Thursday, January 19, 2017

להתעלם מהפיל הנוצרי בחדר / The Christian Elephant in the Room

כ״א לחודש העשירי תשע״ז
English follows the Hebrew.

בזמן שאנשי הסברה בוכים, צועקים, זועקים, ומנסים להסביר על מה שקרה בכנס בפריז, המתנחלים חוגגים על מה שאמור להתקיים ביום שישי הזה בארה״ב. ביום שישי הזה ב-20 לחודש ינואר למניינם (התאריך הקבוע של השבעות של נשיאי ארה״ב) ההשבעה של הנשיא החדש של ארה״ב דונלד טראמפ תתקיים.
NRG תקדים: בכירים ביש"ע הוזמנו להשבעת טראמפ
עודד רביבי, המנהל את אגף קשרי החוץ של ההתיישבות, וראש עיריית מעלה אדומים, בני כשריאל, ייסעו לטקס שיתקיים בשבוע הבא. אישים נוספים מיו"ש הוזמנו להשבעה אך הם שומרים את הדבר בסוד

מקור ראשון | אריאל כהנא | 13/1/2017

תגיות: דונלד טראמפ, השבעת הנשיא, עודד רביבי, יהודה ושומרון, התנחלויות, בני כשריאל ראשי מועצת יש"ע קיבלו ממקורביו של הנשיא האמריקני הנבחר דונלד טראמפ הזמנה להשתתף בטקס ההשבעה שלו, שיתקיים ביום שישי הבא בוושינגטון, בשעות שלאחר כניסת השבת.

את ההזמנה העביר ארגון הקשור ליועצו המיוחד של הנשיא ג'ייסון דב גרינבלט. בכוונת ראשי המתנחלים להיענות להזמנה, ומי שככל הנראה ייצג אותם יהיה ראש מועצת אפרת, עודד רביבי, העומד בראש דסק החוץ של מועצת יש"ע. יצטרף אליו בני כשריאל, ראש עיריית מעלה־אדומים.

ל'מקור ראשון' נודע כי אישים נוספים מההתנחלויות הוזמנו להשבעה, אך לפי שעה הם מבקשים לשמור את הדבר בסוד. תהיה זו הפעם הראשונה שראשי ההתיישבות ביהודה ושומרון משתתפים באירוע של השבעת נשיא. בחצי השנה האחרונה חיזקה מועצת יש"ע את פעילות אגף קשרי החוץ שלה. רביבי נכנס לנעליו של דני דיין, שמונה לתפקיד קונסול ישראל בניו־יורק, כאחראי על הקשרים עם גורמים בינלאומיים. בין השאר נפגש עם חברי קונגרס אמריקנים ואירופים, שגרירים ונציגים זרים אחרים.

דובר מועצת יש"ע יגאל דילמוני בירך על ההזמנה ואמר כי היא "מבשרת על הרוח החדשה הנושבת מארה"ב, המלמדת על שינוי ביחס לישראל - ובפרט להתיישבות ביהודה, בשומרון ובבקעת הירדן. הרוח החדשה הזו באה לידי ביטוי גם בביקורו של המושל מייק האקבי בשבוע שעבר במעלה־אדומים, ואנו כבר נערכים אליה".

חרף שמועות שנפוצו בשבועות האחרונים, ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו לא אמור להשתתף בהשבעת טראמפ. מי שייצג את ישראל באירוע יהיה השגריר בארה"ב, רון דרמר. גם רותי ליברמן, העומדת בראש ארגון 'יס, ישראל', תשתתף בהשבעה.
עשר אגורות (2¢):
הם לא רק חוגגים על ההשבעה של הנשיא החדש הזה שאמור להציל ולהושיע אותם ואת הביתים שלהם. אלא הם גם חוגגים על עוד משהו:

מנהיגי יהודה שומרון ועזה [יש״ע*] יהיו אורחים מיוחדים בהשבעת הנשיא החדש דונלד טראמפ.

