Sunday, February 06, 2011

Kehila Blogging Carnival - Shevat/Adar Alef

3 of the Twelfth Month (Alef) 5771

Welcome to the latest edition of the Kehila Blogging Carnival!
Kehila BloggingWelcome to Kehila, the premier community of Jewish and Israel bloggers on the web. The idea of Kehila is simple: Sign up and promote others. If you do, others will end up promoting you! Founded by Eric @ The Israel Situation, Kehila Blogging is open to anyone with an active Jewish/Israel themed blog. It can be personal or professional. There are no big rules, you only have to be Jewish and write about a related topic. The community belongs jointly to each person who joins.
Here are links to some of our first editions from last fall:

The First Kehila Carnival Ever! by Eric @ The Israel Situation

The High Holy Days Edition by Ruti Mizrachi @ Hakol Nuchal!

I am sure that I am missing some editions. Please leave those links in the comments section.

The carnival, or round-up, aspect of Kehila Blogging has been revamped. Editions will be published monthly on or around Rosh Hodesh (the first day of each of the Hebrew months).

This edition is called the Shevat/Adar Alef Edition, as it is supposed to be made up of posts from Shevat, and then published on Rosh Hodesh Adar Alef. The name does not have to be the name of a month, though.

Stay in contact with your fellow Kehila Blogging members! When Eric approves your membership, he will place you on our e-mail group, and you will be able to add your blog to Kehila's Official Membership List, so that your fellow members will be able to check out, and help promote your blog. If you are a Kehila Blogging member, but are not yet receiving our periodic e-mails, let Eric know. He may be contacted by clicking on one of the images above, and leaving a message for him in the Kehila Blogging site's comments section.

Hosting is also a great way to increase traffic on your blog, and to meet fellow bloggers sharing similar interests. Let Eric know if you would like to host. Our membership currently includes 20 blogs, and even more bloggers. So, with a blogging carnival edition currently published only once every month, members would not even have to take a turn hosting more than once every couple of years! However, as we build momentum, no doubt our carnivals will increase in frequency!

Don't forget to join us on our Facebook Page, too!

Now, without further adieu, I am proud to present this month's Kehila Blogging Carnival!

I still do not know what to make of the UFO sighting over the Temple Mount last week. Eric @ The Israel Situation has all of the latest in one place in The Temple Mount UFO In Jerusalem Round Up. Meanwhile, Violence Sweeps The Arab World.

Independent Patriot writing at Liberty's Spirit comments on the state of affairs in various Arab countries in Cultural Relativism, Political Correctness, Elitist Racism and the Death of Freedom in the Arab Middle East.

Trying to get to the bottom it all, I ask the questions, and give my Esser Agaroth, on Just What Exactly Is The Muslim Brotherhood? and Is Jordan Next?

Eric @ The Israel Situation tells us how several countries are already Recognizing A "Palestinian" State.

Batya at Shiloh Musings asks What Happened To The "Free Jonathan Pollard" Campaign?

Life In Israel (Kehila = Community)
Isramom tells us about a program which helps the elderly, Aging In The Computer Age. But the elderly aren't the only ones who benefit from this program!

Ruti at Hakol Nuchal presents Food Prep And Jewish Meditation.

Rivkah at Bat Aliya relays here experiences of being an olah hadashah (new immigrant) in After Ulpan and It's Better To Buy It In Israel.

Can you guess what's happening in this photo, sent in by Batya at Me-Ander? Here's another photo of hers, which could only be found at a bus station in Israel,...or perhaps Borough Park?

Hutz la'Aretz
(Outside of Israel)

Lady-Light at Tikkun Olam brings us What Do The Talmud And The Chinese Have In Common?

Ima 2 Seven shares a personal, family story with us in It Could Always Be Worse.

Susan Esther at To Kiss A Mezuzah shares a poignant piece with us, Life Is Fragile.


Leah at Ingathered provides us with an interesting take on Jewish Feminism in Does Jewish Feminism Empower Women?

Yosefa at Life In The Married Lane is a relatively new immigrant to Israel. She also talks about Judaism, Feminism, and Marriage.

