Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Western Wall's Blocked Compromise

כ׳ לחודש הרביעי תשע״ז
YNET Op-Ed: A state denying its own people
Op-ed: The government took a historic agreement on the Western Wall and threw it in the faces of millions of Jews around the world. In an anti-Zionist move, it proved to its people—and to its enemies—that Israel is no longer the Jewish people’s state. 
Yizhar Hess, 26.06.17 
We made a mistake. We believed the government, we believed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, we believed that we must finally stop this quarrel between us over the Western Wall, and we accepted a compromise agreement. But the government’s decision on Sunday, a cynical—even vicious—decision, took this historic agreement and threw it in the faces of millions of Jews around the world, adding a slap.

Listen carefully, Jews of the diaspora: Not only will you have no share or claim to the Western Wall, but conversion in the Jewish state will be performed exclusively according to the Orthodox Judaism. 
We made a mistake. We wanted to make Jerusalem a matter of consensus again, so that we Jews would finally stop fighting with each other over something that belongs to all of us. But we were deceived. The compromise agreement made us give up the right to pray in an egalitarian manner at the Western Wall that we know. We have been fighting for this for decades, but out of a sense of historical responsibility and—let’s admit it—the huge pressure we have been under, we acted against our natural instinct, and perhaps unwisely agreed to compromise. (cont.)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
All you need are the first, few paragraphs of this op-ed. You can read the rest of the above rant -- which is completely devoid of anything even remotely Jewish -- if you really want. Or you can go do something more productive with your time.

Now, let's go through first, few paragraphs, step by step, shall we?
In an anti-Zionist move...

First of all, what is Zionism?

Zionism is the concept that the Jewish People has an inherent connection to Eretz Yisra'el (the Land of Israel), and that it is ours, and no one else's. The concept of Zionism originated where, you may ask? Hertzl? The United Nothings United Nations? The Balfour Agreement?

None of the above.

Zionism originates from The Holy One, Blessed Be He, who promised us this Land, and transmitted this promised to us through His Holy Torah, given to Moshe Rabbenu.

The Torah is also the only justification for the Jewish People's claim to the Land, not because we were here first. We weren't. The Canaanites were, and they The Almighty took it away from them. Any declaration or law created by humans, which allows, encourages, proclaims, or enforces the Jewish People's connection, to Eretz Yisra'el, and any claim it has to settle and reside here can be revoked by humans, just as easily as it was created.

And we are seeing this happen right before our eyes: the Oslo Death Accords, the establishment of the Pseudostinian Authority [PA], selling and giving away land to Christian groups, preparation for man-made borders with a "security" fence, etc.

In a nutshell, these people seem to want to equate Zionism with Democracy, or in the State of Israel's case, deMOCKracy. But, more democracy later....
Listen carefully, Jews of the diaspora...
Jews of the diaspora? As if they should have any say in the matter? Why on earth should they have a say? Furthermore, these people go off on democracy and being a nation like are the other nations. Yet if that is the case, why on earth should those of us actually living here (on the front lines) allow them to be involved? Because of their financial support money? (shohad/bribe)

Democracy, or in the State of Israel's case, deMOCKracy (Yeah, I know I said that already.) is a Greek system of governance, Greek as in Hellenist, as in the assimilated, Hellenist Jews we fought against, and defeated, in the war which culminated with the re-dedication of Beth HaMiqdash (the Temple), and the creation of the holiday of Hanukkah.

These Jews, or rather "Jews," are running scared,...they know that t
Because of sham conversions, acceptance of "patralineal descent," and even intermarriage according to their own definition, how many of these "liberal Jews" are even Jews to begin with?
Listen carefully, Jews of the diaspora: Not only will you have no share or claim to the Western Wall, but conversion in the Jewish state will be performed exclusively according to the Orthodox Judaism.
Conversions? One may not convert to Judaism through bodies which are not Jewish, and even if they were, their "judges" are disqualified from serving in such positions, due to their various distortions and denials of the Torah, primarily the Oral Torah, and other heretical beliefs, not to mention their gender. In the recent list released by Israel's Chief Rabbinate, of those individuals whose statements of "proof of Jewishness" are no longer accepted, women were conspicuously absent. Why? No need. It is already a given that they are disqualified from providing such eiduth (testimony).

