Sunday, November 30, 2008

Condiment Intimidation

4 of the Ninth Month 5769

For those of you not familiar with the various condiments available in Israel, here is my condiment guide. Please list any I have forgotten in the comments section.

Hopefully, this will help you to experiment with what is available here, and if you're American, let go of your "ketchup dependency."

You do not have to be intimidated....

Tehinah - ground sesame seed base (see recipe below)
According to the "Humous Blog," Tahini is nothing less than a nutritional pearl. Not only is it a superb source for healthy fat, rich in Omega 3, but it is also rich in Calcium, Iron, Protein, Vitamin A, Thiamine and - very much like hummus - some crucial Amino Acids....
Humous - ground chic pea base (It really is a staple in Israeli homes. My favorite variation is to serve with sauteed mushrooms.)

S'hug (Yemenite) spicy red or green peppers, garlic, cilantro (coriander leaf)

Arissah (Tunisian) spicy red peppers and garlic (to me this tastes a lot different than s'hug, and for some reason gives me heartburn; whereas s'hug doesn't - I have no clue why that is)

Matbuhah (North African) red (and sometimes green) peppers, tomatoes, onion, garlic (Some people consider this to be the MidEastern equivalent to "salsa." I do not. It's much too sweet. Plus, the variety of peppers are different here than in Latin America.)

"Rotev Agvaniot" (sometimes..."Salat Aravi" - Tomato Sauce) - grated tomatoes, onion, garlic, cilantro (coriander leaf) - It is often served with melawah, a Yemenite, fried, thin and layered piece of dough, and seen on your table in Mizrahi restaurants. (I have no idea where this comes from. I am only bothering to mention it, because I find this be a lot more related to "salsa" or "gespacho" than matbuhah.)

Hilbeh (Yemenite) - ground fenugreek seed base, also found in Indian cuisine, attributed with blood pressure and chlosterol-lowering properties. Some Yemenites boil these seeds in butter, and skim off the foam, claiming that they are skimming off cholesterol and the less desireable fats (definitely an acquired taste, and I've acquired it I put it on falafel and shwarma, a little with salmon and red meat dishes)

Ambah (Iraqi) - pickled mango, ground fenugreek seeds, vinegar, mustard, and tumeric (more clues to the spices route with India - personally I have not acquired a taste for this)

Chopped Parsley - (I am mentioning this because it can be found in Israel; whereas I do remember seeing it in the U. S. I put it on everything from shwarmah to turkey sanwiches. It has the highest level of natural iron, even higher than spinach, and is a good source of other nutrients.)

I was going to post my recipe for making tehinah from scratch, saving money and reducing the intake of preservatives. (One of my friends actually grinds his own sesame seeds. I'm afraid I don't go that far.) But, then I saw that A Mother In Israel recently posted her tehinah recipe.

Why does everyone always seem to beat me to the punch?

Oh, well. I'll post mine anyway....


250g (1 cup) raw tehinah
2 tbsps. olive oil
1/4 tsp. salt
2 cloves of garlic - finely chopped
juice from 1/2 small lemon
60g (1/4 cup) parsley - finely chopped
up to 250g (1 cup) water


Mix together the first four ingredients.

Next, mix in the lemon juice.

Now, mix in the water, but only a little at a time. Make sure the small amount is mixed in completely before adding any more.

Repeat several more times, until you reach the thickness you prefer.

After a while, you will get to know how water you can mix in at anyone time. Fold in the parsley. Chill overnight so that the flavors blend together.

If the tehinah seems to have thickened overnight, remember there aren't any preservatives nor stabilizers in it when you prepare it from scratch like this. Thus, it can dry out a little in the refrigerator. Don't panic. Just mix in some water, a teaspoon at a time, until you reach the desired consistency.

After making this several times, you will see how you can vary the ingredients to taste. For example, I prefer to add more parsley than most people.

Tehinah is also used in humous preparation and as the basis for salad dressings. Try a spoonful to thicken Chinese sauces as well. Roasted versions are available, too.

7 Things About Me

3 of the Ninth Month 5769

I was tagged by Here in Highland Park.

I'll be a good sport, but the truth is that I've already done a few other memes which are very similar.

About a year ago, my friend David, still languishing in San Diego, sent me something similar, sort of a 6 x 4 meme e-mail.

Before that Jacob Da Jew "smagged" me with a 6 x 8 meme.

Like my Six Word Memoir, this meme has turned out to be mostly about where I have lived.

Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people (if possible) at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. (See below about "tagging.")
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

Seven facts about me:
1. From birth until the age of 27, I lived in the State of California, 24 years in the south, three years in the north.

2. I have not left Israel for the past 10 years, 3 months.

3. During my 11 years in Israel, I have lived in Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem (Qiriyath Moshe), Beth-El (Beth), Ofra, and K'far Tapu'ah.

4. K'far Tapu'ah (4 years) is where I have lived for the longest period of time in the same house after my father's current house (16 years).

5. From my bedroom window, I can see an olive grove, a goat shed, a parchment factory, a dog kennel, and up to three donkeys.

6. Two years ago, the question arose as to whether my town (K'far Tapu'ah) should keep two days of Purim min hasafeq like Shiloh and Hevron. That question was very short-lived. We continue to keep only one day, the 14th.

7. I have been designing "authentic" Jewish clothing for a few years now. Now all I have to do if find the right material and either have them made or learn how to make them myself.

OK. Nothing terribly exciting, I know, but I'm "yotzei." OK. Here's one more:
8. I do the Set and Quiddler on-line puzzles on a daily basis. I also do Sudoku.

As far as "tagging" goes, like Rafi, I do not usually tag anyone. I will let them know about this meme, and see if any of them want to play along. In the meantime, checking out these bloggers' blogs:

1. The Jewish Fist - inquiring minds want to know, plus I want to get him some traffic
2. How To Measure The Years - because he hasn't been blogging for a while
3. Ehav Ever - recently, sort of, met him on-line
4. I don't know who else. I like doing these things, but I really don't like harassing people who don't, even though I am not really tagging them.

Sorry, I could do.

Haveil Havalim #193 Is Up!

