ב׳ לחודש הראשון תשע"ז
English follows the Hebrew.
כיכר השבת: האמריקאים חיסלו מהאוויר בכיר באל קעידההפנטגון הודיע כי לפני כשבוע חיסלו כוחות אמריקאים מהאוויר את קארי יאסין, בכיר באל קעידה, שאחראי לכמה פיגועי תופת קטלניים וגדולים בהם נהרגו ונפצעו עשרות בני אדם (בעולם)
דניאל הרץ, כ"ח באדר תשעז 26.03.17
...שר ההגנה של ארצות הברית ג'יימס מאטיס מסר בהודעה לתקשורת: "מותו של קארי יאסין היא הוכחה לכך שטרוריסטים המכפישים את שם האסלאם ותוקפים בכוונה אזרחים חפים מפשע, לא יוכלו לחמוק מאחריות"....עשר אגורות (2¢):
אני הבן אדם היחיד שלא פיספס את הדו״ח הזה?
האם ג'יימס מאטיס מאמין שהאיסלאם באמת הדת של שלום? אם כן, אז אני מאמין שאמריקאים צריכים לפחד ממנו. האיש הזה אמר שטרוריסטים המכפישים את שם האסלאם. וג'יימס מאטיס הוא לא סתם איש, אלא הוא שר ההגנה של ארה״ב, ואמור לקחת אחראיות על הגנת נפשות האזרחים שלה מטרוריסטים כמו קארי יאסין.
אם ג'יימס מאטיס באמת מאמין שיאסין הוא לא מוסלמי אמיתי ושהעיקרונות של האסלאם האמיתי לא כוללות המטרה לכבוש את כל העולם לבסוף, ולהרוג, לאנוס, ול** את כל מי שנוגד במטרה הזאת, אז ארה״ב יושבות בסכנה גדולה.
במשך שמונת השנים הקודמות היה ברור לכל אחד שהיה לו מוח ועיניים פתוחות יכל לראות נשיא ארה״ב הקודם היה שיתוף פעולה באסלאם.
אבל הניש טראמפ? התומכים שלו לא ראו שהצרה כזאת בדרך, וממשיכים להתיחס אליו כאילו הוא המשיח, ממש כמו האמריקאים השמאלניים התיחסו לנשיא אובמה. בינתיים אותם אמריקאים השמאלניים, שהשמיצו וממשיכים להשמיץ את הנשיא טראמפ, צועקים שהזכויות של מוסלמים בסיכון להבטל.
כמו שכל נוצרי שלא תומך את המיסיונציה הוא לא נוצרי אמיתי, כל מוסלמי שלא עובד גופנית, מילולית, או כלכלית, למען השליטה האיסלאמית בעולם הוא לא מוסלמי אמיתי.
FoxNews.com: US airstrike kills high-profile terrorist leader
Lucas Tomlinson, March 25, 2017
Yasin, a senior terrorist figure from Balochistan, Pakistan, had ties to Tehrik-e Taliban and had plotted multiple Al Qaeda terror attacks, including the Sept. 20, 2008, bombing on the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad that killed dozens of innocent people, among them U.S. Air Force Maj. Rodolfo I. Rodriguez and Navy Cryptologic Technician Third Class Petty Officer Matthew J. O’Bryant.
Yasin was also responsible for the 2009 attack on a bus carrying the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore. Six Pakistani policemen and two civilians were killed and six members of the team injured.
"The death of Qari Yasin is evidence that terrorists who defame Islam and deliberately target innocent people will not escape justice," said Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis. (cont.)Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Did most people really miss this?
Does Jim Mathis really believe that Islam is the religion of peace, or other such nonsense? Well, I believe that Americans should be scared, very scared, because that man who just said that a terrorist operates against the principles of Islam (That's what he said, right?). Jim Mathis is not just any man; he is the U. S. Secretary of Defense, who is responsible for defending the Americans from terrorists such as Qari Yasin.
