Tuesday, July 26, 2016

בישראל חוזרים לחוף הים!/Israel Back to the Beach!

כ' לחודש הרביעי תשע״ו

ערב שבת הייתי בחוף הים הדתי בתל-אביב. המציל הודיע ברם קול לכל הנמצאים שנלכד מזודה מזן נדיר בדלי ומי שרוצה לבוא לראות את זה יבוא.

הצבע של המדוזה בתמונה מסולפת בגלל הצל. הצבע האמיתי שלה לבן בהיר.

עונת המדוזות מתקיימת עכשיו, לכן להזהר. אתם לא רוצים להיעקץ על ידי דבר כזה!

Erev Shabboth, I was at the separate (religious) beach in Tel-Aviv. The lifeguard made an announcement on the load speaker that they had a meduza (jellyfish) of a not so common species in a bucket, and that anyone wanted to come see, should come.

The meduza's color is distorted here, due to the shadow. It is actually a milky, translucent white.

It is meduza season now, so be careful. You do not want to get stung by one of these!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

כמה אנחנו שילמנו על השטות הזאת?/How Much did We Have to Pay for This?

מוצש״ק פר׳ פינחס תשע״ו

English follows the Hebrew. The video is in Hebrew with English subtitles.

כולנו כבר מכירים את השטר החדש של ₪200.

אבל כמה ממנו ראיתם את החוברת המציגה את השטר החדש של ₪200?(תראו למטה)

החוברת הזאת מודפסת על נייר כבד, עבה כמעט כמו בריסטול, בארבע שפות, ומאוטת באטיפה מרובדת.

אין שום ספק שהחוברת הזאת יקרה מאוד. למה אנחנו צריכים דבר כזה כל כך יקר? למה הממשלה לא עשתה משהו יותר זול מזה? של מי זה הרעיון הזה? הרעיון הזה של האישה שבחרה על המשוררים האשכנזים לשים על השטרות החדשים? האישה שאמרה שאין משוררים ספרדדים לבחור לשים על השטרות? ואסור לקרוא לאישה הזאת גזענית משני שנראה לי שעדיין אסור לקריא לאיש ממשלה שם כינוי לא יפה?

לראות את שאני כבר כתבתי על השטר ₪20 והשטר ₪50 (באנגלית) ללחוץ כאן.

יש ערך לכסף הפיאט הפלסטי הזה בכל מקרה?

ומי שילמו על הסיפוק של החוברת הזאת?

אנחנו שילמנו על על זאת.

All of us in Israel have already seen the new 200 sheqqel note.

However, how many of us have seen the pamphlet about the new 200 sheqqel note? (pictured above)

This pamphlet his printed on heavy paper, thick, almost like construction paper, and with a laminated cover, and in four languages.

No doubt that this is a very expensive pamphlet. Why do we need such an expensive thing? Why didn't the government make something much cheaper than this? I wonder whose idea this was.

Was it the idea of the same women who chose only Ashkenazi poets for the new bank notes? The one who said there weren't any Sepharadi poets to choose from? You know, the one we can call a racist, because calling a government official a name is apparently still a crime?

To read what I already wrote about the new 20 sheqqel and 50 sheqqel notes, click here.

Is this plastic currency really worth anything anyway?

But, I digress...

And who paid for this fancy, new pamphlet?

We did.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

האם שר נפתלי בנט פוסק הלכה? / Is Minister Naftali Bennett an Expert in Torah Law?

ט״ז לחודש הרביעי תשע״ו
English follows the Hebrew.

וגם הרב יגאל לוינשטיין ביקר את קהילת להט"ב שמנסה ללחוץ את צה״ל לקבל את השקפתה העולמית. ולדעתי, הוא צודק לעשות כך.
YNET: נפתלי בנט נגד הרב שכינה הומואים "סוטים"
שר החינוך יוצא נגד הרב יגאל לוינשטיין, ואומר כי "ההלכה לא נועדה להיות כלי מפלג ולא כלי שמסמן אנשים, זהויות או מגזרים. זו לא דרכנו". גם השר לביטחון פנים ארדן הזהיר מ"האמירות המסוכנות" לפני מצעד הגאווה בירושלים

מורן אזולאי, 18.07.16
"ההלכה נועדה לקבוע מה אסור ומה מותר", אמר בנט. "ההלכה לא נועדה להיות כלי מפלג ולא כלי שמסמן אנשים, זהויות או מגזרים. אי אפשר לכנות ציבור שלם בכינויי גנאי ולהסתתר מאחורי ההלכה. הדברים שנאמרו אינם מקובלים עליי. זו אינה דרכה של הציונות הדתית".
שר החינוך נפתלי בנט
Naftali Bennett, Minister of Education
שר בנט מדבר על התנועה הדתית הציונית של לא כל כך ציונית בכלל. והיחס שלה לתורה והלכה? נראה לי שההרגשות שלהם יותר חשובות להם מההלכה.

