Tuesday, February 04, 2014

More Heroic, Israeli Settlers Expelled from their Homes

ה' לחודש השנים עשר תשע"ד

Arutz 7: Security Forces to Evict Two Jewish Families from Samaria Farm
Police forces, SWAT team converge on small Samaria farm. The crime: allowing two Jewish families to live in caravans there.

Tova Dvorin, February 4, 2014

Large police squads and a SWAT team have arrived at the Yishuv Ha'Da'at farm, just East of the Samaria community of Shilo.

The crime: allowing two new Jewish families in the communities to live in caravans there.

The eviction is due to take place within the next hour.

Area residents launched a protest at the nearby Adei-Ad intersection to block the security forces from entering the farm; they were successful for about 20 minutes before being disbanded.

One of the residents of the community stated to Arutz Sheva, "once again, the State of Israel invests enormous powers to destroy Jewish homes in Israel rather than invest in its settlement. To make matters worse, even the Binyamin Regional Council, which is supposed to build and develop communities, is partnering with the demolition and damage to the community."

"Nevertheless, it is encouraging to see that area residents early this morning managed to delay the hundreds of soldiers and police who came to evacuate the two buildings for several minutes," he added.

In addition, security teams are set to guard Palestinian Arab olive grove planting efforts near the Jewish community of Esh Kodesh later this afternoon. Teams have been dispatched in the area since early this morning.

The move is allegedly to protect the Jewish residents there, after 25 residents suffered an attempted lynching near the Palestinian Arab village of Kusra.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):

Apparently, the Israeli Government agrees. I would sure like for it to prove me wrong, though.

Of course, the government might simply be mindlessly kow-towing to the wishes of the so-called "international community" (non-Jews).

L-R: Catherine "Leather Mama" Ashton, Martin "In The Navy" Indyk, John "Ask me about Land for Peace" Kerry, Ban-Ki "Thumbs-Up Cowboy" Moon, Sergei "I'm bored. Give me something to hammer." Lavrov, and Tony "Always a cop around when don't need one" Blair.

I suppose this is just another example as to why MK Moshe Feiglin, along with other Jews who have awakened from their numbed-out state, believes that the YeSh"A (Judea, Samaria, and Gaza) Council, which is fed into by the Binyamin Council and others, would be better off, shall we say, not existing.

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