3 of the Ninth Month 5769

Haveil Havalim #193
is up at What War Zone??? It's the This Is Not Your Father's Edition. I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, but whatever. I know how much work is involved in putting an edition together. I'm not going to fuss over my lack of understanding of the hidden meaning of a subtitle.

To submit an article for next week's edition, you can use Blog Carnival's on-line submission form.

If you would like to host, contact Fearless Leader Jack at talktojacknow (at) sbcglobal (dot) net.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Shabba"k Encounter Update

Erev Shabbath Qodesh Parshath Toldoth/Rosh Hodesh HaT'shi'i 5769

Here is a brief follow up to My Encounter With The Shabba"k which I have been meaning to write for quite some time. I was prompted to post this by a response to the way I handled the encounter by Talking Loud, Saying Nothing.


At the conclusion of my meeting with the Shabba"k (General Security Services) agents, a couple of days before Yom Kippur, they asked me not to say to tell anyone that they wanted to see me again. They seemed a bit surprised that I had already mentioned to people that they wanted to meet with me. I simply said that I had to tell my boss at work, in case I was late coming in.

They then said that I should only mention anything else if asked, and if asked, that I should tell people that the meeting was about the announcement found near the attack on Prof. Sternhell.

Obviously something was up. I doubt that I part of any greater plan, but rather just being tested to see if I could be "turned," and be of some use to them.

I followed the advice I had received ages ago, which was to tell anyone and everyone. And now, I am of no use to them.

These agents never ended up calling me in for a follow up meeting. Whether they ever intended to or not, I don't know.

Now as to why I met with them in the first place, everything happened so quickly, that I didn't have the opportunity to seek any guidance. I feared that if I called anyone on the phone I would be compromising them. I even thought that my phone was bugged, as I received my first phone call from them just when I began using a cell phone I borrowed, I later discovered had been in the Shabba"k's possession at one time.

After discussing the various events with those having experience with such matters, it seems more likely that the Shabba"k simply knew who I was, from living in K'far Tapu'ah and from my associations, and if anything tapped into my line.

After failing to obtain advice, I decided to go into the meeting. The main reason I decided to do so was an attempt to feel more in control than by not going in. This was one strategy I learned in Tapu'ah from seasoned Shabba"k targets. It felt better to me than worrying about when they were going to come and get me. Not everyone agrees with this strategy. Although I believe it worked for me. I added to this by mentally preparing myself to accept the worst case scenarios.

I have known people to lose their jobs due to a Shabba"k interview, lose security clearance and thus job opportunities, lose a weapons license, to undergoing sleep deprivation for a few days. Yep. Most people would call this a form torture.

Now, I believe the next time, when and if they decide to "invite me" in for another "visit..." involuntarily, I will be more level-headed to deal with the situation because of my past experience with them and with police.

Talking about my experience helped in a lot of the traditional ways. I discovered that many more Jews were "invited" into meet with the Shabba"k. The more I talked about my experience, the less anxious and isolated I felt. I didn't realize just how people I knew who were interrogated over the same presenting issue. It was as if they were trying to make some sort of quota.

Several Ramba"mim, Jews who hold by the Ramba"m, were some of those also targeted this time around. Some have claimed that Ramba"mim and those with Breslover influence in Yo"Sh (Judea and Samaria) are numbers one and two on the Shabba"k's "most dangerous" list. Whereas "Kanahists" and "Chabbadniks" seem to be farther down on their list. Who knows? But what all of these groups have in common is that their loyalties do not lie with the "almighty state" leHavdil; they lie elsewhere. And this both disturbs and perplexes the powers that be.

There is no question that the Shabba"k's recent interrogations will add to their research data base of settler profiling, to assist them in dealing with any resistance to future attempts to Jews from the homes and towns. Yitzhar and Hevron, as well as smaller towns such as Adei Ad near Shiloh, are their current laboratories, where they observe the reactions to various strategies.

How do settlers react to leftist provocation? How do they react to police entrapment? How do they react to Arabs who are egged on by [un-] Jews? These are some of the questions being asked during their research.

There is, of course, also the greater issue of general state loyalty. As the religious population increases, and attempts to infuse the country with goyim from the Former Soviet Union and the U. S. are running out of steam, new strategies are needed to combat what the Eruv Rav government sees as a threat to their control: The Torah. Shabba"k laboratory experiments will be considered useful in their pursuits to maintain power.

Observations are made at Haredi protests against grave desecration, the gay parade, and autopsies. Once the government feels it has a handle on the settlers, the Haredim will be the focus of their next targets. It's too bad that they don't realize this.

To conclude, I would like to pass on some advice from the Honenu Legal Defense Fund, when confronted by the Shabba"k. It was relayed to me by one of my Ramba"mi friends. According to him, it is advised only to say the following four things, in order:
1. I have not committed any crime.
2. I do not trust you.
3. I do not believe in you.
4. And so, I will not speak with you.

They emphasize the importance of providing the reasons why you will not speak with them, before you actually say that you will not speak to them.

I also consulted a lawyer with experience in these matters, who, after chastising me for speaking to the Shabba"k in the first place, said that I was under no legal obligation to talk with them.

Anyone, leftists included, still believe that we don't live in a police state? Sure, leftists may agree with their actions, but what if the shoe were on the other foot?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Tremping Update - Ariel

26 of Eighth Month 5769

The northern entrance into Ariel from Road No. 5 now has a kikar of sorts (roundabout, glorieta, circular thingy in the middle of the street). This junction seems to be tremping friendly, at least for now, while work is still being done.

For tremps (rides) westbound toward Morasha Junction, B'nei Braq and Tel-Aviv, stand at the bus shelter before the kikar. The road going north out of Ariel has thinned. It is a lot more common now for rides to stop at the bus shelter. Previously, the other option was to stand at the destroyed bus shelter on the westbound side of Road No. 5, where cars turning left out of Ariel could not usually make it over the right side of the road, even if they wanted to, making it very frustrating to wait there, while watching the countless cares pass you by.

The kikar also seems to help trempistim in all directions, as it forces cars to slow down.

