Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Ethiopian Jewish College Student puts Stupid Leftist in her Place.

כ׳ לחודש החמישי תשע״ה

I do not exactly remember how I came across this series of tweets on Twitter, by accident, I think.

But, there are no accidents, are there? Not really anyway. This is certainly right up my alley.

Exposing hypocrisy.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
What I glean from these, strung together pieces of an incomplete, but complex Twitter conversation is that...

Mira Bar Hillel, an Israel born write living in England, made a few faux pas.

One such faux pas was the grouping together of Ethiopian Jews and African insurgents, whom she calls "refugees."

I wonder if she would not mind living in the same neighborhood with such "refugees," with their thievery, sexual harassment, and other assorted criminal behavior, forcing the residents of South Tel-Aviv to be on constant guard. Just ask May Golan, South Tel-Aviv resident and activist.

One of these refugees even slugged a sitting Member of K'neseth [MK].

To suggest that these insurgents, running to a Jewish country, because they know that Muslim countries will not give them any handouts, have the same right to reside is Eretz Yisra'el (Land of Israel) as Jews, regardless of origin, is at the least is "border-erasing" globalist imperialism, and at wost a sure path of destruction of the Jewish People.

Furthermore, lumping together extremely diverse groups of people, speakers of hundreds of languages, members of various religions, are all the same, due to their somewhat similar skin pigmentation isn't prejudice?

It is as if she had suggested that ethnic Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, and Mung, are all the same. I do not believe that anyone would disagree that this is racist.

Well, Ashager Araro, a senior at the Interdisciplinary College in Hertzliyah, put Bar Hillel in her place.

Bar Hillel lives in England. But, Arano lives here in Israel. She also happens to be Jewish and Ethiopian. Who better to speak from an Ethiopian Jewish perspective that a Jewish Ethiopian?

I'll leave it at that.

Update! Check out the continuation of this conversation on Twitter! You won't be disappointed!

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