Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This Is A Victory? A Jew Gets Re-Elected Speaker Of The Texas House Of Representatives

1 Hol HaMo'ed Pesah 5771
IsraelNN.com: Texas - Jewish House Speaker Re-elected Despite Smears

Gil Ronen

Tea Party opponents of Texas State Republican Representative Joe Straus fought unsuccessfully against his re-election to the position of Speaker of the House with an anti-Semitic campaign, FightHatred.com reported Wednesday.

The rivals stressed Straus' Judaism, ascribing negative stereotypes to him, while calling on fellow Republicans to place a "true Christian" in the important position. Despite the smear campaign against Straus, his colleagues voted to keep him on as speaker, and he went on to win the house vote. (Read the entire article...)

And this is supposed to be a victory? ...a victory against anti-Semetism, no less?

"Speaker" Joe Straus, the Tea Party does not want you. The "true Christians" do not want you.

What are you doing, worrying about what goes on in Texas anyway? You are a Jew. Your place is here in Eretz Yisra'el. It more than just a place for you to visit, and mull over your heritage. If you really are Jewish, this is your home, not Texas.

If you are offended by that suspicious tone, then good. You should be offended, and you should be passionate about your heritage, and the destiny of your people. You must understand, though, it is so hard to tell these days, with intermarriage, and pseudo-conversions.

We are in the middle of the holiday of Pesah (Passover); we just commemorated, not only our departure from Egyptian slavery last night with the Seder Leil Pesah, but the birth of Am Yisra'el, the People Israel, the people which The Holy One, Blessed Be He, took out of Egyptian bondage.

Leave the land of your exile, stop wasting time on the affairs of goyim, and come home.

Hey, U. S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor,...the first Jewish House Majority Leader! Are you reading this?

What about...
Henry Waxman
Barney Frank
Gary Ackerman
Howard Berman
Sander M. Levin
Eliot L. Engel
Nita Lowey
Bob Filner
Jane Harman
Jerrold Nadler
Steve Rothman
Shelley Berkley - Nevada's first Jewish Congresswoman
Jan Schakowsky
Brad Sherman
Anthony D. Weiner
Susan Davis
Steve Israel
Adam Schiff
Allyson Schwartz
Debbie Wasserman Schultz - Florida's first Jewish Congresswoman
Steve Cohen - Tennessee's first Jewish Congressman
Gabrielle Giffords - Arizona's first Jewish Congresswoman, Refu'ah Shelemah
John Yarmuth - Kentucky's first Jewish Congressman
Jared Polis
Ted Deutch
David Cicilline
All of these firsts are supposed to be a victory for Jews? They are victories for assimilation, for showing non-Jews that we are just like them, even though we are not, and even though they have never, and will never accept us as one of them.

You do not belong there, in the land of your exile. Leave, and come to your true home. If you enjoy politics, then have no worries. There is plenty of it here in Israel.

The same goes for the U. S.'s illustrious, Jewish Senators...

Carl Levin
Frank Lautenberg
Herb Kohl
Joe Lieberman - the first, Jewish Vice-Presidential candidate
Barbara Boxer
Ron Wyden
Charles Schumer
Ben Cardin
Bernie Sanders
Michael Bennet
Al Franken
Richard Blumenthal
Non-Jews have a misswah (Torah commandment) to set up courts (laws) in their countries, not you. Yours is to live here, and contribute to your own people's Homeland, and destiny.

During this Jewish Holiday of physical and spiritual freedom, take the opportunity to think on yours.

For more on the misswah to live in Eretz Yisra'el, and its relevance to your congressional lives TODAY, see Living Outside Israel – Living Outside The Community.

Hag Same'ah

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