Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jewish-Israel Round-Up Post Sukkot Edition Is Up!

כ"ו לחודש השביעי תשע"ד

The Post Sukkot Edition of the Jewish-Israel Blog Carnival aka Havel Havelim is up at A Damaged Mirror

More Proof that the Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] are Not a Jewish Army

כ"ו לחודש השביעי תשע"ד

פרסום ראשון: חיילת מחיל הים עלתה לתורה במסגרת מניין תפילה שהתקיים בשמחת תורה, בבסיס ההדרכה של חיל הים בחיפה. בני ישיבות ההסדר שנכחו במקום לא מחו כנגדה. דו"צ: התקיים בירור בנושא וחודדו הנהלים [לאירועים] לעתיד

נטעאל בנדל, כ"ה תשרי תשע"ד, 29/09/2013

Kippah: For the first time: Female Soldier went up to the Torah in a Minyan in an IDF Synagogue
A female sailor from the Israeli Navy went up (aliyah) to the Torah in a Simhath Torah minyan, on a naval training base in Haifa. The Hesder (yeshivah) soldiers who were present at the time did not put up any protest against this. IDF Spokesperson: An investigation into the matter is being made, and procedures will be clarified for [such events] in the future.

(Tip Credit:

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
The only reasons I can think of, as to why the Hesder soldiers did not protest include:
1. Every man was already afforded an aliyah, as is the custom in most communities on Simhath Torah, Thus, this misswah was not taken away from any of the men.

2. These Hesder soldiers have decided to choose their shots, and this was not one that they chose.

3. These Hesder soldiers fell for the Erev Rav sneakiness of "graduality."
Aditional problems are exposed in this report. For now, I will focus on only one: The hypocrisy of the IDF.

I predict that this incident will be brushed under the carpet, then later revisited, and used as a precedent. Even though it is possible that this was simply a mishap. The gabbay was, after all, a civilian employee, and who knows what he was thinking at the time.

So called "democratic religious freedom," which incidentally has nothing to do with Torah, will selectively applied. Female soldiers will be included, if not encouraged and falsely educated to participate, in an "egalitarian" structure (Read: "un-Jewish"), while male soldiers will not be allowed to excercise their "democratic religious freedom," by choosing to refrain from listening to women sing, or watching them dance, among other activities which go against their Torah sensibilities.

I have already shown in previous posts, that the IDF is not a Jewish army.

Jewish armies do not violate the Torah.

Jewish armies do not force their soldiers to violate the Torah.

Jewish armies do not blindly follow an "un-Jewish" government,...if at all.

Jewish armies do not collaborate with enemies of the Jewish People.

Jewish armies do not care more the protecting the lives are our enemies than their own soldiers.

Jewish armies do not condone, nor remain silent on issues of, promiscuity.

Jewish armies do not give up, Jewish land, pieces of Eretz Ysra'el, which The Almighty has returned to us.

Jewish armies do not throw Jews out of their homes.

Jewish armies do not place goyim over Jews in their ranks.
*There is an interesting story I heard from the Kalashnikover Rebbe about a Druze commander at the Kotel who ordered his Jewish soldiers to put on tefillin. This interesting twist, not withstanding, Jewish armies do not place goyim over Jews in their ranks.

Jewish armies do not insist on burying Jews with non-Jews.

Tapu'ah West Synagogue
destroyed at the hands of the IDF
Jewish armies do not destroy synagogues.

Jewish armies do not destroy their own Torah-loyalist yeshivoth.

Jewish armies do not battle against the Torah, nor allow themselves to be used as tools of the Erev Rav.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Lying Arabs and the Lying Jews who Lie for Them!

YNET: Abbas: Most Israelis back two-state solution
PA president expresses certainty that most Israelis support two-state solution, says authority determined to reach permanent deal, to establish Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as capital.

Yitzhak Benhorin, September 26, 2013

President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas addressed the UN General Assembly Thursday, saying he was certain that most Israelis were interested in peace and in the two-state solution.

"Therefore, what is required is to heed the lesson of history, to abandon the mentality of force and occupation, to recognize the rights of others, and to deal on an equal footing and parity to make peace," he said.

The PA president thanked the United Nations for recognizing Palestine as a non-member state.

Abbas further stressed that the Palestinians' quest for an independent state was not accompanied by delegitimizing the State of Israel.

"Our objective is to achieve a permanent and comprehensive agreement and a peace treaty between the state of Palestine and Israel that resolves all outstanding issues and answers all questions, which allows us to officially declare an end of conflict and claims," he said.

He urged the international community to ensure that agreements are not violated, referring, as he stressed "to the continuation of settlement construction on our Palestinian land, particularly in Jerusalem."

Abbas lauded the European Union's decision to ban West Bank settlements, stating it serves as a positive step that ensures the peace process is handled in a constructive manner. 

The Palestinian president said that since January, "708 terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by settlers against our mosques and churches, and against olive trees, farming fields and homes and property of Palestinians." (cont.)

(Tip Credit: Jews News)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
That PA President Abbas is certain that most Israelis support a two-state solution is the least of his lies. He may have actually convinced himself of that, as a result of his delusional state of mind. But, my money is on the certainty that he is both delusional and lying.

ישמעאל שונא ליעקב.
Yishma'el hates Ya'aqov.

And what about Abbas's lies of omission, like the murders of Israeli soldiers at the hands of the PA last Friday and Sunday? There was no mention of them, no apologies, nor even any praise for terrorists who carried it out. There no mention of the additional attacks on Jews, not to mention the countless rockets hitting Israel's south.

He has successfully convinced the goyim in the West that they are simply "freedom fighters."

The day after Abbas's speech, news surfaced that Hamas has called to unleash a third Intifada.

But, this goes beyond the goyim's "patience" with Abbas, as he attempts reign in the rogue Hamas.

עשו שונא ליעקב.
Esau hates Ya'aqov.

Seriously though, this speech and all previous speeches of Abbas, and of all Pseudostinian leaders before him should came no surprise to anyone. Not only do they want ALL of Israel, and Israel's future as nonexistent. But, this is also the goal of the segment of Erev Rav controlling the Israeli government.

And so, who is to blame? The Yishma'elites, who are just following their nature? Or the un-Jews, putting up road blocks to the Torah and real peace, the way in which Jews are supposed to live, behind the scenes, and every step of the way.

And, then there is the rest of us, allowing this path toward our mass suicide to continue.

