Sunday, August 02, 2009

Shabbath Leftovers - Wa'Ethhanan-"Nahamu" 5769

12 of the Fifth Month 5769

I am thinking about starting a new series, "Shabbath Leftovers," recounting to you how I make use of whatever is in the refrigerator on Sunday.

Today I had rye pancakes (C minus) with a side of makeshift humous (C plus).

(I cannot tell you how helpful it is to have my blender back!)

I'll save the remainder of the squash soup with rice (B plus) tonight.

Rye Bread Crumb Pancakes
Last chunk of Russian rye bread (I've been good about abstaining from wheat.)
3 eggs
2 cloves of garlic
soda water

Blend ingredients. Pour out onto a preheated frying pan or griddle. Prepare as usual. Yield: 6 regular size pancakes.

Makeshift Humous
handful or so of garbanzo beans (I use these in salad.)
tbsp. tehinah
tsp. canola oil (Olive oil is preferable, if you have it.)
soda water

Feel sorry for me?

I have always been an advocate that single men, yeshiva bochurim in particular, should not be burdens on their communities. Sure, these men serve as "misswah opportunities" for friends and neighbors.And, sure, these men might remain single (has wehallilah!) if they do not get out and make themselves known in their communities....

However, they (we) should not sit around and expect to have meal invitations every Shabbath. Likewise, they should not feel any sense of obligation to spend every single Shabbath dinner and lunch with "a family." (Se'udah Shlishith is often a bit freer.)

Although we men are obligated to tell shadkanim that we are helpless in the kitchen, this is actually a (little white) lie (for many of us). We can and should take responsiblity for our own Shabbath meals (...and do it in a healthy manner).

That all being said, if you are a bit grossed out by the above leftovers (even though the original Shabbath food of breadingless shnitzel, squash soup, salad, and homemade tehina turned out very well), and feel sorry for me, then by all means you are more than welcome to invite me over for Shabbath meals. If you live outside of Jerusalem, or outside of walking distance from the center of town, please keep in mind that I snore (very loudy) and have difficulties sleeping with blaring living lights on. We can cross (or burn) the bridge of my various food allergies when we get there.

Until next week, Shavu'a Tov (Good Week, Gut Wach, Buena Semana).

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