Friday, May 31, 2013

It's Broken Record Time: The Jewish Home Party

ערב שבת קודש פר' שלח תשע"ג

ח"כ איילת שקד (הבית היהודי):
״אנחנו בקשר טוב עם חברי הכנסת הערביים, חלקם חברי כנסת מצוינים, צריך להשקיע בתשתיות שלהם!״ 

(מתוך ראיון בערוץ 99, ערוץ הכנסת)
MK Ayelet Shaked (Jewish Home Party):

"We are in good touch with Arab Members of K'nesseth, some of whom are excellent Members of K'nesseth, we need to invest in their infrastructure!"

(from an interview on Channel 99 - the K'nesseth Channel)
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
"In good touch?" ...with the Yishma'elites (Arabs), who want our Land, our birthright, and our blood??

Well, at least no one can accuse the Jewish Home Party, formerly known as the National Religious Party (What a joke!), of being right-wing extremists nor religious fanatics.

Seriously, though, more and more I feel that I should change the name of this site from Esser Agaroth (2¢) to Taqlit Shavur (Broken Record).]

Jewish Home Party Head Naftali Bennett wants to give Israeli citizenship to 1,000 Arabs living in those minimal parts of Yehudah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria), which he wants to annex.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Netanyahu implements a building freeze in Yehudah and Samaria, and what does Bennett do? He just sits there.

Naftali Bennett either does not understand that Eretz Yisra'el (the Land of Israel) is neither hi, nor Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's, nor Shimon Peres's to carve up and throw to hostile Jew-haters OR to anyone else for that matter.

Yet, the parts of Yehudah and Shomron he does not intend that we should annex, he recommends granting autonomy to those Arabs currently residing there.

In other words, Bennett is sneakily giving away parts of our "Home," our only true "Jewish Home," to those who would wipe us out in a heartbeat.

Perhaps the National Religious Party thought that it could change its name, in order to cover its blatant lack of connection to Torah. Anyone calling himself or itself "religious" must have a connection to Torah, no?

One would think.

Changing the party's name to "Jewish Home Party" may reflect the reality that many people considering themselves as living in Jewish homes, are not so Torah observant as they would like to be. Perhaps, the party heads at the time thought that no one would notice.

Well, some of us did,...a long time ago.

Minister of Religious Affairs apparently losing his religion.
Bennett, in his role as Minister of Religious Affairs (eyes rolling) wants to step in to save the day regarding the supposed "conflict" surrounding the so-called Women of the Wall, whom I prefer to call something else, something much more accurate.

Save what? The Torah? Or democracy?

Sorry, Minister Bennett, but should know that you cannot have both, "should" being the operative word in this sentence.

And so, in conclusion, I state for the umteenth time, but probably not the last...

The Jewish Home Party is neither Jewish nor a Home.

Discuss among yourselves.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Jewish Take on Adam Levine's "I hate this country"

כ"א לחוגש הרביעי תשע"ג

Adam Levine Caught Saying 'I Hate This Country' During 'The Voice' Results Show

The Huffington Post | By Jaimie Etkin | 05/29/2013

Adam Levine saw two of his remaining three contestants go home last night on "The Voice" and the longtime coach clearly wasn't happy about how America voted during the Top 8 results show.

After his team member Amber Carrington made it through to next week, it came down to Holly Tucker from Blake Shelton's team and Judith Hill and Sarah Simmons from Levine's for the final spot in the Top 6. With the coach knowing at least one of his remaining two ladies was going home, the tensions were clearly running high for Levine.

At the 1:14 mark in the video...from the Tuesday, May 28 results show, you can hear Levine's mic pick up: "I hate this country," as Mashable was the first to report.

Seconds later, Holly moved on and both Judith and Sarah were eliminated.

Though longtime fans of "The Voice," which is now in its fourth season, know the coach's sense of humor, Levine's "I hate this country" comment angered viewers, who tweeted their shock and disgust en masse, noting that the remark was particularly offensive in the wake of the Oklahoma and Boston tragedies and the day after Memorial Day.

Levine defended himself on Twitter (See May 29 tweets)...

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
OK. So, you're all thinking, "Who the hell cares?"

My sentiments exactly,...with a few exceptions.

1. Adam Levine's claim that he was just joking around aside, if he were Jewish, then I would say the following:
"You've almost got it right. That country is filled with decendants of Esau, and they hate you. You belong in the ONLY country you can truly call your own: Israel."
However, I find it unclear as to whether Adam Levine is Jewish, or not. It does not appear that we have enough information to make such a determination.

From Levine's Wikipedia page:
Levine has Jewish heritage on both sides of his family (his father and maternal grandfather were Jewish) and considers himself Jewish, though, according to The Jewish Chronicle, who interviewed him, he "has rejected formal religious practice for a more generalized, spiritual way of life". He chose not to have a Bar Mitzvah as a child, explaining: "I felt as though a lot of kids were trying to cash in. They were trying to make a bunch of money, and that's fine. I just don't think it's the most respectful way to deal with God and beliefs and years and years and years of cultural heritage.
2. Adam, you are certainly welcome to find our more about what Judaism really is. It certainly not about "cashing in." Let me know, if you would like any resources, resources unafraid to answer your difficult questions. I would imagine that you have more than a few.

3. This piece is another opportunity to remind my fellow Jews that Bar Mitzvah is neither an object to be had, as mentioned in Wikipedia, nor is it a verb, for crying out out loud. The offensive grammar is marked in red.

From Levine's Jewish Virtual Library page:
Though he has Jewish ancestry on both sides of his family and considers himself Jewish, Levine rejects formal religious practice and chose not to be Bar Mitzvah-ed as a child.
It seems as though the author of this page felt the need to "correct" Wikipedia. Oy!

On one hand, English grammar is hardly one of the most important issues facing English-speaking Jews today. However, if Jews can obtain high marks in grammar in prestigious universities, and yet not have a clue that a bar-mitzvah is simply a boy who has attained the age of 13 years, having been called to the Torah or having marked the experience in any other way shape or form, or not, it is truly indicative of just how far away Jews in galuth (exile) have moved away from their heritage and obligations.

And, I do not even have say just how far away from the Jewish Homeland Jews in galuth have become, not just physically, but also spiritually, albeit the two go closely hand in hand.

OK, I'll say it anyway.

The Jewish People in galuth have moved far away from Israel, very far indeed. I can only hope that they haven't moved so far away, that it has become too late for them to turn around, and swim back in the correct direction.

We can see that even though "The Industry," the entertainment industry to laypeople, does not have too much to offer us, once in a while, some wisdom can be yanked out of it.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Israel's Not-So-New Golden Calf?

ערב שבת קודש פר' נשא תשע"ג

Jews recently celebrated Shavu'oth, the anniversary of our acceptance of the Torah at Mt. Sinai.

Yet, what happened only 40 days after that?

שמות לב
ז וַיְדַבֵּר יְהוָה, אֶל-מֹשֶׁה:  לֶךְ-רֵד--כִּי שִׁחֵת עַמְּךָ, אֲשֶׁר הֶעֱלֵיתָ מֵאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם. ח סָרוּ מַהֵר, מִן-הַדֶּרֶךְ אֲשֶׁר צִוִּיתִם--עָשׂוּ לָהֶם, עֵגֶל מַסֵּכָה; וַיִּשְׁתַּחֲווּ-לוֹ, וַיִּזְבְּחוּ-לוֹ, וַיֹּאמְרוּ, אֵלֶּה אֱלֹהֶיךָ יִשְׂרָאֵל אֲשֶׁר הֶעֱלוּךָ מֵאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם. ט וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה, אֶל-מֹשֶׁה:  רָאִיתִי אֶת-הָעָם הַזֶּה, וְהִנֵּה עַם-קְשֵׁה-עֹרֶף הוּא. י וְעַתָּה הַנִּיחָה לִּי, וְיִחַר-אַפִּי בָהֶם וַאֲכַלֵּם; וְאֶעֱשֶׂה אוֹתְךָ, לְגוֹי גָּדוֹל. יא  וַיְחַל מֹשֶׁה, אֶת-פְּנֵי יְהוָה אֱלֹהָיו; וַיֹּאמֶר, לָמָה יְהוָה יֶחֱרֶה אַפְּךָ בְּעַמֶּךָ, אֲשֶׁר הוֹצֵאתָ מֵאֶרֶץ מִצְרַיִם, בְּכֹחַ גָּדוֹל וּבְיָד חֲזָקָה.