שר בנט, ההלכה כן נועדה להיות כלי מפלג וכן כלי שמסמן אנשים, זהויות ומגזרים, כמו שהרמב״ם מפרש לנו:

 ואלו שאין להן חלק לעולם הבא, אלא נכרתין ואובדין, ונידונין על גודל רשעם וחטאתם, לעולם ולעולמי עולמים: המינים, והאפיקורוסים, והכופרים בתורה, והכופרים בתחיית המתים, והכופרים בביאת הגואל, והמשומדים, ומחטיאי הרבים, והפורשים מדרכי ציבור, והעושה עבירות ביד רמה בפרהסיה כיהויקים, והמוסרים, ומטילי אימה על הציבור שלא לשם שמיים, ושופכי דמים, ובעלי לשון הרע, והמושך עורלתו. (הלכות תשובה ג,יד [ו])

נכון שזה לא עליי או על השר בנט להחליט למי יש דין זה או דין זה. אבל האנשים האלה כן קיימים.
בנט, שדיבר בכנסת, הוסיף: "אינני רב, ואינני מתיימר להיות גדול בתורה. אינני יכול לפרש הלכה. אך אני יהודי מאמין, שאוהב את התורה ומשתדל לחיות על פיה. אני גם שר החינוך של יותר משני מיליון תלמידות ותלמידים, ואני מנהיג תנועת הבית היהודי. ואת זאת אני יודע: המציאות והחיים מורכבים יותר ממה שאסור וממה שמותר. נכון, יש איסורי תורה מפורשים. אבל לא את כל מי שעובר על איסור תורה אנחנו מוציאים אל מחוץ למחנה. זו לא דרכנו".
תחכו! הוא אומר שהוא לא רב ולא מתיימר להיות גדול בתורה ולא יכול לפרש הלכה, אבל הוא כן מפרש לנו את ההלכה בכל מקרה!
"האם כל מחלל שבת מות יומת, כפי שכתוב בתורה?", תהה בנט, "האם במשך 2,000 השנים האחרונות הוציאו מישהו להורג כי הוא חילל שבת?" 
לא ולא. אבל לא נראה לי שהשר בנט מבין את העיקר (וזאת לא הפעם הראשונה). לדעתי, מחללי שבת לא ייהרגו היום מפני א. אין לשום בית הדין היום הרשות לדון דין מוות וב. הרבה או אפילו רוב מחללי שבת של היום הם לא מבינים בכלל איזה חמור חילול שבת. ואולי יש להם דין כתינוק שנשבה.

אני מקווה ששר בנט לא חושב שהכנסת עומדת במקום מלך ישראל ושבית המשפט העליון של מדינת ישראל הוא באותה הרמה של הסנהדרין. אבל, לצערינו, כנראה הוא כן חושב ככה ככל הממלכתים המבולבלים.

השר לביטחון פנים גלעד ארדן גם הביע את דעתו...
השר לביטחון פנים גלעד ארדן פרסם אף הוא דברים בגנות אמירות הרב לוינשטיין. "כשאני שומע התבטאויות של רבנים, התבטאויות שאין להן מקום ואסור שיישמעו, מעבר לצער שאני חש מעצם הדברים, אני חושב גם על מה שאני למדתי כשהייתי תלמיד בבית המדרש, על פיקוח נפש שדוחה אפילו שמירת שבת. על 'ונשמרתם מאוד לנפשותיכם'", נכתב בעמוד הפייסבוק שלו ברקע ההיערכות למצעד הגאווה בירושלים ביום חמישי.
שר לביטחון פנים גלעד ארדן, נראה לי שאתה שכחת את חלק ממשפטים אחד שאתה אמרת. ״...חוץ שפיכת דמים, עבודה זרה, וגילוי ערוות.*״ אבל, מה אני יודע? אני גם לא פוסק ההלכה, ואפילו לא רב.

