Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Court Jews At Clinton Wedding

22 of the Sixth month 5770

A version of my talkback to the following report on Chelsea Clinton's wedding is belong. It has yet to be included. I sincerely doubt it will, but you never know.
Court Jews at Clinton Wedding

Moshe Phillips, 16 Ellul 5770/August 26, 2010

(Israel National News) The rabbi who co-conducted the Clinton-Mezvinsky wedding was Rabbi James Ponet, a Reform rabbi with deep connections to some of the most radical elements of the American Jewish community. Know your rabbis.

The media coverage of the marriage ceremony of Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky took several weeks to abate. The rabbi who co-conducted the Clinton-Mezvinsky wedding was Rabbi James Ponet, a Reform rabbi with deep connections to some of the most radical elements of the American Jewish community and that fact went completely unreported in both the American Jewish and general media. (Read more...)

I have said this a million times, and I will say it again, people like Ponet are not rabbis. He is more likely than not pasul even to mashlim a minyan.

Some of these "rabbis," who distort, when they do not reject, Torah sheb'al peh are not even Jewish. They are kofrim at worst, or tinoq shenishba or amei ha'aretz at best.

INN's response to this criticism was that the use of the word was for clarity.

I do not accept this.

Please at least put the word rabbi in parentheses ( ). Some of your contributors already do this. I believe that Steven Plaut is one.

Use of the title rabbi for those like Ponet is a denigration of those who truly deserve it.

Thank you.

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