Exodus 32
7 And the Lord spoke unto Moses: 'Go, get yourself down; for your people, that you brought up out of the land of Egypt, have dealt corruptly; 8 they have turned aside quickly from the way I commanded them; they have made themselves a molten calf, and have worshiped it, and have sacrificed to it, and have said: This is thy god, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.' 9 And the Lord said to Moses: 'I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiff-necked people. 10 Now therefore let Me alone, that My wrath may wax hot against them, and that I consume them; and I will make a great nation from you.'

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
We made the golden calf. We attributed our salvation from galuth (exile) to it. God then became very angry,... needless to say.

There is a mahloqeth leShem Shamayim (disagreement for the sake of Heaven) between Rav Paloni and Rav Almoni. Their names are kept anonymous, as I do not have either rav's permission to publicize his name.

The mahloqeth is this:

Rav Paloni says that the mamlahtiyuth (undying State loyalty) of Religious Jews is avodah zarah ka'egel hazahav (forbidden worship like that of the golden calf)

Rav Almoni, who makes a point of saying that he likes Rav Paloni, says that no, it is not literally avodah zarah, but rather fascism, in the sense that the centrality of HaShem, The Almighty, has been replaced by the the centrality of the State.

It is important to note that both of these rabbanim believe in the current obligation for Jewish sovereignty to be obtained and maintained over the Land of Israel.

My friend Ariel Ben-Yochanan of The Torah Revolution, who will no doubt love the doctored image below, is an Italian speaker, and has said that Rav Almoni's definition of fascism is incorrect,...albeit the mamlakhti focus on The Almighty has been usurped by the State, or at best, confused with the State.

Let's take a look at some of the prominent dancers in the (only proverbial, of course) dance around the Golden Calf of the State of Israel.

Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) thinks he is a "nationalist," yet he is really nothing more than Prime Minister Netanyahu's lap....

Rabbi Chaim Drukman, leading Religious Zionist rabbi, was called on the carpet for conversion shenanigans by the Tel-Aviv Dayan Rabbi Avraham Sherman. Whereas the dispute should have been settled in rabbinical courts; it was not. The Israeli Supreme Court ruled on the matter, a matter over which it has neither qualification nor authority to determine. Yet, Rabbi Drukman did not seem to mind when he was exonerated. Regardless of Rabbi Drukman's guilt or innocence, he bowed to the State's authority regarding a halakhic (Jewish Legal) matter, an action very disturbing for a rabbi, and a dangerous precedent. But, of course, that is why he is picture here, dancing around the State.

Rabbi Minister Shai Piron (Yesh Atid) is the current Minister of Education, or as I prefer to call the position, the Minister of Re-Education.

MK Uri Orbach (Jewish Home), noted radio personality and stand-up comic has been quoted as saying that he moved out of Jerusalem long ago because it "was becoming too Haredi." He is a prominent member of the Mustache Brigade.

Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, the co-Chief Rabbi of Beth El and Rosh Yeshivath Atereth HaKohanim in Jerusalem's Old City. The list of his shenanigans is to long to post here in its entirety. Here are some of the highlights:

1. Accepting upon himself the authority of Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu's ztz"l beth din, investigating his alleged shenanigans while making rulings on tohorath mishpahah (family purity), in his own hand (see below), he chose not even to show up to the hearings he was called to attend.

2. This same beth din ordered Rabbi Aviner to refrain from ruling on tohorath hamishpahah, again demonstrating acceptance of the beth din's authority. After six months of refraining, he started up again anyway. Then the mamlakhti (undying State loyalist) publicity machine rolled out to defend him and to condemn anyone who went up against him. Two rabbis from the original beth din plus one more, and with the agreement of yet two more Jerusalem dayanim (rabbinical judges) then ruled that because Rabbi Aviner "...maliciously teaches the transgression of prohibitions, punishable by excommunication," one may not ask him questions, nor receive instruction, nor read his books nor articles regarding ANY manner.

Of course, even though this has all been documented in black and white, mamlakhti drones cry "lies!" and refuse to acknowledge the facts. After all, their belovèd Rabbi Aviner is so popular.

Left: "A Student and his Rabbi," Right: Aviner expulsion photo op.
Far Right: Mrs. Aviner's hand-she was also wearing an orange "rav" vest. Hmm...
2. Rabbi Aviner participated in the expulsion of Jews from the homes and lands in Azza (Gaza).
Meanwhile,  non-Mamkakhti rabbis, Rabbi Dov Lior (Hevron-Qiriyath Arba) and Rabbi Zalman Melamed (Beth-El) were barricaded in a K'far Darom synagogue, fighting for Eretz Yisra'el, while watching over our youth, who were doing the same. These rabbis were the Yehoshu'a and Kalev of the day. The other "rabbis?" Well, can figure that one out on your own. Jewish heroes defending our (only true) Homeland, and fighting the expulsion, were accused of being "provocateurs" of the Shabba"k (General Security Service), and otherwise demonized.

3. Speaking of the Shabba"k, Rabbi Aviner has praised its so-called "Jewish Department," which has been known to be referred to by ideological settlers as the Israeli secret police. I mean, seriously.

Need I say more about Rabbi Aviner's respective relationships to the State and to the Torah? At the very least, they are confused, just like most of the other dancing celebrants pictured above.

Now, I suppose it is time to move on to those additional dancers....

Rabbi Dr. Daniel Hershkovits, the former head of the Jewish Home Party, who lost the leadership to Naftali Bennett, another prominent (ie. confused) member of the Mustache Brigade.

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, Rosh Yeshivath Hesder Petah Tiqwah wants to encourage acceptance of the so-called "movements" of Judaism, including Reformism.

MK Elazar Stern (HaT'nu'ah), freshman MK and retired IDF General, Head of Personnel, recently earned the distinction of an Esser Agaroth (2¢) label, due to his extensive history of shenanigans.

Gen. Ya'ir Naveh, who was in command of the IDF in the Shomron (Samaria). According to some, his shenanigans have included expulsion of Jews, pogrom, incitement, and silent expulsion. An elaboration of these is found in a translation of Lev Yehudi's poster in Hebrew from 2007.

Rabbi Eli Sadan Rosh Yeshivath B'nei David in Eli which boasts more graduates to become officers in the IDF, than from any other religious educational institution, told his students that they may not violate any order from their IDF commanders. His stance was so extreme that it is said the Rabbi Tzvi Tau, Rosh Yeshivah of the Mamlakhti flagship Yeshivath Har HaMor had to call him to tone it down.

Rabbi Gen. Yisra'el Weiss (Ret.), former Chief IDF Rabbi, was completely silent on various issues such as the consequences of integrating women into previously all-male combat units, the sacrifice of soldiers safety for the sake of protecting "innocent Arab civilians," and, or course, the Israeli government's mesirah (handing over) of Jewish lands and other property. His shenanigans were exposed by Rabbi Elitzur HaLevi Sega"l of Ofra, in תשס"ה/2005. Rabbi Sega"l was recently convicted of making "anti-disengagement statements." "Disengagement" is the euphemism the Israeli government still insists on using to refer to the expulsion of almost 10,000 Jews from their lands in Azza (Gaza). In other words, Rabbi Sega"l was convicted for exercising his freedom of speech, and chose to do so, even though he knew that such a thing does not really exist in Israel. Rabbi Gen. Yisra'el Weiss expressed regret over his actions (or lack thereof) during the "disengagement."

