Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The City of Jerusalem's Christmas Embarrassment

ט' לחודש העשירי תשע"ה

Well, at least one member of the Jerusalem City Council had the courage to stand up, and make the following statement:

Arieh King
מדף פייסבוק של חבר מועצת עיריית ירושלים אריה קינג:
מה טרם אמרתי על ראש העיר של ירושלים? זכור לכם מתי העירייה חילקה חנוכיות לתושבי העיר היהודים? האם זכור לכם מתי העירייה חילקה את ארבעת המינים לתושבי העיר? לא ברור לי כיצד עמיתי למועצה מהסיעות החרדיות, נתנו יד לחלוקת העבודה זרה על ידי עובדי העירייה. זוכרים את כול הרבנים שתמכו בראש העיר ברקת בבחירות לראשות העיר? אני מאחל לרבנים שתמכו בברקת חג מולד שמח.

From Jerusalem City Councilman Arieh King's Facebook Page:
What have I not already said to the mayor of Jerusalem? Do you remember when the municipality distributed Hanukkah menorahs to its Jewish residents? Do you remember when the municipality distributed a lulav and etrog to its Jewish residents? It is not clear to me how my fellow councilmembers from the Haredi factions, have condoned the distribution of avodah zarah (foreign/forbidden worship) by city employees. Remember that all rabbis who supported Barkat mayoral election? I would like to wish those rabbis who supported Barakat a Merry Christmas (sarc.).
Here is the announcement on the City of Jerusalem's website:

מחלקת הגננות בעיריית ירושלים תחלק גם השנה 100 עצי אשוח בחינם לתושבי ירושלים הנוצרים החוגגים את חג המולד

חלוקת עצי האשוח תתקיים ביום שני 22/12/2014- ברחבת שער יפו החל מהשעה 9.00 עד השעה 12:00 ומותנת בהצגת ת"ז עדכנית עם כתובת מגורים בעיר העתיקה.

כבכל שנה יקיים ראש העיר ירושלים ניר ברקת טקס קבלת פנים לשנה החדשה לראשי העדות והדתות בירושלים. הטקס יתקיים ביום רביעי 28/01/15 באולם מועצת העיר ב-19:30.

עיריית ירושלים מברכת את תושביה הנוצרים בברכת חג מולד שמח.

The Jerusalem Municipality will distribute 100 free Christmas trees for Christmas

Nir Barakat
Jerusalem municipality horticultural department will also distribute 100 free Christmas trees this year to Christian residents of Jerusalem celebrating Christmas

Distribution of Christmas trees will be held on Monday December 22, 2014 at the Jaffa Gate, starting at 9:00 am until 12:00 noon, contingent upon presentation of a current identification card with an address in the Old City.

As in every year Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat will hold a welcoming ceremony for the new year for the heads of religions in Jerusalem. The ceremony will take place on Wednesday January 28, 2015 in the City Council Chambers at 7:30 pm.

The Municipality of Jerusalem would like to bless its Christian residents with Merry Christmas.
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
I guess Mayor Barakat and the rest of the City Council couldn't take the hint from last year's damaged Christmas tree crop. Either that, or they simply weren't paying attention.

I am not sure that we can blame Mayor Barakat too much. After all, he doesn't know any better. He believes in "democracy" and "pluralism," not in Torah.

What are the Haredi factions' excuses? What are the excuses of other kippah-wearing, City Councilmembers?

I cannot think of any, save for money, votes, or gross distortions and rationalize compromises of the Torah.

Take your pick. They are all completely unacceptable.


Related posts:
The Kiss of Esau
Disproving Christianity in 10 Minutes

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Why Does the Israeli Goverment Continue to Put our Children at Risk?

ו׳ לחודש העשירי תשע״ה

By now, many you have already heard about last week's various attacks on Jews, using the particularly cruel weapon of Molotov Cocktails, or firebombs.

An 11-year-old girl had most all of her body covered in third degree burns, while her father also remains in serious condition from the resulting burns of the attack. The attackers appear to have been caught out, and are from the Arab town of Azoun, one of many towns receiving large amounts of "aid" from the European Union [EU].

Meanwhile a street in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Armon HaNetziv has been pounded by attacks from the adjacent Arab neighborhoods of Jabel Mukabbir and Abu-Tor.
Arutz 7: Firebomb Hurled at Residential Home in Jerusalem
Firebomb was thrown at private residence in Jerusalem neighborhood Armon HaNatziv Saturday night. No one injured, but balcony damaged. 
Cynthia Blank, December 28, 2014 
A firebomb was thrown Saturday night at an apartment balcony in southeast Jerusalem in what police are calling a terrorist attack.