*יש גאים שלא עוברים על משכב זכר.
YNET: Defense Ministry, Bennett condemn rabbi who called LGBT community ‘perverts'
'The Halacha is not meant to be used to divide us or single out people or groups,' says Education Minister Bennett as Defense Ministry director-general seeks clarifications from the pre-army preparatory yeshiva the rabbi heads.

Yoav Zitun, Kobi Nachshoni|, 18.07.16

The Defense Ministry, as well as Education Minister Naftali Bennett, on Monday harshly condemned comments made by a rabbi of a pre-army preparatory yeshiva who called LGBT persons "perverts."

Rabbi Yigal Levinstein, a central educational figure in the religious sector, also criticized the IDF for having permitted the LGBT persons to insert their worldview in the military system.
World view? Their agenda. And he is absolutely correct in doing so. Granted, in a State which claims that it is a democracy, they should be afforded the right to free speech, but then so should Rabbi Levinstein.

This is simply another example of the double standards which exist within the State of Israel.
…The ministry did not, however, responded (sic.) to questions regarding the measures it intends to take if the rabbi does not renege on his comments.

Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Bayit Yehudi) also criticized the rabbi's comments, saying "the Halacha (Jewish law) is meant to determine what is permitted and what is forbidden, it was not meant to serve as a tool to divide us or to single out people, identities or sectors. One cannot use derogatory terms against an entire public of people and then hide behind the Halacha. These comments are unacceptable in my opinion. This is not the way of the religious-Zionist movement.”
That’s because what Bennett refers to as the “religious zionist movement,” is neither religious nor even zionist.

The Torah most certainly does single out people, identities, and sectors, the Ramba"m explains.

The following individuals do not have a portion in the world to come. Rather, their [souls] are cut off and they are judged for their great wickedness and sins, forever: the Minim (such as the Jews who were the early Christians), the Epikoursim, those who deny the Torah, those who deny the resurrection of the dead and the coming of the [Messianic] redeemer, those who rebel [against God], those who cause the many to sin, those who separate themselves from the community, those who proudly commit sins in public as Jehoyakim did, those who betray Jews to gentile authorities, those who cast fear upon the people for reasons other than the service of God, murderers, slanderers, one who extends his foreskin [so as not to appear circumcised].
(Mishneh Torah, Hil. Teshuva 3:14 [6])

Of course, the identification of these particular people is neither for me nor Naftali Bennett to determine. Nevertheless, these people, identities, and sectors exist, and are singled out.
Bennett, who was speaking at the Knesset, added "I'm not a rabbi and I don't pretend to be a great Torah scholar. I cannot interpret the Halacha.
Wait for it! He is going to “interpret it anyway.
But I am a religious Jew who loves the Torah and tries to live according to its laws. I'm also the education minister for over 2 million students,...
May God help us!
...and I am the leader of the Bayit Yehudi movement. And this I know: Reality and life are far more complicated than what's forbidden and what's permitted. It's true, there are things the Torah specifically forbids. But not everyone who goes against the Torah gets kicked out of our midst. This isn't our way.
Actually, Minister Bennett, this is our way.
"Ought we to kill everyone who desecrates the Shabbat?" he wondered. "Has anyone been executed over the past 2000 years for desecrating the Shabbat?”
No and No. But, Bennett misses the point (not the first time). In my opinion, the death penalty would not be applied in most situations, not for a long time. First off, there is no halakhic body standing today which has such authority. I certainly hope that Bennett does not consider to the Knesseth and the Israeli Supreme Court to be such a body. But, unfortunately, like any “good,” confused and misguided, mamlakhti, he probably does.

Speaking of misguided…
Another rabbi, Elkanah Sherlo, said that in addition to condemning comments made against the LGBT community, he will also attend the Jerusalem Pride Parade on Thursday…
Rabbi Sherlo went onto to say…
"Fear dominates the religious, political and social world. Fear of gays and fear of Reformists and the fear of anyone who doesn't think or act like me. I don't want to live like that,"
Fear and other feelings are fear and other feelings. But, what do they have to do with halakhah (Torah Law)? Not much.
The "Beit Hillel" rabbis organization, that three months ago called for acceptance of all LGBTs, urged the public to participate in an event on "Tolerance and the Acceptance of the Other" held on Tuesday in Jerusalem in memory of Shira Banki, a 16-year-old who was murdered at the Pride Parade in the capital last year.
The key word here is “The Other,” harkening from the secular, Jewish philosopher Martin Buber. I believe this to be a hint to what could be next on its agenda, a push for the acceptance of non-Jewish “other” into Israeli society. Already, groups like Beit Hillel have pushed for what they call “conversion reform.” IDF “conversion light.” …essentially accepting non-Jews into the fold, so to speak.

