Thursday, December 03, 2009

Another Christian Supports Israel: Big Deal

The following is a response to my good friends Yekuti'el Ben-Ya'akov's supportive comments regarding a black preacher's "support" for Israel and Judaism.

Yekuti'el's comments can be read below.

The video, in question, of the "supportive" black preacher can be viewed by clicking here.

Christians are from Edom/Esau. Please read the current parshioth hashavu'ah.

Esau wants his birthright back, and is being sneaky about it, as is his character to do so. There is no difference between "stam" Christians and Christian missionaries.

There is also the midrash of the four treifah hayoth representing the four malchuyoth. The hazir (pig) represents Edom, the animal which pretends to chew its cud and sticks its front hooves out to show that it is kosher. In other words, it lies.

The Christians are living a lie, and they are liars, but in a sneaky and eloquent manner, unlike Yishma'el which just lies. however, Yishma'el has been learning their lessons of how to lie from Esau very well lately, staging sympathetic interviews and planting fake victims in strategic sites.

The Erev Rav attempts to join Esau and Yishma'el, preventing Mashiach's arrival (Kol HaTor).

Arutz 7 (Israel National News) and the Likud Party appear to be in the pockets of the Christians, in contrast with the un-Jews (the Left) which is aligned with Yishma'el.

Goyim who are not B'nei No'ah showing "support" for Israel and Judaism are, in fact, exploiting Israel and Judaism, for their own gains.

Let us pray, as well as, actively prevent them from achieving their true, underlying goals:

1. Continued stealing of Jewish souls
2. Continued stealing of Jewish land
3. Continued attempts to usurp Am Yisrael's role as HaShem's Chosen People.

This is not the reaction of fearful ghetto Jews. Rather, this is reaction of the Jews know they must distance themselves, if not to do battle with, Esau as well as Yishma'el.


Placing That Black Preacher in the Right Perspective

Why are we so excited about the accolades of a Black Preacher?

Are we also plagued with the Jewish-mental-genetic-disease contracted during our collective national experience in the ghettos, gas chambers, slavery and inquisitions? Are we showing signs and symptoms indicative of our uncontrollable obsession to seek the acceptance and the love of the gentiles? Do we find ourselves showing more respect and excitement at the gospel preached by representatives of other faiths and nationalities than to our own, when they show their admiration for Jews and Judaism? Do we suffer severe mental anguish and “national-collective-headaches” when a Jew does something “embarrassing”?

Yes, dear readers, many of us are also infected with the age-old ghetto-complex and the “Yiddishe” - Jewish mental disease that compels us to seek the admiration and the positive recognition of the gentiles. Oh how we “qvel” (for those of us who speak not Yiddish, Qvel is one of those graphic Yiddish words that is hard to explain in less than 200 words, meaning something like gush with joy, usually while uttering Yiddish sounding slurs or noises such as “Oy” and “gevaldig,” but in a unique positive upswing tone, not to be confused with the “Oy” shouted forth also when one is in pain) with “nachas” (Nahas is another one of those Yidish words, like Qvel and is often a paradoxical oxymoron – while it depicts personal and national “Jewish” pride often expressed when the gentile praises us, or when a Jewish bubby hears that her grandchild was admitted to Harvard or has graduated medical school or won the lottery).

Getting back to the Kvelling with Nachas when the gentile praises us, and the self-hating “kvetching” – complaining and criticism we make against ourselves and fellow Jews when our fellow Jew “looks too Jewish”, “makes us look bad” or when he lacks the necessary diplomatic savvy, political correctness, for example, when unsuccessfully trying to explain to a hateful world, Israel’s right to survive, build in Judea, or to launch wars to defend ourselves. The all too typical “Yiddishe” response is indeed to fall over ourselves kvelling with joy and Nahas when a gentile praises us and to condemn those Jews, who make us all look bad in the eyes of the “goy” - non Jew.

Wow – who expected such controversy after airing the pro-Jewish black preacher?

The recent wave of emails after our last post that showed the African American preacher, praising Kahane, Jews and Zion, brought out a colorful (no pun intended) flurry of emails. Some, calling us to task for publishing the speech and others overwhelmed with joy over Rev. Manning’s accolades for Jews and Kahane. I am including here two brief comments, one from Bereny Andras and another from Sam Abady a distinguished Civil Rights attorney from NY, and I would like to first state clearly that in no way should one think that I necessarily endorse the pro-Jewish preacher or support inviting him to speak from a synagogue pulpit. Here are the two emails:

Email from Esq. Samuel Abady:

“Mike and Fern,

There should be severe reservations about any endorsement from Rev. James D. Manning. See:


Excerpt of Email response sent from Ariel Ben Yochanan:

On the one hand we see someone who praises G-d, the Rav, the Jews and Zion and, objectively, this is good. On the other hand, he is, and he publicly presents himself as, an actively idol worshipping gentile. So, should we listen to him, just because he says a few things we like to hear? NO, according to the Rambam, we should not!”