World Trend: Countries Protecting their Systems of Indoctrination

אסרו חג העצרת תשע"ד

I frightening trend has been manifesting itself on the world scene. However, it is far from being a new trend. World Net Daily [WND] reports on it. Here are some of the highlights:
WND: Frightening new assault on homeschooling
[Dutch] Education chief: Parents should not be allowed to teach

Bob Unruh, September 25, 2013

1. Among major democratic nations, homeschooling already is banned in Germany, under a Hitler-era law, and in Sweden, where authorities have taken offspring out of their family’s arms to crack down on the educational method.

2. Scotland is taking a different approach, demanding that all children be assigned a “nanny” at birth to make sure they get educated. [This means that] the government is proposing a plan that  “would assign a government social worker to ‘promote, support or safeguard the wellbeing’ of every child from birth.” That “named person” would have great authority to order what the child – and parents – must do throughout life, regarding schooling, health, social activities and the like.

3. Now officials in the Netherlands are looking to join the crackdown on parents.

4. A report from the Examiner has listed nations where homeschooling also is illegal, including mostly socialist-leaning or former communist territories. They include Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Brazil, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, El Salvador, Georgia, Greece, Greenland, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Trinidad and Tobago and Turkey.

5. The Obama administration has argued in court that parents essentially have no right to determine how and what their children are taught, leaving the authority with the government.

6. “I want the American homeschool community and other friends of liberty to take note – this mindset isn’t limited to Germany. Many U.S. policymakers and academics agree. … They are even working to see them realized here. So far, thankfully, homeschooling isn’t a legitimate reason (anymore) for the government to kidnap your children if they don’t go to state approved schools,”
- Michael Farris, Chairman, Home School Legal Defense Association [HSLDA]

7. [There are] “already too many voices in the United States that want to advance the idea that the state must control education for the safety of the state or other reasons.”
- Michael Donnelly, director of international relations, HSLDA

8. “And this is the same rationale of the German government in perpetrating deplorable acts like this,” he said. “Why should we think it couldn’t or won’t happen here?”
- Michael Farris

9. “Can’t a government that can order you to get health care tell you that you don’t qualify for certain life-saving treatments, tell parents they can’t allow their children to get certain kinds of counseling or that they must have a particular kind of medical treatments or that certain religious speech is intolerant and may not be permitted or must be punished, or that only national curricular standards are acceptable for all children, etc. – can’t a government like that order you to send your children to school? And then punish you if you don’t?
- Michael Donnelly

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
I believe that this piece really speaks for itself. I will add only a few personal observations and professional experiences.

As a school psychologist in the California public schools, I saw first hand how children were expected to fit into a box. I'll never forget when I when I asked to observe a child in his Kindergarten classroom, because while standing with the other children, singing the ABC song, he was double tapping his feet. The teacher found this quite disturbing, and was almost ready to cry "ADD." I, on the other hand, was almost ready to cry, "So what if he's tapping his feet. Get over it!" I knew that this teacher would simply not hear it. Even after only a couple of hours in the classroom, I was pretty sure that this kid was a kinesthetic learner, and not the disruptive student and burgeoning sociopath this Kindergarten teacher was making him out to be.

"Sheeple" (Sheep + People)
But, fitting children in neat little boxes was from the worst thing that could have been done to them. Sitting still, absorbing information fed to them, and refraining from questioning authority are only a few which I personally recall. Being kept in numbed out, within the illusion of having "freedom" and a "say in government policy" through elections were the masterpieces I can now see in retrospect.

To get a better picture of children's learning styles, and how they fit in, or rather, how they are not allowed to fit into the "traditional" American classroom, I recommend reading the very short story Animal School, attributed to George H. Reavis, Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Cincinnati, Ohio (1940's).

This brings me to Israel. In a nutshell, those of us in Israel need to be aware, and to keep watch over government crackdowns on homeschooling, independent, alternative, and semi-private educational institutions. As a teacher in Israel's public religious and secular schools, I saw that the indoctrination process simply has different appearance than that in the U. S. The goals are the similar, though:
1) Increase and maintain citizens' trust in the State.

2) Increase and maintain citizens' loyalty to the State, through reward, as well punishment.

3) Discourage independent thinking, and loyalty to anything else besides the State and its laws, including The Almighty, and His Torah.
Sitting still and absorbing information is not the Israeli focus, when it comes to indoctrination into a loyalist society. In the religious schools, students ask questions, and are encouraged to do so. But, the answers are all in line with government policy, or else that teacher does not last very long. In high schools, the government is sometimes presented as correct. This is when any mass opposition is expected. When the government is presented as being flawed, this is immediately followed with the need to respond with patience and love, and to remember that The Almighty's hand was in the forming of the State. The fact that the State's constant battle against the Torah is staring these teachers and students right in the face simply falls by the waste side, and parents allow it to remain so.

The State is to be held in such high regard, even if it appears to be leading Am Yisra'el down a path toward communal suicide. Civil disobedience is out of the question, and an soldier can never refuse to carry out an order which violates the Torah, because the students and future soldiers are that there is just no such thing. They are taught that it is all just "part of the path toward ge'ulah (final redemption)." (sigh)

In the secular schools, attempts at removing all Holiness from the Tana"kh (Bible) is the order of the day.

Now you know why Haredim are so protective of their school systems. Whether they are not simply doing the same thing with their communities, to "keep them in line," and whether they should be taking any money from the State of Israel in order to fund them are discussions for future posts.

Of course, there are parents, those who can afford it, who send their children to private schools, semi-private schools, even Haredi schools, not to mention those who go to battle with the Ministry of Education for the "right" to home school their children. The harassment some of these parents receive is truly unbelievable.

Threats from the Ministry, threats from the front line soldiers, the State's social workers are regular occurrences, all in the name of making certain that Israeli children receive a "proper" education, emphasis on the word "proper." What "proper" means, is determined by the government, not the parents, and certainly not by rabbis, who have been demonized for their "disloyalty" to the State.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Covenant Of Abraham

הוששענה רבה תשע"ד

The following is a comment on Times of Israel: Christians Fulfilling the Prophecy of Isaiah, and my reply to it. This woman was probably referring to Avraham's blessing, based on Genesis 12:3.

"Those who bless Israel will be blessed; those who curse Israel will be cursed."