Additional, "stars" of the State of Israel cheer leading squad include Sha'ul Yahalom, former National Religious Party MK, who stated in an interview that if the K'nesseth became filled with Arabs, and the majority voted to remove the Jewish nature of the State of Israel, such a vote would have to be honored. Why? Because of democracy. Thank goodness he is a FORMER MK.

Rabbi Shlomo Riskin of Eftrathah known for an infamous video in which he referred to the Christian false deity as "Rabbi." Anyone ever notice that the Orthodox Union is no longer a sponsor of Rabbi Riskin's annual Shabbos Shuvah and Shabbos HaGadol drashas?

Aharon Binah (Sorry. I just can't bring myself to call this one "rabbi.") Rosh Yeshivath Netiv Aryeh in the Old City of Jerusalem. By the way, has anyone ever asked the Rosh Yeshivah who actually owns that property? Aharon Binah is, of course, known for his purchase of a full-page ad praising Gen. Ya'ir Naveh, who was already mentioned above.

These three stars have not been included because they actually quite irrelevant where undying State-loyalism is concerned, albeit their egos undoubtedly tell them otherwise.

Back to that mahloqeth, I still have difficulties deciding. So, you can help me out here.

Do you think that the rabbis and politicians pictured up top dancing around the Golden Calf (for metaphorical and demonstrative purposes only) are they dabblers in avodah zarah, supporters of a fascist regime, or just super-duper naive?

Are there any other options?

Now, with the upcoming "elections" for Israel's Chief Rabbis, who do you think we will end up with, Torah based rabbis or State focused rabbis?

Anyone who still thinks that we can have both is extremely naive, and extremely wrong.

Haveil Havalim's New Format, and New Edition #407!

ערב שבת קודש פר' בהעלתך תשע"ג

The Haveil Havalim Jewish and Israel-oriented Blog Carnival has moved to a new, monthly format. So, every month around the full moon, watch for the latest edition. That's easy with a Hebrew calendar. Look for it around the 15th of the month.

This week's edition, #407, is hosted by Yocheved Golani at It's My Crisis, and I'll Cry if I Need To. the theme of this edition is "Celebrating Spiritual and Natural Beauty."

This blog will be hosting Edition #408 on Sunday, 15 of the Fourth Month (Tammuz)/June 23. You may already start sending in your submissions for this edition, to Please only send not more than three of your own. We also encourage you to send in submissions from other bloggers. Perhaps your favorite blogger has never had any posts included in Haveil Havalim. So, please take the opportunity to remedy this, by pointing out new, and not-so-new, promising Jewish and Israel-oriented bloggers. When submitting, please put "HH" in the subject heading.

Ruti Mizrachi at Ki Yachol Nuchal! will be hosting Edition #409, to be published on Monday, 15 of the Fifth Month (Menahem Av)/July 22. Start sending her your submissions in another month, to And, don't forget to put "HH" in the subject heading.

If you would like to host, or just connect with other Jewish and Israel-oriented bloggers, please join our Facebook Group. The group is now open to commenters and fans, as well as bloggers!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Jerusalem's Social Event of the Season Makes International News!

י"ד לחודש השלישי תשע"ג

And, who said that Hassidim were not fashionable??!!

Even though my invitation must have been lost in the mail, I do still feel a bit snubbed.

Why wasn't my invitation just hand-delivered?

Yahoo: Incredible Photos from the Wedding with 25,000 Guests

Lylah M. Alphonse, Senior Editor, Yahoo! Shine, May 23, 2013

When 18-year-old Shalom Rokeach married 19-year-old Hannah Batya Penet in Israel on Tuesday, it was more than just a lavish wedding —it was the launch of a new era. The groom is the future leader of the revered Belz Rebbe, a Hasidic Jewish sect that began in Poland in the early 1800s. More than 25,000 guests attended the hours-long ceremony, which was filled with traditional significance and lasted until dawn the next day. On Wednesday, photos of the massive event in Jerusalem were published internationally. Here are some of the incredible highlights....

18 year old Shalom, the sole grandson of the Belzer Rav
wearing the traditional crown of a hassan.
(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Not only was Yahoo's Alphonse mostly accurate regarding on the traditions involved in a Jewish tradition, she also seemed positive and upbeat, as this was, after all, a happy occasion.

No doubt, many left-wing news sources would have been critical of the lavish expense, while many Haredim do not work. They, of course, would neglect to note that many Hassidim, in face, do work, in addition to learning Torah. They also would have commented on how oppressive to women such "primitive" cultures are.

But not Alphonse,...

The Hassan and Kallah (groom and bride)
(Photo Credit: Getty Images)
For example, regarding the tradition of veiling, she wrote:
"The veil also has modern significance: If the groom places it over her face himself, then it symbolizes the fact that he values her for more than just her beauty. It also allows the bride to avoid curious stares from guests during the wedding ceremony."

In fact, she also makes allusions to the royalty-like atmosphere surrounding Hassidic dynasties.

The United Kingdom has Prince William and Kate Middleton.

But, we have Shalom and Hayah Basyah!

And, this truly WAS Jerusalem's social event of the season.

Mazal Tov!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sean Penn To The Rescue

י"ד לחודש השלישי תשע"ג

Noted actor, director, and writer has done a lot of crazy, liberal stuff in his day, including his visit to Iraq, his defense of the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. The list is just too long to post here.

Most of us first became familiar with Penn through his notable performance in the 1982 film "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," playing a stereotypical Southern Californian teenager, forcing those of us who were growing up in Southern California at the time to ask ourselves, "Do we really act that way?"

The answer for most of us was, "Yeah, but who cares?"

Sean Penn and Sean Penn as Jeff Spicoli
in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"
The movie was supposedly based on Claremont High School in San Diego, although many claim the film was based on their high schools.

But, now it seems that he has set his antics aside, both on and off stage, and put his "social activism" to work, for the sake of a religious Jew, Jacob Ostreicher, who has been imprisoned in Bolivia for almost two years.
Times Of Israel: Sean Penn lobbies for haredi man imprisoned in Bolivia
Actor suggests putting pressure on sponsors of money-making Dakar Rally to reroute race until Jacob Ostreicher freed 

May 22, 2013

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Actor Sean Penn urged a congressional hearing to pressure Bolivia to release a haredi Orthodox father of five under house arrest in the country. 

Penn appeared Monday at a hearing on the case of Jacob Ostreicher of Brooklyn, who has been held nearly two years in Bolivia on accusations that he was in business with drug traffickers and money launderers. No proof has ever been provided in court....
I am still in shock, although pleasantly so, and wondering what the news reports must have left out. Does he have some kind of special pull in South America? Was he contacted, and asked to use his influence? Does Penn have ulterior motives? Given his history, what else am I supposed to think?

Penn even suggested financial pressure through the re-routing of a big money-making race. Is this just an opportunity to cancel a polution creating race through potentially, environmentally sensitive areas? Farfetched, perhaps, but I do not know what to think!
Jacob Ostreicher with his children
...Penn urged Congress to write letters to the corporate sponsors of the Dakar Rally motorcycle race, which in 2014 for the first time will go through Bolivia. As the race is a huge moneymaker for the participating countries, Penn said pressure should be exerted on the sponsors to demand the release of Ostreicher.
If Ostreicher is not freed, Penn said, the race should be rerouted to avoid Bolivia, depriving it of money and positive publicity....
His statement below hammers this idea home.
Click the photo to sign!
...The actor said he was “not only personally and thoroughly convinced of Mr. Ostreicher’s innocence, but particularly alarmed by a consensus both among Bolivian officials that the unevidenced prosecution against Jacob Ostreicher was standard operating procedure in the fundamentally corrupt Bolivian judiciary....”
Is the Bolivian governmental regime far right-wing or far left wing these days? I stopped keeping track when I was a teenager. While my family and I were traveling through South America, Bolivia had three different presidents within the span of one month.  If I remember correctly, one of the changeovers was even the result of a coup d'etat, shortly after we left Bolivia.