Fire broke out on the balcony at the building located on Meir Nakar Street in the Armon HaNatziv (East Talpiot) neighborhood. It was extinguished quickly. No injuries were reported but the balcony itself was damaged.

Fire and Rescue Services arrived at the scene to limit the damage of the attack. Meanwhile police and Border Patrol officers began searching nearby in Jabel Mukaber, a predominantly Arab neighborhood, in an attempt to locate suspects.

Marcel Kornicher, one of the building's tenants, said that he and his wife were sitting in their living room when the incident occurred.

"My wife suddenly saw fire and we had no idea why," he told Ynet. "We heard a boom which was extremely frightening. We were in shock. The bomb did not penetrate the apartment, but if it had gotten into our house, it could have set the house on fire. We saw what kind of damage firebombs can do last week."

Kornicher added that stones had been thrown at their building multiple times from Jabel Mukaber. Two months ago, a firework was also thrown at the house.

Southeast Jerusalem
Meir Nakar Street is directly adjacent to the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood, which has been the scene of numerous stone throwing incidents and firebomb attacks.

Residents of Meir Nakar Street have suffered similar violent events for a long period of time, Jerusalem firefighting services stated, noting that this is not the first firebomb attack on apartment buildings in the area and in nearby Abu Tor. (cont.)
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Interestingly enough, the neighborhood of Armon HaNetziv lies within the 1949 Armstice Line (as if Israel should care). No one, not even the EU can complain come to the defense of "freedom fighters," battling an oppressive occupation by a foreign power (eyes rolling).

Residents of the Jabel Mukabbir neighborhood possess Israeli citizenship, and, unfortunately, have access to employment opportunities, equal to that of Jews. So these terrorists, like all such terrorists are not infiltrating the sections of Israel which are excepted by the entire "international community," save for the Arab nations. They do not have to infiltrate anything; they are already here!

You may have already heard about the Arab terror mentioned above. But what you may have missed was a report from only a month and a half ago, also concerning the Arabs of the Jabel Mukabbir neighborhood.
רוב נהגי ההסעות של ילדי החינוך המיוחד בבירה, מתגוררים במזרח העיר. ההורים מודאגים.

ניר הר זהב, כ"ו בחשון תשע"ה, 19/11/14 
עיריית ירושלים התקשרה בחוזה עם חברת הסעות לילדי החינוך המיוחד בעיר. הנהגים שיסיעו את הילדים מתגוררים בשכונת ג'בל מוכבר במזרח העיר, ממנה יצאו לאחרונה כמה מחבלים שביצעו אירועי טרור.

סייעות ומלוות של ילדי החינוך המיוחד, שנוסעות עם הילדים מדי יום לגנים ובחזרה לבתיהם וכן הורים לילדים מיוחדים, פנו לחבר מועצת העיר אריה קינג והביעו חשש לחיי הילדים.

קינג פנה לראש מינהל החינוך בירושלים ולראש העיר ברקת, בבקשה לוודא שהנהגים שמסיעים ילדים במסגרת חוזה התקשרות עם העירייה, יעברו בדיקה קפדנית על מנת לוודא שאין להם עבר פלילי ולאומני וכן שאין להם קרובי משפחה שקשורים בדרך מסוימת למעגל הטרור.

קינג הזכיר כי ''המחבל שרצח את 8 התלמידים בישיבת מרכז הרב, הגיע לקרבת הישיבה ברכב ההסעות שלו, ואותו מחבל ימח שמו עבד בחברה שסיפקה שירותי הסעות למוסדות החינוך בעיר''.
Esser Agaroth (2¢) Translation:
Arutz 7: Parents are concerned: Arabs from Jabal Mukkaber will be transporting children
Most drivers transporting special education students in the capital live in East Jerusalem. Parents are concerned.

Nir Har Zahav, November 19, 2014

Arieh King
Jerusalem City
Jerusalem Municipality entered into a contract with a transportation company for special education children in the city. Drivers who will transporting the children reside in the neighborhood of Jabal Mukkaber, in the eastern part of the city, from which a few terrorists have recently come who have carried out attacks.

These assistants and escorts of special education children, travel with the kids every day to kindergartens and back to their homes, and so parents of these children turned to Citycouncilman Arieh King and expressed concern over their children's lives.