What will be next on its agenda? Full acceptance of non-Jews as participants in the so-called "Jewish" Stae? What about co-owners of the Jewish Homeland?

The LGBTQ acceptance issue is only one of many issues being used to by the powers that be to divide communities of Torah-observant Jews.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Does it Matter what Rabbi Yigal Levinstein Says?

 י״ד לחודש הרביעי תשע״ו

This post was prompted by Tomer Devorah's The Rabid Dogs Have Been Turned Loose. Not only do I read everything she posts, but as you can see, her blog is one of the few I recommend on Esser Agaroth.

Let us set aside what Rabbi Levinstein's words for now, and take a glance at the bigger picture.

Whether Rabbi Yigal Levinstein was right, wrong, or right, but wrong about how he said what he said.any other percent right, or even more wrong than right, why aren't the free speech activists speaking out to protect his rights??

Oh, wait a minute. There isn't any free speech in Israel, unless, of course, your opinion fits in with the Erev Rav's anti-Torah agenda. I know that this may come as a shock to you ardent, Jewish democratists out there, but there just isn't any free speech in Israel. It is against Israeli law to call a government official a name. It is against the law to try to convince someone not to do IDF service. 'Nuff said.

Personally, I believe that Rabbi Shmu'el Eliyahu's words were a bit more balanced, yet also rooted in halakhah (Torah Law). Here are samples from his interview with Army Radio.
Arutz 7: 'I'm not going to apologize for the Torah'
Chief Rabbi of Tzfat defends Rabbi Yigal Levinstein over controversial comments labeling homosexuals 'deviants'.

Ido Ben Porat, 18/07/16

Rabbi Shmu'el Eliyahu
Chief Rabbi of Tzfath
...Rabbi Eliyahu emphasized that while he disagreed with the use of the term “deviants”, he defended Rabbi Levinstein’s right to do so...
“I don’t call gays ‘deviants’,” said Rabbi Eliyahu, “but its Rabbi Levinstein’s right to call them as he believes he should.”

Rabbi Eliyahu added that homosexuals should be shown love, not hatred.

“We embrace them with a great love.”

Distinguishing between the sexual act and people identifying as homosexuals, Rabbi Eliyahu noted the Torah’s condemnation of homosexuality as “an abomination”, but said that was not a reason to spew hatred homosexuals themselves.

“The Torah calls it an ‘abomination’, and I don’t intend to apologize for what’s written in the Torah. If God decided that, then he knows better than anyone else..."

...Nevertheless, he praised Rabbi Levinstein’s forthrightness and rejected attacks on his character....
Certainly, the approach of Rabbi Elkana Sherlo to march in the Jerusalem "Pride" Parade is completely misguided.

But, like I already alluded to, I believe this issue to be only one piece in a much greater puzzle.

Second, the fact that he teaches at THE MOST mamlakhti (diehard State loyalist) yeshivah ever, B'nei David, cannot be ignored. In 2005, Rabbi Eli Sedan, the founder of B'nei David's pre-IDF service "mechinah" program, was so hellbent on IDF soldiers adhering to orders to throw Jews out of their homes, and off of their land, that even the elder mamlakhti Rabbi Tzvi Tau had to call him to tone it down. So, there is definitely some Torah vs. State confusion to be wary of.

In fact, I am quite surprised that he was chosen as the powers' that be patsy he said something, which might be construed as going against the State's democratic deMOCKratic principles.

Likewise, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner has spoken out against coed classrooms and Jews dealing with Christians, more so than many other "Religious Zionist" rabbis. However, so much of anything else he says is... "challenging" to understand as to how it is based in halakhah (Torah Law).

Meanwhile, the ruling of Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu's ztz"l Beth HaDin (rabbinical court) against Rabbi Aviner, still remains ignored and gathering dust. Rabbi Eliyahu's Beth HaDin included which included Rabbi Avraham Shapira ztz"l Rabbi Dov Lior (Hevron-Qiriyath Arba) and Rabbi Ya'aqov Yosef ztz"l.