Either way, she gets it wrong.
DA:  We gentiles are GRATEFUL that part of God's covenant with Abraham included blessing every family of the earth. May there be multitudes who will one day join themselves with Him...Zechariah 2:11

Esser Agaroth (2¢): You are NOT part of Avraham's covenant. You are the inheritors of Esau! He did not inherit the covenant from Yitzhaq (from Avraham); his brother Ya'aqov did. Not only that, but Esau never had a brith* milah! The covenant is not yours, and neither is OUR PROMISED LAND!

*brith = Heb.: covenant
milah = Heb.: circumcision

Your "multitudes" who continue their avodah zarah (foreign/forbidden practices) are not, I repeat, not welcome here.

The pollution stemming from the worship of a false deity/false messiah/intercessor, or whatever you are calling him these days is a curse, not a blessing.

Setting sights on OUR LAND is a curse, not a blessing.

I suppose that you will have to learn this the hard way.

Today, the last day of Sukkoth, Hosha'na Rabbah with be the יום הדין לגוים (Day of Judgment for the Goyim). It is also the day when you are supposed to leave Jerusalem, and allow the Jews to celebrate Shemini Atzereth/Simhath Torah without you.

Of course, when you came for Sukkoth, you never supposed to bring your avoah zarah beliefs and practices with you in the first place.

I guess no one told you those parts.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Out of the Mouths of Teens: Jaden Smith's Wisdom

 ה' חול המועד סוכות תשע"ד

Yes, I'm late commenting on this. Internet connectivity issues at home. What can I say, but I think that this is still worth posting.

There is much more than you might think to this September 5th Tweet from Actor and Singer Jaden Smith ("The Karate Kid"), the son of entertainers Will Smith ("Fresh Prince of Bel Air" "Men In Black,") and Jada Pinkett-Smith ("A Different World" "Matrix" II and III, "Madagascar").

(Tip Credit: Yahoo! OMG)

Some might just blow it off as some typical rebellious, teen angst, blowing off some steam, expressing frustration with school.

It sure wouldn't be the first time.

But, is that really what Jaden Smith was trying to express here?

I don't think so. Jaden's parents have taken quite an interest in their children's education, not the sort of thing you hear everyday associated with Hollywood celebrities. Although, there certainly are some. The Smiths funded their own private school, the New Village Leadership Academy. I have no idea whether I would have agreed with its philosophy and approach or not. But, that doesn't matter. Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith did. They did the research and fortunately had the means to provide the education which they wanted for their children, and not necessarily what their public schools would have provided.

And so, it would not surprise me, if Jaden Smith had been given some exposure to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, American public schools do not provide what all American parents would choose for their children, if they had that choice.

Regardless of Jaden Smith's motivation behind his tweet, maybe some Americans (and Israelis!) will wake up as a result it, and think about the possibility that maybe, just maybe, those government-funded, public schools around the corner do not necessarily have our best intentions at the route of their purpose, but rather,...indoctrination of our young citizens into well-behaved "sheeple" who won't cause any problems for the powers that be.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Are Christians Fulfilling the Prophecy of Isaiah? (האם הנוצרים מקיימים את נבואת ישעיהו הנביא?)

ד' הול המועד סוכות תשע"ד

Times of Israel: Christians Fulfilling the Prophecy of Isaiah
(למאמר שלו בעברית ללחוץ כאן.)
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed

Rabbi of Har Berakhah, Shomron (Samaria), September 18, 2013

The Enveloping Light of the Sukkah

The mitzvah of sitting in the Sukkah is unique in sanctifying man’s daily routines. The eating and drinking, the chatting, and the sleeping which we do in the Sukkah are elevated and sanctified to the point where they are deemed mitzvoth.

It is specifically on Sukkot that we merit this, because Sukkot is Chag HaAsif (the holiday of in-gathering). This is when both the physical and spiritual in-gathering of the year are completed – the in-gathering of grain and fruit, as well as the in-gathering of all our Torah study and all of our good deeds. Thanks to the repentance and atonement that we undergo during the month of Elul and Aseret Yemei Teshuvah (the ten days of repentance), this in-gathering is innocent and pure, and we can thoroughly enjoy it.

Sukkah and the Land of Israel
In this sense, the mitzvah to live in the Sukkah and the mitzvah to settle the Land of Israel are similar (Vilna Ga’on, cited in Kol HaTor 1:7). Both of these mitzvoth envelop us, and we immerse ourselves in their atmosphere of holiness. By doing so, even our mundane activities become sanctified. (cont.)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Rabbi Melamed neglects a very important series of points. We (Jews) do not violate halakhah (Jewish Law), based on past nevu'ah (prophecy),...and that is very much an oversimplification. We follow halakhah according to halakhic sources.

Avodah Zarah and Incitement to Involve Others
Christians are  'ovdei avodah zarah (Ramba"m Hil. A"Z 9:4 - uncensored version). We are not allowed to bring 'ovdei avodah zarah (practitioners of foreign/forbidden worship, Ex. 20:2, Deut. 7:2-6) into the Land to pollute it with their practices which The Almighty despises, we are certainly not allowed to make it easy for them to live here (Do Caleb Waller and his wife still live in a trailer which should have been given to a Jewish family???) or to do their avodah zarah in the vineyards, fields, nor even in the privacy of their own living spaces. (Ramba"m Hil. A"Z Chps. 9-10 - uncensored version)

What? Do you think these Christian "volunteers" have given up their false deity/false messiah, [or whatever] they happen to be calling him these days? When they say God, who do you think they really mean? They mean that composite, mythical figure of a bastard, yeshivah drop-out who went down to Egypt to learn the magical arts. Hello?!

In their OWN words:
We will share with them the Yesh"u* (Jesus) that we know.... Our goal and vision is to organize an infrastructure, with the participation of as many communities as possible, to labor and to work shoulder to shoulder with Israelis in the field, to bring the gospel of Yesh"u to [them] one at a time, one family at a time.
(לעברית ללחוץ כאן.)
(*The "name" Yesh"u is actually an acronym יש"ו = ימך שמו וזכרו "May his name and memory be blotted out!")
The Land Of Israel
Besides the pollution of our Land with Christian avodah zarah, they are also preparing the way for themselves and their cohorts to settle here permanently. (God forbid!) I wonder if Rabbi Melamed believes that is also part of prophecy.

