפ. אני פשוט מביע לכם שלא מגיע לו שאנחנו מספרים לו בשבח עד כדי כך.

YNET: Trump: Time for US to recognize Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights
Tweet from president comes as Pompeo and Netanyahu prepared to give joint address in Jerusalem; also follows series of hints that the decision was imminent, such as changing status of plateau in annual human rights report (cont.)
Ynet, News Agencies: 03.21.19
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Well? So what? US President Trump, with the help of his son-in-law Yoel Chaim "Jared" Kushner, plans to divide the rest of the Land of Israel including Jerusalem, the Holy City and the capital of the Jewish people.

I believe President Trump also wants us to do his dirty work and stick it to Syria, when called upon commanded to do so. I am not against Trump. I am just saying that I don't think he deserves to be praised so much so that we're slobbering over him.

Just my 2¢ worth.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A Christian Invoking Rabbi Meir Kahane's Name?

תענית אסתר תשע"ט
Arutz 7 (Israel National News): Israeli Court ouster of Ben-Ari paves way for future Draconian rulings
Wake up, people in the late great State of Israel! 
Gerald McGlothlin, 19/03/19 
Meir David HaKohen Kahane lives! And he's affecting politics from the grave as Israel's highest court in an unprecedented move rubbed salt in the murdered Rabbi’s wounds by allowing radical anti-Zionist Arab parties Balad and the United Arab List on the ballot while banning Kahane-supporter Michael Ben-Ari. 
Never mind that these approved parties support terrorism and want to see Israel cease from being a nation, the court-of-last-resort somehow summonsed other-world 'wisdom' saying, "Vote for anyone you want other than who we don't want you to vote for.”
The court apparently didn’t want to be confused with the fact that Dr. Ben-Ari is a former Knesset member of good standing whose views haven’t changed. They ousted him anyway, just three weeks before elections. 
For what? Making comments critical of Arabs and committing the 'unpardonable sin' of 'daring' to post on Facebook that Israel must oppose terrorism. It’s a throwback to the scene in Casablanca where policeman Captain Louis Renault mustered feigned outrage over ‘discovering’ that there was gambling in Rick's Cafe, despite the fact that he was one of Rick’s regular gambling patrons. 
Following the selective demonization of Netanyahu's alleged 'high crimes,' this court decision paves the way for a potential paradigm shift in the future Israel--if it’s allowed have a future.

It doesn't take a lot of imagination for anyone with a pulse to figure out what type of future Supreme Court justices the regime might confirm. Verdict in: No more Israel? No more problem. 
Ah, all in the name of 'free and fair' elections in what might become the late great state of Israel. 
Between the witch hunt against Netanyahu and the injection of land-for-false-peace Knesset members, anti-Zionist terrorists must be licking their chops. Oh, my, did I just commit a hate crime--for hating hate and loving Israel?
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
I have mixed feelings commenting on this piece. For one, it's from Artuz 7. But hey, if A7 is the only source carrying a particular piece, what's a guy to do? And, second, I don't like giving these people, like the author of this piece, free publicity. Sometimes it's better just to ignore them. They really hate that.

"Meir David HaKohen Kahane lives!"

First off, Gerald, that's RABBI Meir David HaKohen Kahane. (sigh)Yes, he mentions "rabbi" soon after. Nevertheless it is appropriate to include his title at the first mention of his name.

Now, what exactly does Gerald McGlothlin mean by this statement? When Jews say it, we mean that his Torah ideas are alive. But, when McGlothlin says it, does he mean "alive" as in Christian messianic mythological alive? Or does he mean Rabbi Kahane's influence? Now that I point this out, I wonder how he would respond. Any guesses?

And his next statement? "And he's affecting politics from the grave..." Just a metaphor? Or a suggestion of something else?

"But, isn't he right?" you may be asking. Irrelevant. That is not the point of this post.

And besides [in times when Jews maintain control over the Land of Israel] one may not speak about such individuals with praise.

Oh, and how do I know that he is a Christian? Google him. The description of the YouTube channel he is associated with is more than enough for me.