King turned to the Jerusalem Education Authority and to Mayor Barkat, with a request to make sure that the drivers who transport children in the context of the agreement with the City, to come under scrutiny to ensure that they do not have a criminal record, are not [Arab] nationalists, nor who have any relatives involved in any way with terrorism.

King noted that '' the terrorist who killed eight students at Mercaz Harav Yeshiva, arrived in close proximity to the yeshiva in his transport vehicle, and the same terrorist, may his name be blotted out, worked for a company which provided transportation services to educational institutions in the city.''
The Israeli Government appears to be more worried about the impressions it makes in the eyes of the EU (and others on the outside), being careful not to be see ethically profiling, prospective employees, the same EU which funds terror.

Just like during last summer's conflict war with Hamas, Israel is expected to bend over backwards to please the Arabs, with or without Israeli identification cards, no matter the cost, even at the expense of our children's lives. And the Israeli Government seems to be going along with it.

"sheeple" = sheep + people
No matter how obvious is it that Esau (The West) despises us, we insist on repeating the same, insane, mistakes over again, expecting different results.

And we just keep going to the polls, and electing these people, over and over again.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Germany's Giant Menorah: Something to be Proud of?

ערב שבת קודש פר׳ ויגש תשע״ה

The Algemeiner: Europe’s Biggest Menorah Stands at Brandenburg Gate in Germany Where Nazi Rallies Took Place

Shiryn Ghermezian, December 23, 2014

Europe’s largest menorah is erected in front of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate, a site once marked by hatred and racism where Nazi rallies took place.

“In the center of Germany, Europe’s largest menorah and one of the largest menorahs in the world stands tall at over 30 feet saying that light will always at the end prevail,” said Rabbi Yeuhuda Teichtal, head of the Chabad Lubavitch orthodox community in Berlin. “The message is today, with all the challenges we face, with all the anti-Semitic acts we unfortunately have to experience, nevertheless we are here and we will continue with acts of goodness and kindness.”

From @hasidic tweeter
" those days, at this time"

Thousands of Berliners gathered outside on Dec. 16 to watch Teichtal and German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere light the first Hanukkah candle on the menorah. Other dignitaries present at the ceremony included Mayor Michael Müller, Israeli Ambassador Yakov Hadas-Handelsman, and German parliament members Maria Böhmer and Petra Pau. Chabad has lit a menorah on same site for over a decade, reported.

Teichtal told NPR Berlin there is nothing more symbolic than lighting the candles in front of the Brandenburg Gate, which he described as “a center of darkness and of evil where Hitler stood.”

“Today, 5,000 people, coming with the Minister of the Interior of Germany and the Mayor of Berlin, said that light will win over darkness and democracy over tyranny,” he said after the lighting ceremony on Dec. 16. He told the crowd that gathered, “We’re here and we’re proud, living in a land of democracy and respect.”

Teichtal moved to Germany from the U.S. 18 years ago because the country needed new rabbis, according to NPR Berlin. He set up Germany’s first yeshiva, or Jewish school, since the Nazis shut them down in the 1940s. New rabbis are now graduating in Germany at a new rabbinical college in Potsdam.

Germany’s Jewish community is widely considered to be the fastest growing Jewish community in the world, NPR Berlin reported. A few thousand Jews survived in Germany after World War II but now more than 200,000 live in the country. The biggest local community is in Berlin and includes many Israelis who moved to Germany from Tel Aviv.

(Tip: Life In Israel)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Chabbad Rabbi Teichtel says that "...light will always at the end prevail." Yet, the light includes that the homeland of the Jewish People is in Israel, and not in Europe. Ironically, it was another Rabbi Teichtel, Rabbi Yisachar Shlomo Teichtel hy"d, who over 70 years ago, saw the writing on the wall, warned Jews to get out of Europe and encouraged them to make their way to Israel, defying his own community's anti-Zionist sentiment.

So, is having Europe's largest Hanukkiyah (Hanukkah menorah) publicly displayed in Germany something to be proud of?

Perhaps Rabbi Teichtel will do some good by waking up these wandering Jews up to their heritage, which is Torah. Nevertheless, our Jewish hearts and minds should always be focused on the Land of Israel. The investment of our Jewish time, energy, and sentiment should not be on the lands of our exile.
"Germany’s Jewish community is widely considered to be the fastest growing Jewish community in the world...The biggest local community is in Berlin and includes many Israelis who moved to Germany from Tel Aviv."
Contrary to the galuth (exilic) mentality, these statistics are not anything to be proud of. Israelis leaving Israel and moving back into galuth is not something to be proud of. It does not matter whether the Germans are trying to kill us, or trying desperately to be our friends, Jews do not have any business being in Germany.