There is another trempiada near the southern entrance into Ariel, near the Judea and Samaria University Center, and used mostly by students. It is usually very crowded, and I do not know how efficient it is to wait there at night, unless you don't mind hopping on the bus if it comes first.

For tremps eastbound toward Tapu'ah, the Jordan Valley, and Elon Moreh, stand in the usual place, on the eastbound side of Road No. 5, catching cars as they exit the kikar at a reduced speed. The bus shelter is still there, and it is now more logical to wait there.

If you're tremping southbound to Rehelim, Eli, Shilo, or Jerusalem, many people wait on the road into Ariel, at the bus shelter just after entering from the kikar. This is instead of tremping to Tapu'ah first, and continuing on from there. People coming home to the towns listed mostly make their way along the shortcut through Ariel these days.

Of course, there is the other trempiada at the southern exit from Ariel. People like to catch tremps from the bottom of the hill, at the northern entrance, for the increased likelihood of the availability of space.

Please add your tremping updates for this area in the comments section.

Also, don't forget to check out my comprehensive Tremping Guide for the major travel routes in Israel.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Crazy Settlers?

25 of the Eighth Month 5769

Thursday night I got off the bus at Tapu'ah Junction with my big bags of Shabbath shopping. As I was crossing through the make-shift border crossing area, I was debating whether to wait for a tremp (ride) up the hill to Tapu'ah, or to schlep up the hill on foot. Almost to the tremping post, I saw a neighbor of mine (I'll call him "David.") who had also just arrived, and was just getting out of his tremp.

That made up my mind for me. I would wait for a tremp, while I chatted with David, whom I hadn't seen for a while. I met up with him, and we continued on to the tremping area together.

As we were walking the short distance to the bus shelter, David pointed out the three Arab men standing nearby, waiting for their own ride, Yasuf or Salfit. They were standing more in the street than at the bus shelter, so I didn't think anything of it.

David said that we needed to do "something" about this. I'm thinking to myself, "Do what? The most important thing to do is to go about our own business, sending the message that we're not afraid of them. After all, they're already afraid of US. We're 'crazy settlers' from Tapuah. Warranted or or not, Tapu'ah has a reputation. They're not going to mess with us."

Out loud I only said the "Do what?" part.

"Well, something needs to be done about this," David said, beginning to show signs of frustration.

At this point we had almost arrived. Ignoring the Arabs, I sped up to the bus shelter, and plopped all of my bags down on the bench, and declared, "There. I have now conquered this bus shelter, and am occupying it."

David laughed. He has a good sense of humor. I knew that he would appreciate that. Still, he looked back and forth between me and the Arabs, and repeated his insistence that "something" must be done [about the Arab incursion into our sovereignty over the bus shelter]. The whole time, I'm sure he asking himself, "If I start 'something,' will Ya'aqov back me up?"

I looked at him, with a face that clearly said, "אין לי כוח" (I do NOT have the energy for this). It was a long day; it was a long week.

David is one of those Jews who chooses his shots,...wisely. I doubt he would have done anything more than point out the more convenient tremping location for Arabs up the road. (*grin*)

Fortunately, it never came to that. An Arab taxi pulled up, and the three Yishma'elim got in. Just when it started off, I ran toward it yelling [in English], "Yeah, go ahead! Run away, scaredy cats!...just when I was about to...."

I walked back toward David, wiping the palms of my hands off, in classic Daffy Duck fashion, saying, "There. All taken care of...."

David laughed and rolled his eyes.

Yep. We're crazy settlers alright. Crazy, with a capital "T."


P. S. This post is not an attempt to try get you like us "crazy settlers" by portraying our"human side." I couldn't care less if you like us. It's better you should think that we're nuts. Maybe then, you'll leave us alone (based on an opinion of Rav Binyamin Kahane HY"D).

I'm just giving you a peek into the day to day life of settler, which sometimes includes silly "only in Judea and Samaria" incidents.

P. P. S. This post contains no intention of diminishing the threat of the Yishma'elim, their lack of any right to be here, and the need for them to go, nor is it intended to diminish the seriousness of what is currently taking place in Hevron, Yitzhar, Adei Ad, and other places where heroic Jews reside.

This Week's Blog Carnival Links

25 of the Eighth Month 5769

Ima on [and off] the Bima hosts this weeks packed Haveil Havalim #192 - The Thanks and Giving Edition. To participate in next week's edition, submit your post via Blog Carnival's on-line submission system. Contact Jack at talktojacknow (at) sbcglobal (dot) net, if you would like to be a host sometime.

I'll Call Baila hosts the November (#35 - "Procrastinator's") edition of the Kosher Cooking Carnival. To participate in next month's edition, submit your post via Blog Carnival's on-line submission system, or when it's down, e-mail Batya at shilohmuse (at) yahoo (dot) com. You can also let her know if you would like to be a carnival host.

Friday, November 21, 2008

$50,000? ...To Stay In Babylonia

Erev Shabbath Qodesh Hayei Sarah 5769

OK, so you already heard about this from Rafi, Batya, and Yisrael,... AGES ago.

I thought they covered all that needed to be covered. The story came and went, but it still irks me. So I cannot help, but give my 10ag.

When I first saw the following report, my jaw dropped:
Family Relocation Project

Jewish Family Service's bold objective is to relocate at least twenty families to Dothan, Alabama during the time period January 2008 to December 2012.

Achieving this objective will truly advance the Jewish religion in Dothan by significantly increasing Temple Emanu-El's membership and will be a cause to celebrate as we recognize the Jewish community's 120th anniversary as a vibrant and respected part of greater Dothan.

We welcome your application for financial assistance from the JCS Family Relocation Project....

(Tip-off credit to relatively new blogger JeffGator)

$50,000? Why not ditch the community, and pay $50,000, or even $20,000 to some of the families still living there to help them move to Israel?

I'll bet the thought never even occurred to them.

Even leaders this particular community's umbrella organization are saying that you should consider "aliyah."

This community is the quintessential example of the mentality in which many American Jewish communities are still stuck. Religious or secular, right-wing or left-wing, so-called "Zionist" or so-called anti-"Zionist," it doesn't matter.

