Wednesday, August 07, 2024

הערבים ממשיכים בדרך העתיקה שלהם / The Arabs are Continuing their Ancient Strategy

ג׳ לחודש החמישי תשפ״ד

הסרטון בערבית עם כתוביות בעברית ואנגלית.

The video is in Arabic with English and Hebrew subtitles. English commentary follows the Hebrew.

בתקשורת הערבית מסבירים למה כדאי לתקוף מינית נשים ישראליות: "זה חלק מהתנגדות" ימח שמם וזכרם (דרך בנצי גופשטיין)
עשר אגורות (2¢):
"ואין לך זנות כזנות של ערביים". - אבות דרבי נתן כח,א
The Arab media explain why it is worthwhile to sexually attack Israeli women: "It is part of resistance" May their names and memories be blotted out (via Bentzi Gopstein)
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
"There is no promiscuity like the promiscuity of the Arabs." - Avoth d'Rabbi Natan 28:1


moshe said...

They need an excuse to justify their evil. Simple as that.

yaak said...

Also Kiddushin 49b:

עֲשָׂרָה קַבִּים זְנוּת יָרְדוּ לָעוֹלָם, תִּשְׁעָה נָטְלָה עַרְבִיָּא [ואחד כל העולם]

Esser Agaroth said...

For sure. Many years ago, they started to lie "better," the more they learned the style of lying from the West, including Christians.

Esser Agaroth said...

Thank you! It took me a while to find this in Avoth d'Rabbi Natan, as I was remembering it as זנות ישמעאל.