Notice that there isn't any Tribe of Esau. They get Mt. Se'ir.
(Click To Enlarge)
Christians believe that one of two scenarios will occur:
1. The "Two Houses" crap, that they will inherit the north (Efraim, etc.) and accept upon themselves taryag misswoth (even though there are many which they are not allowed to observe, such as Shabbath), while Jews settle the South (Judea), and accept upon themselves their forbidden beliefs in their false deity/false messiah/intercessor, OR

2. That they will get everything, and only those who believe in their false deity/false messiah/intercessor, or whatever they are calling him these days, in order to feign benevolence, will inherit with them. (See Zech chps. 12-14) It has already begun in Jerusalem. This is parallel to the Yishma'elite (Arab/Muslim) belief that Jews did not do what The Almighty desired, and thus lost our inheritance.
Who has been feeding R' Melamed false information about Christianity?? (more likely than not, native English speakers)
This is NOT about just about missionizing.

This is not just about polluting our Land with their avodah zarah.

This is about laying claim to OUR LAND, the Land which The Almighty promised to Am Yisrael, handed it back to us, when we did what we were supposed to in תש"ח/1948 ,תשכ"ז/1967, תשל"ד/1973, תשס"ו/2006.

The Arab vision of Israel: Non-existence.
When Arabs lay claim to OUR LAND, many rabbis suggest that they have the din (status) of the שבעת העמים. But when Christians do the same, then no? Why not?

Could it be because of money? Or perhaps, it is because these native English speakers, feeding information to Rabbi Melamed and others, are so overjoyed by the love and acceptance of goyim, they feel like they have really accomplished something? They feel like they have finally won the battle, they never won while in galuth (exile). But, this battle is simply a result of the galuthi Jews unending, co-dependent search for external validation for our communal self-esteem, not to mention our existence.

This mentality of allowing ones feelings, ones hashqafah (preconceived perspective), to blind ones eyes from seeing what the halakhah really is, what the Torah really says, is exactly like the Leftists' "feelings" that helping the Arabs (who want to annihilate us) is the right thing to do.

Both are the Western/galuthi approaches.

Let us not forget that the weapon of Yishma'el may be the sword (or missile or bomb - לא עלינו), but the weapon is Esau is the mouth and tongue, like the pig which sticks out its split hooves, and makes a chewing motion, pretending to be kasher (Midrash, Parashath Shemini). Esau's mouth smiles; and his tongue lies! It has many faces! Rabbi Melamed would do well to revisit one of the very sources he cites, the Kol HaTor**, and look up what it states about those Jews who align themselves with Esau.

The Sukkah
Rabbi Melamed mentions a connection between the Christian infiltrators whom he calls "volunteers," and the Festival of Sukkoth. After all Sukkoth is called Hag HaAssif (Festival of Gathering). Odd that he neglected to mention the very well-know midrash which actually does connect non-Jews with this festival, especially since it is prophetic. This midrash from the Talmud (TB Avodah Zarah 2b-3a) goes like this....
On the dreaded, final Day of Judgment, the goyim cry out to The Almighty for one last chance to demonstrate their readiness to accept His Torah. The Almighty eventually decides to give it to them. He gives them one misswah to perform, the misswah of Sukkah. The goyim immediately go out and build sukkoth on their rooftops.

Then The Almighty brings a heatwave. The goyim leave the sukkah, and kick it, demonstrating just how much they despise The Almighty's misswoth.
Rabbi Melamed also cites the Vilna Gaon, independently of the Kol HaTor. The Vilna Gaon also teaches that both the misswoth of Sukkah and the settled of the Land of Israel are done with the entire body (Itturei Torah).

May Christians leave and kick the sukkah speedily in our days!

And like the sukkah, may they leave OUR LAND, soon as well, and take their avodah zarah pollution with them!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Getting Ready for Sukkos: Reb Menashe's Shabbos Tish (ר' מנשה לוסטיג'ס שבת טיש)

י"ב לחודש שביעי תשע"ד

Nope. This has absolutely nothing to do with Sukkoth. However, now that we're through the intense part of the Seventh Month/Tishrei/Fall Holiday season, I feel that it is time to start getting into a festive mood for Sukkoth and subsequent Shemini Atzereth/Simhath Torah, by laughing it up a bit.

When I first started watching this video, I wasn't sure if it was some kind of anti-Hassidish parody. But, as I continued to watch, even with my lousy Yiddish, and my love-hate relationship with the language, I started saying to myself, "I've been to that house!"

Not that particular house, of course, but a few very much like it.

I confirmed with a friend of mine in Me'ah She'arim that Reb Menashe is a well-known Hassidishe comic. 

Nu? Who knew?

Even without know a word of Yiddish, I hope that you will appreciate at least one Hassid's ability to laugh at himself, and to have us step into his home and laugh along with him.

The set-up is that it's Shabbath/Friday night, and he's trying to get the show on the road, so to speak, while trying to get his children to pay attention, and coordinate with his wife.

Sound familiar? That's because the same sort of thing happens in every Jewish home. So, even if you have never seen a Hassid, up close and personal, you may want to try and relate to this video on that level.


(Tip Credit: The Kalashnikover Rebbe and Shlein)

Well, now that I think about it, if you did not have any context, nor point of reference, I suppose that you might view Reb Menashe as coming off as mean.

I assure you he is not, much. Dysfunction, yes, mean,, not really. His kids are probably laughing at him, just like I am, and just trying to push his buttons. Meanwhile, "mommy" is probably

But, this all goes to support my point. Dysfunction in families does not discriminate based on religious observance, nor does it stand in the way of our ability to laugh at it, whether that's appropriate or not. We do it out of anxiety, perhaps? Nevertheless, the is no shortage of novels, plays, movies and television shows, comedy, as well as tragedy which revolve around dysfunction in families.

So, if nothing else, this video can remind us all that even though we're all a little or a lotta bit different, we're also a little or a lotta bit the same.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Erev Yom Kippur Arrests: MK Yishai is shocked; Esser Agaroth is not.

י"ב לחודש השביעי תשע"ד

Arutz 7: Yishai ‘Horrified’ at Pre-Yom Kippur Eviction
Shas MK shocked as police raid outpost, arrest activists on eve of holiest day of Jewish year.

Maayana Miskin, September 15, 2013

MK Eli Yishai (Shas) expressed outrage Sunday after hearing that Border Police had raided an outpost and arrested activists shortly before the beginning of the Yom Kippur holiday, the holiest day of the Jewish year.