The Globe And Mail, Canada

Furthermore, how it seems that Chabbad neglected to mention the close proximity of the Hanukkiyah to an X-mas tree? The candles were lit in view of avodah zarah (foreign/forbidden worship).

Saving for the neo-Nazis and Muslim immigrants, Germans currently may not want to slaughter us. But, hints of unification of religions are not any better for us either.

England, France, and Sweden may be falling fast, while Germany stands strong as one of Israel's "friends." But, do not think that Jews residing in Germany are immune to the dangers of galuth, both physical and spiritual.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Arabs Want to Have their Cake and Eat it Too, and Israel Serves it to Them

ג׳ לחודש העשירי תשע"ה

YNET: 6,000 Palestinians strike over 'daily humiliation' at crossing
Palestinian workers who use the crossing daily say construction to create pedestrian crossing is not progressing and making conditions worse.

Elior Levy, December 22, 2014

In a rare move, 6,000 Palestinian workers, who commute from the West Bank to Israel for work every day, decided to hold a strike on Sunday to protest the "daily humiliation" that they endure at the Ephraim Gate Crossing located west of the Palestinian city of Tulkarem in the West Bank.

Construction of a new pedestrian terminal on the Palestinian side of the crossing has worsened the conditions for Palestinians, who must use temporarily use a narrow passage in which thousands push and shove each other.

The construction of the new pedestrian passage which has harmed the flow of traffic at the crossing was initiated by the Palestinian Civil Administration.

The Palestinians who were behind the strike said that the construction was progressing too slowly and that their patience had run out.

"When I arrive at the crossing – as far as I'm concerned, I'm entering hell itself," said Sabri, a Palestinian worker from Tulkarem who has worked in Israel for several years.

"People cram into the narrow crossing like animals, they begin to push and pressure builds up and in many cases people get injured and end up being taken away to the hospital in Tulkarem by ambulance," Sabi continued.

According to Sabi, the lack of manpower often slows down the process and creates congestion even after the Palestinian workers finish crossing the narrow pedestrian crossing.

"There are 16 stands for biometric testing. In many cases, there are only four or five stands in operation and all the rest are closed," said Sabi, who admitted that inefficiency at the crossing can also be attested to the Palestinian side of the crossing not being well-organized. Sabi said that the Palestinian Authority does not send in individuals to monitor the entry to the crossing in order to prevent congestion and disorganization.

However, the Palestinian workers also said that some days they experience unreceptive and degrading treatment by the workers at the crossing.

"There are times when they treat us without a drop of respect," said Azam, one of the Palestinian workers who uses the crossing. "Sometimes there are female workers at the biometric stand who stand and talk to each other, laugh and ignore us completely – and we have to wait for them to finish talking. If someone says they are late or asks for them to check him they say, 'Shut your mouth.' I know that whenever I am at the crossing – we have no self-respect."

The worsening conditions at the checkpoint during the ongoing construction led a group of Palestinian workers to conduct a spontaneous strike on Sunday. "The news traveled by word of mouth and reached everyone. I did not see one person oppose it. We turned around and went home," said one Palestinian individual who joined the strike.

"Everyone said that although the strike was unplanned, many had discussed such a move for a while," said the Palestinian worker.

Right after the decision was made, the workers representatives met with officials of the Palestinian Civilian Administration in Tulkarem in order to lay out their case. During the meeting, the officials convinced the workers to end the strike and promised to work wither their counterparts to improve the conditions.

"We'll return to work," said the workers, "but if we see that the pace of the construction is not accelerated – we will strike once a week and will not arrive to work in Israel."

The manager of the civil administration within the Israeli Defense Ministry said in a response to the matter: "The establishment of the terminal was designed to improve the service given to Palestinian workers who pass through it daily to work in Israel. We are aware of the temporary discomfort caused by the construction underway and are scheduled to end in the next two months."

As for the complaints about the dismissive attitude of the workers at the crossing the authority said it has invested time and resources in manpower and technology that ensure a high level of security as well as a high level of service. They also said that the claims made by the Palestinian workers will be examined in depth and treated accordingly.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Blah, blah, blah,...

The "Pseudostinian" Arabs should be grateful that the Israeli Government is full of suckers, allowing those whose government is intent on annihilating us to continue to cross through a check point to work for Israeli employers.

I reported on the defacto border crossings almost eight years ago. Yet, for the most part, we Israelis have really been that naive to believe our politicians, when they claim that they are not really border crossings, being set up for any final status agreement with the "Pseudostinians."