Great State? Nowhere in the Torah does it mention a state. It does mention kings, as well as the Sanhedrin, ואין צריך לומר the Land. And so, I am not insulted by the concern that the State might be "late." Eventually, we will have a Kingdom.

My only question is this: Is McGlothlin simply one of those Christians who believes in pushing along his mythological beliefs, which include events pertaining to Jews, and their actions? Or is he one of those who believes that Christians will, one way or another, eventually reside in the Land of Israel, and are even entitled to do so?

"But, didn't Rabbi Kahane speak to Christians and even go on Christian talk radio?" you may be asking.  Irrelevant. Christian strategies have changed drastically, just like their predecessor Esau changed his strategies in the Torah, and his descendants have continued to do so through out history, in order to overpower Ya'aqov (Israel).

"If you [Christians] want to support us, support us from afar. If you want to come to Israel and missionize [which, of course, McGlothlin doesn't mention] we'll have to...."
-Rabbi Meir Kahane hy"d

מי שמבין יבין.

I wonder if Gerald McGlothlin knows of this quote from the Rav.


1. Sources are purposefully absent on this post, although easy enough to find on ones own. Although it is permissible to teach Christians Written Torah, it is, for the most part, forbidden to teach them Oral Torah.

2. Aren't there Jewish traditions regarding reincarnation? Yes, but there completely different from those of Christians.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

בשלטון בג"ץ / Under the Control of Israel's High Court of Justice

י"ב לחודש השנים עשר ב' תשע"ט

English follows the Hebrew.

BaGa"Tz (Israeli High Court of Justice) under the leadership of Esther Hayut, President of the Israeli Supreme Court: The only political party which has never passed the threshold but has been in power since 1995.

BaGa"Tz (Israeli High Court of Justice)
Because it really doesn't matter who you vote for
עשר אגורות (2¢):
בג"ץ פסל את מעמדות לכנסת של מיכאל בן ארי ואישר את מעמדויות של ח"כים ערבים המתנגדים להתיחס למדינת ישארל כמדינה יהודית, אפילו אחרי פיגוע איבה ערבית.

השופט "הימיני" ואפילו מתנחל דוד מינץ הצביע עם הרוב בעד פסילת מעמדות בן ארי ונגד פסילת מעמדות הערבים. השופט המתנחל השני מעם סולברג מאלון שבות בגוש עציון הצביע נגד פסילת מעמעדות בן ארי וגם נגד פסילת מעמעדות הערבים. שני השופטים האלה הם בוגרי ישיבת הר עציון. מי שמבין יבין. (השאלה אם מדינת ישארל היא באמת מדינה יהודית נדחה לשיחה אחרת.)

אז עכשיו אפשר לראות המון מֶמים כאלה בתקשורת חברתית. זאת אומרת שסוף סוף יהודים מתעוררים ומוכנים לעשות משהו על זה כבר? האמת היא יש לבית המשפט הזה הרשות

בטח שאתם כבר יודעים את זה. אבל אולי עוד לא יודעים ששדולה אמריקאית פרו-ישראלית [איפא"ק] התקיף את מפלגת עוצמה יהודית ומיכאל בן ארי וקוראים להם כל מיני שמות כינוי (לא יפים).

איפא"ק הוא האירגון האמריקאי "היהודי" הטוען שישראל וארה"ב צריכים להשאר מחוברים לנצח. לדעתי, אפשר לתרגם את זה ככה: "ארה"ב מדינה ליהודים כמדינת ארץ ישראל יהודים לא צריכים לעלות לארץ ישראל ופשוט צריכים לזרוק כסף אל המדינה כדי לצאת מידי חובתם."

עדות נוספת שאיפאק לא באמת בעד ארץ ישראל ולא בעד יהדות אמיתית.

עדות נוספת של השפעת הערב רב אפילו מחו"ל על מה שקורה כאן בארץ.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
As I say to my conservative friends in the U. S. all the time...