If one wants to "convert" to "Conservativism" or "Reformism," by all means, let them. After all, these religions are not Judaism. So, what do I care? Unfortunately, the Israeli government, as well as the [non-]Jewish Agency, accepts paperwork from these groups' clergy for the purposes of nationality.

Orthodox Judaism? As if there were any other kind... I think he means Torah-observant Judaism, which is, of course, redundant.

Fill the land up with those who actually think they are Jewish, so as to battle against the Torah from within.

Tantrums win out.
We made a mistake. We wanted to make Jerusalem a matter of consensus again, so that we Jews would finally stop fighting with each other over something that belongs to all of us.
Well, you see that's the whole point, isn't it? Does it really belong to you? Yet, again, I have to ask, just how many of you are Jewish?

The Ramba"m goes a step further suggesting that even if you are all really of Jewish matrilineal descent, it doesn't matter. I'll let you look this one up yourselves (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Repentance 3:14-27). Oh, and don't forget to look it up in an uncensored version.

Of course, this is just talking about many of your "leaders." Most of you do not know

I'm sorry to hurt your egos. But, Judaism is all about asking questions. If you have been turned off by rabbis who do not answer your questions, or cannot even say "I don't know the answer, but I can research it," then continue your search for someone who can provide you with sources to support his view, and who will not make you feel stupid or embarrassed. If you have encountered rabbis who have done this to you, they you were right not to bother with them.

But, if you really believe that Judaism is your heritage, and not just some wall, you owe it to yourselves to continued you search.

But, I digress...

While we were still in Egypt, the Erev Rav (mixed-multitude/false converts) cried when they were told that we were journeying to Eretz Yisra'el. Why? Because not being from any tribe, they would not inherit. They did not feel any connection to the Land. And ever since then, their descendants have been causing us problems, one of which has been not only to forsake the Land, but actively chop it up and give it away. After all, what do they care?

Whereas true converts accept the Will of HaShem.
We made a mistake.
Yeah, you made a mistake alright. Besides not truly investing your time and energy, blood, sweat and tears by actually residing in Israel, by intermarrying -- including marrying those with sham conversions -- is that unlike the "ultra-orthodox" and "settlers," as you call us, you are not having enough children.

The Left saw this coming ages ago, and so has actively had to recruit goyim from the Former Soviet Union, airlift Christians from Ethiopia, grant special status to foreign workers, and facilitate the flow of infiltrators into Israel from Africa, in order to counterbalance the population growth of Torah-observant Jews.

But, this has still not been enough. Neither has the indoctrination into diehard State loyalty through the State's educational system and IDF service. While the religious mamlakhtim (diehard State loyalists) continue to throw their kippahs off during army service, the Haredim and few [real] "settlers" allowed into the IDF do not.

Be careful what you pray wish for. Because if you want democracy, then  you will have to live with the results consequences. Most of the Haredim and residents of Yehudah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria) -- the proper names of these communities -- commit the greatest crime of all.

We vote.

Oh, and by the way, when will you finally wake up to the fact that Arabs consider Tel-Aviv to be a settlement, just as much as Hevron or Beth-El?

I would say that it is only a matter of time before we vote you out of power. However, history has shown that anytime we start winning, while playing by the rules that is, you simply change the rules.

You see, you are right when you say that...
Israel is no longer the Jewish people’s state. 
The State of Israel is not controlled by the Jewish People. מי שמבין יבין

I don't count the fading Shabbos and Kashruth laws, and the Prime Minister occasionally donning a kippah and reading from the Tana"kh (The Bible). Does he really mean it? I mean REALLY mean it?

And so, I guess this will force us to wait a little longer...
For you to intermarry some more and assimilate out of existence.

For those of you in Israel, for you to run away to Europe or to the U. S., when the situation gets too tough for them.

Or for you to wake up finally, do teshuvah (repentance), and join us.
Unfortunately, I am not optimistic about seeing too many take this last opinion, and so I am not holding my breath.

My only consolation is that these people are fighting over the parking lot a wall of Har HaBayith (Temple Mount), and so they are too busy to concern themselves with Har HaBayith itself.

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