Yeah, right! Ask the expelled residents of Azza (Gaza/Gush Qatif) about that!

The Israeli Government is not only full of suckers, but also horribly co-dependent on how the rest of the world sees us.

It doesn't matter. No matter what we do, even fall over and die, they will still hate us anyway.

During last summer's conflict war with Hamas in Azza, the "international community" expected us to sacrifice the safety of our own children, in order to avoid killing the women, children, and disabled Arabs being used by Hamas as human shields.

So, it is no surprise that the Arabs currently residing in Yehudah, the Shomron, and Azza should expect to have the same "international community" on their side now. After all, they are not even shooting rockets at us (for now). They just want us to employ,and thus feed, house, and otherwise maintain, potential infiltrators. No big deal, right?

Pseudostinian Authority President Mahmud Abbas's (left)
vision of a "Pseudostinian" State
Where's Israel on the map?

The Arabs do not just want another independent, terrorist state. They want us to continue allowing them to cross imaginary border crossings, and without even being searched for bombs and other weapons, in the process!

The Arabs want all of Israel, and are willing to try any strategy, in order to get it.

Time for us to stop helping them to help us commit suicide, don't you think?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Haredi Conundrum: Superbus Begins Operating on Shabbos

זאת חנוכה תשע"ה

Life In Israel: Superbus to start operating bus lines on Shabbos
December 22, 2014

I don't quite understand how this works, but News1 is reporting that the Ministry of Transportation has approved Superbus to operate some bus lines on Shabbos.

This Shabbos will be the first time since Superbus began operating bus lines in 2002 that it will be operating lines on Shabbos.

Especially unusual about this is that much of Superbus's existing operations are in areas with Haredi populations.

This is unusual because we all know how the Haredi community takes to chilul shabbos, and breaking of the status quo, and reacts by boycotting even the non-chillul shabbos parts of such companies (like AM:PM and Shefa Shuk).

The affected lines are in the cities of Afula, Kiryat Tivon, Yokneam and Haifa. The lines operating on Shabbos will be in areas that did not previously have public transportation on Shabbos, and even going into areas with religious populations, so this is a big change in policy. Personally it makes me wonder why they approve these new lines but have refused to approve such lines on Shabbos in very secular areas like parts of Tel Aviv that have been working for years to get public transportation on Shabbos.

I wait to see how the Haredi community will react, and if they will boycott Superbus in other areas, such as Bet Shemesh, as a result. It is a tough boycott to create, considering how reliant the community is on public transportation, but I cannot see this passing quietly.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):

Superbus Service Map

Could it be that elements of MK Elazar Stern's proposed "Shabbos Law" is being implemented anyway, through the back door?

It would not surprise me. Either the Erev Rav, anti-Torah government is sneaking something through which it wants to happen anyway. Or, this is simply an experiment to see to what happens when they implement its sneakiness. That way, if there is any protest or other resistance, it can study how to improve its sneakiness.

Like Life In Israel, I too, look forward to seeing the Haredi community's reaction, not to mention the reaction of those residents of Beth Shemesh, dependent on Superbus for transportation.

Will there be protests? Will the protests accomplish anything? Or will some justification be produced for the continued patronage of Superbus?

Meanwhile, do not expect too much, if any, protest from the Mamlakhti (diehard State loyalist) religious community. Hillul Shabbath seems to be OK for this brain dead segment of society, as long as the State puts its stamp of approval on it.

Over 2,100 years after the events, leading to the first celebration of Hanukkah, we are still up against a strong Hellenist presence.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Har Nof Jerusalem Beheadings, an Attempted Cover-Up?

י״ח לחודש התשעי תשע״ה

On December 2, the following statement was released:
Machon Shilo's Rabbi David Bar-Hayim has requested to publicize his condemnation of the government's deliberately covering up the fact that the Arab terrorists who perpetrated the Har Nof massacre decapitated two of the victims, HASHEM yikom damam. Rabbi Bar-Hayim has expressed outrage that the government and media have joined forces in preventing Jews from knowing the grisly nature of these barbaric murders in order to preserve "industrial quiet." 
The following article on Arutz 7 makes reference to the decapitation of two of the victims of the Har Nof massacre: 

Arutz 7: Father of Murdered Druze Officer Visits Har Nof Synagogue
Moving meeting at synagogue where Zidan Seif was murdered by Arab terrorists as he tried to stop attack, details of massacre given.