Am I being too harsh?

There is a story of Resh Laqish,.... Well, see for yourselves....
תלמוד בבלי יומא ט,ב
ריש לקיש הוי סחי בירדנא אתא רבה בר בר חנה יהב ליה ידא א"ל אלהא סנינא לכו דכתיב (שיר השירים ח:ט) "אם חומה היא נבנה עליה טירת כסף ואם דלת היא נצור עליה לוח ארז" אם עשיתם עצמכם כחומה ועליתם כולכם בימי עזרא נמשלתם ככסף שאין רקב שולט בו עכשיו שעליתם כדלתות נמשלתם כארז שהרקב שולט בו

Babylonian Talmud Yoma 9b
Resh Laqish was bathing in the Jordan [River] Rabba bar bar Hana came, and shook his hand. He [Resh Laqish] said to him God detests you Babylonians, as it is written (Song of Songs 8:9) "If she be a wall, we will build upon her a turret of silver; and if she be a door, we will enclose her with boards of cedar." If you had made yourselves [as strong] as a wall, and all went up in the days of Ezra, you would have been likened to silver, which cannot rot; but as you did not, you were likened to cedar [wood] doors, in which rot can take hold.
There's a saying here in Israel which has become almost cliche.

"If only wealthy Jews from North and South America, Western Europe, Australia, Morocco, Turkey, etc. would stop sending money, and instead would bring it with them when they make aliyah, we could transform the Negev Desert, transform the economy, transform the region....

If only....

I try to remember that it's not their faults. It seems that two thousand years of galuth (diasporan living) can really cement a people's disconnection from its homeland.

Still, it is one of the jobs of those of us, Yehudei Eretz Yisra'el, to warn them, the Babylonians.

Do you want to be part of the 20 percent making it out of Egypt, or the 80 percent who didn't?

It's your decision.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Hanukkah Conundrum

18 of the Eighth Month 5769

FestivusHanukkahIt was recently pointed out to me that Festivus falls during Hanukkah. OK, I saw that coming. But, what I did not immediately realize was the serious shailah which comes up as a result of the conflict:

Is one allowed to meqaym the Festivus minhag of the "Airing Of Grievances" during Hanukkah?

Two years ago, Festivus fell on Shabbath, and the last day of Hanukkah. The solution was easy, to postpone it until after Shabbath and Hanukkah went out.

Last year, Festivus fell a good week and half after Hanukkah. So, there wasn't any conflict with Hanukkah to deal with, but I took the opportunity to answer some crucial Festivus shailos.

It appears from my notes that I inferred in one of my rulings, that one may not air grievances during Hanukkah:

Instances when e-mails cannot be sent on December 23 include Shabbath and Hanukkah for Jews.
However, I believe that further research is necessary. So, I have asked resident mumhim on such matters, Jacob Da Jew, Frum Satire, and Erica to review the relevant literature, consult their own rabbonim and hevrusas, and to provide us with tshuvos.

(Erica, this is not a meme,...not exactly anyway. I know you hate memes.)

I have also asked Benjy Lovitt, whom I have only recently met on-line, to chime in. Let's see what this new Jew-rusalem transplant from Tel-Aviv has to say.

Please leave your tshuvos or links to tshuvos in the comments section. Everyone is welcome to chime in,...well, almost everybody.

I realize that Festivus and Hanukkah still five weeks away. But such intricate halachic discourse requires time and care, as does the crucial matter of publicizing the various opinions and rulings to the tzibur.

Any additional Festivus shailos? Post them here in the comments section.

Haveil Havalim #191 Is Up!

18 of the Eighth Month 5768

Haveil Havalim
is being hosted this week at West Bank Mama. Check out the posts on Rahel Imenu's yartzeit, Rabin, Kristnacht, the Israeli Scene, Elections Wrap up, and more.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Rabinism Wrap-Up

Erev Shabbath Qodesh Parshath Wayera 5769

So many bloggers have covered this, I am not sure why I am bothering.

Actually, yeah, I do know why. There never seems to be enough coverage. If there were, then people would start to wake up, right?

Probably not, but I'll give my 10ag anyway.

So, Rabinfest this week included the relatively new Ta'anith Rabin (Fast of Rabin), which some Am HaArtzim have decided is more important that Tisha b'Av. What? Do you think these people fast on Tisha b'Av?

Settler-bashing was on the agenda. It started particularly early this year, probably due to the impending national elections. Baraq and Livni have to do something to get votes. So, they have decided to strike the "fear of settlers" into the electorate. Olmert is standing in for Livni in this regard, sort of. That way she can always disavow herself of his statements when she campaigns in the more conservative areas of the country.

The truth is that Olmert is gambling that a good dose of settler-bashing could gain him some sympathy in the leftist higher courts, when he appeals his all but certain conviction. After all, it worked for Sharon. He sold out Azza, even though his own Likud Party members voted against it. In exchange his son Gil'ad got off scott-free, and son Omri got off with a short stint in jail.

But, I digress...

Many bloggers and journalists have made mention that Rabin's last policy speech has been conspicuously absent from any of the latest publications and Rabin worship services.

It's good that they mentioned this. Even though it will no doubt fall on deaf ears, annual custom. However, it is still important to make mention of the Altalena, know that ship carrying weapons to Israel so that Jews could fight against the British? Well, "someone" gave an order to shoot at the crew of the Alta Lena, murdering 16 Jews. The Wikipedia entry on the Altalena Affair does not even mention his name. Surprised?

Here is rare footage of the attack on Altalena, along with eye witness accounts of the shooting of Jews while they were struggling in the water, courtesy of Voice Of Judea (Tip credit to The Jewish Fist).

The Left, of course, uses that old hat, "he was just following orders."

The man was, at the very least, complicit in the murder of Jews, not to mention the Jewish lives lost in recent years due to the Oslo Death Accords and the providing of weapons to the PA so-called "police" squad.

And we're supposed to mourn his loss?

Why some might even say that's forbidden. But, who am I to suggest such a thing?

A soldier gets 21 days in jail for yawning during a memorial ceremony. Settlers and other religious Jews get demonized for not wanting to participate.