"Legislation from the Bench? You don't know anything about legislation from the Bench until you've lived in Israel."

מיכאל בן ארי
Michael Ben-Ari
Israel's High Court of [In]Justice just ruled against Michael Ben Ari's candidacy for Knesset, while approving the candidacy of the many Arabs who oppose Israel as a Jewish state, even after an Arab terror attack. The allegedly right-wing and "settler" Judge David Mintz (Dolev) voted with the majority in favor of disqualifying of Ben-Ari as well as the Arabs. The second "settler" judge Noam Sohlberg (Alon Shvut) voted against the disqualification of any of the candidacies. These two judges are graduates of Yeshivat Har Etzion. מי שמבין יבין. (Whether Israel truly is a Jewish state or not is a discussion for another time.)

So, now we can see lots of memes going around social media about Israel's High Court, like those I post here. Have Jews finally woken up and are prepared to do something about the High Court by working to change the laws putting legislative authority back into the hands of the Knesset whom we actually elect?

We shall see.

Meanwhile, in the U. S., the American-Israel Public Action Committee [AIPAC]
has gone after Michael Ben Ari and the Otzma Yehudit Party and have called them all sorts of names. AIPAC is the American "Jewish" organization that claims that Israel and the US should remain "connected forever." In my opinion, this can be translated as follows: "The United States is a home for the Jews as much as the State Land of Israel. Jews do not have to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) and simply have to throw money into the country in order to fulfill their obligations to it."

Yet more evidence that AIPAC is neither pro-Israel, nor even pro-Jewish.

More evidence of the Erev Rav influence over Israel.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Is Claiming that Jews have Dual Loyalties Anti-Semitic?

ז' לוחדש השנים עשר ב' תשע"ט Bernie Sanders aide defends Omar with term seen as anti-Semitic, apologizes
Joseph A. Wulfsohn, March 13, 2019 (Fox News' Liam Quinn contributed to this report.)

Sen. Bernie Sanders
A top staffer to Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign apologized Tuesday for invoking “a dual allegiance” of Jewish Americans while defending Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.
Belén Sisa, Sanders’ national deputy press secretary, was discussing the term seen as anti-Semitic in a Facebook thread over the weekend -- and argued that questioning it was legitimate, Politico reported.

This is a serious question: do you not think that the American government and American Jewish community has a dual allegiance to the state of Israel? I’m asking not to rule out the history of this issue, but in the context in which this was said by Ilhan,” Sisa wrote...
...Last week, the House of Representatives passed an anti-hate resolution sparked in large part by Omar's recent suggestions that Israel supporters want U.S. lawmakers to pledge “allegiance” to the Jewish state – which was widely condemned as echoing the age-old “dual loyalties” smear against Jewish politicians. The resolution did not mention the freshman congresswoman by name...
Esser Agaroth (2¢):

Well, looking at the banner and catch phrase for the American Israel Public Action Committee's [AIPAC] upcoming Policy Conference, I would have to say that they want the U. S. and Israel to be "connected for good."

I, on the other hand, do not.

I guess that's one of the reasons I am sometimes labeled as an "extremist."

Of course, it wasn't my idea; it was and is the idea of The Holy One, Blessed Be He.

Sure, if you're Satmar or Neturei Karta, then you believe that Jew's took control of the Land of Israel at the wrong time, the wrong way, and by the wrong people. But, they still believe that it WILL eventually be in the hands of the Jewish People, having been Divinely-promised to us.

But, if you call yourself a "Zionist" -- which incidentally wasn't not invented by Theodore Hertzl, but rather by The Holy One, Blessed Be He -- then why on earth would you have any loyalty to the U. S. at all? Appreciation and gratitude, yes. Commitment to be a helpful citizen while you still reside there, yes. But, why the heck are you still residing there, if you're a "Zionist??"

