Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Real Maccabee

 מוצש"ק פר' מקץ/זאות חנוכה תשע"ג
Last Hanukkah, we had to suffer through the un-Jewish Federation's idiotic, revisionist, lying video of the "Inner Maccabee."

This year, it appears that we have merited to see a resurfacing of a Real Maccabee in our time at Hanukkah.

Hmm,...  And perhaps the Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] have the potential to become a really Jewish Army after all.

Yohai Ma'ayan comes from the town of Yitzhar in the Shomron (Samaria), a town well-known for its resistance to government and IDF anti-Torah policies.  At one point, Yitzhar through out the IDF soldiers stationed

In addition, it was reported to me years ago by one Yitzhar resident that the powers that be had been working to infiltrate Yitzhar from within, injecting it with Mamlakhti (undying State loyalist) residents, who would then vote in local elections in line with government policy.

It is this writer's opinion, as well, that the Israeli government sees Yitzhar as one of the most ideologically-oriented towns in Yehudah and Shomron, the that it can succeed in taking it down when the next expulsion comes, then it can succeed in taking down any other town.  Thus, Yitzhar has been used as the Israeli government's expulsion laboratory.

My comments are in blue italics, and Yohai Ma'ayan's video can be found after the article.

(Tip Credit: Jews News)
Arutz 7: IDF Soldier - "Next Time, It's The Arabs Who Will Run
An IDF soldier from Yitzhar has posted a video in which he says that he will refuse to obey orders to “restrain himself” if he is in danger.

David Lev, December 13, 2012

In response to a video that has been circulating on Youtube that shows IDF soldiers running from an Arab mob throwing stones and rocks, an IDF soldier who lives in Yitzhar has posted his own video – in which he says that he will refuse to obey orders to “restrain himself” if he finds himself attacked by Arabs.

The soldier, Yohai Ma'ayan, went AWOL last month when he feared he would be sent to evict Jews from a neighborhood in Yitzhar. He is back on duty, and in the video he is seen wearing his uniform. “When I joined the IDF I was sure it knew how to subdue the Arab enemy,” Ma'ayan says in the video. “This week a video showed that things are not quite like that. But the soldiers seen running away are fleeing not because they don't have the weapons and ability to defend themselves, but because of commanders' orders. When I am in that situation I will refuse to follow those orders. When I am in the middle of an Arab riot, they will be the ones running away. And when I finally catch them,” he said, “there will be nowhere for them to run.”

An IDF source told reporters Thursday that Ma'ayan, who was drafted in July, had already been in the brig twice for violating orders, and that his latest stunt was likely to get him tried and jailed a third time. 
Rabbi Avraham Shapira ztz"l, the late Rosh Yeshivah of Merkaz HaRav Kook, was known to have told soldiers before the impending expulsion of Jews from Azza, that they should refuse orders to participate in throwing Jews out of their homes.  He told them that if they had to sit in jail for this, then they should be proud to sit in jail.
A source said that the video had been funded and promoted by an organization called “Serving with Faith,” which last week distributed literature calling on soldiers to violate orders against reacting when Arabs riot.

The organization also calls on youth to fight against the removal of Jews from their homes. “If you believe that IDF equipment to be used to destroy Jewish homes must be stopped from operating, and if you believe that a mere cup of sugar can stop the tractors that are being used to destroy those homes, you are not alone,” the literature says. A report said that several of the organization's activists distributed flyers with the group's message at the IDF induction center in Tel Hashomer earlier this week.
Who knew that civil disobedience could be as cheap as a cup of sugar?
An IDF source said that the army “condemned the refusal to obey orders, and we will act harshly in all cases where soldiers refuse to obey orders.”
Soldiers placing Torah Law above Israeli Law clearly threatens the powers' that be struggle to maintain control over the masses.  Torah is clearly not on the minds of the IDF command, let alone on the minds of the Israeli Government.

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