Seven outpost residents were forced to spend the first hours of the high holiday in a police station. They say they were released at 11 p.m. after being required to give their fingerprints – an act that is forbidden on the Sabbath or Jewish festivals.

“I’m horrified at the eviction that took place on the eve of Yom Kippur. This must be looked into,” Yishai said.

“Security personnel must take action against those who do not abide by the law,” he continued. “However, this law enforcement should, on rare yet obvious occasions, show sensitivity – such as when it comes to the need to avoid evicting outposts on the eve of Yom Kippur.”

“It’s troubling that we have reached a point where there is a need to create procedures for how to handle evictions on Yom Kippur,” he added. “It is even more troubling that, in the absence of clear guidelines, raiding an outpost on Yom Kippur is seen as legitimate.”

Yishai called on police commanders to look into the incident and create clear guidelines that will prevent similar incidents in the future.

(Tip Credit: Tomer Devorah)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
I have defended MK Eli Yishai, and I have praised MK Eli Yishai, even in the face of criticizing his own Sha"S Party.

I have really pushed the limit with him, to the point of egg on my face. But, that does not look like it is going to happen again anytime soon. 

First of all, any shock from a rabbi or an MK, and MK Eli Yishai is both, that the Israeli government would do such a thing as arrest or expel Jews from their homes near or even on Shabbath or a Holiday.

Decrying any kind of excuse for being shocked can also no longer be accepted. It has happened all too many times.

Let's begin with only 10 or so years ago, when soldiers were given orders to get on a bus on Shabbath, to expel the residents or Havath Gil'ad, not far east of Qarnei Shomron. It was later revealed that the IDF Rabbinate's "permit" for this Shabbath violation (sometimes, legitimately necessary in a Jewish military) was falsified. Sure, the soldiers should have refused such orders. Nonetheless, the IDF was certainly the instigator here.

Let us not forget that the Expulsion from Azza (Gaza, which includes Gush Qatif) was [aptly] carried out on the 10th of the Month of Menahem Av, the anniversary of the continued burning of the Beth HaMiqdash (Temple), after being destroyed on the 9th.

At the very least, the pressure is being kept on the residents of Yehudah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria). Who knows what else the Erev Rav-controlled government has up its sleeve? ...besides data-gathering, of course.

The second thing which irks me,...excuse me,...I mean disgusts me is MK Yishai's apparent belief that there is a need to create procedures for how to handle evictions on Yom Kippur, as if there should ever be any evictions (Read: "expulsions") period.

MK Eli Yishai may be shocked. Whether I believe him or not, I am still not 100% sure.

But, I most certainly am not. Not only did I see this coming ages ago, and not only would anyone else see this coming ages ago, if he were awake, and his eyes were open.

But, it already has happened several times. What are you going to do to prevent it from happening again?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Post-Yom Kippur 5774 Jewish/Israel Round-Up (Haveil Havalim)

מוצש"ק ויום הכפורים תשע"ד
Founded by Soccer DadHaveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs -- a weekly collection of Jewish & Israeli blog highlights, tidbits and points of interest collected from blogs all around the world. It's hosted by different bloggers each week, jointly coordinated through our Facebook Group. The term 'Haveil Havalim,' which means"Vanity of Vanities," is from Qoheleth, (Ecclesiastes) which was written by King Solomon. King Solomon built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other 'excesses' and realized that it was nothing but 'hevel,' or in English,'vanity.' Submissions may be may through our on-line submission form on, which requires you to log-in first.


Masechet Rosh HaShannah: Disappearing Midwives and Individual Shofar Blowing during the Silent Amidah

The Book of Isaiah and the Unintended History of Israel, Part 3

Dislocation and Insecurity during the Year of Mourning

Ellul, Rosh HaShannah, and Yom Kippur

#Blog Ellul Series

The Annual Ellul Pilgrimage to Shiloh

As The Rosh HaShannah Deadline Approaches

Our Last Journey

A Question Of Sovereignty

Rabbi Yonah Bookstein can't find the worst thing about Kapparos 

Israel and its Neighbors

The Yom Kippur War was Israel's Greatest Moment
Is the Attack on Syria Simply a Distraction?

Living on the Edge of War

It Was Predictable

Neve Daniel to the Rescue!

A Pioneer Of Israel

Abbas Continues To Lie

A Coffee Shop in a Slaughterhouse

Israel on the Inside

The Struggle for the Land of Israel -- Don't Wait!

At Least One Rabbi Knows that the Torah Comes First

There's a Christian in my Soup

Do you know where your children are? 

What is Messianic Judaism?

Millions and Millions Lost to the Xians!

Left Wing gives Platform to Christian Missionaries

Illegal Africans Don't Care about the Jewish Holidays

What's up in Exile?

John Kerry's Most Worrisome Testimony

The Weiner Incident in the Kosher Bakery

Can a Drug Dealer be Orthodox?

The next edition of this Jewish/Israel Round-Up will be hosted by Yael Shahar at A Damaged Mirror.

Friday, September 13, 2013

At Least one Rabbi Knows that the Torah Comes First

ערב יום הכפורים תשע"ד

Arutz 7: Rabbi Backs Civil Disobedience over 'Meaningless' IDF Orders
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu supports civil disobedience in the face of orders to leave one’s home.

Maayana Miskin, September 12, 2013

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the chief rabbi of Tzfat, has publicly declared his support for civil disobedience in the face of administrative distancing orders.

The military is currently able to issue distancing orders to Judea and Samaria (Shomron) residents without bringing charges against them or allowing them a hearing. While lawmakers have urged the army to use administrative orders only as a last resort, in practice, several men in Judea and Samaria have been repeatedly barred from the area in which they live without ever facing charges, or even an explanation from authorities.

“Any order telling a Jew to leave his home has a black flag waving over it,” Rabbi Eliyahu declared, referencing IDF training which teaches soldiers to disobey orders if a moral “black flag” marks them – that is, if they are clearly immoral.

“This is an order that contradicts the word of G-d,” he declared. “It is worth less than the dust on the ground.”

Rabbi Eliyahu expressed his condemnation of distancing orders while visiting Boaz Albert, a farmer from the town of Yitzhar who was given a distancing order several weeks ago. Albert has declared that he will not abide by the order.

He was violently arrested for violating the order in an incident that brought the question of police violence to the headlines, but has said that the arrest will not dissuade him from returning home despite the order.