המתנחלים חוגגים מפני שהם חושבים שסוף סוף מתקבלים כבני אדם ולא כרוצחי תינוקים ערביים. הם גם חושבים שהם מקבלים את הזכויות שלהם להמשיך לגור ביהודה ובשומרון. אבל, לדעתי המתנחלים האלה עוד מעט יקבלו הפתעה גדולה בכלל לא טעימה.

לא משנה. הם פשוט ימשיכו לעשות את אותה הטעות שוב פעם, בכל מקרה: לסמוך על כוחות הגוים, לסמוך על כוחות של בני אדם.

אבל איך ה״מנהיגים״ האלה קיבלו הזמנות להשבעה בכלל? התשובה לשאלה הזאת לא מופיעה בחדשות בעברית (לפחות אני לא מצליח למצוא את זה.)


הנוצרים שמגיעים לארץ ישראל ״להתנדב ולעזור״ למתנחלים בקטיף הענבים ובמסיקת הזיתים ועוד.

הנוצרים שטוענים שאין להם שום אינטרס לנסות לנצר יהודים, למרות כל המון הקשרים שלהם לאירגונים מיסיונריים ואנשי מיסיונריים.

ה״מתנדבים״ של הנוצרים האלה גרים בבתים שהיו של יהודים. היהודים שגרו שם ברחו מהנוצרים שנכנסו למאחז ומהמסים הגבוהים מאוד, ומשליטת רב הישוב הנמצא לידם.

מפלגת הרפובליקנים
Republican Party
הנוצרים שרוצים את ארצינו. הנוצרים שטוענים שארץ ישראל היא הארץ שלהם. ובזכות הזאת, הם מוכנים לקחת הפסקה [זמנית] נסיונות לנצר יהודים. הנוצרים האלה הם סבלנים כמו אב הקדמון שלהם עשו, אח התאום של יעקב.

ועכשיו צוות המעבר הנשיא טראמפ מבקשים עיצה מהנוצרים האלה. כמובן המתנחלים חושבים שזה דבר טוב מאוד, מפני שהנוצרים האלה יספרו בשבח שלנו. וכמובן המתנחלים האלה חושבים יותר השפעה מהנוצרים ויותר השפעה מממשלת ארה״ב בכלל הם גם דברים טובים מאוד.

וכל זה בגלל כל הכסף ו״עזרה״ שהם מקבלים? לא. אלא זה בגלל משהו יותר גרוע מזה. זה בגלל האהבה והתקבלות שהמתנחלים חושבים שסוף סוף הם מקבלים ושמגיעות להם. ולצערי, הדברים אלה נראים להיות יותר חשובים להם מהאהבה ומההתקבלות מהקב״ה.

ב״ה יש עדיין כמה מתנחלים שלא יכולים לראות את הפיל הנוצרי בחדר, כאילו בשטח.


*למה עדיין מזהים אותם כמנהיגי יהודה שומרון ועזהֿ, ולא רק כמנהיגי יהודה ושומרון? חברי מועצת יש״ע עצמה שיתפו בפעולת גירוש היהודים מחבל עזה (כולל גוש קטיף) בשנת תשס״ה/2005, ואז איך אפשר להציר שהם עדיין שולטים על עזה?
Jewish Forward: Israeli Settler Leaders Will Flock to Trump Inauguration
Naomi Zeveloff, January 16, 2017

Israeli settlers and their American evangelical supporters are among the invitees to Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration on January 20.

Yehuda Glick, a Brooklyn-born rabbi and member of the Israeli parliament’s ruling Likud party confirmed that he will be attending the inauguration with fellow Likud lawmaker Sharren Haskel. They will be joined by Atlanta-born Israeli rabbi Jeremy Gimpel, who spoke about his intention to attend on a radio show on the Land of Israel Network. Gimpel is bringing his teenage son, a Trump fan, as a present for his bar mitzvah trip.

