Thursday, June 29, 2017

הכהן שבירך את ברכת הכהנים על הר הבית נעצר/Cohen Arrested on Temple Mount for Priestly Blessing

ה׳ לחודש הרביעי תשע״ז
English follows the Hebrew.
הסרטון ע״י ארנון סגל

Video by Arnon Segal
"This dear priest paid the price of being arrested for saying the Priestly Blessing (Num. 6:24-26) on Har HaBayith (the Temple Mount). What fun for the State of Israel."
 (Tip Credit: Michael Miller)  

עשר אגורות (2¢):
המלחמה הקרבים על הר הבית ממשיכים. ישמעאל (הערבים/המוסלאמים) רוצה את זה. שתי החלקים של עשו (הנוצרים וגם השמאלני מערב העולם) רוצים את זה. ויש יהודים שרוצים לאחד את ישמעאל עם עשו ולקחת את זה ביחד. (מומלץ לבדוק את מה ש קול התור ועוד קורא ליהודים כלא.)

ולדעתי מדינת ישראל לא רוצה את זה. או לפחות לא רוצה שאף מחזיק את זה.

יש רק מעט יהודים שמשתדלים להחזיק את הר הבית. ובגלל המדינה הם רק יכולים לפעול לאט לאט ובידיים עדינות, ולפעמים מוסרים את נפשם למען ההר דרך ישיבה בבית הכלא.

דרך אגב, אתם שמתם לב לאיזה יהודים עלו להר הבית עם הכהן? יהודים תורנים וחרדים יחד, וזאת אחדות ישראל. ואחדות ישראל כזאת היא ממה שכוחות השלטון לא רוצים להתקיים.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
The war battles over the Temple Mount continue. Yishma'el (Arabs/Muslims) wants it. Two facets of Esau (Christians as well as the Western leftist/"progressives") want it. Some Jews want to unite Yishma'el with Esau, and take it together. (I suggest you see what the Kol HaTor and others call such Jews.)

And in my opinion, the State of Israel does not want it. Or at least does not want anyone to have it.

There are only a few Jews who are truly trying to keep the Temple Mount within our possession. But because of the State, they are only able to act very slowly and with kid gloves, and sometimes even sacrifice themselves for the sake of the Temple Mount by sitting in prison.

By the way, did you pay attention to which Jews ascended Har HaBayith? Torah nationalists and Haredim together. Now that is Jewish Unity, the unity which the powers that be feel truly threatened by.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Protest Against Christian Missionaries in Jerusalem / הפגנה נגד מיסיונרים נוצרים בירושלים

מוצש״ק פר׳ קרח/ראש החודש הרביעי תשע״ז

English follows the Hebrew.

השבוע בני נוער הגבעות ובחורים חרדים התאחדו להפגין נגד יהודים ״משיחיסטים״ (מנוצרים) בכנס של מיסיונרים נוצרים בבניין כלל במרכז ירושלים. אני מעדיף לקרוא לבניין כלל את שם הקינוי ״מרכז הנוצרים בירושלים.״ (לקורא את החסבר על זה כאן באנגלית).

עשר אגורות (2¢):
מצחיק עד כמה הנוצרים מנסים "להשתלב", ולדבוק בעם היהודי ובארץ ישראל שלנו, שהיא למעשה אחת המטרות שלהם (לכבוש את ארצינו כולל הר בית או איתנו או בליעדינו), לא מכירים ולא נדונים. עם זאת, הם נכשלים בצורה אומללה.

כל הכבוד לבחורים האלה על המאמץ הזה. אני לא יודע שיהודים האלה שהשתתפו בכנס הזה באמת משומדים (אלה שהם באמת יהודים, ולא פשוט חושבים שהם יהודים וטועים). כנראה, יש ליהודים האלה הדין של תינוק שנשבה (ילדים שנחטפו וגדלו על ידי גויים), כפי שהם לא למדו מספיק על יהדות כדי ״להשמיד״ את יהדות.