The gates have finally been opened. You have no excuse not to make aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel), certainly not if you identify as a "Zionist."
Waiting till your children reach a certain age, so it's less difficult on them.
Waiting for them to finish college, or any other goal they have. Their age won't matter. You'll find an excuse for every age or goal.
Waiting till you get your full pension benefits, if you only have a little time left. OK, maybe. I myself do not believe I will be getting any retirement benefits from the U. S. So,...
Single parents not wanting to part from your children, whom you share custody with your ex, I feel for you, and don't know what to tell you.

I am not sure which is more hurtful to Jews, accusations of dual loyalties, or of President Trump's declaration that the U. S. is the Jews' country, too.

It is not.

I certainly am against dual loyalties. But, what others see as dual loyalties, in order that Israel can have influence over U. S. policy, I see as Erev Rav policy to prevent Jews from relinquishing ties to the U. S. and moving to the only, true Jewish Homeland.

And by the way, just to be clear, I said "homeland," and not "state."

מי שמבין יבין.

Monday, March 11, 2019

No Diaspora Jew will Light a Torch on Israeli Independence Day

ד' לחודש השנים עשר ב' תשע"ט

Israeli Independence Day Torch Lighting Ceremony, 2014 MIRI REGEV: NO DIASPORA JEW TO LIGHT TORCH ON INDEPENDENCE DAY THIS YEARAfter Miri Regev's relationship with Diaspora Jews dwindled over the past year, the MK decided not to bring a Diaspora Jew to light a torch at the Independence Day ceremony this year. Tamar Beeri, March 11, 2019 (cont.)
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
I don't. I am kind of sick of these armchair Zionists.

What do they think they're entitled to do?

Throw money at us, tell us what to do, while we risk our lives, be it from rockets in Ashqelon and Haifa, tractor drivers and knife wielders in Jerusalem, snipers and infiltrating terrorists in Yehudah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria), while our children risk their lives in the Israeli Defense Forces [IDF], so that they can have a homeland when their grandchildren graduate from college and they retire, or it finally gets dangerous enough for them to finally run to the airport in their limousine, and get on the plane AND have a representative light a torch on the day celebrating the founding of the very State where they refuse to live?

Yeah, probably. That's what they're entitled to.

Here's to MK Miri Regev holding her ground.

Friday, March 01, 2019

Rep. Ilhan Omar is Both Right and Wrong (American Jews will not like the answer.)

ערב שבת קודש פר׳ ויקהל תשע״ט Conservative critics accuse Ilhan Omar of new anti-Semitic attack, this time focusing on 'dual loyalties'

Gregg Re, March 1, 2019

Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, whose previous comments on Israel were condemned as anti-Semitic just weeks ago by senior members of her own party, is again under fire for suggesting Wednesday night that some politicians in Washington are "pushing for allegiance" to Israel.

Michigan Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who was seated next to Omar during her comments, made a similar remark in January, writing on Twitter that Senate Republicans were more loyal to Israel than their own country. The accusation that Jewish politicians could be vulnerable to having "dual loyalties" has been made for centuries in various contexts, and has been seen widely as a religious-based attack intent on undermining their leadership.

“I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country," Omar said to applause. "I want to ask why is it OK for me to talk about the influence of the NRA, of fossil fuel industries, or big pharma, and not talk about a powerful lobbying movement that is influencing policy..."

..."When I see Israel institute laws that recognize it as a Jewish state and does not recognize the other religions that are living in it, and we still uphold it as a democracy in the Middle East I almost chuckle because I know that if we see that any other society we would criticize it, call it out," she said. "We do that to Iran, we do that to any other place that sort of upholds its religion. And I see that now happening with Saudi Arabia and so I am aggravated, truly, in those contradictions."
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is wrong in so many ways, but also right in a few. But, Jews particularly in the U. S. will not like the reasons I give as to why she is both right and wrong.

Rep. Omar is, of course, wrong when she refers to the Land of Israel as "Palestine." The fact that there is not such thing as "Palestine," save for a fictional entity created by the Romans, and later picked up by the Jew-oppressing British. This should be a no-brainer for the so-called "Zionists" out there. Key word: should.

