Sunday, February 16, 2014

Portuguese Citizenship? No Thanks! / Cidadania Portuguesa? Não Obrigado!

י"ז לחודש השנים עשר תשע"ד

Expulsion from Spain
and Portugal
JPost: Portugal To Grant Sephardic Jews Citizenship
Jews fleeing the Spanish expulsion of 1492 were initially granted refuge in Portugal, but again faced expulsion just three years later.

Sam Sokol, February 15, 2014

Portugal intends to follow Spain’s lead in granting citizenship to the descendants of Sephardic Jews exiled in the 15th century, the country’s tourism minister said over the weekend.

Portuguese Minister Adolfo Mesquita Nunes told Channel One’s View of the World program, broadcast on Saturday night, that the wording of a draft bill, similar to that announced by Spain just over a week ago, will soon be ready.(cont.)

(Tip: Jews News)

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Portuguese Coat Of Arms
First Spain, and now Portugal.

What is with this new, apparent trend to entice Jews back to their old [old, old, old] countries?

Why is it that they are even targeting Jews who have resided in Israel for years, if not several generations?

Is this what African-Americans might call "white guilt," or in in this case, "Hispanic" or "Iberian Guilt?"

Or it is just plain ol' hidden jealously, if not hatred, of having been Divinely granted Eretz Yisrael (Land Of Israel)? This could very well be a sneaky, smiley way to lure Jews back out of Eretz Yisra'el.

Or maybe, just another option to filter out those Jews not worthy of residing in Eretz Yisra'el. Sound to harsh? Then how about an option to filter out those Jews who are not supposed to live in Eretz Yisra'el right now, or who will not be able to handle those unfortunately hardships, which I believe are on their way.

Maybe I should be more optimistic, and look forward to the day when each and everyone of these Jews, having survived additional time suffering the punishment of Galuth (exile), return to Eretz Yisra'el, and are lovingly welcomed back.

Well, maybe these Jews should not have left in the first place, leaving all those of us remaining to get our hands seriously dirty, defending the Land. 

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