הנוצרים האלה, כמובן, אינם מבינים את התורה בכלל. פשוט אי אפשר. לא משנה כמה פסוקים הם יודעים בעל פה באנגלית, או אפילו בעברית, כיוון שהם חסרים ממנה. חסרה להם תורה שבעל פה. היהודים הראשונים שהובילו את הבאים של יש״ו (ימך שמו וזכרו), המשיח השקר והאלים השקר, סילפו או דוחו את תורה שבעל פה.

הפוסט הנ"ל של פייסבוק מזכיר את שאול. אל תתנו לשם הזה לבלבל אותכם. זה לא שאול המלך, אלא שאול מתרסיס, כי פול יה "אחד הדמויות הראשיות הנוצריות, אשר מפיצים תעמולה נוצרי ופיתוח את המיתולוגיה שלהם, מיתולוגיה שאפילו לא היתה חשדה או מקורית, אלא שנקחו ממצרים, בבל, ומפרס, ושהתקיימו הרבה לפני הנצרות (קרא על זה כאן באנגלית)

הנצרות היא אחד המחליפים של רומא, שעדיין קיימת כיום, רומא והמערב הם צאצאיהם של עשו, אחיו של יעקב, ולא יעקוב עצמו.

יש לו עשיו ירושה, אבל זו לא ארץ ישראל, ולא תורת ישראל, ובוודאי לא נשמות ישראל שלנו.

ועכשיו, אני שואל אותכם, מישהו ראה בסרטון הזה את החלק הכי חשוב והכי ״מסוכן?״

נוער הגבעות ונועא חרדי מפגינין ביחד. אין איום לשמאלנים ולמתנגדים לתורה האחרים יותר חזק מאחדות כזאת.

(Click to enlarge)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
This week Hilltop Youth and Haredi Youth came together to protest "messianic Jews" at a FIRM [Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries], at the Klal Building in Downtown Jerusalem, which would be more aptly named the Jerusalem Christian Center. (Read here to learn why.)

Funny just how hard the Christians are trying to "fit in," and to latch on to the Jewish People and our Land, which is actually one of their goals, not often acknowledged nor discussed. Yet, they fail miserably.

Although these boys should be commended for their efforts, I don't know that these Jews -- those of them who are really Jewish, and just duped into thinking that they are -- are truly meshumadim (apostates). Rather, they are more likely to have the din (status) of tinoq shenishba (captured children, raised by goyim), as they don't know any better.

These Christians, of course, do not understand the Torah, no matter how much they may have memorized verses in English, or even in Hebrew, as they lack half of it. They lack Torah sheb'al Peh (Oral Law), which the first Jews to lead the following of Yesh"u, the acronym which means "may his name and memory be blotted out",  the false messiah and false deity, distorted and or rejected.

The above Facebook post mentions Sha'ul. Do not allow the name to confuse you. This is not Sha'ul HaMelekh (King Sha'ul), but rather Saul of Tarses, that it Paul ysh"w one the Christians main figures, who spread Christian propaganda and newly developing mythology, mythology that wasn't even original, but borrowed from Egypt, Babylonia, and Persia, to name a few, and which came well before Christianity. (Read about this here)

Christianity is one of the replacements of Rome, still in existence today, Rome and the West being descendants of Esau, Ya'aqov's (Israel) brother, and not Ya'aqov himself.

Esau has his inheritance, but it is not the Land of Israel, not the Torah of Israel, and certainly not the souls of Israel.

Now, did anyone notice the more important, and probably the most "dangerous" part of this video?

Hilltop Youth and Haredi youth protesting together. If anything is more dangerous to the Labor Zionist, anti-Torah establishment, it's this.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Esau vs. Yishma’el: The UK vs. its Muslims, part 1

כ״ז לחודש השלישי תשע״ז
The Guardian: London attack: 'Aggressive' and 'strange' suspect vowed to 'do some damage'
One dead and 11 injured after van ploughs into Muslim worshippers in Finsbury Park in fourth UK attack in past three months

Vikram Dodd and Matthew Taylor, June, 2017

A man from Cardiff is believed to be responsible for a terrorist attack that left one person dead and 11 injured when a van he was driving ploughed into a group of worshippers near a mosque in north London.

