Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The "Ani Tapu'ah" Campaign

7 of the Second Month 5767

Ani Tapu'ahPerhaps some of you have seen this bumper sticker plastered all over the Shomron. I sure have.

"Ani Tapu'ah...." (English: I'm an apple, you're an apple, we're all apples.)

At first I thought that it was a new sticker put out by my town, K'far Tapu'ah (...close to the Eiyn Tapu'ah mentioned in the Book of Joshu'a 17:7-8, by the way).


By accident, I found out that the "Ani Tapu'ah" Campaign has absolutely nothing to do with K'far Tapu'ah,...well mostly it doesn't. There is a tiny, after the fact, connection.

You see, the initiator of the "Ani Tapu'ah" Campaign, blogger Doodle Head (now Head Of Doodle, as I suppose that name was already taken on Blogspot) and a friend of my house mate, spent Shabbath Hanukkah by us! He didn't even mention the campaign, least I don't remember him mentioning it to me, nor did he bring us any complementary bumper stickers! This is, of course, a grievance which must aired next year on Festivus. But, I digress....

Anyway, Doodle Head does happen to be a nice guy, and a very easy and accomodating house guest.

But, for the life of me, I cannot figure out what the whole point of the "Ani Tapu'ah" Campaign is.

Can you?

Don't get me wrong. It's a great idea...getting people to identify with the residents of a particular town in the Shomron. But that's now what it's about.

Please let me know if you figure it out.

Inquiring minds want to know.


Rafi G. said...

make sure to let us know when you find out

Batya said...

First I've seen-- they just shouldn't make you into apple sauce! the Hebrew sounds worse

doodlehead said...

the campaign is now worldwide.
What it means is still up for debate, but the fact that everyone still agrees on is that ani tapuach, kulanu tapuchim.