One one hand, rabbis getting some things right, and others way off, may be related to the "truth being spread out," during the generation of Mashi'ah Ben-David, no one possessing all of it, based on an explanation of the following suggiyah:
תלמוד בבלי, מסכת סנהדרין צז,א
תניא ר' יהודה אומר דור שבן דוד בא בו בית הוועד יהיה לזנות והגליל יחרב והגבלן יאשם ואנשי גבול יסובבו מעיר לעיר ולא יחוננו וחכמת הסופרים תסרח ויראי חטא ימאסו ופני הדור כפני כלב והאמת נעדרת שנאמר (ישעיהו נט,טו) ותהי האמת נעדרת וסר מרע משתולל
Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a
It was taught, Rabbi Yehudah said: In the generation when the son of David comes, the house of assembly will be for harlots, the Galilee will be in ruins, Gablan will lie desolate, the residents from the border towns will wander about from city to city, receiving no comfort (hospitality), the wisdom of scribes will be in disfavor, God-fearing men will be despised, people will be dog-faced, and the truth will be absent, as it is said, "And the truth is absent, and he who withdraws from evil makes himself prey." (Isaiah 59:15)
On the other hand, this might just be the latest issue in a long history of issues used by the powers that be to keep the religious world divided,...even above and beyond keeping religious Zionist and Haredi communities divided. IDF service, refusing IDF orders which violate the Torah, olive harvesting on unowned land are just a few, such issues of contention.

I, too, differentiate between the LGBTQ leadership and its agenda, and individuals. And, quite frankly, the individuals, blindly following the LGBTQ leadership and its agenda, are just pawns of the assimilationist, Left, whose aims have not changed since they left Egypt with us thousands of years ago: Destruction of Am Yisra'el from within.

And that, readers is the greater issue, from which the news media works to distract us.

Monday, July 18, 2016

מונעים פיגועי טרור בישראל באמת?/Is Israel Really Preventing Terrorist Attacks?

י״ב לחודש הרביעי תשע״ו
English follows the Hebrew.
מאבטחי הרכבת הקלה בירושלים הצליחו למנוע פיגוע גדול כאשר תפסו מחבל פלסטיני בן 20 עם תיק ובו כמה מטעני צינור. הצעיר עורר את חשדם, והם תשאלו אותו ובמקביל הזעיקו את המשטרה. פעילות הרכבת הופסקה למשך שעה. תיעוד: כך עצרו המאבטחים את המחבל

רועי ינובסקי 17.07.16
...פיגוע גדול נמנע ברכבת הקלה בירושלים: מחבל פלסטיני בן 20 מהשטחים התכוון לפוצץ הבוקר (יום א') כמה מטעני צינור ברכבת הקלה ברחוב המלך ג'ורג'. הוא נעצר בידי מאבטחים שחשדו בו, ולאחר תשאול - הבינו שבתיקו של המחבל יש מטענים. הם הזעיקו את המשטרה, והוא נלקח לחקירה.
עשר אגורות (2¢):
אז למה אנחנו ממשיכים לתת לערבים האלה לעבור הגבול (שהממשלה מתעקשת שהקו הזה לא יהיה גבול בינינו למדינה ״פליסטינית״ חדשה)?

חיזמה - מעבר (מחסום), ירושלים
Hizmah Crossing (Checkpoint), Jerusalem
כנראה להצדיק את תכנית ההתנתקות הבאה של הממשלה.

למה ממשיכים לתת לכל הערבים לעלות לרכבת הקלה, או אפילו האוטובוסים?

מפני שדבר כזה הוא ״גזעני,״ ונראה שממשלת ישראל מעדיפה לסכן את נשמות היהודים מלתת לגוים לקרוא למדינת ישראל מדינה ״גזענית״ או מדינה של אפרטייד. אפילו שהם כבר קוראים למדינת ישראל גזענית ושל אפרטייד, אין לממשלה שום דבר להפוך את זה.

ראש העיר ירושלים ני ברקת הודה לשומרי הבוחון של הרכבת הקלה. אבל הוא גם דוקא אמר להם ״ירושלים עושה טיפ כובע להם.״ והוא ביטוי ניב של הגוים.

יהודים לא עושים דבר כזה, אלא משאירים את כובעים שלנו על ראשינו.

