Sunday, June 08, 2014

Israeli Expats: This Was Your Cue to Come Home

י' לחודש השלישי תשע״ד

Well, I am not at all sure how I missed this one from three years ago. Thanks to Ariel at The Torah Revolution for pointing it out to me.

I have posted only a few excerpts here, but it is well-worth reading the entire piece, even today, three years later.
Atlas Shrugs: Obama Administration Puts Israel On List Of Countries That Support Terrorism, Removes North Korea

Pamella Geller, June 29, 2011

It is only fair that deluded and self-loathing Jews who continue to support the despot in the White House despite his relentless campaign against the Jews should be the first on the Obama trains. And they are coming.

Obama's relentless pounding on the Jews mimics previous dictatorial leaders in recent history who promoted alienation of the Jews in concert with national socialism (another Obama favorite)...

...As a matter of policy, according to the inspector general’s report, citizens of Israel and other “specially designated countries” are subjected to a special security screening called a “Third Agency Check” (TAC) when they are actually detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the division of the Department of Homeland Security responsible for enforcing the immigration laws...

...Obama always says that despite his constant criticism of Israel, America will always have a special partnership with the Jewish State. Now we understand he means putting Israel on a "special" terrorism watch list.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Well, first off, I remember when the organizations, run by friends of mine, were placed on the U. S. State Department's list of "foreign terror organizations." Even though unlike the other organizations on the list, such as Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah, had never been proven to be involved in any acts of terrorism, let alone involved in their planning.

Often, I have heard phrases such as "antisemitism" and "double standards" bandied about.

Now, of course, I realize that although unfair, and nothing out of the ordinary when it comes to the historical treatment of Am Yisra'el, these actions are in line with our role as a "separate and distinct" nation.

 Hopefully, Israeli citizens and future Israeli citizens alike will heed this warning, and take it seriously.

Hopefully, native and naturalized Israeli citizens, who believe they have left their only true homeland permanently, will wake up, and just get on the plane!

Do not miss your next cue either, or rather, your next wrning!

I am just as worried about you as I am of our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine, in France, in England, in Belgium, and elsewhere.

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