What punishments are in store for next year?


The "forbidden" link may also provide you a hint as to why his face is partially blacked-out.

Read "On Assassinations and Attempted Assassinations" by Rav Binyamin Kahane H"YD, posted at The Jewish Fist. He wrote it shortly after after Rabin's death.

See Tamar Yonah's piece for your Questions Still Unanswered surrounding his death.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Haveil Havalim #190 Is Up!

13 of the Eighth Month 5769

Haveil Havalim #190 is up at Jewlicious.

It the Post Election Panic edition.

CK did a great job with annotation, saving readers a lot of time and effort.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Rav Kahane ZTZ"L HY"D Memorial - 18 Years

12 of the Eighth Month 5769

(Click to enlarge)

An azkarah (memorial) will be held for Rav Me'ir Kahane ZTZ"L HY"D, marking 18 years following his murder.

Mossa'ei Shabbath Qodesh Parshath Wayira
Saturday night, Nov. 15, 2008, 7:30
K'far Tapu'ah Central Synagogue

*Torah learning le'illui nishmath HaRav
*Hiddushei Torah of the Rav
*Stories of the Rav
*Melaweh Malkah meal

Adv. Gershon Mesiqa

Samaria Area Council Head

Rabbi Baruch Kahane

Rabbi Dr. Michael Ben-Ari

Rabbi Shmu'el HaCohen

Rav of K'far Tapu'ah

Additional Rabbis and Community Leaders

Musical accompaniment will be provided by Yerachmiel "Rocky" Ziegler and his band "Optimystical," and singer Ari Ben-Yam.

For more information on the azkarah, limited Shabbath guest space in Tapu'ah, and transportation from Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, contact Yekutiel by phone: 054-4876909.

From Tel-Aviv/B'nei Braq, take Dan bus #186 or #286 to Ariel, then tremp from the [northern entrance]. See the Dan On-Line Schedule.

Friday, November 07, 2008

A Suggestion For The "Conservatives"

9 of the Eighth Month 5769

Recently, I saw a woman, probably in her 20's walking down the street in Jerusalem, wearing a kippah.

She was dressed quite modestly, too.

The combination of kippah and woman has never looked right to me, even when there has been an attempt to feminize the kippah.

Am I against women covering their heads? No, quite the contrary. I believe that women should cover their heads, yet for different reasons than those identifying with groups of Jews, embracing such concepts as "egalitarianism."

My suggestion is this, cover your heads with something more authentically Jewish. Sure, as long as I do not don a massar or turban or the like, and continue to wear a kippah myself, I suppose I can't talk per se. But just humor me for a moment.

After all, I'm only making a suggestion. You can take it or leave it.

Not married? So what? "Feel" like you need a "vote from the past?" (Oh, right, that's "reconstructionism.") Then check out the view of the Ramba"m:

הלכות אישות כד,יא [יב] ואיזו היא דת יהודית, הוא מנהג הצניעות שנהגו בנות ישראל; ואלו הן הדברים שאם עשת אחד מהן, עברה על דת יהודית: יוצאה לשוק או למבוי מפולש, וראשה פרוע ואין עליה רדיד כשאר הנשים, אף על פי ששיערה מכוסה במטפחת;

Laws of "Ishuth" 24:11 [12] And that which is Jewish Law is the custom of modesty which B'noth Yisra'el have been practicing; and these are the things that if she had done one of them, she has transgressed Jewish Law: going out to the shuq or to an [occupied] alley, and her head is uncovered, and does not have a shawl upon it like all of the other women, even though her hair is covered in a kerchief....
And, before you ask,...Yes, he is referring to all women and girls, not just the married ones.

The added benefit of covering your hair is that you can show how much "frumer," and "authentic-looking" you are than the many "datti" women who unfortunately do not cover their hair, perhaps even giving added legitimacy to your group or "movement."

Think about it....


Post Script: A few years ago, when I first spent Shabbath in the town of Eli, I noticed my host's daughters coming home from kindergarten with their respective heads covered. Since my host holds by the Ramba"m, I commented on his daughters coverings, saying that really IS a "Ramba"mist." He laughed, and said that no, his young daughters do not cover their hair due to the Ramba"m, but rather it is an effective way to prevent them from catching lice.

Apparently, this custom was instigated by the large French immigrant population, which brought this practice from France.

I suggested that gradually we are being led back to authentic Jewish practices, albeit sometimes in roundabout ways.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

That Bridge

9 of the Eighth Month 5769

Imagine, if you will, a bridge: A great bridge of magnificent, contemporary architecture, designed to bear great caravans of riches over another, older route still filled to its brim with its own thrush and movement of activity.

The bridge allows for the uninterrupted flow of the crosswinds of transportation and commerce.

The great bridge is suspended, as if by magic, from the most great and powerful idol of the god "Phallus."

Crescent Shape at same angle as the bridge

The bridge's shape sweeps around smoothly, almost completely surrounding its life-bearer, coincidentally, or not, in the shape of the crescent, icon of one of the greatest enemies of the Jewish People.* From above, "Phallus" appears as the star completing the enemy's joyous representation, yet restrained by its netted thong.

Oh, great and wondrous bridge! Surely, only a monumental ceremony of dedication, filled with rockets and pagan dances, could chance reaching the level of your glory!

Only, first we must cover up your pagan character, in order to introduce glory and worship, and praise of the enemy in secret. Let us bring a shofar blast, so that viewers will be stunned and aware of the virgins suspended on display are actually the sacrifices to made in your honor, appeasing the great "Phallus," glorifying and paganizing the entrance to the great capital city.

The northwestern corner of the capital city now appears to have a gated entrance, a gate into the city, from the west....

View from inside the "gate" looking outward

...The primary power** of the Erev Rav (mixed multitude) is at the gates of Jerusalem, particularly at the entrance to the city, which is on the western middle line.

Rabbi Hillel Shklover ztz"l
Kol HaTor, Ch. 2, Sec. 2


*The same suggested comparison was made regarding the (9/11) Flight 93 Memorial in Pennsylvania. See the Crescent Of Betrayal site for more information.

