Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Peace House Eviction Protests

5 of the Ninth Month 5769

There have been several reports filing in about protests against the impending eviction of Beth HaShalom (Peace House) in Hevron.

Protesters blocked the route toward Beth HaShalom itself, while other areas of Yehudah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria) also had protest actions springing up, including Mitzpeh Yeriho in the east, Neve Tzuf in the center, and Yitzhar Junction and the Hurawa in the north, where

I witnessed the fire still blazing in the middle of the road at Shiloh Junction, three hours after initial reports. Farther north, nothing was to be see at Rehelim, save for a few Jews who could easily have been just waiting for tremping (catch rides).

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