Glick is a well-known agitator for Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount who survived an assassination attempt by a Palestinian assailant for his activism in 2014. Israel’s security apparatus considers Glick’s project a threat to the fragile status quo at the Jewish and Muslim holy site.

Glick, who lives in the Otniel settlement in the Israeli occupied West Bank, told the Forward it was a “privilege” to attend Trump’s inauguration. He said that Trump and Vice President-elect Michael Pence have “definitely expressed a very warm relationship toward Israel,” though he had no predictions about the incoming administration’s policy toward Israel.

Gimpel, a onetime Knesset candidate on the Jewish Home list, has close ties to the American evangelical pro-Israel movement. He founded the Land of Israel Network, a TV and online network that advertises itself as “G-d’s PR agency.” The programming advocates for Jewish sovereignty in the West Bank, where Palestinians hope to establish a state. Gimpel came under fire in 2013 when a video surfaced of him advocating to “blow up” the Dome of the Rock Islamic holy site in a speech at Fellowship Church in Winter Springs, Florida.

Gimpel said that he is being “sent from god with a message from Zion” to the inauguration on the Land of Israel Network radio interview Jeremy Gimpel was caught on tape saying that the Islamic holy site the Dome of the Rock should be “blown up.”

Haskel and Gimpel did not respond to immediate requests for comment.

The three are part of a delegation from HaYovel, an American evangelical group that brings Christian volunteers to pick grapes and olives in Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

According to Caleb Waller of HaYovel, Trump’s advisers contacted his father Tommy Waller, the group’s founder, to hear his opinion on “what needs to happen in Judea and Samaria,” the biblical terms for the West Bank, and invited him to attend the inauguration with a delegation.

On the Land of Israel Network radio interview, Gimpel said he was invited separately by an unnamed politician and then joined HaYovel’s delegation.

Caleb Waller said that HaYovel’s presence at the inauguration is “part of one big effort on Israel’s part to make sure to start this administration on a very solid Israel foot.” Evangelicals, who are among Israel’s biggest American supporters, helped Trump to clinch the presidency in spite of predictions that they would be put off by his crude behavior in the campaign. Some 81% of white evangelicals voted for him. An email to Trump’s press office for this story was not immediately returned.

Also, it was reported on January 13 that a separate delegation of settlers was invited to Trump’s inauguration. According to the Times of Israel, Oded Revivi, the chairman of the Yesha settler’s council, will be attending along with Benny Kasriel, the mayor of Ma’aleh Adumim, a settlement outside Jerusalem. Yossi Dagan, a settler activist and head of the Shomron Regional Council will be joining them, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Revivi said he saw his invitation as a “clear indication” that the new administration understands the importance of the settler movement.

Trump’s pick for Israel envoy, David Friedman, has close ties to the settlers and is the head of American Friends of Beit El Institutions, which raises American money for Beit El, near Ramallah. He has advocated for Israel’s annexation of portions of the West Bank.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was not invited to and will not be attending the inauguration, in spite of earlier reports that Trump’s advisers were courting Netanyahu to attend.
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
בבר הפיל
Settlers are not only celebrating the swearing-in of the new president, who they believe will help and save them and their homes. They are also celebrating something else:

Leaders from Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip [YeSh"A*] will be special guests at President Donald Trump's inauguration.

The settlers are celebrating because they think that they are finally accepted as human beings and not as murderers of Arab babies. They also think that their right to live in Judea and Samaria will be validated. But, personally, I think these settlers are soon going to get a big surprise, and a very rude one at that.

It doesn't matter, though. They are just going to continue repeating the same mistake over again, all the same, expecting that "this time, it will be different. And that mistake is over-reliance on leaders, even more so, non-Jewish nations and their leaders.

But how did these leaders receive invitations to the inauguration in the first place? The does not appear in Hebrew language news. At least, I have not been able to find it.


Christians who come to Israel to "volunteer" and help the settlers during the grape and olive harvets, and in other things.

Christians who claim they have no interest in trying to convert Jews, despite their numerous connections to missionaries and missionary organizations.