Hezki Ezra, Ari Yashar, November 27, 2014

"They heard the shots from outside and they stopped here. Zidan's shots confused them and they stopped here, they could have continued. ...They (the victims - ed.) were praying, no one had a weapon. At a certain point they realized they couldn't continue, the two of them went out of the door quickly towards the stairs," continued the witness.

Relating the moment when Seif was murdered, the witness added "Zidan was behind the wall there, Zidan hit him, but he (the terrorist) while continuing coming down the stairs managed to shoot another bullet."

Seif's father responded "it's hard, we can't do anything that's our fate. We can just hope that Israel will only have happy occasions and not sorrow."

When told how the terrorists cut off the heads of two Jews at prayer, the father responded "they have no G-d. In a holy place like this, they come in, these are people with no values, these are not good people." (cont.)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
The following video is of Machon Shilo Head, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim, elaborating on the issue.

Was there an attempted cover up? If so, why?

To keep us numbed out, in denial, and under control?

If Ethiopians can do it, Then why can't Americans?

י"ט לחודש התשעי תשע"ה

Posted by Chaim Sidman on the EMERGENCY ALYIA NOW Facebook Group:
If these Jews with nothing can make alyiah with out nothing, why can't Jews in western countries make alyiah with all their posessions? It will get to the point when Jews in western countries lose all their posessions for them to decide when to come. By then it may be to late.

Related Facebook Groups:

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
I could not have said it any better than Chaim.

However, I would like to elaborate on this a little.

We should not forget the treatment the Ethiopians received upon arriving, in contrast to those immigrating from the former Soviet Union, now estimated to be anywhere from 60 to 70 percent goyim gamurim (non-Jews).

The Ethiopians have also had to struggle to differentiate themselves from those Ethiopians who have no connection to being Jewish whatsoever, and in many cases are believing Christians, who have been allowed to immigrate to Israel anyway.

In addition, this community was hurt greatly by the mixing in from one of the so-called liberal "Jewish Movements. At the tail end of Operation Moses, "volunteers" from North America were instrumental in convincing some of the Ethiopians, that they did not need to undergo conversion. Operation Moses took place in 1984, seven years before Operation Solomon, recounted in the video.

This is just one piece of more evidence at how spiritually challenging it must be for Westerners, particularly North Americans to pick up and leave the exile.

If they wait too long, they risk getting the proverbial kick in the pants like their European brothers and sisters, and those who came from from Arab countries, before them.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Proposed Pro-Marxist Legislation in Israel: Surprised?

י"ז לחודש התשעי תשע"ה

Arutz 7: State Moves to Replace Parents as Children's Guardian
A new bill indicates justice ministry is adopting a neo-Marxist approach to parenting, seeking to annul parental custodianship.

Gil Ronen, December 9, 2014

A bill recently proposed by the justice ministry indicates that it is seeking to take away parents' custodianship of children in Israel. Tzipi Livni's removal from office and the dissolution of the Knesset have temporarily halted the move, which reflects a neo-Marxist approach to the family, in which the state takes over from parents as the ultimate guardian and custodian of children.

The government-sponsored bill, named “Parents and Their Children,” cancels the concept of natural parental guardianship over children. Its explanatory notes say that it aims “to assimilate a new normative perception... in the matters between parents and their minor children.”

It replaces the terms “custody” and “guardianship” with “parental responsibility,” leaving parents responsible for their children but stripping them of the authority that goes along with that responsibility. (cont.)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Is anyone surprised by this? I mean, seriously?

The only thing which surprises me, is how impatient the Erev Rav appears to be in its battle against the Torah. Only recently, it proposed a "Shabbos Law," which only serves to chip away at Shabbath obervance. And now this.

You know what they say...
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Then, beat 'em, by destroying them from within.
Usually, when parents do not cooperate with the Israeli Government in its indoctrination of our children, they are threatened with taking them away, using the State's social workers as its front line soldiers in this particular battle. If this law passes, they will not have to threaten to take our children away, because they will have already done so!

Not only that, but I anticipate that this proposal will even be sold to the Israeli public as "Israeli," as it has similarities to how parenting in Kibbutzim (Israeli communal farms) was once manifested.

I have not red the legislation myself. However, I believe that the following case scenario is a possible eventual goal of certain elements in the government, albeit most of you will either believe this to be farfetched, if not insane.

No visits from social workers or police. No phone calls. No warnings whatsoever. No Just come in the middle of the night, and take them away, without any obligation to inform you of their whereabouts or condition.

The only difference between previous "disappearances" of our children, like the Yemenite babies of the 1950's, is that now such "disappearances" would be legal.