I do think his speech to be a news-worthy item, and respect his courage to say the things that he did say publicly, coming from and going back to the hostile environment he lives in. I admit, initially, I too was excited about the speech, however, after thinking about it, and with the help of some of the sobering emails, it is clear that we need not get too excited, simply because we have found a token goy who likes us.

Goyim showing support for Judaism is a tool in waking Jews up to their mission

It is more important that we seek favor in the eyes of G-d and the eyes of our own people. However, using the words of a gentile will often serve as a greater eye-opener to fellow Jews than any words spoken by fellow Jews. That is the way of the Jewish world. If we wish to be most effective at influencing fellow Jews, nothing does more than bringing on the stage an Arab, or black preacher or former Klansmen to show confused Jews the proper path. This phenomenon is also reflected in many of our prayers such as the “Shir HaMaalot” the psalms said before grace after meals on Shabbat and on other happy occasions, describing the great joy upon the return of Jews to Zion, Psalms 126: The nations say, “The Lord has done great things for them (verse 2). And then in the following verse, “The Lord has done great things for us”. Many Jews will not see the hand of G-d and recognize the great miracles done on behalf of the Jewish people, until an outsider recognizes it and confirms it. As taught in the Talmud: “The one who was saved by the miracle, does not recognize the miracle” (Nida 31a).

In Jewish thought I have heard two central opinions that explain the apparent contradiction in the Bible, where in some instances the purpose mentioned in the verses behind the plagues against the Egyptians, the miracles on behalf of the Jews and other such events “so that the Jews will know G-d,” while other verses describing the same miracles and events state “so that the Egyptians shall know G-d”. One school of thought says that the recognition of the gentiles is never an end in itself, but only a reality, which is a means to help the Jew attain knowledge and a perception of G-d, that he might not have otherwise achieved by his own exclusive witness to the same events and miracles. Another school of thought claims that both are means in and of themselves. Surely there is a third view that recognizes the goal and purpose in Jew and gentile alike recognizing the existence and omnipotence of the G-d of Israel, yet the primary goal is that the Jew, G-d’s chosen reaches that level.

In conclusion – the non-Jewish preacher is hardly the key issue

In conclusion, while it may be viewed as a positive to show the way of Torah to all, even to non-Jews and one can use the words of gentiles as a tool to inspire Jews, however, our focus should be bringing Torah to Jews. Let us never fall into the trap or the obsession to seek favor in the eyes of the gentile. Regardless, we should never fall into that trap, at the expense of following Torah or doing the right thing. In the end, the Jew will be saved, because of his loyalty to Torah and not because of any alliances with the gentile. In most, if not all cases, the alliances will only give the Jews a false sense of security in gentiles. Such an alliance will ultimately distance faith and reliance in G-d, and that distances the day of redemption. In the end, the Jew will stand alone with G-d against the world and will have no one to rely on other than G-d, and no one to attribute their ultimate salvation to, other than G-d. For this reason let us not get too carried away with our mission of propaganda and hasbara to a world, that in most cases will hate us regardless, anyhow. And let us not get too excited about black preachers who sing their praise of Israel. Those of us who represent authentic Torah truth need to focus on exactly that, namely spreading Torah truth and doing the right thing, with faith in G-d, regardless of, and in spite of the obstacles often placed in our way by Jews and gentiles alike.


Tomer Devorah said...

Excellent, ben Yehudah. Just EXCELLENT!

Anonymous said...

interesting blog

~JP~ said...

This kind of divisive belief is what continues to perpetuate conflict amongst religions. If we believe that we do not have an obligation to each other (Jewish or gentile), then we open the door to hatred and conflict.

Hillel teaches us that the "whole law" of the Torah can be found in the golden rule. Do we want to be dismissed by our Christian and Muslim neighbors as not righteous because of our faith? If not, then we should avoid the same error. All of the Torah commentary in the world can't justify injustice toward each other.

Esser Agaroth said...


Thank you for visiting 10Ag.

Divisive belief? The Torah is the truth, not the Quran, and not the lies and distortions of Christianity, who incidentally are up to their old tricks with "replacement theology."

Obligations to each other? There are very few.

We follow the truth.

No, you've got it wrong. Hillel said that to a Roman, one, as a goy, who is not allowed to receive anymore information than that.

We are not to be worried about what the goyim think, only what the Holy One Blessed Be He thinks.

Torah commentary? No, not commentary, Torah. You obviously are coming from a different perspective than I am, which is fine, but please acknowledge that you have no clue about Torah Law.