The Christian "volunteers" live in houses where Jews used to live, until the Jews fled from the rising taxes, from their new Christian "neighbors," and from control of the neighboring town's rabbi.

דמבו הפיל
Christians who want our Land. Christians who claim [when no one else is around] that the land of Israel is theirs by right. And because of that, they are prepared to take a [temporary] break from their goal of missionaizing Jews. Christians can be patient, just like their forbear Esau, Ya'aqov's twin brother.

Now members of President Trump's transition team are now apparently seeking counsel from these Christians. Of course, the settlers think this is also a very good thing, because these Christians will sing our praises. And, of course, the settlers think that the increasing influences of the Trump Administration and Christians in general are very good things as well.

And this is because of all the money and other aid that they receive? No. It is because of something much worse than that. It is because of the love, validation, and acceptance the settlers believe they are finally getting that they deserve.

And unfortunately, these seem to be more important to them than love, validation, and acceptance from the Holy One, Blessed Be He.

Fortunately, there are still at least some settlers able to see the Christian Elephant in the room.


* Why do they still identify as leaders of Judea, Samaria and Azza [YeSh"A], not just Judea and Samaria [Yo"Sh]? Members of the Yesha Council itself participated in the deportation of Jews from Gaza back in 5765 / 2005. So, how can they say that they still control Gaza?

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

The Truth about Moving the U. S. Embassy to Jerusalem

ו׳ לחודש העשירי תשע״ז

The following is one response to yesterday's announcement of the Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act, proposed by Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX), Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Dean Heller (R-NV).
MEMRI: Fatah Official Sultan Abu Al-Einein: Transfer of U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem Will Lead to Renewed Bloodshed

Broadcast on Sunday, January 1, 2017

Sultan Abu Al-Einein of the Fatah Central Committee warned that any "act of stupidity" by the new U.S. administration would "ignite the Palestinian territories.” In an interview with the Egypt-based Alghad TV on January 1, Abu Al-Einein said that moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem would lead to renewal of bloodshed, for which the U.S. and Israel would bear responsibility.
Fata"h Emblem
Esser Agaroth (2¢):

Anyone in the West who does not believe that Arabs are simply using this as yet another excuse to execute terrorist attacks against Jews, is living in a Western fantasy world.

The Arabs are Yishma'elites who understand physical force. They also understand the State of Israel's consistent lack of follow-through, and repeated cave-ins to international pressure.

Trying to fit an Arab peg
into a Western slot.
The members of Abbas's Fata"h Party do not just want Jerusalem. They do not just want Yehudah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria). They want Be'er Sheva, Yaffo, Haifa, and Tel-Aviv; They want everything. (See the map in the image - upper right)

The Arabs are not like the Western Edomites (ויקרא רבה יג,ה) who, over the centuries, have settled on the strategy of using their mouths and wallets as weapons, as much as their guns and missiles.

However, perhaps the Arabs feel threatened not by the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and moving of the U. S. Embassy to Jerusalem. Perhaps, they feel threatened by this....

Local Jerusalem Bus Routes to the U. S. Consulate
Notice that the current U. S. Consulate is located on the Arab side of the 1949 Armistice Line. If the U. S. were to declare that this Consulate is now the Embassy to Israel, you can only imagine how they will react. In other words, if the U. S. says that its Embassy is located IN Israel, even though Arabs have always taken for granted that the Jew-Hating United Nations and U. S. State Department consider this to be Arab territory, they will not be pleased.

No wonder many Israeli Government officials are not thrilled with the idea either. We will undoubtedly be forced to defend ourselves, and then endure yet another wave of international condemnations, which to them would be a fate worse than Israeli deaths.

(Click to Enlarge)

Of course, I am all for the U. S. moving its Embassy to Jerusalem. But, will the Israeli Government do 100% of what needs to be done, in order to protect its citizens from Arab repercussions?

Only time will tell.

