כ"ז לחודש הראשון תשע"ד
Who doesn't at least consider going on a diet after a holiday?Founded by Soccer Dad, Haveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs -- a weekly collection of Jewish & Israeli blog highlights, tidbits and points of interest collected from blogs all around the world. It's hosted by different bloggers each week, jointly coordinated through our Facebook Group.The term 'Haveil Havalim,' which means"Vanity of Vanities," is from Qoheleth, (Ecclesiastes) which was written by King Solomon. King Solomon built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other 'excesses' and realized that it was nothing but 'hevel,' or in English,'vanity.' Submissions may be may through our on-line submission form on BlogCarnival.com, which requires you to log-in first.
Sure, change in habits and exercise is what we really need. Nonetheless, I hope this video helps to inspire us all to make those necessary changes!
Daniel Pinner writes on The Seventh Day of Pesach: The Courage and Faith to Work Redemption.
Reesa's World shares What I Learned this Pesach.
Avraham Ben Yehuda writes about Hol HaMoed and Work and about Schlissel Challah and the Ongoing Battle to Cleanse Pop-Judaism.
And speaking of work...
Here is some Vilna Mussar on Educating Children toward Employment from Rabbi Natan Slifkin at Rationalist Judaism.
The Rebbetzin's Husband writes about how The Omer is not a Sad Time.
Jacob Richman provides us with some Educational Resources on the Holocaust.
What do you think of this can of worms David Benkhof has opened up?
Orthodox, Celibate, and Gay, and That's OK! I wonder which side of the religious spectrum will give him the most flack.
News and Current Events
First up, on a positive note, the Jewish Unity Project announces an attempt to make the Guiness Book of World Records for the Largest Shabbat Dinner Ever!
I ask Who the hell does UN Envoy Robert Serry think he is?!
Shoshanna Jaskoll writes about The Cowering Jew,...on the Temple Mount.
Tomer Devorah believes that Things Are Looking Up,...due to some brave decisions by fellow Jews.
God Bless the Wise, Vizhnitzer Rebbe! says Ariel at The Torah Revolution.
Rob Miller writes about his Farewell to Abbas and the PA? Good Riddance!
Batya at Shiloh Musings recommends that We Unite Against our Enemies, now that They Have United Against Us.
Rafi at Life In Israel reports on Uri Bank presenting alternatives to the Two State solution and that Yisrael Chofshit wants Jewish culture off the air.
Whoops! Daniel Greenfield reports on the Muslim rapper in Germany who sang about wanting to suicide bomb, and how he ends up getting his wish.
Ariel at The Torah Revolution wonders why Liberman sees fit to criticize Jews.
Life In Israel
Avivah Werner shares A Healing Pesach for Our Family.
Post-holiday diets aside, Israel Brews and News writes about the traditional First Beer After Passover.
By the way, Where did Jews spend their Passover vacations?
And speaking of diets...
Rafi at Life In Israel brings us The End of the Story, and I will spoil it, here and now, by revealing to you that it is a very happy ending!
Oh, dear. I didn't want to post this Pesah Caption Contest from Yeranen Ya'akov, but I just couldn't help it. Check it out!
Batya at Me-Ander writes about Getting Ready for Israeli Independence Day. and how Detouring in Israel can be So Much Fun.
Things that are Cool in Israel #4: The Dude and the Drainer is presented by Adventures In AliyahLand.
Meanwhile in the...
Carl at Israel Matzav reports that Jews in the U. S. were were urged not to walk home from synagogues alone. What are Jews still doing there. That's what I would like to know!
Batya at Shiloh Musings reports on a legal challenge in the U. S. Supreme Court, which many Jews, here in Israel have been following in American Chutzpah and Israeli Nebbishkeit.
Want to know who's hosting the next edition and how to submit your posts? Join our Facebook Group!
Esser, thanks for putting together this wonderful Havel Havelim and including my posts.
I ended up ranting a bit in my post promoting it but not against you.
me-ander: The 'tween Pesach and Holocaust Memorial Day Havel Havelim
Thanks for the link.
Thanks, Batyah and Yaak!
BTW, Yaak,
I didn't have any issue with your post. I just thought it wasn't corny,...but certainly appropriate!
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