I ask this, because if it is far-left, then it would not only go against Penn's pattern of pals, but would also be "Hollywood Politically-Incorrect," a fate far worse for actors than just everyday "politically-incorrect." Of course, Penn has the clout to risk. But, why would he?

Is he really just doing the right thing?

And, with that I say a cautious,... If he succeeds in the misswah of pidyon shevuin (redeeming the captive) getting Jacob Ostreicher released, then more power to him,...but not too much.

Livni vs. Bennett over "Women of the Wall"

י"ג לחודש השלישי תשע"ג

Arutz 7: Livni: I won't let Bennett decide on Kotel 
Gender war in the Cabinet? Justice Minister says she won't allow Minister of Religion to decide on Women of Wall.

Gil Ronen, May 15, 2013

Livni = White
Tzipporah = Bird
Tzippy Livni = "White Bird"
Justice Minister Tzipi Livni announced Wednesday that she will not allow Minister of Religion,Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home party), to solve the Women of the Wall (WoW) controversy by promulgating new regulations for Kotel prayer.

"I am informing you of my principled stand on the matter, before you make any new regulations," she announced, in what she said was a letter that she sent to Bennett. "I accept the court's decision and I, too, believe that it will make a meaningful contribution to the advancement of women in Israeli and religious society."

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
How many times to I have to point out to everybody that the so-called "Women of the Wall" are not the problem? I guess a lot.

"The advancement of women in Israeli and religious society"
"Advancement" is a synonym for "progress," the good ol' Western/assimilationist, galuth (exile) mentality buzz word. The left (and center, and right) consider the religious, particularly Haredim and the ideological settlers, founding hilltop communities and working on agricultural pursuits to be "primitive," and in need of some sort of psychological help or "rehabilitation." After all, "they" don't look like us, they don't act like us, and they certainly don't think and feel like us.

I wish that Haredim and this brand of settlers would finally wake up and get together on more issues than they already have. And, yes, they have made a little bit of progress in this direction.

What has Minister of Religious Affairs Naftali Bennett done so far to show that his focus is on Torah, even though he heads the "Jewish Home Party," formerly the "National Religious Party?"

Not much.
Bennett: Having difficulty keeping his kippah on.
What has he done to prevent Prime Minister Netanyahu's building freeze building in Yehudah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria)?

And what does Bennett's plan for carving up Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) look like? Not really any different from Arafat's ysh"w.

So, what should make us think that any "plan" (read: "compromise") regarding the so-called "Women of the Wall" would be any more Torah-focused?

Absolutely nothing.

Livni vs. Bennett

Bennett vs. Livni

Either way you slice it, it all comes up the same. This illusion of a real disagreement will result in a another illusion of resolution, and the K'nesseth will end up rubber stamping what the Erev Rav Israeli Supreme Court essentially, already legislated from the Bench.

These women will be able to do whatever they want, even at the "democratic" expense of those who disagree with them.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Netanyahu's Qiddush HaShem קידוש ה' של אבנר נתניהו

מוצש"ק פר' נשא תשע"ג

(Tip Credit: Jews News)
Avner Netanyahu with Rabbi Avraham Greenberg
Ohel Moshe Synagogue, Shanghai, China
אייר תשע"ג/May, 2013
When I saw this photo, and heard the story surrounding it, I just had to put it up.

While they were touring this ancient, Shanghai synagogue, Prime Minister Netanyahu's son Avner asked the rabbi for a pair of Tefillin to put on. So, the rabbi brought him a pair. Avner put them on, and then takes out his smart phone, and starts to pray. He used the siddur (prayer) on his phone, and there weren't any available in the synagogue.

When asked by the Chinese on-lookers what those leather straps were, Avner replied, "They remind us who we are."

I have been very critical of Prime Minister Netanyahu, as well as his his wife Sara. Yet, even Sara gets points for the time when she and her son had to endure shouting from on-lookers as they walked home from schul on Yom Kippur. They could have rode in an escorted vehicle with full security, yet Sara chose to walk with her son.

The Netanyahu Family playing in the pre-election, Jerusalem snow
שבט תשע"ג/January, 2013
Say what you will about the Netanyahus. But, as we say in the educational psychology field, if this is how this kid is turning out, then his parents must be doing something right.

In this case, the result was a Qiddush HaShem.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Israeli Students Mourn The Foundation Of The State Of Israel

ערב שבת קודש פר' נשא תשע"ג

Arutz 7: Israeli Students Mourn Establishment of Israel
A group of Arab and Jewish students protested against the “nakba" at Tel Aviv University, and were countered by pro-Israel protesters

David Lev, May 13, 2013

Two protests were held at Tel Aviv University Monday – one, by a group of Arab and Jewish students protesting against the “nakba,” the defeat of Arab forces that resulted in the independence of Israel in 1948, and the other a group of pro-Israel students from the Im Tirzu organization, counter-demonstrating agains the nakba group.

This is the second year the anti-Israel groups have held a nakba event, said Alon Schwarter, an organizer of the Im Tirzu counter-demonstration. “We realize that these events are part of the attempts to deligitimize (sic.) Israel,” he said. “We see it in events like this, as well as when they call for a boycott of Israel, and in the academic realm, where professors equate the nakba with the Holocaust. We will not allow it to continue. We have unfortunately found that when there is no one to protest, these things continue, and they are successful. We will not stand by and allow this to go on.”

Sa'ar Szekely, a leftist activist and among the organizers of the nakba event, doesn't see his group as anti-Israel at all. “We believe that it is very important for Israelis to learn about the nakba. This is the one way for justice and equality and peace here. Only when we recognize the injustice can we find ways to correct it and restore relations between the two nations. We all live in one land.

“I see the nakba as a tragedy,” he added. “You can talk about the causes and the reasons on either side – that the 1948 war of independence led to independence or nakba – but there is no doubt that a tragedy took place here. And as a Jewish Israeli, it is my tragedy as well.” (cont.)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
So, let me get this straight.

The Arabs of at least six nations, including those Arabs living within the borders of Eretz Yisra'el (the Land of Israel) rose up to annihilate the Jewish People. And that is supposed to be a nakba (tragedy),...for the Arabs.

Why? Because they didn't succeed??

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations voted to grant Israel statehood. The council which would later become the nascent Israeli government was overjoyed. The Arabs did not like the international community's compromise So, when Israel finally declared its independence the following 5 Iyyar (May 15, 1948), and fought off the annihilation, and Arabs began to run away, even though leftist "Jews" begged them to stay, that is supposed to be a nakba?

Of course, the Arab Nations eventually succeeded in taking over the United Nations, and have held it hostage several times, in order to get its way. But, that is another story for another time....

So, I suppose that these Tel-Aviv University students are ready and willing to relinquish Ramat-Aviv, the northern Tel-Aviv neighborhood where their university currently stands, and which used to be known Sheikh Munis (الشيخ مونّس), but was abandoned.

Every time some pitiful, self-hating Jew brings up the necessity to "give Arabs back 'their' land," I respond with the necessity to "give back" Sheikh Munis. Yet, conveniently, any number of excuses are brought up to counter my recommendation.

Often, these Jews have never even heard of Sheikh Munis, and have never learned that Tel-Aviv itself is just over 100 years old.

This combination of hypocrisy and ignorance is supposed to contribute to Israeli's future, in the way of its so-called "future leaders." These "future leaders" are more like Israel's future de-Jewifiers and destroyers.
May God help us!

Whatever happened to the old adage: "The winners of wars write history?"

In Israel, though, this adage only applies if the Labor Zionist, Erev Rav-controled government were routing for you.

The only "nakbas" (النكبة) in Israel are...
1. The horrid, self-hating, assimilationist education our children receive.
2. The nebeshy, Jewish mentality of slobbering over the non-Jews, begging for validation and acceptance.
3. The refusal of Jews to stand on their own feet. The left depends on Europe and on Arab "moderates;" the right depends on the U. S. and on Christians, who not-so-secretly want our souls AND our Land.