Darren Osborne, 47, is alleged to have shouted “I want to kill all Muslims – I did my bit” after the hired van hit a crowd that had gathered to help an elderly man who had collapsed near a mosque.

The Met said a 47-year-old man had been arrested on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of terrorism including murder and attempted murder in the immediate aftermath of the incident, which occurred near two mosques in Finsbury Park after late prayers in the small hours of Monday morning.

On Monday neighbours in Pentwyn, where Osborne had lived for several years, described him as “aggressive” and “strange”. They said that over the weekend he told a 10-year old Muslim neighbour he was an “inbred” and had been thrown out of a local pub for getting drunk “cursing Muslims and saying he would do some damage”.

Witnesses to the attack said it had occurred after a small crowd had gathered around a man who had collapsed outside the Muslim Welfare House near the Finsbury Park mosque, when the van ploughed into them at around 12.20am.

One man, who did not want to give his name, said he and his friends had stopped to help the “elderly man” who was lying on the ground.

“In seconds this terrible thing happened,” he said. “Within a minute a van with speed turned to where we were and ran over the man who was laying on the floor and the people around him. Around eight or 10 people got injured, some of them seriously. Thank God I’m safe but my friends got injured.”

Onlookers said the driver then got out of the van and shouted “I want to kill all Muslims” before he was wrestled to the ground. (cont.)
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
I have no doubt in my mind that Osborne will be used as an excuse for the British government to monitor, criticize, and quash unwanted speech. The government will apply the “you need us” strategy in order to convince the masses that new restrictions on speech will be "for their own good."

Whether Osborne is a nationalist, an unstable nut, a pawn, or just fed up and drunk, his actions will be used to support increased restrictions on the populace.

The Guardian: 'Hero' imam praises group that saved Finsbury Park suspect from angry crowd
Mohammed Mahmoud was among men who flagged down police van to ensure mosque attack suspect was not seriously harmed  
Harriet Sherwood, Damien Gayle and Alice Ross, 19 June 2017
In the chaos and terror of the moment, events might have taken an even darker turn.
Outside the Muslim Welfare Centre, three men wrestled to the ground the driver of a van which had ploughed into people leaving the mosque. 
Amid confusion, distress and anger, a crowd gathered. Fists and feet struck out. Suddenly a voice shouted: “No one touch him – no one! No one!”

It came from Mohammed Mahmoud, the mosque’s imam, later hailed as the hero of the day. He urged the crowd to be calm and restrained until the police arrived.

Speaking to reporters on Monday afternoon, Mahmoud said he had not been the only one urging restraint. “It wasn’t me alone, there were a group of brothers. They were calm and collected and managed to calm people down and to extinguish any flames of anger or mob rule that would have taken charge had this group of mature brothers not stepped in.”
He said he had just finished leading prayers in the mosque when “a brother came in, quite panicked, and said that somebody had run over a group of people and tried to kill them”. 
He added: “We arrived at the scene within minutes and we found the assailant on the floor. He had been restrained by around three people. 
“We found a group of people quickly started to collect around the assailant. And some tried to hit him, either kicks or punches. By God’s grace we manage to surround him and to protect him from any harm. We stopped all forms of attack and abuse towards him that were coming from every angle.

“A police van drove past so we flagged them down and we told them the situation. There’s a man, he’s restrained. He mowed down a group of people and there’s a mob attempting to hurt him. If you don’t take him, God forbid he might be seriously hurt.”