Rabbi Eliyahu and others came to expressed support for Albert. They danced and sang with him, and visited his vineyard, where Rabbi Eliyahu said a blessing and picked a cluster of grapes.

“We came to give our support, and we were very impressed by this place and by the vineyard. We came to be part of the blessing here,” he told Arutz Sheva.

“We came to tell Boaz, ‘You are our brother,’” he added.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
The main point I want to emphasize in this report is Rabbi Eliyahu's distinction between Torah Law and Israeli Law. Even more so, the message here appears to be quite clear:

חוקי התורה קודמין לחוקי האדם.
"Torah Law takes precedence over man made laws."

No elaborate discussions about implications and complications, like the mamlakhtim (undying state loyalists) would have you but into, nor long and involved explanations about this situation or that situation, what the goyim might say, from "rabbis" receiving their salaries from the Israeli government, or who are even ministers and MK's in the same government.

Rabbi Eliyahu, who also receives a salary from the government, simply states the halakhah (Torah Law), and teaches us to follow us to follow it.

And for this, he is labeled an "extremist."

Rabbi Me'ir Kahane was demonized for pretty much the same thing. Say the truth, act on the truth, and whatever happens is מן השמים (the will of Heaven). And, the truth is the Torah.

I disagree with Rabbi Eliyahu on one minor point, and probably due only to semantics.

The distancing orders are not at all meaningless, nor worth less than dust to the Israeli Government.

The government has a plan, and it may involve the town of Yitzhar intimately. Once it manages to eliminate Yitzhar (May The Almighty forbid!), many in Yehudah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria) will unfortunately, just get up, and walk away. I do hope that I am wrong, and that these Jews will wake up, and smell the bulldozers already.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Real Nakba (النكبة الفعلية)

ז' לחודש השבעי תשע"ד
 The day after "California Admissions Day"

Every May 15, Arabs, most predominantly, Pseudostinian Arabs, whine about their النكبة (Nakba), their "tragedy."

And what tragedy would that be?

Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel came into being after over 2,000 years. Actually, the United Nations had wanted to give some of this Land to Arabs. But, the Arabs whined that the wanted it all, or they would just take it,...or so they thought. Fourteen Arab countries, and even more Muslim countries wasn't good enough.

Even though almost everyone in the world, including Jews, seems to be completely oblivious to the fact that the Yishma'elim (Aram/Muslims) would like to wipe Jews off of the map,...they do.

Well, the Arabs failed. And so, every year since 1948, May 15, which happened to be the goyshe date of the Fifth day of the Second Month (Iyyar) תש"ח, The Arabs throw a tantrum, because they didn't get their way, and because the Jews beat the crap out of them, after being attacked on all sides. 

But, little do the Arabs know, or care, is that the real Nakba Day is not May 15, but September 9. For on this date, 163 years ago, the most heinous oppression of one people over another came to fruition.
On September 9, 1850, the United States of America, under the Presidency of Millard Filmore, finalized its conquering of the California Republic.

What? Hasn't anyone besides a Californian fourth-grader EVER noticed that even today the words printed on California's flag read "California Republic?"

"Historic Bear Flag raised at Sonoma on June 14, 1846, by a group of American settlers in revolt against Mexican rule. The flag was designed by William Todd on a piece of new unbleached cotton. The star imitated the lone star of Texas. A grizzly bear represented the many bears seen in the state. The word, 'California Republic' was placed beneath the star and bear. It was adopted by the 1911 State Legislature as the State Flag." Source: California Blue Book.

The agricultural bounty, the fishing, the fantastic weather, and natural ports perfect for trade and strategic defense were stolen out from under the Californian People.

The fact that there is no such thing as a Californian People is irrelevant, as I am certain that our Pseudostinian Arabs cohorts validate for us on a daily basis.

Californians were made up of Anglos, Mestizos, and those [Native] Americans who before all of us. Later on Asians and Africans joined the fold.

Even more so, it is true that those who inhabited the Americas incurred a horrible Nakba at the hands of the conquering Europeans, not to mention the Catholic missionaries.

Banner hanging from apartment building, King George and Agron Streets, Jerusalem
And these people, now called Native Americans, really are a people, and really were in the Americas before any Europeans.

Either way you slice it,النكبة (Nakba) is when a people has any legitimate claim over Land, and has it taken away. For "Californians," that's September 9. For Native Americans, I suppose it is Thanksgiving Day

But, since The Holy One, Blessed Be He promised the People of Israel, Land of Israel, and handed it back to us in 1948/תש"ח, after a long exile, gave us back even more (or tried to) in 1967/תשכ"ז, gave us some extra in 1973/תשל"ד, and gave us back the last pieces of the lands of Asher and Naftali in 2006/תשס"ו., that just makes the Pseudostinian Arabs nothing but sore losers, not too mention stubbornly refusing to accept The Almighty's Will.

The only النكبة (Nakba) in the Middle East is when the Israeli Government gives away what is not its to give away.

Rabbi Zalman Melamed Claims "Deception" (for the Umteenth Time?)

ו' לחודש השביעי תשע"ד

Rabbi Zalman Melamed
Arutz 7: Rabbi of Beit El: We've been Deceived
Leading Zionist rabbi says Bayit Yehudi was wrong to make a pact with Yesh Atid, bemoans yeshiva budgets.

Gil Ronen, September 9, 2013

Rabbi Zalman Melamed, the Dean of the High Yeshiva of Beit El and one of the leading Zionist rabbis, sent a letter Monday to the members of the Bayit Yehudi party in which he said that teaming up with Yesh Atid – whose leader, Yair Lapid, is Finance Minister – was a mistake.

"I was wrong, in my naivete, when I thought that Yesh Atid is really after equality in bearing the burden [of military service]," he wrote, in a reference to the idea of making hareidi men serve in the military. "What is happening on the ground, and what they are doing, is a very harsh blow to the yeshivas, both in the Enlistment Bill and in the budget, including the Zionist yeshivas."

"They deceived us. They defrauded us. Therefore, we must say to the ministers and Knesset members in the Bayit Yehudi – no more! We are not partners in a pact for bringing down the Torah. Wage an open war against the damage to the yeshivas."

Rabbi Shai Piron, Minister of (Re-)Education
Boy, that face sure inspires confidence, doesn't it?
(Photo Credit: Yo'av Dudekevitch)
Rabbi Melamed also addressed Yesh Atid's religious education minister, Rabbi Shai Piron. "I call upon Rabbi Piron: I am convinced that you did not mean to join a party that would hurt the yeshivas, including the Zionist yeshivas. You came to unite and not to divide, not to create hatred between religious and secular people. You have no right to be a party to such moves."

