Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Road To Hell

16 of the Fifth Month 5768

Activists Protest Yesha Council Decision on Migron
16 Av 5768, August 17, '08, 12:24 PM

( Angry activists are planning to block entrances to the houses of senior officials in the Yesha Council, as well as hire private investigators to follow them around, according to a report Sunday by IDF Army Radio. Leaflets calling on the public to "Stop Yesha Council's hegemony in order to prevent the Gush Katif scenario from re-occurring," will also be distributed, said activists.

The measures are being taken to protest the decision by the Yesha Council leadership to accept a government proposal to abandon the Migron community site and move its 40-plus families to an area closer to Jerusalem.

Yeah, right. Whatever. Although I like and appreciate the "usual suspects" who will probably be there, like Women In Green, Land of Israel Faithful, Youth for the Sake of the Land of Israel, former Qedumim mayor Daniella Weiss, etc., haven't we already learned that protests really don't do much?*


Migron's going.

As usual, the government will get what it wants. Remember? Not even a "democratic vote," of 60 percent of Likud members against the expulsion of Jews from Azza becoming Likud Party policy, could stop then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon from doing whatever he wanted.

The YeSh"A Council (Why they don't rid of the "A" already I don't know, as they give a damn about Azza nor its former residents.) will find some way to spin the pending Migron expulsion as either....

1. In everyone's best interests

2. Voluntary, and thus no one really caved into the government's demands

3. or some mamlachti nonsense about "unity taking precedence over all else"

(Unity with whom? Unity with evil people? They still don't get it.)

4. < Insert your own lame excuse here >

Like I said, Migorn's going, and protests accomplish little to nothing in the end, save for gaining some publicity. People are going to make protests anyway, because they feel, as any normal Jew would, that they have to try to do something.

I suggest that we start paying more attention to who exactly shows up to these protests. I predict that gradually you will more and more Xians popping up at protests. They will undoubtedly be portrayed by Women In Green, the Likud Party, and possibly even Arutz 7 (I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now, but see below) as "our friends," blah, blah, blah...

"The road to Hell was paved with 'good intentions.'"

I highly recommend that you book mark or subscribe to feeds from The Key To Redemption blog. She keeps tabs on Xian activity in Israel, and knows which "code words" to look for. She goes deep into Xian sites to dig up the information which unfortunately not too many "right-wing" Jews want to see. Then when "left wing" Jews bring this stuff up, they are ignored or laughed at because of their "intentions."

Below is just a sample of the information she has gathered regarding Xians' intentions to come to Israel, to stay, and to missionize. She also exposed the false "Efraimites" who visited Kfar Tapu'ah recently and two years ago, and their real intentions.

The Key To Redemption: Ephramites (Xian Zionists) Form an Alliance with Likud

Joel Bell and his wife are xtians living in the tribal land of Binyamin. They run Frontline Israel.

"They serve the Jewish people in the land of Israel teaching the covenants that G-d has with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and their descendents, and with those who have been grafted in to the commonwealth of Israel.

Says Joel Bell, Director of Frontline, "G-d is so real to these people and to us simply because we hear the Word of G-d and we obey it - together, becoming pleasing to our Heavenly Father and receiving our eternal inheritance."

I mentioned the Likud. Here's another excerpt from The Key To Redemption exposing the Likud:

The following are excerpts from an email sent by Eddie Chumney of Hebraic Heritage Ministries.

This e-mail concerns the plans to start a GLOBAL organization to be called,"Worldwide Biblical Zionists" at the invitation from World Likud in the land of Israel to work with Judah in the land to "build up Zion".

In January 2007, the Chairman of World Likud, Danny Danon appointed Joel Bell to begin the initiative to unite Bible believers all over the world to work with World Likud to "build up Zion".

Within a year, we want to have 1 MILLION members of this organization. Joel Bell will be the director of Worldwide Biblical Zionists. Eddie Chumney of Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l will be working closely with Joel to build the network to accomplish this vision.
The want more than our souls. They want to implant themselves here, and to take our Land.

See how the so called Christian Zionists have been exploiting this video with Arutz 7's Yishai Fleischer. Yishai says many things with which I agree. He tries expose the "lies" perpetrated by the media about what is really taking place here in Israel, and specifically in Yehudah and Shomron. But what about the lie which is Christianity? What about their conveniently changing philosophy over past 30 or so years to get a foot hold into the land?

There is NO difference between overtly missionizing, Xians and so-called Xian Zionists.

But for those "right-wing" Jewish brothers of mine who seem to think that there is a difference, can't you even "Google" the name Marty Gale, to find out his real intentions?

Key To Redemption: Idolatry In The Holy Land

From their website:

At this time, the vision for the ICD is to build a bridge, using music and dance, joining the Christian church and the Jewish people together in praise. In this way, the Christian church can join in the revival and learn that it is possible to be so in love with God that you just have to dance wildly around the room! From this bridge, the Jews may come to see that their Messiah, who is to come, has already come! Then we can all dance together in the Kingdom of Yeshua (ysh"w) the Messiah

Bookmark or subscribe to The Key To Redemption blog. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Why on earth do you have to invite Hell's gate keepers into your home?


*This blogger has absolutely no idea who will or will not be showing up at these protests.

**Also bookmark or subscribe to Tomer Devorah for more information about the Xian threat.

1 comment:

Esser Agaroth said...

Rightists to act against Yesha leadership following Migron agreement

Aug. 17, 2008 Staff , THE JERUSALEM POST
Right-wing organizations have recently agreed on new measures to be
carried out against their leadership in protest of the Yesha Council's
agreement to evacuate the Migron outpost, Army Radio reported Sunday

The measures will include blocking the entrance to the houses of Yesha
Council senior officials and hiring private investigators to monitor
them. The activists, including members of far right organizations such
as Baruch Marzel's "Jewish Front," plan to bring thousands of activists
to demonstrate outside the houses to prevent anyone from leaving.

They also plan to distribute leaflets calling to "Stop Yesha Council's
hegemony in order to prevent the Gush Katif scenario from reoccurring."