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce Meets with Israeli Members of Knesseth

ה׳ לחודש העשירי תשע״ז
Here are a few of those Members of Knesseth [MK] attending:

MK Betzalel Smotrich
MK Betzalel Smotrich who spoke in a Christian church (excuse me, "prayer tent") in Har Brachah, who seems to think that annexing Ma'aleh Adumim would be a victory. Progress not perfection? I don't buy it. When you annex, or put a fence around something, you are not sending the message "this part is ours." Rather you are sending the message that "all of the other parts are not ours."

By ALL means, if this is not a "prayer tent," then please tell me what other violation of the negative commandment  (דברים ז,ב) "לא תחנם" it is. Structures for goyim in Eretz Yisra'el are only permitted for storage (Mishneh Torah, Hil. Foreign Worship and the Laws of Non-Jews 10:4-5 [3]).

And, I had such high hopes for him, too. (frown)

MK Shuli Me'ulam-Refaeli (is that hyphenated name I see?) who succeeded in chipping away at parental rights, thus facilitating the indoctrination of our children into State loyalty. Do I even have to mention the diminishing rights of single father? So much for the Orthodox Hierarchical Patriarchy!

Would you believe that these MK's are from the -- wait for it! -- the "Jewish" Home Party, led by Naftali Bennett, who has the brilliant idea to give yet some more Arab nationalists Israeli citizenship. (See above regarding the negative commandment "לא תחנם")

Bennett's Plan

Then there is MK Yehuda Glick from the ruling Likud Party who wants goyim, false deities and all, to be able to pray on Har HaBayith (The Temple Mount), ie. bringing together Yishma'el with Esau (מי שמבין יבין). I looked up the yeshivas where he studied (Otniel and Har Etzion), and so I am not in the least bit surprised.

And these are only three of the representatives meeting with the Orthodox Jewish Congress.

Not only am I NOT impressed with our lovely MK's, I am extremely disappointed,...extremely embarrassed.

(Left to Right) Aaron Klein, Journalist; MK Oren Hazan, MK Yehuda Glick
(Screen Capture from Ari Fuld's Live Knesset video coverage)
Well, I did also recognize the highly scrutinized MK Oren Hazan (Likud). I have more respect for him then most other MK's. At least he is a straight shooter, and we know where he stands.


Note: The presence of the photo from Ari Fuld's video, neither constitutes any endorsement, nor even any agreement with this post nor Esser Agaroth in general.

Monday, January 02, 2017

The Torah Trumps Trump

 ד׳ לחודש העשירי תשע״ז

U. S. President-Elect
Donald Trump
Don't get me wrong.

The theoretically better candidate won the recent U. S. Presidential election. What bothers me is the insistence of Jews on the Left, as well as on the Right, to place their focus on human powers, and even more so, non-Jewish powers, for their salvation, instead of making an intellectually honest examination of what HaShem really wants from us, and then making it happen, to the best of our ability.

Halakhah (Torah Law) is not the rocket science many "rabbis" want us to think it is. This is not about different understandings and interpretations, and me pushing the ones I happen to like on you. We simply need to examine the [uncensored] sources, listen to refutations of them, and check which point of view stands up to scrutiny.

If we do this, using uncensored sources, and freeing ourselves from hashqafah (in this case: preconceived notions) and distorted notions, based on our feelings, then I believe it will be revealed to you

The Torah touches every aspect of our lives, not just "shabbos and kashrus shailos." It covers everything from running a truly Jewish government, running a Jewish military, fighting a war in a Jewish manner, and relating to non-Jews, both in times of war and peace, whether Israeli politicians and their State "religious" yes men, like it or not.

There is no separating any particular aspects of our lives from Torah. We cannot call one thing halakhah, and another thing "politics," letting so-called "rabbis" off the hook from their responsibility to teach the truth.

So, what does this all have to do with the outcome of the recent U. S. Presidential elections?

U. S. President-Elect Trump's 16 point position paper on Israel was recently released, and it behooves us all to examine it, through the only perspective a Jew should use, a Torah perspective.