The current state budget cut the budget for every yeshiva student by almost two thirds. After Bayit Yehudi applied pressure, some of the money that had been cut was put back, but the budget per student is still less than half of its former level.

Religious Zionist Bayit Yehudi formed a pact with anti-hareidi Yesh Atid because the alternative, according to Bayit Yehudi leader, Minister Naftali Bennett, would have been a left-wing coalition that would have included hareidim, and left out religious Zionists. This pact received support from rabbis who trusted Bennett's political instincts and rationale. While the cut to non-Zionist yeshiva budgets was expected - due to the fact that their students do not perform any form of national service - no one seemed to think that Zionist yeshivas would also be hard hit.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Well, Rabbi Melamed has certainly got one right: He was wrong. Naive? I'm not so sure about that. I think it may very well be possible that he simply did not want to believe what right in his face:

1. The complete lack of consideration of the Israeli government of Torah.
2. The complete lack of any connection between democracy to Torah, or in Israel's case, deMOCKracy.
3. Minister Shai Piron's interest in destroying the semi-private, Torani school system. Beth-El has at least two such schools, of which I am aware.
4. The repetition of the same ol' mistakes expecting different results (Einstein's definition of sanity.) Those mistakes include "working within the system to effect change" alla Rabbi Benny Elon, former MK, and head of the Moledeth Party-National Union.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

Three times? Four times?

So, now that Rabbi Melamed has admitted that there is a problem, that he has a problem, I am waiting with baited breath to learn what he actually decides to do about it.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

What is Jewish Extremism? (מה זאת אמרת "קיצוניות יהודית?")

בית קפה בעיר רעננה הזוכה לכשרות מהודרת, הצליח לאכזב את אנשי מרצ בעיר. "חבל שזה כשר למהדרין" אמרו במרצ, וספגו ביקורת קשה מגולשים: "תגידו, אתם השתגעתם?" (חדשות, מקומי)

ניסים פרץ, ט"ו באלול תשעג/21.08.13

מנהלי עמוד הפייסבוק של בית קפה ברעננה, הזוכה לכשרות מהודרת, החליטו להזמין לקוחות למקום באמצעות עמוד הפייסבוק של תנועת מרצ בעיר. אלא, שגם הם הופתעו לקבל תגובה לפיה "חבל שזה כשר למהדרין..."
תגובת מרצ המלאה, שיש לציין שאף הכילה ברכת הצלחה והבטחה להגיע ולבקר במקום, עוררה זעם בקרב מספר גולשים שמחו על הבעת האכזבה מכשרות המהדרין לה זוכה בית הקפה.
אחד הגולשים כתב בתגובה: "תגידו, מרצ, אתם השתגעתם? היא רוצה לשרת גם קהל לקוחות שנוהג לאכול כשר, אתם מבקשים לפגוע גם בו וגם בה, אין לכם בושה?".
גולשת אחרת כתבה: "לא, זה אדיר. אתם רוצים להפריד דת ממדינה - כלומר שלא תהיה כשרות ממלכתית, ומתעצבנים על זה שאנשים משתמשים במערך כשרות מופרט?".
במרצ השיבו לביקורת שספגו בעמוד הפייסבוק בעקבות האמירה, והגיבו: "אנחנו לא חושבים שצריך להגרר אחרי מי שמנסה לצייר את המאבק החילוני כאנטי דתי".
"יש בישראל רבנות ראשית ומועצות דתיות, הן אמונות על מערך הכשרות. כשרות מהדרין היא ע"י עמותות פרטיות, המגלגלות את עלויות משגיחי הכשרות (וכולנו יודעים איזו עבודת עומק הם עושיםֿ) על הלקוחות ועל המוצרים. אין סיבה שנממן מוצרי מהדרין, בוודאי לא של גופים כמו בד"ץ העדה החרדית שהוא גוף קיצוני, מסוגר ומדיר".
בתנועה הוסיפו: "הבחירה של מסעדה להיות לקבל עליה כשרות מהדרין ברעננה - בה תופעה זו לא הייתה מעולם, מעידה על ההקצנה וגישת החומרה אליה נגררת הקהילה הדתית בעיר. חשוב להבדיל בין כשרות לבין כשרות מהדרין".
(Photo: shutterstock)

Kikar Shabbath: Ra'anana
Meretz responded to the complaints by saying "Israel has a Rabbanut with religious councils who are responsible for the kashrut system. The mehadrin kashrut is run by private groups who cause prices to increase due to the cost of the mashgiach (and we all know how thorough their work is) on to the consumer and the products. There is no reason to support mehadrin products, and definitely not for organizations like the Badatz Eida Hachareidis which is an extreme and closed organization... The restaurants choice to get a mehadrin hechsher in Ranaana is a phenomenon that has not existed before and it testifies to a certain level of increasing extremism and a stringent approach by which the religious community in town is being pulled.. It is important to differentiate between kashrut and mehadrin kashrut."

(Tip Credit: Life In Israel)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Israeli Leftist
political party
something nasty
not kosher
If "mehadrin" heksherim means extremism, then what would Meretzniks say if the goverment started following halakhoth (Jewish Laws) for running a government, fighting a war, setting up a Sanhedrin, and building the Miqdash (Temple), not to mention conquering the land (properly)?

Of course, they don't have to worry about such things with this government. 

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

President Obama's Rosh HaShannah Curse

כ"ט לחודש השישי תשע"ג

YNET: Obama Wishes 1,000 Rabbis Shana Tova
In annual pre-Rosh Hashana conference call with rabbis, US leader says conclusion of Syria crisis will show he can be counted on to curb Iran's nuclear program

Yitzhak Benhorin, August 31, 2013

Shana Tova, damn it!
WASHINGTON – US President Barack Obama took a few minutes off from dealing with the Syrian crisis to wish some 1,000 rabbis a happy Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year).

One of the rabbis who took part in the annual conference call said Obama was asked how the US could be counted on to curb Iran's nuclear program if it does not respond to Syria's use of chemical weapons. Obama refused to tell the rabbis what he plans to do with regards to Syria, but said that the conclusion of the current crisis will prove he can be relied upon.