He added: “There was a mob attempt to hurt him, so we pushed people away from him until he was safely taken by police.” 
The man was unscathed, he said. 
In a statement Toufik Kacimi, the mosque and welfare centre’s chief executive, praised Mahmoud’s bravery and courage, which he said “helped calm the immediate situation after the incident and prevented further injuries and potential loss of life”. He later said he was “the hero of the day”.

Mahmoud had told him that others had helped to calm people down. “The crowd was extremely angry, unhappy, so some people started acting violently too,” said Kacimi.

One of the men who held the suspect on the ground, 29-year-old cafe owner Mohammed, said: “The imam came from the mosque and he said, ‘Listen, we are fasting, this is Ramadan, we are not supposed to do these kinds of things, so please step back.’ 
“For that reason this guy is still alive today. This is the only reason. If the imam was not there, he wouldn’t be there today.” (cont.)
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
The actions of these Muslim "heroes" will be exploited  British government, just like it will exploit Osborne, in its ongoing campaign of convincing the masses that Muslims residing in the UK are not an actual threat,…in spite of the hate speech and incitement flowing out of British mosques in the form of "sermons."

They knew that hiding the anger and violent attitude of this community's members would not be realistic. Or perhaps, they banked on the average British citizen to identify with the anger of the community over the attack. Natural enough reaction, right?

I wonder if anyone in this community was tipped-off informed that Osborne was coming. After all, wouldn’t 11 Muslims being “sent to heaven as martyrs” be a small price to pay for such positive publicity? Or perhaps, a mistake was made, and they weren't cleared out in time. Or maybe, some of the victims were simply due to be eliminated. Who knows?

Also, did any of you happen to notice that...
...the hired van hit a crowd that had gathered to help an elderly man who had collapsed near a mosque.
A man just happened to have collapsed, just before Osborne's arrival? How convenient.

 On second thought, if the British government functions in the same way as the American, Israeli, and other governments, then have operatives and informants working within various mosques. After all, the powers that be may want the masses to fight each other, in a classic “divide and conquer’ and “keep the masses distracted” approaches. However, they certainly would not want risk the safety of their own lives, thus the importance of monitoring, and when necessary restricting, communications, and maintaining control, particularly over defined areas of conflict.

Oh, and by the way, one of the Centre's projects is, of course, to aid the "Syrian refugees." No surprises there. (See video below)

Monday, June 19, 2017

Unanswered Questions about the Terror Threat on Three Los Angeles Synagogues

כ״ה לחודש השלישי תשע״ז
Jewish Journal: Bomb threats shut down three L.A. synagogue locations on Shabbat
Eitan Arom | Jun 10, 2017 | Los Angeles

Three Los Angeles synagogue campuses were shut down following a series of online bomb threats, disrupting normally scheduled Shabbat activities on June 10.

The Glazer and Irmas campuses of Wilshire Boulevard Temple as well as University Synagogue in Brentwood were closed shortly after 8 a.m., according to Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Officer Mike Lopez. By about 12:45 p.m., LAPD cleared all locations to reopen.

“K9 units responded to the locations to make sure to render all locations safe,” Lopez said. “At this time we have no credible threats.”

Rabbi Morley T. Feinstein of University Synagogue said a staff member “found an email that was beyond nasty — horrific language, and threatening” in a temple email account and its executive director, Lisabeth Lobenthal, called the police. (cont.)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Wilshire Blvd. Temple
Glazer Campus
I don't really want to be the one,...but I'm going to be the one who asks this first question.

1. Did anyone else notice that none of these threatened "Jewish" institutions were Torah observant? Rather, they are Reform institutions.

2. Would they have not known of the threat if no one had checked synagogue email accounts on Shabboth aside? (Something which is forbidden by the way -- A-hem!)

3. Does this mean that the one threatening these synagogues knew that they were not Torah observant, and so would check email on Shabboth?

Wilshire Blvd. Temple
Irmas Campus
4. If this were a Muslim terror threat, wouldn't the Muslim go after Jewish communities more ideologically aligned with policies of the current Israeli Government? Or perhaps the Muslim didn't do his homework?

