Sunday, May 05, 2013

Message To Iran From Elad Pereg - پيغام برای ايران

כ"ה לחודש השני תשע"ג

Please watch this video, mostly in Persian with English subtitles, by my friend Elad Daniel Pereg.

You will probably remember Elad from the viral YouTube video of his one-man counter-protest against the anti-Israel "Lion's Den" in Los Angeles several years ago.

Elad and his mother have since made aliyah. Elad finished high school in Israel, and is now serving in the Israeli Defense Forces [IDF].

Please help make his new video go viral as well!

You can also "like" Elad's "Future Member Of K'nesseth" page on Facebook, and follow him on Twitter.


Yakov Butterfield said...

Yes, It just takes one person to remind us who we are and to be proud.
I was across the street watching after filling out Aliyah paperwork when it happened. If you have children, make Aliyah, it is the very best thing you can do for them.

Esser Agaroth said...


Please share!