4. The numbed out Israeli mentality of "learned helplessness," both in regards to the Arabs and to its own self-destructive government.
5. The very short memories of Jews of how we have been treated by both the Arabs (Yishma'el) and the West (Esau). (Click the links for more on these "nakbas.")

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Forbidden First Fruits

ח' לחודש השלישי תשע"ג

When the sham ritual of presenting the Bikkurim (First Fruits) to the Prime Minister at his residence is allowed, but something almost like the authentic and correct ritual of bringing the Bikkurim to Har HaBatyith (the Temple Mount) is shoved aside, even though Jews came from all over Israel to participate in the already scheduled event, you know something is very wrong within the State of Israel.

The sham was masked as an educational event, and the attempt to move toward the actual bringing of the Bikkurim was cancelled out of concern for public safety. Yeah, right!

The caving in to Arab violence served the Labor Zionist based, Israeli government twofold. It had a ready made excuse for preventing additional Jews to ascend Har HaBayith, and it quashed the hopes of Jews to re-institution misswoth (Torah commandments) from being realized.

Recognizing any authority higher than that of the secular, un-Jewish, Government Of Israel [GOI], including that of The Almighty, it seems it completely unacceptable.

Arutz 7: Police Bar Jews from Temple Mount As Muslims Threaten More Riots
Police barred Jews from entering the Temple Mount after Muslim groups threatened violence over a planned visit by Jewish children.

David Lev, May 16, 2013

Police barred Jews from entering the Temple Mount on Thursday, after Muslim groups threatened violence in the wake of a plan to bring Jewish children to visit the site. The plan, organized by groups encouraging Jewish visits to the Mount, was meant to be an educational program that would demonstrate rituals associated with the Temple, such as the bringing of bikurim ("First Fruits", the gift to the Temple brought on Shavuot). 

Over the past few days, chatter on Islamic web sites indicated that the groups would be met by rioters. Instead of seeking to defuse the situation or defend the groups of visiting children, police chose to capitulate to the threats, and announced that they were closing the Mount to all non-Moslems out of “concern for public safety.”

The decision came only a little while before the tour was set to begin, at 8:30, and after dozens of children and their families – many coming from far distances – had already gathered at the Kotel.

Groups sponsoring the visit strongly criticized the police for their decision. In a statement, the groups said that the police decision was “unfair, and gives a prize to violent attackers who threaten the victims – simple, peaceful families whose only desire was to visit the Temple [site] with their children and observe the special rituals of the Shavuot holiday. We look forward to the day that Israel will have more worthy security organizations, and to the day that police will understand their role, and stop avoiding it,” the statement said.

Over Shavuot itself, the groups reported, hundreds of Jews were able to visit the Mount – but they were a small percentage of the thousands who sought to get in. Police severely limited Jewish access to the Mount, with visitors being allowed to enter only in small groups beginning on Tuesday, the day before Shavuot. In several instances, dozens of Muslims sat and blocked the entrance of the Mughrabi Gate, used by non-Muslims to ascend the Mount. Those Jews who did manage to run the Arab gauntlet – with little, if any, police assistance – were followed and harassed by Muslims, and verbally assaulted the entire time they were on the Mount.

Police intervened only after a riot broke out – with their response to close the gates of the Mount to Jews altogether, evacuating the Jews who had managed to enter via a side exit.


The event to ascend Har HaBayith was planned by the Or viShu'a Yeshivah, the Haifa Hesder Yeshivah, headed by Rabbi Eliyahu Zini, who is also the Rabbi of the Technion.

Warning to Hilltop Youth: Here comes the Israeli Ministry of Re-Education

ח' לחודש השלישי תשע"ג

Arutz 7: Education Ministry to Rehabilitate Hilltop Youth
In an attempt to suppress potential Price Tag vandalism motivation, the Education and Justice Ministries in conjunction with the Shin Bet intend to round up hilltop youth, ideologically-driven high school dropouts, in order to provide them with an education along with emotional therapy, in addition to identifying potential school rejects before they actually get to the hilltop.

(Tip Credit: The Lion of Beth Shemesh)

Esser Agaroth (2¢): 
Let's take a look at the definition of "rehabilitate," according to Don't worry about the translation from Hebrew. The translation is just fine. I have highlighted in red what I believe to be the most disturbing aspects of this word, and thus what I believe to be the most disturbing aspects of the Israeli government's plan for these idealistic, Jewish kids.


transitive verb \ˌrē-ə-ˈbi-lə-ˌtāt, ˌrē-hə-\

Definition of REHABILITATE

a : to restore to a former capacity : reinstate
b : to restore to good repute : reestablish the good name of
a : to restore to a former state (as of efficiency, good management, or solvency) <rehabilitate slum areas>
b : to restore or bring to a condition of health or useful and constructive activity
re·ha·bil·i·ta·tion noun
re·ha·bil·i·ta·tive adjective
re·ha·bil·i·ta·tor noun


  1. The clinic rehabilitates drug addicts.
  2. He's still rehabilitating the knee he injured last summer.
  3. They try to rehabilitate horses that have suffered injuries.
  4. The program is intended to rehabilitate criminals.
  5. The country has rehabilitated its image since the war.
  6. The city plans to rehabilitate its slum areas.


habilitate, reclaim, redeem, regenerate, reform
Related Words
reeducate; amend, improve, refine; cleanse, purify, restore
Re-educate pretty much sums it up. Although reclaim, redeem, reform, refine, cleanse, and purify support the strength of the radical transformation desired, when one forces "rehabilitation" on

And who should be held responsible for this plan of action? How about the current Minister of Education for starters? And who could that be, but none other than Shai,...excuse me,... RABBI Shai Piron from Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid ("There is a future") Party. 

Rabbi Shai Piron, Minister of Re-Education
Boy, that face sure inspires confidence, doesn't it?
(Photo Credit: Yo'av Dudekevitch)
With a future that the likes of Yair Lapid, and suppose Rabbi Piron, have in mind, who needs a horribly traumatic past?

(Photo Credit: Yossi Aloni)
Gee. That hand gesture looks awfully familiar. But, I can't quite place it. Hmm....

C'mon! Gimme a break! They are not talking about "re-education;" they are talking about indoctrination, which just a euphemism for brainwashing.

Sure. Some of these kids could use some guidance. However,...
1. The traditional, Western educational system which secular, Ashkenazi, Israeli, elitist society expects all to pass through, may not actually be the most efficient for these kids. How about that?
2. Most of these kids are not interested in conforming to Western/assimilationist standards. (Thank God!) They are disillusioned and/or disenfranchised by an Israeli government which throws Jews out of their homes, hands over Biblical Jewish lands to Arab terrorists, and does little if anything at all effective in preventing their parents, siblings, and neighbors from being murdered.
3. Many of these kids are receiving the necessary guidance and/or Torah necessary to provide them with the skills to become "productive members of society," as well as tax payers. The Israeli Ministry of Education should be overjoyed at all the money it is saving due to such informal, self-education programs.
But, of course, that's not really the goal of the Ministry of Education, to provide assistance to these Jewish kids. Fast forward this video to time marker 1:50 to learn all about its real intentions. Thank-you very much, Labor Zionist, Erev Rav.

"Resistance is futile. Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward, you will service us."

"ההתנגדות היא חסרת תועלת. החיים שלך כפי שהיו כבר נגמרים. מעתה והלאה תשרתו אותנו."

For those unfamiliar with Star Trek and the "Borg," The "Borg" is a collective consciousness, whose primary purpose is to assimilate the cultures of others into its own.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Misplaced Shavu'os Offering

ערב חג השבועות תשע"ג

Question: What's wrong with this video?

ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו מקבל ביכורים מילדי עמק המעיינות במשרדו בירושלים.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu receives Bikkurim (First Fruits) from the children of Emeq HaMa'ayanoth at his office in Jerusalem.
(Tip Credit: Rafi at Life In Israel)
Answer: Almost everything. I found only two redeeming elements of this video:
1) These children are actually learning something about agriculture. At least they know that fruits and vegetables originate from the ground, and that Jews can actually be involved in the process.