The fact that shortly after Israel's Parliamentary elections in April, President Trump will sen his Religious Zionist son-in-law to force his "plan" down our throats, give Land away to Arab terrorists and call it a state, does not make "Palestine" a real concept.

Rep. Omar is wrong that Israel is a foreign country to Jews. Israel is the only country for Jews.  Rep. Omar is actually right that Jews are being encouraged to have dual loyalties,... sort of. Jews are being encouraged by groups like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC] to support the U. S. and a Jewish "democratic" State of Israel.

Nowhere in the Torah, and that includes the Oral Torah, is there mention of democracy. Of course, that is because this is a Greek, ie. Hellenist, concept. But what do groups like AIPAC care about Torah?


Of course, the Torah also talks about how the Land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel,...exclusively. But, rather than take pride in the fact that like every other group on the planet, we now have our ancestral homeland back, and in our case, Divinely-promised homeland, American Jews and left-wing, Jewish organizations like AIPAC (Yes. I call AIPAC left-wing. Most all of them are left-wing) have to apologize and reinterpret the Jewish Nationality Law.

Rep. Omar has a point about the Nationality Law. She mentions Saudi Arabia and Iran, and how the U. S. government is critical of their [nationalistic?] approaches. I wonder if she believes that Muslim countries are allow to take such an approach, but Israel is not, or if she is a globalist and does not believe that any country is allowed this approach.

In any event, Rep. Omar is wrong about Israel not recognizing other religions. Other laws have done that. Israel recognizes religious minorities, including Druze, Christians in their countless denominational incarnations, Muslims, not to mention various ethnic groups such as the Circassians who were planted here during Ottoman rule. I wish Rep. Omar was right on this point, but she's not. We're just too co-dependent on love and existential validation from non-Jews.

I really cannot understand these armchair Zionists, who defend Israel, throw money at it, and even send their kids to visit Israel on summer and post-high school programs. But, they themselves would never actually pick up and immigrate.

Sure. Some of them intend to immigrate when they retire, or when their children graduate high school, or university, or when their grandchildren accomplish this or that. The list of excuses never never seems to end.

And, still many of these actually support giving up land to the very Arabs who want to wipe us out, then have the audacity to call that Zionism! C'mon, Jews! Look at the Arab terrorist organizations' dream maps of "Palestine" embedded in their emblems. They do not just include Yehudah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria), and that includes all of Jerusalem, in case you didn't know. They do not just want Haifa and Be'er Sheva. You knew that they wanted Haifa and Be'er Sheva, right? They want Tel-Aviv!

Residents of Tel-Aviv are considered to be just as much "settlers" as those residing in Hevron and Beth-El.

The U. S., and every other country outside of the Land of Israel, serves only as a temporary residence, until it is possible to return to where we belong, to the Land Divinely-promised to us.

Now that it is possible to return, we have no excuses.

It is very disturbing indeed when I hear some so-called Zionist, Modern Orthodox in the U. S. citing a Satmar or Neturei Karta approach (whether they know it or not), that we should wait until Mashi'ah comes. Then he will take care of all of our problems, and whisk us away on "wings of eagles."

However, those eagles already exist. The Almighty granted knowledge and wisdom to us in order to build them, and they are called... airplanes.

The same very disturbing feelings come up for me when I hear all those "Religious Zionists" already here in Israel insist that we cannot bring the Passover offering to the Temple Mount, let alone start rebuilding the Temple. Religious Zionism is supposed to be about being an active part of the Ge'ulah (Redemption) process, not the application of a perspective which has little to no evidence of its existence before 500 years ago. My guess is that it began to develop due to the unending, and ever increasing oppression and desperation of Jews.

Hey, there are quite afew Satmar Hassidim and Neturei Karta living in the Land of Israel.

What's your excuse?

Want to stand your ground in the face of Americans like Rep. Ilhan Omar? Don't want to look like you're letting the Jew-haters win by running away to Israel?

Well, as long as you believe that, you are letting them win, by not standing up proud as a Jew, and coming to invest your life, and not just your money, in the only true Jewish Homeland, the Land of Israel.