Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Some Likud Afterthoughts

13 of the Ninth Month 5769

I wonder if Eli resident, Yehiel Leiter will be giving up his U. S. citizenship to run for Knesset, considering his poor showing (#39). That's the law, by the way, albeit selectively enforced, no dual-citizenship for K'nesseth members. Hmmm...

I had a relatively pleasant experience standing in line to vote yesterday in the Likud primaries at Binyanei Ha'Umah (Jerusalem Convention Center),...well, except for the "standing in line for over an hour" part. What I mean is that the roving supporters of various candidates were pleasant enough, and not at all pushy. Of course, most were paid to pass out literature, and did not necessarily have any other connection to the candidates who had hired them. Some clearly did have a connection with their candidates, but still were interested in talking positively, and not bashing others.

The one exception was my encounter with a young, Haredi-appearing, young man, who wanted to tell me about how Yehiel Leiter's views had been distorted, and wanted to set everyone straight. That was after I had told him that there was no chance I was voting for Leiter. As he started his rant, I told him not to waste his time. He continued. I spoke quietly in his ear. I asked him why he was supporting a mamlachti. I told him that I knew that HE would gladly adhere to Torah Law, even in a circumstance when it violated Israeli law, and that he should ask Yehiel Leiter what he would do in the same situation.

I turned away, and I guess this young electioneerer realized that he was, indeed, wasting his time, and went away.

My sources report that Yehiel Leiter's wife stood outside the polling station in Shiloh (where the primaries experience was not as pleasant), complaining in a similar fashion, that her husband does everything to promote settling Yehudah & Shomron (Judea & Samaria) and does not want to give up land. (In theory, I am willing to stipulate that he really doesn't.) Sounds like Yehiel, or his wife, needs to talk to the news media, both left (Hebrew) and right. I haven't heard any reports of liable suits. Have you? When trying to "explain" his true position in Omedia, he doesn't sound THAT different from what he claims was a misrepresentation of his position by the Hebrew daily, Yisrael HaYom (Hebrew).

But to me, none of this makes any difference. Anyone ever associated with the YeSh"A Council is already pasul (disqualified) in my book. But a religious Jew who wishes goyim in Israel a happy goyshe holiday? He's more than pasul; he's not even in the heshbon (not relevant)....

In other news, Party Leader Netanyahu has not given up trying to diminish Moshe Feiglin's chances to become a member of K'nesseth. Currently in a good position on the Likud list of candidates (#20) to make it into parliament, Feiglin faces the expected petition by Netanyahu crony, Ophir Ekonis, to bump the district representatives up to higher positions on the candidate list:

Ekonis, who carried the Tel Aviv district in Monday's primary elections, will appeal through attorney Yaakov Ne'eman, and demand the placement of district winners be bumped after the slots reserved for women became obsolete – as the women were elected to positions higher than the reserved spots.
Michael Kleiner did not make the top 42. (If you know his exact placement, let me know.) That disappointed me greatly. Remember, he was the one who had posters in Arabic put up during the last election campaign. The posters said that any Arab wanting assistance to move out of Israel should call his office. Quite a few of these posters ended up covering the facade of an Arab party headquarters in Yaffo, starting a near riot.

And they're complaining about Moshe Feiglin?

So, the next question is, for which party do I vote in the general election?

Stay tuned...


Batya said...

Ya'aqov, I'm left with exactly the same question. A7 had a story that Arieh Eldad would like Hatikvah to run with Bayit Yehudi.

And I think that Bibi's making a big mistake.

Tomer Devorah said...

"...which party do I vote in the general election?"

The fact that people just can't pry their fingers loose of their attachment to this system is our downfall.