2) It seems that a train route will be added (for real), connecting the prime minister's guests' inland region to the coast, thanks to the Prime Minister. Emeq HaMa'ayanoth includes the city of Beth Sha'an, which sits ver close to the Jordanian border.
This cute appearing photo op. of a ceremony was actually quite disturbing to me.

Before I explain why, let's take a look at what the bringing of the Bikkurim is REALLY supposed to be like.

דברים כו
א  וְהָיָה, כִּי-תָבוֹא אֶל-הָאָרֶץ, אֲשֶׁר יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ, נֹתֵן לְךָ נַחֲלָה; וִירִשְׁתָּהּ, וְיָשַׁבְתָּ בָּהּ. ב  וְלָקַחְתָּ מֵרֵאשִׁית כָּל-פְּרִי הָאֲדָמָה, אֲשֶׁר תָּבִיא מֵאַרְצְךָ אֲשֶׁר יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ נֹתֵן לָךְ--וְשַׂמְתָּ בַטֶּנֶא; וְהָלַכְתָּ, אֶל-הַמָּקוֹם, אֲשֶׁר יִבְחַר יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ, לְשַׁכֵּן שְׁמוֹ שָׁם. ג  וּבָאתָ, אֶל-הַכֹּהֵן, אֲשֶׁר יִהְיֶה, בַּיָּמִים הָהֵם; וְאָמַרְתָּ אֵלָיו, הִגַּדְתִּי הַיּוֹם לַיהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ, כִּי-בָאתִי אֶל-הָאָרֶץ, אֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּע יְהוָה לַאֲבֹתֵינוּ לָתֶת לָנוּ. ד  וְלָקַח הַכֹּהֵן הַטֶּנֶא, מִיָּדֶךָ; וְהִנִּיחוֹ--לִפְנֵי, מִזְבַּח יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ. ה  וְעָנִיתָ וְאָמַרְתָּ לִפְנֵי יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ, אֲרַמִּי אֹבֵד אָבִי, וַיֵּרֶד מִצְרַיְמָה, וַיָּגָר שָׁם בִּמְתֵי מְעָט; וַיְהִי-שָׁם, לְגוֹי גָּדוֹל עָצוּם וָרָב. ו  וַיָּרֵעוּ אֹתָנוּ הַמִּצְרִים, וַיְעַנּוּנוּ; וַיִּתְּנוּ עָלֵינוּ, עֲבֹדָה קָשָׁה. ז  וַנִּצְעַק, אֶל-יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵי אֲבֹתֵינוּ; וַיִּשְׁמַע יְהוָה אֶת-קֹלֵנוּ, וַיַּרְא אֶת-עָנְיֵנוּ וְאֶת-עֲמָלֵנוּ וְאֶת-לַחֲצֵנוּ. ח  וַיּוֹצִאֵנוּ יְהוָה, מִמִּצְרַיִם, בְּיָד חֲזָקָה וּבִזְרֹעַ נְטוּיָה, וּבְמֹרָא גָּדֹל--וּבְאֹתוֹת, וּבְמֹפְתִים. ט  וַיְבִאֵנוּ, אֶל-הַמָּקוֹם הַזֶּה; וַיִּתֶּן-לָנוּ אֶת-הָאָרֶץ הַזֹּאת, אֶרֶץ זָבַת חָלָב וּדְבָשׁ. י  וְעַתָּה, הִנֵּה הֵבֵאתִי אֶת-רֵאשִׁית פְּרִי הָאֲדָמָה, אֲשֶׁר-נָתַתָּה לִּי, יְהוָה; וְהִנַּחְתּוֹ, לִפְנֵי יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ, וְהִשְׁתַּחֲוִיתָ, לִפְנֵי יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ. יא  וְשָׂמַחְתָּ בְכָל-הַטּוֹב, אֲשֶׁר נָתַן-לְךָ יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ--וּלְבֵיתֶךָ:  אַתָּה, וְהַלֵּוִי, וְהַגֵּר, אֲשֶׁר בְּקִרְבֶּךָ.

Deuteronomy 26
1 And it will be, when you come into the land which the Lord your God gives to you for an inheritance, and possess it, and dwell therein; 2 that you will take of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which you will bring in from your land that the Lord you God gives to you; and thou shalt put it in a basket and shalt go to the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to cause His name to dwell there.  3 And thou shalt come to the priest that shall be in those days, and say unto him: 'I profess this day unto the LORD thy God, that I am come unto the land which the LORD swore unto our fathers to give us.' 4 And the priest shall take the basket out of thy hand, and set it down before the altar of the LORD thy God. 5. And thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God: 'A wandering Aramean was my father, and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there, few in number; and he became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous. 6 And the Egyptians dealt ill with us, and afflicted us, and laid upon us hard bondage. 7 And we cried unto the LORD, the God of our fathers, and the LORD heard our voice, and saw our affliction, and our toil, and our oppression. 8 And the LORD brought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great terribleness, and with signs, and with wonders. 9. And He hath brought us into this place, and hath given us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey. 10 And now, behold, I have brought the first of the fruit of the land, which Thou, O LORD, hast given me.' And thou shalt set it down before the LORD thy God, and worship before the LORD thy God. 11 And thou shalt rejoice in all the good which the LORD thy God hath given unto thee, and unto thy house, thou, and the Levi, and the stranger that is in the midst of thee.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
The Prime Minister of Israel is not a priest, his office is not the Temple, his desk is not the altar, and my guess is that the formula which is supposed to be said upon bringing the Bikkurim (blue italics), is virtually meaningless to the Prime Minister and his guests.

I'm only surprised that Israeli President Shimon Peres did not stand in this role of receiver.

Have these kids being brainwashed into thinking that this is a legitimate form of bringing the Bikkurim, the bringing of Bikkurim to the Prime Minister of the State?? They must realize that this is just a substitute, and a poor one at that. Or do they?

Are children taught anything about the Temple and the faith in the eventual re-institution of the qorbanoth (sacrifices) and other rituals there? Highly doubtful.

Q: What is the Prime Minister doing to rebuild the Temple?
A: Nothing.

Q: What is the Prime Minister doing to allow any other Jews to rebuild the Temple?
A: Nothing.

Q: What is the Prime Minister doing to allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount?
A: Nothing.

If the Labor Zionists had their way, they would brainwash us all into believing that we are simply relegated to viewing the State as a temporay substitute for the real thing, and then do everything they can to convince Jews, one by one, that this will a permanent situation.

The erasing of what they believe to be Israel's borders will be next. The watering down of the Jewish quality of the State will continue on course, and will include the continued influx of non-Jews, anyway they can bring them here: foreign workers, African "refugees," Americans with sham "conversions," and generic goyim from Europe.

Of course, they will not be allowed in the secular, Ashkenazi elitist neighborhoods and towns, such as Ramat Aviv, Hod HaSharon, and K'far Shemaryahu, nor in the religious mamlakhti (undying state loyalist) towns and neighborhoods, a reward for "good behavior."

Then their feigned despair over the loss of the Jewish State, which was only marginally Jewish to begin with.

How did I figure this out, all from one "cute" little ceremony of kids excited to meet their holy prime minister?

I opened my eyes. That's how.

Now, what are YOU going to do, to make certain that we are able to bring the Bikkurim properly next Shavu'oth?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

South Park Shavu'os!

ד' לחודש השלישי תשע"ג

This post is dedicated to Eric and Jennifer, two of the nicest, new people I've met in real life in a long time! As they are from Denver, I just HAD to add a "South Park" connection, which pretty easy to do. Happy Shavu'oth!


There is a tradition for us to eat dairy on Shavu'oth, the day on which we received the Torah at Mt. Sinai.

The tradition has been said to stem from not yet having learned the halakhoth (laws) of slaughtering kosher animals, even though we were obligated to them.