5. The irony here is that if a Muslim, or anyone, wanted to kill as many Jews as possible (God forbid!), then these communities were very poor choices, indeed. Because of the sham "conversions," and rampant intermarriage, just exactly how many members of these communities are actually Jewish?

6. Or, perhaps, the Muslim did do his homework, knew that email would be checked on Shabboth, and while many members were on site, and that it is the members of these communities who wield the real power?

University Synagogue
7. If this were a Muslim terror threat, wouldn't this serve to support the notion -- that everyone in Israel except the Left knows -- Muslim terrorists do not like leftist Jews anymore than they like those demonized as "right-wing extremists/religious fanatics?"

In fact, I have on occasion have an Arab tell me that they know that the "extremists" about the Land and their ideology. (Yes, I have actually met and worked with Arabs in my life, unlike most limousine liberals.)

But, I digress...

How much do you wanna bet that this was perpetrated but a nut, a disgruntled, former member?

False flag threat to gain sympathy? Nah. At least I hope that the Reform leaders would be a lot more creative if they were to have planned such an event.

And to those of you Jews who are legitimately on a spiritual search, and maybe have had it with the so-called "Orthodox," here are some suggestions.

If any rabbi cannot answer your questions, is afraid to say he doesn't know, but he can check for you, move on to the next candidate.

If he tells you because the Torah says so, ask him to explain to you how that is and where he derives this from. If cannot answer, unwilling to take the time to check, or worse, move on.

But, when you find someone with whom you can relate, even if he provides you with answers which you not necessarily like (eg. why you can't eat authentic pepperoni pizza or why you can't drive to the beach on Shabboth), be open-minded (you know, like the left is always claiming they are), and keep listening. Don't worry, you can keep shopping around.

But, just remember, we are here on this earth not to do what "feels" good or right; we are here on this earth to do what IS good or right,...which does not always feel good.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Jewish Daily Backward

כ״ד לחודש השלישי תשע״ז

I received the following e-mail message from the Jewish Forward. Did you receive it, too?
Hi, A Conservative Rabbi is performing interfaith weddings, despite the Conservative movement's law against it. He knows that this decision risks his title as a Conservative Rabbi. Does this signify a shift in the Jewish community at large for dealing with intermarriages?

The conversation around intermarriage in the Jewish community is important, and one that I know is near and dear to your heart. The Forward wants to hear from the Jewish community. If you have stories, anecdotes, or memories that you would like to share and have published in the Forward, please send them to Conversely, if you believe that accepting non-Jewish spouses is problematic for Jewish continuity, please tell us why - and share your stories, too.


(Name Withheld)
The Forward, Social Media Intern

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Let's start from the beginning, shall we?
A Conservative Rabbi... 
I'm just going to touch this one. It would take to long.... performing interfaith weddings, despite the Conservative movement's law against it.
About 18 years ago, I actually overheard a woman use the term "Conservative halakhah," halakhah being Torah Law. Most believe this to be an attempt to gain legitimacy as a Torah-based denomination of the religion known as Judaism. The reality is that this feeds the breaking down of a Jew's respect for Torah. Whereas the so-called "Reform Movement" originally rejected Torah sheb'al Peh (Oral Law), and later summarily decided -- according to Western feeling-based logic -- that halakhah was no longer binding, the Conservative Movement's strategy has been to encourage the belief that the Torah is as pliable as you want it to be. At least the Reconstructionists are intellectually honest, by applying the [ridiculous] rule that "The past has a vote, not a veto."

Is this statement by a Jewish Forward intern a mistake in composition? Or does the "Conservative Movement" really believe that its Committee on Laws and Standards really possess the same authority as the Sanhedrin (Highest Rabbinical Court)?