If you disagree with my understanding of this perspective, by all means, you should say so. Just don't forget to support your position with sources, so that we can have a discussion which enables us to discern the truth, as opposed to simply throwing around our opinions, based on nothing more than our feelings.

Here, I have addressed Trump's 16 point position paper on Israel, point by point:
Jason D. Greenblatt, EVP/Chief Legal Officer of The Trump Organization, co-chairman of Mr. Trump's Israel Advisory Committee; Co-Founder of - Nov 2, 2016

Joint Statement from Jason Dov Greenblatt and David Friedman, Co-Chairmen of the Israel Advisory Committee to Donald J. Trump

It has been an exhilarating election cycle. Approximately seven months ago, we were blessed to have been tapped by Donald J. Trump to be his top advisors with respect to the State of Israel. We have been fortunate to work with a talented team of people and have put together the below positions. Each of these positions have been discussed with Mr. Trump and the Trump campaign, and most have been stated, in one form or another, by Mr. Trump in various interviews or speeches given by him or on his social media accounts. For those of you who are true friends of the State of Israel, and for those of you who believe that the State of Israel and the United States of America have an unbreakable friendship, we urge you to read the below. We would like to express our gratitude to those individuals who have helped us over the past few months. We truly appreciate your efforts, friendship and guidance. We would also like to express our gratitude to our friend, a great friend of the State of Israel, Donald J. Trump, who gave us the tremendous opportunity to serve in this capacity. May God bless the United States of America and the State of Israel.

1 - The unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel is based upon shared values of democracy, freedom of speech, respect for minorities, cherishing life, and the opportunity for all citizens to pursue their dreams.
Unbreakable bond? It would take too long to elaborate on all that is wrong with this first point on the list, and so I will be brief. The bond between the United States and Israel should have been broken long ago. Unfortunately, those calling for Jews in Israel to be "realistic" and "practical" are simply covering up the lack of emunah (faith) in The Almighty being propagated. The only reason for this bond not to be broken would be if Israel, a Torah-observant Israel, was calling the shots. This hails back to that old canard, the artificial notion of "Judeo-Christian Values."

Who said that the current manifestation of democracy in the world actually has anything to do with Torah? And, even if it did, how on earth could anyone mistake the State of Israel's system of governance for a democracy, especially with the incessant legislation from the Bench by the anti-Torah Israeli Supreme Court? It is not. Rather, it is a deMOCKracy.