Others suggest a connection to the two loaves of bread offered on Shavu'oth. To distinguish between the two, many Jews wash, have a dairy meal, conclude the meal with birkath hamazon (blessings after the meal), wash again, and have meat meal.

Still others, like the Yekkeshe (German) Jews, having only dairy meals on Shavu'oth.

Some vegans even have something "dairy-like," such as something made with hazelnut or cashew "creams," to pay homage to this custom.

The light and fluffy nature of the dairy dishes served on Shavu'oth are often said to be the antitheses of the unleavened matzah eaten on Pesah (Passover), Shavu'oth being the culmination of the redemption process began on Pesah. As we count the Omer through this period, we rise in levels of purity and spirituality, in preparation to receive the Torah. Whereas the matzah, the lehem oni (bread of affliction) represents humility, the light and fluffy, leaven (ie. raised) items eaten on Shavu'oth represent gaivah (pride).

But, isn't pride a negative attribute? Is it not better to be humble, and strive to be so?

Yes. But, some say that there is one exception, the possession of the Torah. Even coveting another's Torah knowledge is said to encourage one to learn Torah, and not hinder it.

But, now for the most important question: What dairy dishes to make for Shavu'oth?

But, of course, being from San Diego, I have usually had something with a Mexican flavor on Shavu'oth. No one said that the dairy dishes had to be sweet, did they? Although I am sure there are those that will tell you that the Torah is sweet, which it is. Nonetheless, dairy Mexican is my general Shavu'oth custom: Dairy, or more specifically "cheesy," and light and fluffy, or perhaps one could say "poofy..." Watch and see!

No, I have yet to try making homemade cheesy poofs, but it is definitely an option for the future.

The last time I tried making one of making one of my favorites, cheese enchiladas, in 1994, and I must say that they were a complete disaster.

Photo Credit: John Sullivan
And so, I will probably stick with my quick and easy quesadilla recipe. Quesadillas should be made with dough filled with cheese, and fried.

The only tortillas I have found in Israel are white flour tortillas, imported from Turkey of all places. One of these days, I would like to try and make tortillas from spelt flour. But until then, if that's what I have to work with, then that's what I have to work with.

Begin frying one tortilla at a time. As soon as it gets soft enough to fold, add your choice of filling. grated Monterey Jack cheese is preferred, but you may have to use whatever yellow cheese you can get a hold of. Freshly grated hot pepper, freshly-grated garlic, sautéed mushrooms, chopped black olive rings, and chopped green onion are only some of the optional ingredients which can be added.

Photo Credit: Paul Goyette
Fold the tortilla over, and continue frying on both sides, until it becomes golden.

Serve with salsa and/or guacamole.

Still want something sweet, but keeping in line with a Mexican theme?

How about buneulo chips and vanilla ice cream?

Bunuelo Chips and Ice Cream
(Photo Credit: Taco Bill, Melbourne)

They are very easy to make. Simply cut tortillas into the shapes you desire, fry in oil on both sides until crisp. Then immediately coat with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Some take the chips and shake them in a paper bag with sugar and cinnamon. Serve with vanilla ice cream. The above photo has honey. I prefer chocolate syrup with this dessert.


The Hags Of The Wall

ג' לחודש השלישי תשע"ג

YNET: Jerusalem-Haredim attack Women of the Wall
Thousands of female haredi worshipers heed call of community leaders to hold a mass prayer at site to upstage arrival of Women of the Wall; mass brawl erupts. Reform Movement: Haredi leaders 'desecrated sanctity' of Kotel

Kobi Nachshoni, May 10, 2013

Haredi worshippers clashed with police in Jerusalem's Old City early Friday in the wake of the court authorization for the Women of the Wall to pray at the Jewish holy site. (cont.)

(Tip Credit: Ariel at The Torah Revolution)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
I thought this was a great idea, for the Haredi rabbis to call upon these righteous women to come to the Kothel (Western/Wailing Wall) en masse. I waited with baited breath to find out what would happen.

It disgusts me to have to post this video of these despicable women. Their abuse of a Holy site for their own political agenda is a desecration of the sanctity. Yet, you MUST fast forward to time marker 1:15, to see Hey, if left-wing  YNET even reveals the truth, it must be true. My guess is that like-minded Israelis, as few as there must be, are not in the least bit embarrassed by this particular truth, and believe that the actions of these women are justified in some bizarre and distorted way.

*The YNET video is no longer available, so I replaced it with a JPost video from YouTube.

Adam The Radio Guy believes that fighting at the Kothel takes away the focus from the real battle, the fight to pray on Har HaBayith, the Temple Mount itself.

The Kalashnakover Rebbe feels similarly, suggesting that we not be concerned with what happens at the Kothel, which should be nothing more than a parking lot. Those of us who want to pray properly should work on being able to do so on Har HaBayith.

These two Jews are both correct to point out that which is being glossed over in this story. Nonetheless, we cannot stand idly by, and allow our fellow Jews to believe that such actions and blatant hypocrisy are acceptable.

Looking at some of the other videos, I see that most of these women are innocent, and misguided, completely under the spell of women who want excuses to do what they want. They scream and wail about "democracy," yet "democracy" has virtually no connection at all to Torah, and thus to Judaism. (A post on this specific issue is forthcoming.)

Yet, these "democratic" women who demand their "democratic rights," are preventing women with whom they disagree, or rather despise and believe to be brainwashed into a self-oppressive lifestyle, from exercising their "democratic rights," not to mention their "freedom of religious expression" (the latest left-wing buzz phrase) which these so-called "women of the wall" hold so dear.

How's that for hypocrisy?!

They are nothing more than elitist snobs!

I do not believe that these women are in the lease bit interested in "democracy" or "freedom of religious expression." They are only interested in doing what they want.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Justice System continues to reveal its true colors by agreeing with these women. The Labor Zionist, Erev Rav-controled government is clearly routing these women on. And, of course, they are not interested in anything, except for the de-Jewification and de-Israelization of Israel. And, so these "women of the wall" are simply doing some of its dirty work for them, a welcome relief from having to get its hands dirty.

These feminists leaders belong at a wall alright. But, look closely. This wall is not the Kothel. It is another wall.

5 Seahags in tallesim "praying" at their holy wall.
At this wall, the wall which Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu recently visited, they can pray whenever, however, and which which accoutrements they like. I recommend that they fly there immediately, in order to stake their claim. These "Women of the Wall of China" receive a score of 5 Seahags, the maximum, plus 3 "She Who Must Not Be Named" for their feminist hypocrisy and 3 Shimon Pereses for their fervent love of UN-Jewish, Western (assimilationist) culture and values.
3 "She Who Must Not Be Named"
3 Nose-Picking Shimon Pereses

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Esser Agaroth's Top Five Segulos

ערב ראש החודש השלישי תשע"ג

This post was inspired by a report, a ways back, about a segulah vending machine. Pick your segulah, deposit your money, and you're good to go.

What will they think up next? I have a friend who had the idea of selling shiraim (leftovers) from the Rebbes' Shabbos Tish through a vending machine during the week, for those who could not make it for that Shabbos. Press 1 for Toldos Aharon, 2 for Toldos Avraham Yitzchak, 3 for Karlin, etc. Then press Alef for chicken, Bet for kugel, Gimmel for soda water, and so on.

Too bad, this friend of mine did not go ahead with the idea. He probably could have made a fortune.

For more on the latest segulos, check in with Rafi at Life In Israel. He keeps track of these things better than I do.

Anyway, here are my Esser Agaroth (2¢) regarding the segulah vending machine idea:

First off, praying is NOT a segulah. It is a misswah., and, in my humble opinion, should not be underestimated. Every time we pray we are also (hopefully) acknowledging that HaShem is in charge, not us.

1. Difficulties with conceiving a child:
Segulah: Visiting a fertility specialist
*This is a very painful situation for couples. not trying to make light, not in the least. Rather, many couples remain in their pain, paralyzed from seeking medical help, embarrassed. Please visit Machon Pu'ah for more information.