The American leader also spoke of the unbreakable bond between the US and Israel and the values shared by both countries, including the Jewish values of social justice. Obama also mentioned the Jews' participation in the struggle for civil rights led by Martin Luther King Jr. The US recently marked the 50th anniversary of King's "I have a dream" speech.

During the conference call Obama also mentioned his administration's efforts to promote health care reform and peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Gee. I'd sure like to get ahold of that guest list of rabbis! I'll give you 10 to one, that not too many of them are really rabbis, but rather "rabbis." And the ones who are rabbis, are so only marginally.

Why do I say that about "so only marginally?"

Well, because not only are rabbis supposed to learn Torah, and teach it, there are also supposed to live according to it,...NOT distort, ignore, cross out, or "creatively interpret" elements of the Torah which they do not happen to "resonate with" (ie. "like) or do not find to be "relevant to contemporary society." (whatever the heck that means!)

Now, what also caught my eye about this report was that according to these "rabbis," intervening in Syria, because its government used chemical weapons on its citizens is OK. But, when President Bush (not that I'm a fan of his either) intervened in Iraq, in part because its government used chemical weapons on its citizens, it was not OK. 'Nuff said on that.

Social justice? Well, by now, we should all know that within the Greater Jewish Community, the phrase "social justice" is code for "justice for anyone besides Jews, unless they agree with us."

And, of course, their version of "social justice" has little if anything to do with Torah justice,...unless you count the Torah distortions, which I do not.

Moving right along...

"Martin Luther King, Jr." (left) seemed to be more in touch with Am Yisra'el's claim to Eretz Yisra'el as its Divinely promised, eternal Homeland, than the so-called "rabbis" in the Obama royal court attendance at President Obama's pre-Rosh HaShannah Conference. "Sad" and "embarrassing" do not even begin to cover the range of emotions evoked by this failure of these Jews (how many of them are really even Jewish,...according to halakhah, that is?) to connect with their Homeland and their Torah.

One of the categories of Erev Rav has no connection to Eretz Yisra'el (Kol HaTor), as RaSh"I cites: the Erev Rav wept when their were told that they would be traveling to Eretz Yisra'el, because the a no connection (inheritance) to it.

"Sheeple" = sheep + people
Food for thought. Yet, truly they could not possibly know exactly what they are doing,...too many qelipoth/galuth influence = tinoq shenishba.
"Peace between Israel and the Palestinians" only means one thing to these people: "piece with the Palestinians."

May this New Year bring a mass awaking of Jews from their stupor, and get on the plane to Israel!

Shannah Tovah!

Christian Soup Follow-Up

כ"ט לחודש השישי תשע"ג

Vandalism of the posters in the Shomron (Samaria) warning of the dangers of the practitioners of avodah zarah (foreign/forbidden worship), poluting the Holy Land, and attempting to pick off souls one by one.
(Photo Credit: Schlein)
One may suppose that this is representative of the general sentiments regarding the "attack" on the Christian "volunteers" in the area.

But, whoever vandalized these warning posters failed to notice one very crucial element.

They vandalized pesuqim (verses) from the Torah.

What does that say about the perpetrators?

My guess is that the specific pesuqim destroyed will provide us with the clues to determine exactly which of the above these individuals were:

...וּבִעַרְתָּ הָרָע, מִקִּרְבֶּךָ. (דברים יג,ו)
"So you that you keep the evil from your midst." (Deut.13:6) 

...כִּי הַשֹּׁחַד יְעַוֵּר עֵינֵי חֲכָמִים, וִיסַלֵּף דִּבְרֵי צַדִּיקִם. (דברים טז,יט)
 "...for a gift blinds the eyes of the wise, and perverts the words of the righteous." (Deut.16:19)

So, the culprits would appear to be those who are unwilling to keep evil away from their midst, or those who are unable to recognize the evil in their midst, due to blindness and perversion.

I'll let you connect the dots yourselves.

Monday, September 02, 2013

There's a Christian in my Soup (יש נוצרי בתוך המרק שלי)

כ"ח לחודש השישי תשע"ג

This poster has been seen plastered all over the Shomron (Samaria), in an attempt to wake up the Jews still in denial that there is a problem (and not just in the Shomron). A translation into English follows.

The Christians are waiting in ambush for Jews in the fields and in the vineyards to murder their souls.

On Har Bracha and other Jewish towns in the Shomron in the Binyamin Area hundreds of organized and dangerous missionaries have already penetrated into them - the "Hayovel" organization, under the leadership of Tommy Waller and his family may their names be blotted out:

From the video: We will share with them the Yesh"u* (Jesus) that we know.... Our goal and vision is to organize an infrastructure, with the participation of as many communities as possible, to labor and to work shoulder to shoulder with Israelis in the field, to bring the gospel of Yesh"u to [them] one at a time, one family at a time.

"So you that you keep the evil from your midst." (Deut.13:6) 
Everyone who can assist in publicizing and keep away the danger will be blessed!

Waller and his friends ruthlessly work on Jews to the point that the Jewish owners of the vineyards and fields are dependent upon the contaminated hands of these Christians. Wisdom and righteousness will not stand because of them "...for a gift blinds the eyes of the wise, and perverts the words of the righteous."  (Deut.16:19)

The Committee to Save Jewish Children from Missionaries


*The "name" Yesh"u is actually an acronym יש"ו = ימך שמו וזכרו "May his name and memory be blotted out!"

Praytell, who is that be with the head
Jeezer worshiper Tommy Waller? Could it
be David HaIvri, the Head of the Shomron
Council Liaison Desk to North America?
I guarantee you that discovering a Christian in your soup (or matzah) will render it not kosher. All Jews will not disagree with this statement.

However, what so few of us care to acknowledge, at least not in public, is that when a Christian makes your soup (or wine), it is also not kosher.

The one thing the poster left out, and I will assume it was done for clarity's sake, was that the Christians believe that they are entitled to our Land. Whether they are "Two House" nuts, believing in their right to the north (Israel/Efraim), while Jews will inhabit the south (Judea), or simply because of their belief that having accepted their false deity/messiah/rebbe (להבדיל), or whatever they call him these days, (assuming that he even ever existed, and is not simply a composite figure, for example), was the right move, and the Jews lose for not having joined them in their avodah zarah (foreign/forbidden practices).

Either way you slice it, it's us or it's them.

Who's side are you on?


Make sure to read part 2: Christian Soup Follow-Up!