Furthermore, according to halakhah, there are limits on speech, limits on respect for non-Jewish minorities, who are only allowed to reside within Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) under certain circumstances, and thus also limits on their " pursue their dreams" here (See Deut. 7:2; Mishneh Torah Laws of Foreign Worship and Non-Jews and Laws of Kings and their Wars).
2 - Israel is the state of the Jewish people, who have lived in that land for 3,500 years. The State of Israel was founded with courage and determination by great men and women against enormous odds and is an inspiration to people everywhere who value freedom and human dignity.
This one is a reminder of the trendy, "Indigenous Argument." Whoever was here first has nothing to do with the Jewish People's claim to Eretz Yisra'el. Rather, our claim to the Land should be based solely on the decision of the Holy One, Blessed Be He, and who he decides will conquer it, at any given time. First, it was the Canaanites, then it was us, then it was the Babylonians, then it was us again, and so on.
3 - Israel is a staunch ally of the U.S. and a key partner in the global war against Islamic jihadism. Military cooperation and coordination between Israel and the U.S. must continue to grow.
Four words: American Troops on Israeli Soil.
4 - The American people value our close friendship and alliance with Israel culturally, religiously, and politically. While other nations have required U.S. troops to defend them, Israelis have always defended their own country by themselves and only ask for military equipment assistance and diplomatic support to do so. The U.S. does not need to nation-build in Israel or send troops to defend Israel.
Culturally, religiously, and politically? Most Ashkenazy Jews from the U. S., both Torah observant and non Torah observant, will agree that the U. S. and Israel have cultural similarities. They may even be correct. But, they should not be. The feelings-oriented "culture" of Edom has most definitely infiltrated into Israel, and it must be eliminated, or at least tempered and filtered. This goes for the influence of the Christian conservatives, just as much as the libertine, "progressives." I have already explained "religiously" and "politically" above.
5 - The Memorandum of Understanding signed by the American and Israeli Governments is a good first step, but there is much more to be done. A Trump Administration will ensure that Israel receives maximum military, strategic and tactical cooperation from the United States, and the MOU will not limit the support that we give. Further, Congress will not be limited to give support greater than that provided by the MOU if it chooses to do so. Israel and the United States benefit tremendously from what each country brings to the table. The relationship is a two way street. 
Sure. Let's become even more financially dependent on the U. S. (sigh)
6 - The U.S. should veto any United Nations votes that unfairly single out Israel and will work in international institutions and forums, including in our relations with the European Union, to oppose efforts to delegitimize Israel, impose discriminatory double standards against Israel, or to impose special labeling requirements on Israeli products or boycotts on Israeli goods.
Good for the U. S. But, Israel should stop caring about what the non-Jewish, "International Community" thinks of us already.
7 - The U.S. should cut off funds for the UN Human Rights Council, a body dominated by countries presently run by dictatorships that seems solely devoted to slandering the Jewish State. UNESCO's attempt to disconnect the State of Israel from Jerusalem is a one-sided attempt to ignore Israel's 3,000-year bond to its capital city, and is further evidence of the enormous anti-Israel bias of the United Nations. 
OK. I agree.
8 - The U.S. should view the effort to boycott, divest from, and sanction (BDS) Israel as inherently anti-Semitic and take strong measures, both diplomatic and legislative, to thwart actions that are intended to limit commercial relations with Israel, or persons or entities doing business in Israeli areas, in a discriminatory manner. The BDS movement is just another attempt by the Palestinians to avoid having to commit to a peaceful co-existence with Israel. The false notion that Israel is an occupier should be rejected.
It does not matter what the so-called BDS movement's motivation is. The Arabs calling themselves Palestinians have no interest in a peaceful co-existence with Israel. See above, regarding a non-Jewish presence within Eretz Yisra'el, under ideal circumstances. Meanwhile, Jews should be instituting their own Jewish BDS.
9 - The Trump administration will ask the Justice Department to investigate coordinated attempts on college campuses to intimidate students who support Israel.
As it should be. However, we Jews need to ask ourselves why any Jews, and I assume that some of these "students who support Israel" are Jewish, still remain on U. S. college campuses. Most everything which needs to be learned in university can be learned at Hebrew University, Tel-Aviv University, Bar-Ilan University, the Technion, etc. There are even B. A. and graduate programs, including three medical schools, where students may study in English. Besides, whoever said that Jews had to study in university??
10 - A two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians appears impossible as long as the Palestinians are unwilling to renounce violence against Israel or recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state. Additionally, the Palestinians are divided between PA rule in the West Bank and Hamas rule in Gaza so there is not a united Palestinian people who could control a second state. Hamas is a US-designated terrorist organization that actively seeks Israel's destruction. We will seek to assist the Israelis and the Palestinians in reaching a comprehensive and lasting peace, to be freely and fairly negotiated between those living in the region.
