Saturday, January 25, 2014

Missing: Israeli Style

מוצש"ק פר' משפטים תשע"ד

When thinking of the word "missing," what generally comes to mind are disappearances reported in countries such as Iran, Saddam Hussein's Iraq, 1970's Cambodia, Argentina, and Chile.

One does not automatically think of such occurrences in a so-called, Western, progressive, "civilized" and "democratic" country such as Israel.

Even Left-wing Meretz Party Leader MK Zahava Gal-On has been critical of this lack of due process, even against her right-wing, religious nemeses. Perhaps even she has recognized that anyone whoever goes against the government's party line risks being its next target.
Arutz 7: Security Makes Samaria Man Disappear
Shabak arrests north Samaria resident in front of wife and 3 young children, doesn't allow any contact for week. Man accused of 'price tag.' 
Ari Yashar, January 24, 2014 
Yehudah Landsberg
Rabbi Hillel Reines, a resident of Yitzhar in Samaria, spoke to Arutz Sheva on Friday morning about his son-in-law Yehuda Landsberg, who was arrested at the beginning of the week over suspicions of involvement in "price tag" vandalism. 
Rabbi Reines reports that Landsberg, a construction contractor from Havat Gilad in northern Samaria, was with his wife Emunah and their 3 children on the way to a family brit milah (circumcision). 
At the Yitzhar Junction, a large police force was lying in wait for the young family. 
Initially the police wanted to arrest the entire family, but after a debate they settled on arresting Yehuda alone. 
"When the force realized that arresting my daughter Emunah with her small children would be complicated, they decided to give up on her," tells Rabbi Reines. 
Yehuda has not been seen since the arrest, his family has not been allowed to see or talk with him. His father-in-law posits that he may be being held at the Shabak (Internal Security) headquarters near Petach Tikvah. 
"Supreme Court judges also were concerned by Shabak and helped them completely cut off Yehuda from his family," reports the rabbi, noting that Yehuda won't be able to meet a lawyer until next Sunday and will stay in arrest until at least Tuesday. (cont.)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Or perhaps, Israel is not the Western, progressive, "civilized" and "democratic" country you thought it was.

Missing (1982) - When an idealistic writer disappears during the Right Wing military coup in 1973 Chile, his wife and American businessman father try to find him. Starring Jack Lemon and Sissy Spacek.

Death And The Maiden (1994) - A political activist is convinced that her guest is a man who once tortured her for the [Chilean] government. Starring Sigourney Weaver and Ben Kingsley.

Hysterical and far-fetched comparisons to deMOCKratic Israel? You had better hope so.


in the vanguard said...

We need Moshiach badly because injustice rules in Israel, despite it's democratic moments - someone with the likes of King Solomon, because good children of Hashem are being abused, much as poopr Pollard sits now and has for 29 years.

Esser Agaroth said...

From your mouth...


Roger Reeves said...

I don't know, sound a lot like Amerika, all hail the dictator BOH.