וידיאו ע״י אליק מאור: המחבל שוכב על גבו עם חולצה לבנה
Video by Alik Maor: The terrorist is lying on his back in the white shirt

YNET: Terror attack thwarted, bombs found in downtown Jerusalem
Light rail security guards approached a man who aroused their suspicions; After speaking to the man, he claimed that he had a bomb in his bag; Sappers defused the bombs; The light rail is now running normally.

Royi Yanovsky, Staff, 17.07.16

...The suspect is in his 20s and is a resident of the West Bank. He revealed that he planned to set off several pipe bombs on the light rail following an investigation.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
So, why do we keep letting these Arabs through the non-border crossing, border crossing?

Probably to justify further the impending re-drawing of borders by the Israeli Government.

Why do we keep letting any Arabs on the train, or for that matter the bus?

Because that would be "racist" and apartheid-like, and the Israeli Government apparently would rather risk the lives of Jews, than risk being labeled a "racist" country. Even though it already has been anyway, and there is not a darn think the government can do about it.
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barakat thanked the security guards with a special meeting at the Mayors office. He said "We heard the story, and we're very impressed. Both due to the fact that you knew how to look for things which were out of the ordinary, that you managed to see the terrorist, and that you understood that he was suspicious. You saved a lot of lives today."
On the surface, this makes sense. Any other mayor around the world would do the same. But, to top it off...
He continued, saying "Jerusalem tips its hat to you both, and I wanted to invite you both to my office to personally thank you and to hold you both up as examples for the citizens of Jerusalem. Congratulations." 
Tips its hat? That's a goyshe expression.

Jews do not tip their hats. We keep our hats on.

Friday, July 15, 2016

French Jews, It's Getting Worse.

ערב שבת קודש פר׳ בלק תשע״ו
Fox News: At least 84 dead, several seriously hurt in Bastille Day terror attack in France
July 15, 2016

BREAKING NEWS – At least 84 people were killed and several others were seriously injured Thursday when a suspected terrorist drove a large truck into a crowd that had gathered for a Bastille Day fireworks display in the southern French city of Nice.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but two sources, including a U.S. counterterrorism source who collects and monitors jihadist social media, told Fox News that accounts linked to ISIS were “celebratory” and their followers were told to use the hashtag “Nice.” (cont.)
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Seriously? Celebratory accounts? Where the heck have these "counter-terrorism sources" been? With their heads in a whole in the ground?

ALL Arab terrorist organizations celebrate, anytime a step is taken toward world domination. Don't worry. The Wahabis and Shi'ites will work out their own conflicts later, assuming that they can hold it in that long.

Of course, the alternative is that these "sources" are not the complete dolts they come off as, and know a heck of a lot more than they let on.

Whenever Palestinian Pseudostinian Arabs celebrate attacks on The West, only bits and pieces of reports filter through the Western news media, and are soon forgotten, while in Arabic, which The West apparently still cannot seem to figure out as well as anyone on Facebook using Google Translator, terrorist groups, their fans, and their "celebratory" accounts are abound.

Here is an interactive map of terrorist attacks in Europe by Graphiq. Pass your mouse over the marked areas to see the details of each attack.

Slowly, the French seem to be getting it, albeit too little, too late. It has even been circulating that nationalist Marine Le Pen becoming the next president is not as farfetched as people used to think.

But, French Jews? Well, aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel) has increased dramatically in recent years, Baruch HaShem. However, those listening to the Chief Rabbi of France, as well as those stuck in the delusions and multiculturalism of the Reform Movement. And, just to be clear, that is non-Jewish multiculturalism. If it was Jewish multiculturalism, I might even be one of its cheerleaders.

Those with parents and grandparents from North Africa, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, who grew up hearing first-hand accounts of Arab brutality are well represented within those making it to Israel. French friends in Israel tell of even secular relatives considering aliyah.

But, how many more colored dots must be added before ALL French Jews finally get the message??

Don't forget the increase in security clamp downs which will invariably become more frequent, as the terror attacks continue to increase.

Oh, yeah, and as per usual, Jews are getting blamed for the attack,...carried out by a Tunisian French national. Go figure.

Did you save your French Tri-Color filtered profile that you made the last time their was a terrorist attack in France, to show your solidarity with the French people?

How many, French, German, British, and Americans do the same whenever there is a terror attack in Israel?

Of course, I am not counting the Christians who want to be our friends,...and then take our Land, then later on, our souls.

I am also not counting the terror attacks, which the Israeli Government determines to be criminal, instead of nationalistically motivated.