Well, there are several other Arab groups I would add to that Department of State's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations Abbas's Fata"h, among them, which also believes in wiping Israel from the map (see Fata"h's map of "Pseudostine," embedded in its emblem to the right). In addition, Jewish groups should be removed from this list, which, I believe, were only added because of their religious beliefs.  So much for "freedom of religious expression." However, we Jews must also finally realize that gestures of "friendship" from Esau (Edom/The West) can be just as dangerous as the open hostility and aggression from Yishma'el (Arabs/Muslims).
11 - The Palestinian leadership, including the PA, has undermined any chance for peace with Israel by raising generations of Palestinian children on an educational program of hatred of Israel and Jews. The larger Palestinian society is regularly taught such hatred on Palestinian television, in the Palestinian press, in entertainment media, and in political and religious communications. The two major Palestinian political parties, Hamas and Fatah, regularly promote anti-Semitism and jihad.
No arguments here.
12 - The U.S. cannot support the creation of a new state where terrorism is financially incentivized, terrorists are celebrated by political parties and government institutions, and the corrupt diversion of foreign aid is rampant. The U.S. should not support the creation of a state that forbids the presence of Christian or Jewish citizens, or that discriminates against people on the basis of religion.
If the U. S. really wants to support up, then it will do everything in its power to prevent any additional sovereign, or semi-sovereign, state to be created anywhere within the borders of Eretz Yisr'ael.
13 - The U.S. should support direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians without preconditions, and will oppose all Palestinian, European and other efforts to bypass direct negotiations between parties in favor of an imposed settlement. Any solutions imposed on Israel by outside parties including by the United Nations Security Council, should be opposed. We support Israel's right and obligation to defend itself against terror attacks upon its people and against alternative forms of warfare being waged upon it legally, economically, culturally, and otherwise.
Jews must recognize the hidden agenda here, being pushed by the Christian-right. Christians (some of Esau's spiritual descendants) have changed their strategy against the Jews. Missionizing has been put on hold by an increasing number of Christian groups, including Christian "friends" and "volunteers," in favor of working toward gaining a foothold in the Land. Actions toward this goal have included maintaining residences for volunteers within Jewish communities, for employees of "pro-Israel," non-profit organizations, interfaith events and activities, and even lobbying for rights to immigrate and obtain citizenship. Read all about this in The Kiss of Esau.
14 - Israel's maintenance of defensible borders that preserve peace and promote stability in the region is a necessity. Pressure should not be put on Israel to withdraw to borders that make attacks and conflict more likely. 
I suppose. See above for what I wrote about Israel's borders.
15 - The U.S. will recognize Jerusalem as the eternal and indivisible capital of the Jewish state and Mr. Trump's Administration will move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem
Once again, I expect that we Jews will hail the act of moving the U. S. Embassy as some sort heroic act, but not one of propagating the truth. Rather, underneath all of the "you did the right thing, Mr. Presidents," there will be a plethora of slobbering over America, how much of a friend it is to us The status of the State of Israel as the 51st state of the United States will be solidified, and the majority of the Jewish People will be reduced to the lowest form of co-dependence
16 - Despite the Iran Nuclear deal in 2015, the U.S. State Department recently designated Iran, yet again, as the leading state sponsor of terrorism, putting the Middle East particularly, but the whole world at risk by financing, arming, and training terrorist groups operating around the world including Hamas, Hezbollah, and forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The U.S. must counteract Iran's ongoing violations of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action regarding Iran's quest for nuclear weapons and their noncompliance with past and present sanctions, as well as the agreements they signed, and implement tough, new sanctions when needed to protect the world and Iran's neighbors from its continuing nuclear and non-nuclear threats.
Sound reasoning, right? The best lies are filled with mostly truth. Expect closer ties and "friendship" to lead to more IDF deaths, fighting America's proxy wars. We WILL see U. S. troops in Eretz Yisra'el, whether the U. S. views it as Eretz Yisra'el, or not.
Jason D. Greenblatt

EVP/Chief Legal Officer of The Trump Organization, co-chairman of Mr. Trump's Israel Advisory Committee and Co-Founder of Inspire
And so, before you start criticizing me for being "unrealistic" and "impractical" --my two favorite criticisms-- I suggest that you read the above again. Being wary of foreign influences is very realistic and practical. And, protecting our status as a people, separate and distinct is very... Torah. Of course, this will not do us in Eretz Yisra'el, nor you, still living in the golah (exile) one darn bit of good, until you wake up to the fact that American influence, financial, military, emotional, and otherwise, IS foreign influence.

The better candidate for the U. S. Presidency may have won, but here in Eretz Yisra'el the sky has, indeed, begun to fall.