Apparently, the previous strategy of threats was not working well enough, nor quickly enough, for them.

In a sense, this is good news. They are running scared. Too many Jews have been waking up to the setiroth (conflicts) between the State of Israel and the Torah, for their taste.

Too many Jews have been recognizing that the Torah is the higher authority.

Too many Jews have decided that they are mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore.

Unfortunately, there are not a whole of things more dangerous than a wounded animals, so we need to keep on guard.

“to assimilate a new normative perception... in the matters between parents and their minor children.”

Translation? To assimilate our children into the well-behaved, numbed-out, non-independent thinking collective of Western, anti-Torah culture,...period.

Thursday, December 04, 2014

A New Shabbos Law? Don't Be Fooled!

י"ב לחודש התשעי תשע"ה

Life In Israel: Proposed Law: Defining the cultural character of Shabbos
Rafi G., December 4, 2014

Despite the imminent dissolution of the Knesset, for now work goes on as normal, at least sort of, for the Members of the Knesset.

MKs Ruth Calderon (Yesh Atid) and Elazar Stern (Hatnua) have proposed a new law that would qualify the character of Shabbos in the public sphere.

The proposal attempts to define Shabbos as a special and unique day as the official national day of rest, as a day to be dedicated to culture, entertainment and leisure, with minimal commerce.

According to the proposal, while official State institutions would be closed, public facilities would be able to open, such as museums, zoos, cultural centers, national parks, etc. on Shabbos. The law would even allow for payment to enter any of these locations prior to Shabbos, so one would not have to pay on Shabbos itself.

According to the proposal, some limited public transportation would operate, upon approval from each local municipal authority, based on need of local residents. Makolets and pharmacies would require special permits to open, using some sort of rotational system. This would require approval from the local authority and from the Minister of Interior.

In addition, the law would stipulate government funding for cultural activities.

The law will also protect the rights of the Jewish employee to not work on Shabbos and not be discriminated against. source: Srugim

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Good ol' MK's Ruth Calderon and Elazar Stern! No surprises here!

Do not be fooled by this apparently Shabbath-supportive proposal.

There is nothing in this proposal, in the least bit supportive of proper Shabbath observance. In fact, this is merely a strategic ploy to chip away at the already decaying Shabbath laws, enforced by the Israeli Government.

Let's take a careful look at this proposal which will be eaten up by the so-called "movements," and will be supported, if not advocated, by the naive, liberal, Modern Orthodox, and so-called "pluralists."

Allow me to read between the lines, translate the legalese, and connect the dots for you...
A day to be dedicated to culture, entertainment and leisure
you will no longer be demonized for violating Shabbath 
The law would even allow for payment to enter any of these locations prior to Shabbos, so one would not have to pay on Shabbos itself.
The Israeli Government will now make it easier for you to violate Shabbath  
Some limited public transportation would operate
The Israeli Government will now make it easier to violate Shabbath  
Makolets (grocery stores) and pharmacies would require special permits to open 
Don't bother preparing in advance for Shabbath, since you will be able to violate it more easily. (*Incidentally, there is already a system in place allowing for the purchase of perscription drugs on Shabbath.) 
Government funding for cultural activities 
The Israel Government will not only condone anti-Torah activities, but will now be providing their funding.
If passed, this prosposed law will simply make it even easier to violate Shabbath, than it already is.

The attack on Torah is nothing new. The attackers are just getting sneakier and sneakier.

Monday, December 01, 2014

Swiss Jews, Will You Heed the Latest Warning?

ט׳ לחודש התשעי תשע״ה

There had been a lot of buzz, leading up to yesterday's referendum in Switzerland, including from The Jewish Libertarian.

The referendum failed, which definitely has implications for Swiss Jews.
Zero Hedge: Swiss Gold Referendum Fails: 78% Vote Against "Protecting The Country's Wealth"
Tyler Durden, November 30, 2014

Whether as a result of an unprecedented scare campaign by the Swiss National Bank (most recently reinforced by Citigroup), or due to confidence that Swiss gold is as safe abroad as it is at home, or simply due to good old-fashioned "hanging chads", today's most awaited event has come and gone and the result - according to early projections by Swiss television SRF - is that the Swiss population overwhelmingly rejected a referendum to force the Swiss National Bank to hold some 20% of its reserves in gold in a landslide vote, with about 78% voting against what AP politely termed "protecting the country's wealth by investing in gold." (cont.)
So, what does this have to do with the price of tea in China? Or, for that matter, the safety of Swiss Jews?
Forbes: The Swiss Vote Against Hoarding Gold And Capping Immigration
Frances Coppola, November 30, 2014

It was a near thing. Well, not very near, actually. Zero Hedge reports that not a single Swiss canton voted in favour of Ecopop’s insane scheme.

