Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the United Nations

ט"ו לחודש התשעי תשע"ד

Well, not really "on the way," but rather "on the inside..."

Israel Hayom: A rare moment of truth at the UN, caught on microphone
Nine resolutions against Israel pass in one day at U.N. General Assembly meeting • Interpreter, believing microphone to be off, says Israel is the only focus when bad things are happening all over the world • Awkward laughter ensues.

Israel Hayom Staff, November 15, 2013

U.N. General Assembly vote prompts translator to question whether the focus on Israel, "is a bit much?"

Following the vote on the sixth out of nine resolutions adopted against Israel by the United Nations on Thursday, the interpreter translating the vote to English, unaware her microphone was still on, was caught calling the repeated resolutions about Israel excessive.

The interpreter's comments can be heard beginning at time marker 1:58.
Video by UNWatch

"I mean, I think when you have five statements, not five, like a total of ten resolutions on Israel and Palestine, there's gotta be something, c'est un peu trop, non? [It's a bit much, no?] I mean I know. ... There's other really bad sh*t happening, but no one says anything, about the other stuff," the translator was heard saying, followed by uncomfortable, awkward laughter in the room.

The meeting's secretary was quick to speak into the microphone, saying, "I understand there was a problem with interpretation?"

The interpreter then apologized for her remark.

The comment came following the vote on a resolution that "demands that Israel accept the de jure applicability of the [Geneva] Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, and that it comply scrupulously with the provisions of the Convention," which passed with 160 in favour, six against and five abstentions in the U.N. General Assembly's Fourth Committee.

A further three resolutions regarding Israel were passed later that day, all with similar vote counts.

(Tip Credit: Shuqi)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
This whole "parasha" begs the following questions, among others:
1. How long will it take for this interpreter to be fired?
2. Will the UN simply smack her on the hand (very hard), in order to avoid any potential negatively publicity?
3. Will she be snagged by some publisher or journalist, who gets her to spill the beans, for some more of her own publicity?
Well, apparently, whatever happens to her, she will land on her feet. According to, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has offered her a job.

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