But, I digress...

The bottom line is that the Land of Israel is the only homeland of the Jewish People, the only place on earth in which Jews should investment their money, energy, and their very lives.

Don't think the Israeli Government is doing enough to protect its own citizens?

Don't think it is doing enough to promote what you believe to be important in a Jewish Homeland?

Then put your money where your mouth is, pack your bags, and get on a plane!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

כמה יהודים שווים יותר מאחרים / Some Jews are Worth More than Others

ח׳ לחודש הרביעי תשע״ו
פעילי שמאל קיצוני רעולי פנים, תקפו בגז מדמיע, תהלוכת תמיכה באלאור עזריה • ד"ר מיכאל בן ארי נפצע קל אלי שלזינגר

יום רביעי ז' תמוז תשע"ו 13/07/2016
במהלך שעות הערב (ד), התקיימה תהלוכת תמיכה בחייל צה"ל אלאור עזריה, בה לקחו חלק כמה עשרות בני נוער. התהלוכה צעדה מכיכר הבימה לכיוון קריית הממשלה בתל אביב.

בקרבת קריית הממשלה הופתעו משתתפי התהלוכה, על ידי חמישה חשודים שהסתירו את פניהם, כאשר אחד מהם התיז לעבר הצועדים גז מדמיע. החשודים נעצרו על ידי המשטרה.

במהלך התקיפה נפצעו מספר צעירים, בינהים ד"ר מיכאל בן ארי, שפונה יחד עם פצועים נוספים לבית חולים איכילוב. (המשך)
עשר אגורות (2¢):
בוא נראה מה יקרה לשמאלנים האלה.

כנראה... כלום. 

 כמה יהודים שווים יותר מאחרים ב"דמוקרטיה" הזאת.

B'Hadrei Haredim: Leftists injured Ben Ari: "Where the ISA?"
Masked Leftist extremist activists, attacked the procession in support of Elor Azaria with tear gas • Dr. Michael Ben-Ari was lightly wounded

Eli Schlesinger, 7 Tammuz 5776 13/ 07/2016

On Wednesday evening, a procession in support of IDF soldier Elor Azaria took place, in which dozens of youths took part. The procession marched from HaBima Square toward a government complex in Tel Aviv.

While approaching the government complex the march participants were surprised by five, masked suspects, one of whom sprayed tear gas at the marchers. The suspects were arrested by police.

During the attack several youths were wounded. Also wounded was [former MK] Dr. Michael Ben-Ari, who was evacuated to Ichilov Hospital, along with others who were wounded. (cont.)
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Let's see what happens to these Leftists.

Probably nothing.

Some Jews are worth more that others in this so-called "democracy."

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Britain's New Prime Minister, Brexit, and Scottish Independence

ח׳ לחודש הרביעי תשע״ו

After the recent Brexit referendum, in which the majority of the British public expressed the opinion to leave the European Union [EU], the sitting Prime Minister of the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" [UK],

"Great Britain" is made up of England, Scotland, and Wales. Scotland has already held one referendum for independence from the UK. It has been theorized that its majority "NO" vote on Brexit may be used to initiate another referendum on Scottish independence.

Of course, speculation has also been made as whether the Brexit referendum will be acted on in the first place.

The newly sworn-in Prime Minister Theresa May appears to answer these questions, or at least relays her objections regarding these questions, as of today.

Prime Minister May made a point of reminding, if not educating, the British People as to the full title of the current government's ruling party
"...the full title of my party is the Conservative and Unionist Party. And that word 'unionist' is very important to me. It means we believe in The Union,...the precious, precious bond between England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland." (00:50)
She later addressed the next question.
"Following the Referendum, we face a time of great national change. And I know, because we're Great Britain, that we will rise to the challenge. As we leave the European Union, we will forge, forge a bold, new, positive, role for ourselves in the world. And we will make Britain a country that works not for a privileged few, but for everyone of us. That will be the mission of the government I lead. And together, we will build a better Britain. (03:45)
Only time will tell if Scotland remains according to the Prime Minister's apparent wishes, and if the UK does, indeed, leave the EU.

Just one more thing, if the Scottish people believe that they can be be independent, by leaving the UK, and remaining in the EU (or returning to it, as the case may be), then the wool has truly been successfully pulled over their eyes.

I believe that either way, the powers that be have seen this coming, and will use nationalism against itself, Scottish, British, Catalonian, what have you.