Sunday, June 10, 2007

Top 12 Reasons to Live in Israel

24 of the Third Month 5767

Rafi G. at Life In Israel made me do this....

Here are my Top 12 Reasons to live in Israel:

Israeli Flag12. Not missing the same desert weather, beaches, and plant life of Southern California. It's all here!

11. You don't have to be a doctor, a lawyer, or an accountant in order to be a highly respected member of the Jewish community. Date Palm Tree

10. "Rabbi" IS an acceptable career choice for a "nice Jewish boy."

9. Jewish farmers: Yep! They really exist.

8. Not having to save up all of your sick days at work, in order to take off Jewish holidays

Map of Israel 7. Sunday is a regular workday here; Saturday isn't.

6. You don't have to wear a tie to work...yet.

5. The simple, everyday act of commuting to work can be a lesson in ancient, Jewish history and geography.

4. Having deep discussions with complete strangers on the bus, deeper than most people in the U. S. have with their friends No Neckties

3. Connecting with Jews from around the world, and having to communicate with wach other in Hebrew, because it's only language we know in common.

2. People are closer with each other; relationships are more intimate than in the U. S.

And the Number 1 reason to live in Israel is...

1. It's the Homeland of the Jewish People.


Check out more Top 12's and other Jewish and Israeli blog posts on this week's edition of the Haveil Havalim Blog Carnival (#120).


Rafi G. said...

nice reasons. But I did not make you do it.
and Sunday being a regular workday, I consider bad... not a top reason for living here!! :-) I wish we had Sundays off...

Esser Agaroth said...

B"H Rafi, I was just kidding about you making me do it.

Sundays? You may enjoy having your 2-day weekend, but there are hallachic implications here. We must refrain from mimicking or even regarding the days of rest of idolaters. Fridays are less of an issue. See Mishnah Torah, Hil. Avodah Zarah 9:4, among others...

Rafi G. said...

that is an interesting reason to be against a day off of work!! I stilll wish we had Sunday's off. Not to mimic the goyim, but just to have Sundays off. Moondays would be fine as well, once we are at it...

Esser Agaroth said...

I kind of doubted you were into being "like the goyim."

Batya said...

good 12 reasons
funny, I thought of different ones

ps I passed the cookbooks to...

Emanuel Ben-Zion said...

One of the best things to live in Israel is not feel apart of something. If you like miss the desert just go to the desert, if you miss snow just ski in the Golan. If you are miss speaking portuguese or chinese you will find one of your brother to speak with.

shavua tov

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