Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Jewish Take on Adam Levine's "I hate this country"

כ"א לחוגש הרביעי תשע"ג

Adam Levine Caught Saying 'I Hate This Country' During 'The Voice' Results Show

The Huffington Post | By Jaimie Etkin | 05/29/2013

Adam Levine saw two of his remaining three contestants go home last night on "The Voice" and the longtime coach clearly wasn't happy about how America voted during the Top 8 results show.

After his team member Amber Carrington made it through to next week, it came down to Holly Tucker from Blake Shelton's team and Judith Hill and Sarah Simmons from Levine's for the final spot in the Top 6. With the coach knowing at least one of his remaining two ladies was going home, the tensions were clearly running high for Levine.

At the 1:14 mark in the video...from the Tuesday, May 28 results show, you can hear Levine's mic pick up: "I hate this country," as Mashable was the first to report.

Seconds later, Holly moved on and both Judith and Sarah were eliminated.

Though longtime fans of "The Voice," which is now in its fourth season, know the coach's sense of humor, Levine's "I hate this country" comment angered viewers, who tweeted their shock and disgust en masse, noting that the remark was particularly offensive in the wake of the Oklahoma and Boston tragedies and the day after Memorial Day.

Levine defended himself on Twitter (See May 29 tweets)...

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
OK. So, you're all thinking, "Who the hell cares?"

My sentiments exactly,...with a few exceptions.

1. Adam Levine's claim that he was just joking around aside, if he were Jewish, then I would say the following:
"You've almost got it right. That country is filled with decendants of Esau, and they hate you. You belong in the ONLY country you can truly call your own: Israel."
However, I find it unclear as to whether Adam Levine is Jewish, or not. It does not appear that we have enough information to make such a determination.

From Levine's Wikipedia page:
Levine has Jewish heritage on both sides of his family (his father and maternal grandfather were Jewish) and considers himself Jewish, though, according to The Jewish Chronicle, who interviewed him, he "has rejected formal religious practice for a more generalized, spiritual way of life". He chose not to have a Bar Mitzvah as a child, explaining: "I felt as though a lot of kids were trying to cash in. They were trying to make a bunch of money, and that's fine. I just don't think it's the most respectful way to deal with God and beliefs and years and years and years of cultural heritage.
2. Adam, you are certainly welcome to find our more about what Judaism really is. It certainly not about "cashing in." Let me know, if you would like any resources, resources unafraid to answer your difficult questions. I would imagine that you have more than a few.

3. This piece is another opportunity to remind my fellow Jews that Bar Mitzvah is neither an object to be had, as mentioned in Wikipedia, nor is it a verb, for crying out out loud. The offensive grammar is marked in red.

From Levine's Jewish Virtual Library page:
Though he has Jewish ancestry on both sides of his family and considers himself Jewish, Levine rejects formal religious practice and chose not to be Bar Mitzvah-ed as a child.
It seems as though the author of this page felt the need to "correct" Wikipedia. Oy!

On one hand, English grammar is hardly one of the most important issues facing English-speaking Jews today. However, if Jews can obtain high marks in grammar in prestigious universities, and yet not have a clue that a bar-mitzvah is simply a boy who has attained the age of 13 years, having been called to the Torah or having marked the experience in any other way shape or form, or not, it is truly indicative of just how far away Jews in galuth (exile) have moved away from their heritage and obligations.

And, I do not even have say just how far away from the Jewish Homeland Jews in galuth have become, not just physically, but also spiritually, albeit the two go closely hand in hand.

OK, I'll say it anyway.

The Jewish People in galuth have moved far away from Israel, very far indeed. I can only hope that they haven't moved so far away, that it has become too late for them to turn around, and swim back in the correct direction.

We can see that even though "The Industry," the entertainment industry to laypeople, does not have too much to offer us, once in a while, some wisdom can be yanked out of it.


Tomer Devorah said...

It's enough to fuel antisemitism that he has a Jewish-sounding name. The goyim don't care about the particulars. This is the hand of Hashem. It could have gone unnoticed, but instead it's widely publicized. And now Anthony Weiner is back in the spotlight and facing off against another Jew that right-wing goyim love to hate - Bloomberg. I'm telling you all this high-profile, highly publicized, seemingly-Jewish activity is going to backfire badly on American Jews and magia lahem!

Esser Agaroth said...


As usual, you are able to connect the dots on an even deeper level than most of us can.

Very interesting....

I still pray that even one more Jew will heed the message (kick in the pants).

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