**"Primary power" - The Kenneseth, the Supreme Court, and the Israeli Broadcasting Authority are all located within easy walking distance from the western entrance to Jerusalem.

I recently discovered that the Torah Revolution blog said much of what I say above, but more bluntly in A Goy Bridge.

For more on designer Santiago Calatrava's bridge in Jerusalem, you can check out Mr. Comic X in Jerusalem who has written quite a bit about it, and continues to follow its progress.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


7 of the Eighth Month 5769

While Americans go to the polls to elect a new president, Israel is already gearing up for its own Kenneseth elections later this winter.

The Shabba"k (secret police) does a sweep of interrogations of settlers, Jews who hold by the Ramba"m, and others, over the pipe bombing of leftist Prof. Shernhell.

The IDF lies to soldiers in order to guarantee their participation in the destruction of the Federman and Tor Family homes in Hevron. This not the first time this has happened. Remember Havath Gilad seven years ago?

The media, cabinet ministers, and even so-called right-wing members of Kenneseth and Pesh"a Council officials immediately take the opportunity to demonize Torah observant Jews in Yehudah & Shomron (Judea & Samaria) who refuse to be robots of the State, otherwise know as "crazy settlers."

A few try to blame the Shabba"k for "provocation." But when it is learned that Shmu'el ben-Yishai is arrested, all are silent.

The PeSh"a Council has taken a different tact, launching a massive PR campaign, wasting thousands of sheqqels, and paper I might add, decrying:

"Fellow Israelis, please like us. We're just like you. Please don't kick us out of our homes!"

Between the lines they're saying...

(Well, actually, we don't care what you do to those crazy people in Yitzhar, Itamar, Tapu'ah, Hevron, Havath Ma'on, and most of the hilltops. We're not like THEM. They don't look like most of us, and they definitely don't think and act like us. Free feel to demonize them.)
Even though the PeSh"a Council claim success in its PR campaign, that does not stop cabinet ministers from escalating the war of words by claiming that the next political murder right around the corner.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to Travel to Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Jordan, and Egypt

Secretary of State Rice will travel to Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Jordan, and Egypt from November 5 to 9. While in the region she will meet with her Quartet counterparts and senior government officials to discuss efforts to achieve positive and lasting peace in the region consistent with the Annapolis process and the shared-goal of a two-state solution.

October 30, 2008

(Tip-off from Tomer Devorah)
Did anyone else notice that she was coming, the day after the U. S. Presidential election?

All of this back and forth about the right way to demonize settlers is about paving the way for the Israeli government to be able to give up more land.

They have to. They're all puppets, whether they know they are, or not. They are servicing the U. S., and its interests.

Secretary Rice wants a deal now, a deal which will be binding on future prime ministers.

If Binyamin Netanyahu (Likud) becomes prime minister again, he can just throw up his arms, and say there's nothing he can do about it. If Tzippi Livni (Kadima) becomes prime minister, she can try to out-do Rice's plan.

President Bush's ego is really THAT big, that he's more worried about his legacy [and oil] than what's right. So much for Christians "allies."

How many more times will Jews have to place their trust in Christians before they realize their grave mistake? Hopefully not too many more, but we are a "stiff-necked people."

It's the same ol' co-dependent, "Goyim, We'll do what you say, if you accept us, and take care of us." and "See? We're just like you."

The only question is, who is the U. S. President really serving,...I mean besides himself.

The next one looks like it'll be Sen. Barack Obama. Who is he serving?

Syria moves more tank and artillery forces south to the Israeli border.

Stay tuned....


"PeSh"a" Council is a play on rhyming words. It is a reference to the YeSh"a Council, the self-appointed body, receiving its budget directly from the Office of the Prime Minister, which claims authority over Yehudah, Shomron, and at one time, Azza.

Pesha is Hebrew for "crime."

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Haveil Havalim #189 - The Elections Edition

Mossa'ei Shabbath Qodesh Parshath No'ah 5769

Not only are the U. S. Elections for president, House of Representatives, and one third of the Senate just two days away, but just last Sunday, Israeli Foreign Minister and Kadima Party Head Tzippy Livni was forced to announce that she was unable to form a government. After President Shimon Peres met with political faction heads, he determined that the only option was to dissolve the current Kenesseth (parliament), which he did last Monday. Israelis will go to the polls to elect a new Kenesseth probably in Shvat 5769/February, 2009.

Meanwhile, Jerusalem residents will elect a new mayor and city council in only 16 days. Most other cities in Israel are also holding elections on 15 Marheshwan/November 11, including Tel-Aviv, Beth Shemesh, Tzfath and Qiriyath Shemonah.

You can see why I had to call this edition of Haveil Havalim is called the "Elections Edition."

What was I supposed to call it, the "Post-Halloween Wrap-Up Edition?" How about no, Scott? Well, I suppose I can put in one Halloween post, Treif Or Treat by Bar Kokhba at For Zion's Sake.... OK,...I'll give you one more. See how Sheyna at Books And Beliefs explains Jews And Halloween to the kids.

Founded by Soccer Dad, Haveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs -- a weekly collection of Jewish & Israeli blog highlights, tidbits and points of interest collected from blogs all around the world. It's hosted by different bloggers each week and coordinated by Jack. The term 'Haveil Havalim,' which means "Vanity of Vanities," is from Qoheleth, (Ecclesiastes) which was written by King Solomon. King Solomon built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other 'excesses' and realized that it was nothing but 'hevel,' or in English, 'vanity.'

Parshath No'ah

For those of you who leyn Torah, and especially for those of you have studied in hazzanuth, this post from Lion Of Zion will be of particular interest to you, Noah: Revii Or Zakef.

Carolyn at Juggling Frogs presents a Rainbow Menu for this parshah.

The Rebbetzin's Husband gives us The Power of Nomenclature [and Noah-menclature].


Israeli Elections Saga

Just hours after Avi at Tel-Chai Nation reports Now, It looks like it's official that national elections will be called, Rafi at Life In Israel reports on the delay in the process toward elections in Livni and Peres Have Something In Common.