Here is a Tu b'Shevat related post by Minnesota Mamleh. It's called Let's Talk Going Green.

I disagree with some of Lady-Light's post Orthodoxy Or Secularism: Which Is More Fulfilling? at Tikkun Olam. But, she does may some good points.

Hadassah at In The Pink has an interesting Mikvah Question. Hmm... I had never thought of this one.

Check out Benzion's post at Izgad, G. K. Chesterton And Jewish Hats. What did you think a Jewish hat actually looked like?


Isramom brings us One Melody - Two Renditions, and tells us a little about the Modzitz hassidic dynasty.


Miriyummy brings us Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates. In the beginning, she recounts for us some interesting Internet experiences, and concludes with a recipe, which I was thinking about recently. Spooky, huh? But, you'll have to go check out this post, to discover what this recipe if for!

Miriyummy gives us another recipe and story, as well, in No Awful Offal. This one is for a vegetarian chopped liver. I hope to try this one!

Hadassah at In The Pink has a message for Adam Richman in Man v Food.

This post at Cooking Outside The Box caught my attention, as I have an interest in survivalist strategies, finding food probably being the most crucial: Stinging Nettles Soup - Picking Edible Weeds.


I'll Call Baila debates the fate of her blog in My Poor, Abandoned Blog. See, if you can give a boost of encouragement by visiting!

OK. Now comes the next main reason for being part of Kehila Blogging. The first was about getting your own blog publicized and gaining increased traffic. The next is to go forth and publicize each edition of our carnival or round-up (Let's decide together what to call it!). Remember, the more publicity and traffic Kelila Blogging gets, the more publicity and traffic you get for your blogs! So, go out and post this link on your blog, tweet it, share on Facebook, send it out on relevant e-lists and e-groups, post it on relevant forums, and anything else you can think of! Then when you decide to host, the rest of us will go out and do the same.


Batya said...

Thanks for the great Kehila, A JBlog Carnival. You did a great job.

Yocheved Golani said...

Yipes I missed the deadline somehow. I hope readers will visit anyway. Happy Adar 1, a rehearsal for Adar 2!

Yocheved Golani

Eric said...

Gave you some link love. Thanks for helping to keep this going and putting such a great carnival together.

Lady-Light said...

Thank you for including my links, and for hosting this Kehila Blog Carnival(may I ask, with what points do you disagree in my post?)

Esser Agaroth said...


You wrote:

Then again, Orthodoxy isn't for the faint-hearted. Many leave, mainly from the Haredi or Ultra-Orthodox sects of Judaism. This group is very insular and restrictive of any connection with a secular life. In my view, Ultra-Orthodoxy is the opposite of what we Jews were placed on this Earth for--to bring goodness to civilization, to change it for the better, to right its wrongs. One can be a religious Jew and still study in University, attain higher degrees, and work in the secular world while living an Orthodox lifestyle.

What is your source for this, that many leave, mainly from Haredi communities?

I certainly disagree with your statement about Haredi life being the "opposite" of what was intended. As the Mishnah states, the truth is spread out (in time of Ge'ula), and we must search for it.

Your statement appears to discount this community.

University? Hard sciences yes, however, I am very hesitant to send my children to learn social sciences and humanities without strict guidance, not even necessarily found at an Israeli university, and that's coming from someone who has degrees in the social sciences.

We are here on this earth to make Torah the reality, NOT adapt Torah to the perceived reality.

That is the way we can effect change: by demonstrating through the way we live but within the larger community what it is like to be ethical and moral, to value other people and respect them for who they are (while not relinquishing our way of life and values, and as long as they do not attempt to influence us negatively).

I agree with this statement, but caution must be had, and this is not the roll of every Jew, only those who can handle this spiritually. Many ba'alei tshuvah are good at this, too, as they've "been there, and done that," and left it.

There may be flaws in Rabbinic interpretation of how to live an Orthodox lifestyle, but even imperfect, its fullnes and richness far surpasses a secular one. This is one Orthodox woman's opinion.
Shavua tov*.

Which flaws, and which rabbinic opinions are you talking about? HaZa"L? Or modern day?