Sunday, June 22, 2008

Shabbath In Tapu'ah With Dov Shurin!

19 of the Third Month 5768

Dinner was a packed house last Leil Shabbath with Reb Dov and his wife, nine of us from Tapu'ah, and 13 yeshivah students from all over the country, including Jerusalem, B'nei Braq, Tel-Aviv, and Tiveriah.

Speaking in both Hebrew and English, so that everyone would feel included, Dov filled the room with his songs and his stories. I started to wonder, "What's he going to see Mossa'ei Shabbath if he sings all of his songs now?"

Yekutiel Ben-Ya'akov gave a D'var Torah in Hebrew and English as well regarding the spies, the Land and the government. I picked up on the theme in Hebrew, and our friend Pesah did as well, in English, so that there would be a balance.

As I mentioned that night...

"Ashkinazi, Sefardi, Yemenite, native Israelis, immigrants, Haredim, and National Religious sitting together at the same table, singing, eating, celebrating.... This is exactly the kind of thing that the leftists don't want you to see.

"The leftists are worse than the spies. The spies lacked emunah (faith) that the Holy One, Blessed Be He, would be with them as they went up to settled the Land promised to them by the same. The leftists, the Erev Rav, want to give away what is already in our possession, throwing away the Almighty's gift back into His face.

"The pseudo-religious/pseudo-Zionists are worse. They are supposed to know better.

"Every time we invite guests to the parts of the Land, leftists want to throw away, every time Jews choose to come and visit or live here, it is a tiqqun (repair/working against) the Sin of the Spies.

"Even more so tonight, that a group of friends chose Tapu'ah to spend one their last Shabbathoth together as single men. One of their hevre is getting married in a few weeks!"

Not even a suspicious fire threatening one of the adjacent hill top communities was going to stop us from carrying this message of true "Ahduth Yisrael" (Jewish Unity)!

Mossa'ei Shabbath, Dov gave a concert, with Melaweh Malkah hosted by Yekutiel Ben-Ya'akov.

Often controversial, Dov Shurin's politically-incorrect songs always seem to beat Israel government free-speech crack-downs. This is because Dov simply uses pasuqim from Tana"kh (Bliblical verses).

What's the government gonna do? Censor the Torah?

Stay tuned...

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