Now all the government has to do is pick a date. Here are the "best" of the reasons given by Rafi as to how to do that.

Of course, now Tzippy Livni has to make excuses as to why she was unable to form a government. Saus at The Hashmonean reveals the real reasons behind the spin in Kadima Fails To "Coalesce."

When all was said and done, Tsippi is Glowing and The Country is Groaning, according to Batya at Shiloh Musings.

If you're still confused, Sultan Knish provides us with a nice summary of what happened, what is happening, and who the players are in Heading Toward Elections in Israel.

Yid With Lid says that New Israeli Elections are a Referendum on Jerusalem.

On the local level, Mr. Cosmic X in Jerusalem protests the defacing of Jerusalem with graffiti, irregardless of which mayoral candidate it targets, Nir Barkat or Rabbi Meir Porush.

Jerusalem Mayoral Candidates
Arkady Guydamik, Rb. Meir Porush, Nir Barkat

Michael at Jerusalemite takes a look at all of the candidates for Mayor of Jerusalem in Politricks in Jerusalem Mayoral Race. And what IS the story with Barkat And Kadima? Find out from Mr. Cosmic X.

Over the river and through the woods,...from Jerusalem, Rafi at Life In Israel reports some Beth Shemesh Election News.


I report on the destruction of No'am and Elisheva Federman's home, as does Yisrael at My Right Word., and Aviva bat Pinchas, hosted this week at the Torat Yisrael Blog.

Ariel at The Torah Revolution posted a video, Pogrom At The Federman Farm In Hevron. In addition, he sees the destruction as the symptom of a deeper issue in That's Precisely The Issue.

Shmu'el Sokol
at the Torat Yisrael Blog elaborates in with Barak Calls for Undemocratic "Emergency Measures."

Yisrael at My Right Word disputes Dr. Alexander Yakobson's criticism of the Jewish communities in Yesha , and with all of the latest hub-bub about what "settlers" can or cannot say, did you know that Zev Sternhell, bombed professor, has a criminal record?

A Living Nadneyda takes a look at the similarities and differences between Border Issues in the U. S. and Israel.

A couple of bloggers have been covering the Torah-State debate falling upon the city of Modi'in recenty. Rafi at Life In Israel writes on A Family Break Up, and Tomer Devorah brings us Modi'in In The News Again.

Relatively new to the JBlogosphere, Daniel at The Jewish Fist gives us all a friendly reminder with Egyptian Nazis.

I'm not sure that this is "news," but Yid With Lid reports PA: We are at war with Israel.

Any plans to visit Norway? Smooth Stone suggests you think twice about it as Norway Finances Israeli Hate.

Cease fire? What cease fire? Hamas fires more mortars at reported by Avi at Tel-Chai Nation.

This also marks 19 Weeks In A Row that more "Palestinian" Arabs were violently killed by their own actions than by the "evil" IDF, so says Elder Of Ziyon.

Changes will be made in the Kenesseth before the elections, as Meryl Yourish writes Buh Bye, Beilin.

Geulah Girl continues her monitoring of Christian Missionary activity in Israel at Esav Exposed. This week she provides extensive reviews of relevant news items from the last few weeks in Caspari Media Review Exerpts.

Slices of Israeli Life

Benji appears to be moving from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem. Up until now, it was only a vicious rumor. Fond out why he decided to exchange one kind of War Zone for another.

Ever wonder How To Start "Benchin?'" Just ask Yehuda.

Mrs. S. at Our Shiputzim has an "Only in Israel" moment for us: Hefker Announcement.

Leora at Here In Highland Park interviews a former, fellow Highland Parker, now living in Israel in Meet Riva Of Dulce Catering.

Another interview is presented by Simone at Jerusalemite in a conversation with Hadass Ben-Ari, Zine Queen.

It's never a dull moment for those of us living in Yehudah & Shomron (Judea & Samaria). Yisrael at My Right Word blogs on a fake "olive picking confrontation" at Qedumim.

Batya at Me-Ander makes Some Crucial Winter Decisions.

A Living Nadneyda gives us a touching piece, The Role of Hope.

Ricki's Mom at Beneath The Wings gives us a written peek at her [other] daughter's Chinah.

Specifically Aliyah

Ruti Mizrachi blogging at Ki Yachol Nuchal! gets her wish, least this week, as I have added this "Aliyah" [sub] category. Ruti provides us with her First Year Reality Check and Kine Hora. Puh-puh-puh.

Mrs. S. at Our Shiputzim presents Aliyah Memories: Walter Mitty Edition.

The Environment

Josh at Jerusalemite reports on the plan to create a second lake just outside the western end of Jerusalem (Beir Zayit) in Fixing the Mistake of the Lake.

Don't forget to check out Green Prophet, your headquarters for Israeli environmental protection, information, and advocacy, including tips and Torah from the Jack the "Eco-Rabbi."

Holiday Wrap-Up (no pun intended)

Just when you thought the Haggim were over, we receive some final reports and observations in Sukkah Ushpeezin Hopping from Yehuda and Simchat Tora Review from Isramom.


Out from the West, a faint cry can be heard in Israel. It is the vehement protest of
Occidental Israeli who has witnessed the defamation and mischaracterization of... Hummus.

Toby at A Time Of The Signs keeps up posted on the latest English [and other] faux pas in Israel with Still? You sure?

Benji at What War Zone??? makes some observations about Israel's relationship to Yiddish in 1000 Years of Culture, Down the Drain.

Ruti at Ki Yachol Nuchal! observes some Fall Colors, Real and Imagined.

As we leave the Israel section, and move outside of the Land, see how Head Of Doodle tries to avoid being Back Within The Grasp Of Uncle Sam.

Hu"tz la'Aretz
(Outside of the Land)

U. S. Elections Saga

Occidental Israeli starts us off with Jews Vote Democrat - Surprise!

While the Jews Opposing Obama blog tells us,...well,... Why Jews Oppose Obama. Lakewood Falling Down expresses particular concern over Sen. Obama's associations and philosophies.

Sultan Knish in an exclusive, reports Rabbis for Obama Exposed as front group for radical Hamas appeasement supporters.