If Jim Mathis really believes that Yasin does not represent the ultimate goals of Muslims, which includes the eventual domination of the world, and killing, raping, and otherwise oppressing anyone standing in their way, then the U. S. in big trouble.
At least in the case of the administration of the previous U. S. President, anyone with half a brain could tell that he was a passive, if not active, collaborator.
But, with President Trump? His supporters never saw a statement like this coming, and still continue to decry him as their savior, much like the Left did with President Obama. Meanwhile, the same Left which vilified, and continues to vilify, President Trump, cry oppression of innocent, "moderate" Muslims.
Just like any Christian who does not support at least some kind of missionizing is not really a Christian, any Muslim who does not work physically, verbally, financially, is not really a Muslim.
1 comment:
From Marcos
In relation to the topic of the West sucking upsilamsis ..
I want to bring to your attention an jtmamist video that I found online through a search of channel that I frequent for news.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKiOZ71a4H4 (to be opened in a private window if possible) as opposed to one mixed with your own data.
I have include a list of time notes far below so that you may see the main bits of,
The short version:
They favour the contiuned is related to their eschatology, both them and the heretical nbsonic xtian (and occultist)jew haters.
I can send you detailed analysis but not on here while it can be linked to me by google plus, thus endangering my safety Over email then.... perhaps.
I have left it below.
(I am a forced to login and comment with my gmail account. As a result, I am not able to speak as freely as i would like bcause of the sdirect link to Google plus and the resultaing risk to my free speech tat it entails In addition there are many spelling errors int this, partly because typing style and partly because of the bad keyboard drivers i have installed that cause the cursor to jump all about ad to not register keystrokes even thogu [Which makes it partly a hardware problem as well, then? C'est mal!] Still I am posting in the hopes that
i would like that you read (and copy the times listed below my post, but that it be deleted afterwards read the linked youtube video your self (from an 9slumist who sat down with maurice herman) becuase google records the comment to my Gooogle plus account and I may get reffed to the otb agaisnt my will by mentioning certain jskamic keywords(thats letter substitution by the way,i put one letter forwar to make "mtb" ) . Ggogles are a particluarly awful on politcal correctness. And I want to protect myself as .
I also wish to cotnribute any mitzvic (hey! that may even be a new word... mitzvic)benefits my interaction here may result form
I am very wary of posting a comment through using my email because of the totalitarianim one risks when dealing with google in all of its services/subsidairies. I would not wan tto risk getting into some databaseEspecially when talking fo the so-called "r of peace". In my online browsing I ntry to do my best to prtect the info Any single comment can be traced to... To be foreced to use gmail to comment on this sensitive matters is very scary, especially if data cold be abused on other end. I will leave my email.
That is theseeker419 at mayl. Let's confuse Google's keyloggers, just a little.
tther eis more detail to the video, so y would have to send to someone in the cmmunity to analyze. I can send y
Thank you
- Marcos)
(at 8:58 He says "HEZBOLLA FOUGHT ISRAEL more "HEROICALLY" than any of the Sunjte terrorists
It is a 20 minutes long
:46-1:05 seconds ottoman empire (he history of monarchies, he is a drkish nationalist)
1:31 metions mhemmedans
2:33 mentions royal fmaiies and theri inmortance by descent from m
3:03 They talk of the war
3:36 Fantaicl pro-turk bias reveals in his speech. llater he goes into
there is more, but We will have ot sleep soon in my corner of the world. i hpe t email the rest to you
It is by a host named maurice herman. He is a rather distant friend of the famous esoterist Graham(crackers) Hamcawck [again, to avoid keyloggers] and he does independent media interviews. Some of them are with people who are deliberatley lying about their credentials. i enjoyed some f the earlier work . He is some one the community must keep watch upon becuase of his sympaties for islamists. He may pull the videos and "go undergorund if he thinks someone is watching him. He may have even threatened that do that in video several years ago) and then they'll al be gone for good (even the older graham hancock interviews)
To live in the time of the End (Torah's end, not that of pagans) is frightening, but ther eis
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