ראש החודש התשעי תשע"ד
Arutz 7: ADL Names Top 10 Anti-Israel Groups in the U.S.
Anti-Zionist Neturei Karta sect on the list of the ten most influential and active anti-Israel groups in America.
Elad Benari, October 22, 2013
The anti-Zionist Neturei Karta hareidi sect was named on Monday one of the top 10 most influential and active anti-Israel groups in the United States, in a list released by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
Each of the groups on the list, according to ADL’s research, is “fixated with delegitimizing Israel” and has demonstrated the ability to reach new segments of the American public with a hostile and misleading narrative about Israel, the organization said in a statement.
The top 10 anti-Israel Groups, as identified by ADL, are:
ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism)
American Muslims for Palestine
Friends of Sabeel-North America
If Americans Knew/Council for the National Interest
Jewish Voice for Peace
Muslim Public Affairs Council
Neturei Karta
Students for Justice in Palestine
U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
“The Top 10 anti-Israel groups are the most significant players in the domestic anti-Israel movement today,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director.
“The groups are fixated on delegitimizing Israel and convincing the American public that Israel is an international villain that deserves to be ostracized and isolated,” he added.
In compiling the list, ADL considered various criteria, including the groups’ ability to organize, sponsor and endorse Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns against Israel; their sponsorship of and participation in anti-Israel rallies, panel discussions or conferences; and their ability to pursue anti-Israel policy initiatives and lobbying efforts against Israel.
In addition to their national impact and influence, many of the groups included in the list are known to employ rhetoric that is extremely hostile to Israel, Zionists and/or Jews. Examples of this include: Allegations that Israel or Jews control the U.S. government or the media;
Offensive parallels to the Holocaust by comparing Israeli leaders to Nazis or describing Gaza as the “new Auschwitz;”
Calls for the dismantlement of the state of Israel;
Expressions of support for terrorist groups that seek Israel’s destruction.
“The list represents the worst of the worst anti-Israel groups,” said Foxman. “They lob any and every accusation against Israel, including charges of Nazi-like crimes, ‘apartheid’ policies, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and genocide. Their accusations are rarely, if ever, balanced with an acknowledgement of Israel’s repeated efforts to make peace with the Palestinians, or the legitimate terrorism concerns faced by Israeli citizens.” (cont.)
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
The ADL forgot one very important group on its list of anti-Israel groups in the U. S.:
...which defends Muslims,...and which condemns a prominent Israeli rabbi for following the Torah, over State law.Actually, it forgot several:
...and last, but not least...AIPAC - American Israel Political Action Committee -Lobbies for a 2-State Solution. How is that "pro-Israel?"
Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations
The Israel Project - Israeli Gov't party line - front for a left-wing, two-state agenda.
USA/RA - The so-called "Conservative Movement" and its minyons
UAHC/CCAR - Union of American Hebrew Congregations (the so-called "Reform" Movement)
JRF - Jewish Reconstructionist Federation - The so-called "Conservative Movement's" ugly, loud-mouth, little sister - not terribly important, except that they think they are.
"Rabbis" For Peace - I put the word "Rabbis" in quotation marks, and "peace" should actually be spelled "piece," in their case. They are nothing but self-hating, Western-assimilated, Arab-loving Jews (many of them are probably Jewish), and distort the Torah.
CAIR - Council on American-Islamic Relations
CFR - Council on Foreign Relations
World Council of Churches (fill in any evangelical Christian group here)They want to be our friends now? (Read: in order to steal Jewish souls AND the Land of Israel, of which they believe the are the true inheritors.)
The United States Government itselfThe ADL is about pro-Israel as Neturei Karta, which is #8 on its own list of anti-Israel groups. At least Neturei Karta believes that Israel, all of Israel, is the homeland of the Jewish People, just not right now, and not in the way that the State of Israel was created in 1948. They also believe that the rule of law will be the Torah, a far cry from the typical "democracy" (ie. deMOCKracy) bologna, of these supposedly "pro-Israel," Jewish groups.
These groups are anti-Torah, anti-Jewish claims to the Land of Israel, do nothing to encourage aliyah (immigration to Israel), and thus, anti-Jewish, all because these Western-assimilationists are confused and full of themselves.
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