And by the way, the prohibition against intermarriage is Torah Law, not "Conservative Law,..." whatever that is anyway.
Does this signify a shift in the Jewish community at large for dealing with intermarriages?
Jewish community? How many of those members of "Conservative" communities are even Jewish? Sure, some of them are safeq (status in doubt). But, with all of those non-Jews duped into believing that they are Jewish, not to mention all those who went through this process just to get married.

But in this trend takes off, well there will be even less Jews identifying as "Conservative," because many of them will not actually be Jewish. That's for certain.

The "Conservative Movement" has already so the above announcement regarding "converting" students with Jewish fathers and non-Jewish mothers, who attend their schools. I still do not understand why. These children are not Jewish. End of discussion. How does giving these kids "conversions" helping anything, save for easing the Jewish father's guilt?

I know you're just "doin' your job." So,...

I wonder how many of them are even Jewish? Sure, some of them are safeq (status in doubt), but in this trend takes off, well there will be a lot less Jews identifying as "Conservative." That's for sure.

Let us not forget the non-kosher gittim (bills of divorcement), which are supervised by those who disqualified from doing so, and that is given the assumption that such individuals even bother to give a get. To clarify, if a proper divorce is not executed between a couple, they still considered married. If one of the couple "marries" another Jew without a proper divorce, any children resulting from the relationship are very likely to have the very problematic status of mamzer. Roughly translated as bastard, a mamzer is severely limited as to who he or she can marry according to halakhah. That's actually halakhah, and not the distorted, overly viable, and fake version some Jewish "leaders" are pushing.

The "Conservative Movement" isn't about the breaking down of a Jew's respect for Torah; it is about the breaking down of the Torah itself.

But, wait! The e-mail message continues...
The conversation around intermarriage in the Jewish community is important, and one that I know is near and dear to your heart. The Forward wants to hear from the Jewish community. If you have stories, anecdotes, or memories that you would like to share and have published in the Forward, please send them to
If the conclusion of paragraph were cut off, it wouldn't sound so bad, would it? In fact, it would be quite appropriate to ask for readers' opinions regarding a particular topic. Now read on...

Conversely, if you believe that accepting non-Jewish spouses is problematic for Jewish continuity, please tell us why - and share your stories, too.

Clearly this reveals the Jewish Forward's opinion on the matter, and it is not the "against" opinion either.

This publication may considered to be "progressive," but with messages such as the one above, it is helping to move the Jewish People in another direction, and that direction isn't forward. This is why I believe the Jewish Forward should actually be called the Jewish Backward instead.

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Since When are Car Rammings and Stabbings Exclusively ISIS Style?

י׳ לחודש השלישי תשע״ז London Bridge attack: Former law enforcement officials react
Brooke Singman, June 03, 2017

The London Bridge incident is being investigated as terrorism, and former U.S. law enforcement officials are not surprised.

Just two weeks after the deadly attack at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, the United Kingdom is responding to as many as three different incidents, including a van crashing into a crowd at the London Bridge and a series of stabbings reported at nearby Borough Market.

It appears to be ISIS related—this is the result of the West not recognizing that we are at war,” former member of the FBI National Joint Terrorism Task Force, Steve Rogers, told Fox News. “The United Kingdom Is learning that they must change their rules of engagement and their national policies regarding immigration.”

Former deputy secretary at the Department of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush, James Norton, told Fox News that this attack, reportedly occurring in multiple locations throughout London, is similar to that of the Paris attacks in November 2015.

“This is another ISIS style attack that we have seen in France, using vehicles as a weapon, as well as knives and other day to day items as weapons of terror,” Norton told Fox News. (cont.)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
My friend Destination Greenhill sent this link to me, and asked,...

"Why are they calling this an ISIS style attack?"

Excellent question.

The short answer I gave him was to choose from a list of possibilities....
A. They are idiots.

B. They ignore the news reports of car (and tractor) ramming and stabbing attacks on Jews in Israel by Arabs, both by those illegally occupying sections of the Jewish homeland, known as Yehduah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria), and those carrying Israeli citizenship.