2. Difficulties finding a spouse:
Segulah #1: Meet a psychotherapist, a counselor, a shiddukh specialist, and/or a rabbi to receive guidance on what middoth (personality traits) to work on, and how.

Segulah #2: Go on a frickin' date.
3. Parnassah (financial success):
Segulah #1: Get a job.

Segulah #2: Continuing education, vocational training and re-training
*Giving tzedaqah (charity) is not discounted here. But, as the Ramba"m might suggest: be smart about it.

4. Long Life:
Although the Torah explicitly relates the misswoth of honoring ones parents and shilu'ah haqen (sending a bird from its nest, before taking its eggs) "to the lengthening of ones days," a healthy diet and exercise are recommended. 
5. Jews desiring to live in the Holy Land:
Get on the plane! Yep, it's as simple as that.

Naftali Bennet The Nationalist? Why Is Everyone Still Fooled?

כ"ט לחודש השני תשע"ג

If Bennett is a "nationalist," then I'm a leftist.

Naftali "Where's my kippah?" Bennett
Life In Israel's Quote of the Day - May 7, 2013 
According to the World Bank, Israel was ranked a pitiful 139th in ease of obtaining building permits, behind Algeria, Togo, the Palestinian Authority and Syria. Under Assad it takes 104 days to get a building permit. For us it’s 212. Listen, friends, if I were in your shoes, I’d consider moving my business to Damascus. Whereas the average OECD country has 12 different kinds of taxes to account for and pay each year, in Israeli the number is 33.

Only friarim (suckers) would keep jumping through the hoops businesses had to jump through just to survive, and still be put in the same categories as tycoons. Small and medium businesses are not tycoons, they’re the value producers of the state of Israel. There are 700 criminal offenses in the environmental field. Why do we put this on small and medium businesses?

I see myself as the plumber who is willing to stick his hands into places other people refused to in order to clear up the blocks.
-- Minister of Commerce Naftali Bennett

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
What about all of the Arabs who don't bother trying to get building permits? They just build.

Why does Naftali Bennett even mention the "Palestinian Authority" as if it is a real and legitimate country? It is not. But, it has power, partly because Naftali Bennett gives it power.

What about the building permits obtained 13 years ago by the Jews in the town of Beth-El for the Ulpana Neighborhood? The previous government, led by your current fearless leader Binyamin Netanyahu, had them torn down anyway. Building permits did not seem to do the residents of Beth-El too much good, did they?

18 "In that day the Lord made a covenant with Avram, saying: 'To your seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.' 19 the Kenite, and the Kenizzite, and the Kadmonite, 20 and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Rephaim, 21 and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Girgashite, and the Jebusite.'" - Genesis 15:18-21
Move your business to Damascus? HA HA! I assume that Bennett is making some sort of sick joke. Jews are not supposed to live in Damascus (Can you find it on the map?), least not until HaShem grants it to us. Jews are supposed to live in Israel. Damascus is not yet part of Israel. Gee whiz!  I'll bet THAT vision is way beyond Bennett's "nationalism." Why even the Likud Party platform at one time included the understanding that Israel extended beyond the "West Bank" onto the "East Bank" of the Jordan River as well.

There are 700 criminal offenses in the environmental field? What about all of the the environmental offenses committed by Arabs in Yehudah and the Shomron, from the burning of trash to the foul water treatment?

The plumber who is willing to stick his hands into places other people refused to? If there were more Jewish plumbers, ditch diggers, etc., then there would be less jobs available to Arabs, including the Arabs who are allowed to cross over from the "Palestinian" Authority to work in Israel. What exactly is Naftali Bennet the "nationalist" doing about Israel's economy supporting our those who want to destroy us, and take ALL of our Land?

Of course, the Ashkenazi elitist, Labor Zionists, the ones who are really calling the shots in Israel, have successfully convinced everyone that a manual laborer is someone to look down upon. American Jews, does that sound familiar? It should. Doctor, Lawyer, Broker, Loser.

Who's Land is it anyway?

The Bennett Plan vs. The Oslo (Death) Accords
What's the difference? Not a whole hell of a lot.

The Techiya Party's plan to keep Yehudah and the Shomron (Judea and Samaria), but "Heaven forbid!" throw out the Arabs was not even as pitiful as Prime Minister Ehud Baraq's begging of Arafat to accept 93% of Yehudah, Shomron, Azza (Gaza).

I defy anyone to tell me that Bennett's plan is much better. It is even much worse than former Moledeth Party leader Rabbi Benny Elon's "Autonomous Regions" Plan.

PA "President" Mahmud Abbas (Abu Mazen) and his vision of "Palestine."

Gee. I wonder if Naftali Bennet has consider the "Abbas Plan?" He wants it all. Don't you?

But, there can only be one plan: The Torah Plan.

Bennett's Western, democratic negotiation tactics of "let's do the best we can, take what we can, and call it a victory" is counter to Torah negotiation tactics.

In Torah, there isn't any game playing. All of Eretz Yisra'el is ours. All of it was given to Am Yisra'el by The Holy One, Blessed Be He.

Eretz Yisra'el is not for Naftali Bennet to hack it up, nor for PM Netanyahu to negotiate it away, nor for Shimon Peres nor Yossi Beilin to sign it away in illegal, secret meetings in Europe.

Israeli passports are not for Naftali Bennet to hand out freely. Neither is it for him to decide which Arabs on which pieces of Israel will be Israeli citizens, and which ones will not.

True, the Arabs divide themselves apart. Some came from Syria and Lebanon, others from Jordan and Egypt. Nonetheless, the Jerusalem Arabs who curse out the Hevron Arabs for being especially stupid, and the Shchem clans battling the Jenin clans, all claim to be of one nation, least while the news and documentary cameras are rolling. So, it is not for Naftali Bennet to differentiate between this Arab and that Arab, for the Arabs have already done so themselves.

The truth is that as far as Jews are concerned, there is no difference between an Arab from Amman and an Arab from Ramallah,...or from Nazareth.

Ever heard of Gerei Toshav? Ever heard of their requirements, such as not murdering, not committing sexual aberrations, and giving up false beliefs in false religions, and proving such acceptance of said conditions before a Beth HaDin, during the time when the misswoth involved with Yovel are incumbent upon us?

Apparently not.

Haredi Integration Into The IDF:

Sound like a good idea? Sure why not. After all, why should some Jews send their children off to risk their lives to protect Israel's borders (when they're not busy throwing Jews out of their homes and handing Jewish, God-given lands over to the Arabs who want to wipe us out), and other Jews be exempt?

I have said, time and time again, that the secular, Labor Zionists, and certainly the ultra-Leftists do not want Haredim in the IDF. They do not want three minyanim (prayer groups) per day, high levels of kashruth standards, and proper military Shabbath observance.

They do not want their sons to see Haredi soldiers put on tefillin, become curious, and then ask if they could try.

They certainly do not want their sons to see Haredi soldiers learning Torah, become curious, and then start asking questions. They might actually receive the reasonable answers that they could never get from th.eir parents

Nor do they want their sons and daughters to be influenced by the protests which will invariably be initiated Haredi soldiers over being forced to attend concerts with women singing and dancing.

OK, so finally the K'nesseth has woken up to the brilliant, but evil, plan to take the Haredim in slowly, a little bit at a time. They will be much easier to brainwash and indoctrinate into harmless "religious nationalists" undying State loyalists, whose bark is much worse than their bite.

This is "Shiksa." 
Her bark is worse than her bite.
But, at least she knows the right people to bite.
And so, Minister Bennett, with regard to "Haredi integration into the IDF," good luck. I thik you will need it. Because I sincerely believe that it will backfire, and we may actually end up something close to a truly Jewish army.

So, are you all upset that I am calling out Minister Naftali Bennett, by saying that is not a nationalist?

That's OK, because with the possible exception of with one or two Members of K'nesseth, I do not believe that there are any nationalists in the K'nesseth, least not Jewish ones anyway.