Monday, April 20, 2009

Poll Results: "Should I Go To The Depeche Mode Concert?"

26 of the First Month 5769

Depeche ModeWell, the results are in, and I still don't know what I'm going to do. I will probably end up not going, but due to laziness more than anything else. It's a pain in the neck to get back home from Tel-Aviv at night. After a bus to Ari'el, I have to depend on tremping to Tapu'ah Juction, then a schlep up the hill to the yishuv. I do not like to try to tremp from Ari'el at too late of an hour, otherwise I'm stuck there for the night. We'll see. Maybe I'll find a place to stay in Tel-Aviv. Who knows.

Irregardless of if I go to the concert or not (and by now, you're probably all saying to yourselves, "Who even cares?"), I found the results of my poll to be rather interesting, albeit they are far from having any scientific reliability.

Answer # Votes %
1. Yes, you'll enjoy it. 13 44%
2. Yes, but go incognito. 3 10%
3. Yes, but go incognito and stand outside the concert and listen. 0 0%
4. No, it's a waste of NIS 300. 5 17%
5. No, it's galuthi and mixed, and thus hypocritical for you to go. 8 27%

Sixteen voted for me to go, and 13 not to go. Personal e-mails to me indicated that there were definitely some MO's

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