C. They think that Arab attacks on Jews are not really attacks. After all, they are only Jews!

D. All of the above
Sure, the "they" making the ridiculous comment was only person. Nevertheless, the total neglect of identical attacks by calling them ISIS style is not not in the least bit surprising. I am positive that he is not the only one who has been processing world events in this manner.

Monday, June 05, 2017

Esau's Threat: Judeo-Christian Values Revisited

 י״ב לחודש השלישי תשע״ז

This was posted on Facebook:

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Judeo-Christian values? Really? You can read here to know what I think about so-called Judeo-Christian Values.

One commenter on this post even suggested that...


No. It's not. It's Torah against anti-Torah. And, yes, distorted Torah is anti-Torah. As the Ramba"m states:

 שלושה הן הכופרים בתורה: ... והאומר שהבורא החליף מצוה זו במצוה אחרת, וכבר בטלה תורה זו, אף על פי שהיא הייתה מעם ה', כגון הנוצריים וההגריים. כל אחד משלושה אלו כופר בתורה. (משנה תורה, הל׳ תשובה ג,יז)
Three [types] are the deniers of the Torah: ... And the one who says that the Creator replaced this commandment with a different commandment, and that this Torah was already nullified, even though it was from The Almighty, such as the Christians and the descendants of Hagar. Each of these three denies the Torah. (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Repentance 3:17)

Esau (the West - Malbi"m) are not our friends.

There isn't any quantitative difference in the threats/dangers between Esau and Yishmael (Arabs/Muslims), only qualitative. Esau's weapons and strategies (eg. smiles, money, lying, tricks) are simply different than those of Yishmael's. Esau's descendants are not our friends.

The Kiss of Esau

And Esau's kiss IS his bite. (Gerer Rebbe) Thus, the trickiness of Esau. He has many faces. Just as he adapted his strategies to conquer his brother Ya'aqov, Esau's spiritual descendants have adapted their strategies to conquer Ya'aqov's descendants.

Do not forget that one of the eventual goals of Esau is to take the Land of Israel which it believes is rightfully his (theirs). The Vatican is acquiring parts, as are the Greek and Russian Orthodox churches.

The Evangelicals, as well as those who have "evolved" beyond that have been sneaking into Israel left and right, with the goal of staying, attempting to blend in with "settler" appearing clothing, and by "volunteering" to work the Land.

There are even those of Esau's descendants who have invented a recent movement, fake Israelites (Christians calling themselves "Ephraimites"), as a way of getting a foothold on our Land.

These group all desperately attempt to separate themselves from the Vatican and the Orthodox. Even though they all worship the same false deity, and hold the same Christian mythological texts as divine. And they all have countless "right-wing, religious" Jews fooled, Jews who have been blinded by their co-dependent need receive love and existential validation from the outside.

The progressives want Israel too. In their case, they want Israel to be part of the secular, global community of humans, absent of nationalistic ties. But that's another story for another time.

The using of the phrase Judeo-Christian values is just another one of Esau's strategies to latch onto Ya'aqov (Israel).

However, the phrase also feeds the Jews' co-dependence desperate need for acceptance by the non-Jews, and a sense of belonging among them.

I remember there was a time when this called nothing less than assimilation.  So, the fact that most of these Jews cover their heads all of a sudden makes this acceptable? These Jews believe that they can "handle" the Christian theology thrown in their faces, because their emunah (faith) is so strong?

Christian missionizing is not the [only] issue.

They want our Land. And its Jews, knowingly or unknowingly, who are helping them to gain a foothold in Eretz Yisr'ael., counter to the halakha (Torah Law).
שנאמר "ולא תחונם" (דברים ז,ב), לא תיתן להן חניה בקרקע (משנה תורה, הל׳ עבודה זרה וחוקות הגויים י,א-ט)
...As it is said, "do not have mercy" (Deut. 7:2), do not allow them to gain space in the Land... (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Foreign Worship and Non-Jews 10:1-9)