Ted at Israpundit reports on an Obama Campaign staffer blowing the whistle - This is huge!

And what's all this we have been hearing about a secret video tape of Barack Obama at a dinner with terrorists Bill Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn, and the anti-Semitic Arafat adviser, Rashid Khalidi? Debbie Schlussel has the EXCLUSIVE: Ali Abunimah is Likely Source of Secreted Obama/Khalidi/Ayers Tape.

Yid With Lid reports that Rashid Khalidi is ONE of MANY Obama's ANTI-ISRAEL ISLAMIC FRIENDS.

Yitz at Judeopundit gives his overall assessment of the presidential race in Your Skeleton Key to the Election.

Concluding with a similar theme, Robert at Seraphic Secret shares how he has had to deal with the election heat in Hollywood in How to Get So Dead in This Town.

I would have to say that Linda at Something and Half of Something has been getting even worse treatment in Miami, FL for her views. Someone else said it.

In a hotly contested election from one of the "battleground states," Jill at She Writes Like She Talks reports on the fight over Ohio’s Jewish voters.

Tomer Devorah gives us Something To Think About both the Democratic and Republican candidates. Also, check out her take on Election Fever.

Batya at Shiloh Musings also talks about Election Fever, More Like Malaria.

Fearless Leader Jack at Random Thoughts points us to a few Political Ads. And Lemon Lime Moon wants to know why are votes counted by Saudi companies?

Daled Amos makes a connection between U. S. and Israeli elections in Would An Obama Victory Ensure A Livni Win?

OK, Jr.'s Sukkot in Teaneck, 2008 could have been placed in the "Holiday Wrap-Up" section, but I'll put it here, to close the "U. S. Elections Saga" on a positive note. Check it out at Lion Of Zion, and you'll see why.

More News...

In Breishit, Shira bat Sarah reports on that three years and two months after Hurricane Katrina heavily damaged her shul in Biloxi Mississippi, the ground-breaking was held for a new shul in Gulfport.

Daled Amos asks are Jewish Students On Campus--A Force To Reckon With?

Observations and Slices Life

Shtetl Fabulous presents A Zamboni By Any Other Name.

Fairion at Lionden Landing presents Happy Birthday Froggy - Jewish Style.

See what The Rebbetzin's Husband thinks about Synagogue Gun Clubs.

And now for something REALLY important: Frummie Motzei Shabbos Syndrome: Where's My Pizza At? by Jacob Da Jew.

Daled Amos.... Well, just read his It Worked On My Daughter--It Will Work On Ahmadinejad! You'll laugh like I did, I'm sure.

Soccer Dad tells us about The Piano which has been with his family for many years.

Concluding this section is Carolyn at Juggling Frogs who describes What Heroism Looks Like. And I think you'll agree.

Jewish Thought

Friar Yid posts his Favorite Aggadot.

at Tzipiyah brings us Mr. Bitter Cheshvan and the World of Concealment.

A Simple Jew also has some post-Tishrei thoughts to share with As If They Had Never Occurred.

Batya at Shiloh Musings gives us Elusive.


Yisrael at My Right Word reports on an important archaeological find in When The Past Comes To Haunt You, poking a few holes in Biblical rejectionist theory.

Josh at Jerusalemite provides his take on another archaeological find in Ben Kohen Gadol.

Ilana Davita provides us with a summary of the fascinating history of the Jewish community in Lithuania in The Litvaks.


I could have put the following post under Aliyah, because it includes important tips about the Israeli health care system. However, I figured that I'll Call Baila would want everyone to see this important public service announcement: It's that time of the year again.


Well, Heshy at Frum Satire gets his own little corner this edition. No, not for being naughty. It's just that no one else submitted any posts specifically categorized as "humor." Anyway, Heshy gives us Are you pissed that some events have mixed seating? and Best ways to mess with BT’s during the High Holidays.

Whoops! Sorry, Heshy, Mike In Midwood just submitted a "humor" post, Frummie Presidential Debate. Isn't Midwood near you? I'm a Southern Californian. I don't know [from] New York....


What do you think of this? If there's anything I can't stand is hypocrisy. It looks like Mr. Cosmic X might have a problem with it too. Check out Not the Jblogosphere Modesty Patrol.

Aussie Dave at Israelly Cool appears to be at a cross-roads of sorts, and says the he is Close To Pulling The Plug.

Finally, Batya at Me-Ander says out loud what a lot of us have thinking privately about the Blog Carnival website in For The J-Blog Carnivals.

More Jewish Blog Carnivals

KCC and JPix Blog Carnivals
The latest edition of the Kosher Cooking Carnival is up at Me-Ander. If you're interested in hosting a future KCC, please let Batya know, shilohmuse (at) yahoo (dot) com. Baila is hosting November; Leora has December and Ilana-Davita has reserved January. Enjoy! There's something for every taste.

The November edition of the JPix Carnival is up at Here In HP. The December 8 edition will be hosted by Mom In Israel, the submission deadline for which is Friday, December 5.

You can send your submissions to these and other blog carnivals via Blog Carnival's on-line submission forms: KCC and JPix.

That's A Wrap!

I included almost every post submitted. The only exceptions were two with broken links and and one mirror/double post.

I didn't receive any spam this time.

This edition will seem a bit loaded toward McCain. What can I say? No one sent me any pro-Obama stuff....

Even though I packed a lot of posts into this edition, I hope that I provided enough annotation, so that it still maintains its time-saving, "everything conveniently listed in one place" feature, like a web portal.

Truth be told, it really would have been difficult to eliminate any of the posts from the elections sections. They were all good. And after all, this was "The Elections Edition."

The 190th edition will be hosted at Jewilicious on Sunday, 11 Marheshwan/November 9. Stay tuned!

Please send your posts for the next edition of the Haveil Havalim Blog Carnival via the Blog Carnival Submission Form. I found this to be very helpful in organizing your posts this week. Plus, it doesn't look like we have a host for next week, so there wouldn't be any other place to send your links to. If you're interested in hosting or receiving more information about the carnival, please contact Jack at talktojacknow (at) sbcglobal (dot) net.