Thursday, January 19, 2006

Israel: The Suicide Puppet

16 ofthe Tenth Month 5766

The Jerusalem Post

Report: IAF Trained For Iran Attack

This is yet another example of how Israel is being used as a puppet.

The US is stretched too thin in Iraq and Afghanistan. Israel probably jumped at the opportunity to try and gain Europe's affections,...which will never happen, as Europe is also not too pleased with Iran's provocative behavior.

Then, when Israel attacks Iran, Europe can say "We didn't do it!" Then when Europe's negotiations with Iran fail, Europe can just go back to its Plan A: Blame Israel.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Nahshon Walls z"l

25 of the Tenth Month 5766

Nahshon Walls Z-L Thirty days ago, Nahshon Walls, surrounded by friends, died of cancer. Examining the date and doing the math, will reveal that Nahshon did, indeed, leave this world on 25 Kislew, the first day of Hanukkah.

The story goes like this. On Erev Shabbath Wayeshev, the Shabbath just before Hanukkah, a close friend of Nahshon's asked of him, "Please just make it until Hanukkah."

Defying doctors' prognoses, Nahshon only left when he was damn good and ready to leave. On the first night of Hanukkah, after "amen" was said to the last of the three brachoth, and the first Hanukkah light was lit, Nahshon expelled his last breath, and passed on into the next world.

That was how Nahshon died. For how Nahshon lived, I invite you click the Revava Discussion Boards link below which will take you to Remembering Nachshon Walls, z"l by David HaIvri.
Revava Forum

I would simply add a small anicdote, I heard from Nahshon personally.

Nahshon designed and sewed various flags and traditional, Jewish four-cornered garments. His flags included those with Kahanist themes as well as the Medinath Yehudah flag.

While Nahshon was in prison, he took advantage of the "vocational" equipment available to him, such as sewing machines. Believe it or not, he actually made and sold via mail-order, Kahanist-related flags,...mind you,...using the equipment of the Israeli prison system. In order words, Nahshon used government-owned facilities and equipment to produce and to sell, the very materials which the Israeli government had been running around, trying to brand and confiscate.

And he did it right under the government's nose.

Nahshon Walls will be remembered for many reasons, including his mesiruth nefesh (self-sacrifice).

I also will remember Nahshon for his creativity and his innovation.

May his memory be for a blessing.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Fifth of the Tenth Month 5761

5th of the Tenth Month 5766

Rav Binyamin Ze'ev & Talyah Kahane HYD

I never met Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane HY"D, nor his wife Talyah Kanahe HY"D (HaShem Y'qom damam - May God avenge their blood).

They were killed five years ago today, just south of the town of Ofra. They were not the first and not the last, to be killed by snipers from that same hill, now called in their names Tal Binyamin (The Dew of Benjamin). Tal is from Talyah (dew of God) and Binyamin, as it happens is not only from Rav Binyamin Ze'ev, but the area where they were murdered, from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, north to around Beth El.

I first heard of their murder, shortly after they were found. They were on their way back from spending Shabbatn in Jerusalem. It was a Sunday morning. They had just dropped their son, Me'ir David (named for his grandfather Rabbi Me'ir David Kahane HY"D) off at school in Beth El, back tracked to the main road, then continued north to toward their home in Kfar Tapu'ah. They did not get very far after that. Attacked by snipers, Rav Binyamin Ze'ev and Talyah Kahane HY"D were killed in front of their five daughters.

I was in Beth El, where I taught junior high school. The history teacher got a call from her brother. He had found them. There was nothing that could be done for them.

But, let us not remember Rav Binyamin Ze'ev and Talyah Kahane HY"D only for how they died; they died as martyrs. Let us remember them for how they lived.

Rav Binyamin Ze'ev HY"D was no doubt seen as a threat, placing Torah principles before the idioc practices of the State, encouraging its own self-destruction, and having the audacity (sic.) to express his ideas to others,...and in public forums.

Rav Binyamin's crime (sic.), with the altruistic support of his selfless wife Talyah, was to speak his mind, and to say what he believed was the truth, and that was Torah, unabridged and uncensored, with all of the political-incorrectness, most Israels find difficult to hear, yet the sparks of the Jewish neshamoth tell them is true.

Rav Binyamin's crime (sic.) was his attempt to wake up his brothers and sisters from their comfortable numbness.

Rav Binyamin's crime (sic.) was his desire to put the "Jewish" back in the so-called "Jewish State."

Many are not so sure that the Yishma'elim (Arabs) acted alone in carrying out their evil deed, may their names and memories of all those involved be blotted out!

I said that I had never met Rav Binyamin Ze'ev and Talyah Kahane HY"D. However, I will close with one thing I learned from Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane HY"D which I carry with me always, something which has affected my view of the material world in a profound way.

Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane HY"D said of Baruch Goldstein HY"D, that, irregardless of the details of what may or may not have really occurred that Purim in Hevron, 10 years ago, one thing that he did not do was think about his what people would think of him afterwards. He was not concerned about his reputation. He was only concerned with his immediate decisions which needed to be made. The only opinion of him and his actions which was of any consequences was that of HaQadosh Baruch Hu (The Holy One, Blessed Be He).

To some of you that may seem the obvious arrangement of priorities. It was to me, but only because Rav Binyamin Ze'ev HY"D said it that way he did, was I affected, and profoundly touched.

May the blood of Rav Binyamin Ze'ev and Talyah Kahane be avenged!

May the memories of Rav Binyamin Ze'ev and Talyah Kahane be for blessings.