Well, it was either calling it the Krembo Edition, of the "BlogCarnival.com Is Having Issues Again" Edition, which would have been way too boring. But, yeah, that site is having issues,...again.
Hey, I have an idea. How about if we have a standard, contingency plan for when this happens again? And, I am afraid that it WILL happen again. How about if we agree that if BlogCarnival.com develops "issues" again in the future, we automatically know to leave a comment on the host's blog. Any host who has comment moderation, can simply retrieve the information, and delete the comment. Those without can retrieve the information, and then delete the comment, or just leave it there.
But, what about those newcomers not in the know? Well, let's have Jack see if a note can be put on our BlogCarnival.com page, explaining our contingency plan.
Got any better ideas? Send them to Jack directly at talktojacknow@gmail.com.
Unable to depend on Blog Carnival, I had to search out posts on my own, trying to include some of our regular contributors. So, here it is, this week's edition.Founded by Soccer Dad, Haveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs -- a weekly collection of Jewish & Israeli blog highlights, tidbits and points of interest collected from blogs all around the world. It's hosted by different bloggers each week and coordinated by Jack. The term 'Haveil Havalim,' which means"Vanity of Vanities," is from Qoheleth, (Ecclesiastes) which was written by King Solomon. King Solomon built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other 'excesses' and realized that it was nothing but 'hevel,' or in English, 'vanity.'
The Parsha Blog provides A Consistent Explanation Of Shalshelet, Across Tanach.
Jennifer at Jewneric interview Jew in the City in Jew In The City Wonders…Do God And Science Have Chemistry?Rafi at Life In Israel asks, "Is This What The Kollel System Leads To?"
Velveteen Rabbi writes On Prayer, Gratitude, Darkness, Praise.
Ima On The Bima is short and sweet in First World Problems, but there is much wisdom to be gleaned from it!
In Israel
Ruti at Ki Yachol Nuchal! brings us a[n epic] story of what a man does to fight his wife's cancer in The Dawn Of A New Day. (bring tissues)
The Jewish Fist brings us a Portrait Of Amalek.
"Peace-loving" Rabbi Michael Lemming remembers fondly Yitzhaq Rabin-Man Of Love.
Ariel at The Torah Revolution also chimes in on Rabin, as does The Virtual Medinat Yehudah in The First Rays Of Dawn.
And, now, how about some Ritter Sport Chocolate Tea Biscuit Milk Cream & Cocoa? Check out Isreview's review to see if she thinks they are worth it.
Outside Of Israel
Snoopy at Simply Jews brings us Iran: Mossad's Involvement In Blast A Myth. What do you think?
Sultan Knish says Don't Underestimate Iran's Instability.
Meanwhile, Elder Of Ziyon reports that the Muslim Brotherhood Is Going Public In Lybia.
Princess Pana reports on the case of Valerie Carlton...Victimised For Being Jewish! Carlton is now in solitary confinement, and faces worse possibilities for her future. Read this post to find out why. Where are all of the calls for pidyon hashvuyin (redeeming the captive) now?
Tomer Devorah has a message for Jews In NY.
To Kiss A Mezuzah brings us Germs And Words Circling The Bed.
Last, but definitely not least,the Shiloh Muse brings us Sweet "Revenge," in memory of Rachella Druk hy"d, who was murdered 20 years ago, in one of the first Arab shooting attacks.
And, who's hosting next week's edition? Good question. No one has signed up yet. Please contact Jack directly at talktojacknow@gmail.com, if you would like to host. It's not so hard, once you get the hang of it, and it's fun, too!
You are the best, Ya'aqov! Thank you for being such a stalwart.
Yaaqov, you write Krembos; I write Crembos. It's just Havel, Havel Havelim
Thanks for doing such a great job!
Thanks for including a post of mine too.
I was wondering why I didn't get the automated email telling me my posts were received, but I had not gotten one the week before and yet it the host seemed to have gotten my submissions because she included them so I thought everything was OK. Now I know not to depend on that.
I think your back up plan is a good idea.
Thanks for hosting
Good show!
I'm gonna sneak in a link to the post that I submitted:
Allergens, infestations, mandolines, and a serious kashering question, all in one handy post. (Did I miss anything? :))
Oops, forgot to submit...again! Thanks for the reminder, Ya'aqov.
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