The scheme had three components:
The Swiss central bank was to be forced to hold 20% of its reserves in gold and would be prevented from ever selling any. All Swiss gold held abroad was to be physically repatriated to Switzerland.

There would be a strict limit on immigration set at 0.2% of the resident population, or about 16,000 people

Tax breaks for wealthy foreigners who live in Switzerland but do not work there would be ended.
At first sight, these proposals don’t seem to be connected. But they are. They all add up to the same thing. Switzerland was to protect its wealth, land, environment, public services [tick all that apply] from foreigners.

This is a Swiss nationalist agenda, similar to the nationalist agendas of other fringe parties in Europe such as the UK’s UKIP. We are seeing a significant rise in nationalism across the whole of Europe at the moment.

Growth of nationalism in Eurozone periphery countries is perhaps understandable: unemployment there is at Depression-era levels and there is no end in sight to the interminable austerity imposed by their paymasters in Brussels. (cont.)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
When in doubt, blame nationalism....
...(Forbes) So the overwhelming decision by the people of Switzerland not to close their borders and hoard their wealth will come as a huge relief to several groups of people.
Well, one group of people, in particular, comes to mind. Although, European Jews are threaten by nationalism, they are threatened by lenient immigration laws as well. After all, who is immigrating to Europe? Muslims.

In 1683, Muslims were pushed back, preventing them from taking Vienna. However, now, the Muslims have long since taken another strategy. Playing on the European's political-correctness and naivete, Muslims have been pouring into Europe, without having to pass through the gates of Vienna.

Getting beaten up from both sides will seem like children joking around on the playground, when the Jews truly get stuck between the Muslim sleepers and newcomers on one side, and the Nationalists on the other.

Of course, in traditional Muslim and European fashion, it will the "Jews' fault."

It reminds me of my grandmother's recounting of her pre-WWI childhood in Galecia (Southern Poland): The Kaiser's forces storming across her parents farm one day, and the Cossacks storming across it in the opposite direction the next day.

Only this time, Europe will become even more of a nightmare.

Here are just a few examples from Switzerland's recent past, of which Jews should expect a repeat performance. All I hear from Swiss Jews is how expensive it is to live there, not to mention the lousy job market. In addition, Shehitah (kosher slaughter) has been banned in Switzerland since 1893, forcing Jews to important kosher meat.

I have absolutely no idea why they insist on remaining there.

Let's hope that they heed the latest warning, and pick up and move to their true homeland.
JTA: Fires Strike Synagogue, Store in Resort Town in Switzerland
JTA and Peter Ephross, March 16, 2005

This week’s fires in a synagogue and a Jewish-owned clothing store here are being called rare acts of anti-Semitic violence in Switzerland. “This kind of violence against Jewish institutions in Switzerland is new. Nobody remembers a similar act,” said Thomas Lyssy, a spokesman for the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities.

Police are investigating both cases of suspected arson. Both fires were set on Sunday night and the leader of the local Jewish community said both were acts of anti-Semitism.

The mayor of the city, Giorgio Giudici, condemned the attacks.

The fire at the synagogue in the resort town near the Italian border caused considerable damage, destroying the library before firefighters put it out.

The store was completely destroyed, Etti Stein told JTA from Los Angeles.

Stein’s sister, Pagit Schreiber, lives in Lugano. Her in-laws own the store.

“She’s very, very upset,” Stein said.

Hans Stutz of the Foundation Against Racism and Anti-Semitism told the Swiss Telegraphic Agency that this was the first fire set in a Swiss synagogue in the last 25 years.

But synagogues have been smeared with anti-Semitic slogans and swastikas: in Lausanne in April 2003, in Geneva in February 1998 and in Lugano in 1996. The worst anti-Semitic incident occurred in 2001 in Zurich, when a rabbi was stabbed by an unknown assailant.

Eli Bollag, the chairman of the Jewish community in Lugano and a member of the City Council, said that he was sad and angry over the fires: sad about the stupidity that lies at the origins of the fires and angry at the cowardice of the perpetrators, who chose to attack such a small Jewish community.

Orthodox Jews have lived in Lugano since World War I. At the end of World War II, the city was home to more than 1,000 refugees.

There are now only about two dozen members of Lugano’s Jewish community, and about 500 Jews in the region.